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Really and I mean really pray it's a PTR made one, it should run fine, if it's not, I'm sorry, century's reciever dimensions in general, whichever brand made it aren't correct and most century made one's run miserably.


Still pray even if it's a PTR built one. My friend had such an animal, and it had problems as well. These are still built from parts kits, after all.






I got a century c93 and had to send it to Parabellum Combat Systems to unfuck it. My $500 gun turned into a $800 gun but it runs like a raped ape now


Our century one has been fine


Congrats, mine never worked for more than 5 rounds


Thanks for the info! We’ll see in a couple days!


Hosed. The starting bid of 699? Pass!


lol, I guess all auctions that start at a penny are rip offs? What price would you put on one?


The point of a penny start is to move the price up slowly, not leaps and bounds. Once the auction crosses 1K i have to make my minimum 25 dollars, not 5. This auction is a rip off because of the dubious reputation of the c93 rifles. 1300 would be better put to an mr556 or SL8.


Thanks for the reply, but I wasn’t looking for a MR556, it’s just another AR, and a SL8 needs another grand invested to be something I’d even want to shoot. All I’m asking is if I paid a reasonable amount for the item, not other things I could have bought for the same or more money, that list is endless.


Then absolutely the fuck not. These things are a hard pass above 800 bucks.


lol you find me one for under a grand. I appreciate your opinion, not sure you have your finger on the market though.


$900 on my local forum sold in March.... [c93](https://www.theoutdoorstrader.com/threads/item-gone-fs-c93-hk93-clone.3411098/)


Nice, stock, handguard, carry handle and mag would add a couple hundred so I think I'm in the same value ballpark.


I also saw one listed for $1200 and $1500. So prices are all over the place. If you're happy all good.


I got my finger on the market plenty, Century has ALWAYS been ass.


People said that about the C308, and mine has ran like a raped ape for years. Still waiting on you to link one for under a grand.


My c308 ran but grouped like shit so I sold it and got a ptr. Personally I'd say 1300 is too much for a century especially when zenith is going to release theirs soon for around 2k


Do you have any confirmation a Zenith is coming? I’ve been hearing that for 7-8 years


I'll do you a service and won't link you anything made by Century. They have sucked since I got into firearms 20+ years ago. I'm still waiting for my thank you.


Lol don't hold your breath. Here's something to help you navigate interacting with others, as you obviously need it. If someone asks you, "Is this an okay price on steak?", responding with "steak sucks, buy chicken" isn't helpful. It's actually counterproductive. Doubling down and saying "I've been eating for years, and steak had always sucked" also adds nothing of value to the conversation. Plenty of people voiced their opinions that the C93 isn't very good without being a jerk. Perhaps next you can move onto sharing, and not kicking mud in girls faces, they actually don't like that either.


My c308 has been solid for years I never had any issues




That link is several years old, has been out of stock since at least 2019.


Not the answer you wanted? The truth hurts


If you can see from the rest of the thread I have no issues with the truth, just there's a way to talk to people, and a way not to. I'm not going to praise someone for not answering the question and being a prick.


From our view, you’re the prick because they answered you and said you over paid and even took the extra step to suggest other rifles around that price you could check out. You then basically told them to fuck off and you are a pro at the market. It seems like you were trying to brag and didn’t get the response you wanted


Brag? Lol no, I simply wanted to know if I paid market, which for all intents and purposes I did from others responses. I'm never going to brag about paying 3x what something was new. He said I overpaid based on how much HE would have paid, $800 is not the market for these.


Then why come here and ask if you’re such a know it all. You asked and he answered


Did he answer tho? Or did he just make up a value that has nothing to do with the actual market?


To the rest of us in the tread he helped so no one else gets screwed on a shitty clone. We have a real H&K 93 at my shop for $2,700. I’d rather spend the extra for the real thing


Sure, but if the budget doesn't allow for $2700 that's not useful. If I'm shopping for a V-6 mustang telling me to buy a Cobra is also useless.


Well in that case you definitely over paid. It’s not an H&K, it’s a clone and a century arms one at that. You got screwed and it serves you right for that attitude you’ve got


Lol thanks for your opinion.


Your welcome. Have a nice day today


Thats an older c93 receiver. It's mag well fencing is stamped like an actual hk93 and the grip housing isn't the weird finger grooved housing that most C93's have. I'm willing to bet the serial number is stamped into the top rail of the receiver by the rear iron sight. I've had this exact same version of C93 for over 10 years and it has been 100% reliable. Century outsourced and changed a bunch of things through the production run and as far as I know, this configuration is the least bastardized. Hopefully yours runs as good as mine does.


Thank you for the info! You are correct, that's where the serial number is stamped. I hope I have the same luck!


Fair market value these days IMO


Appreciate it! I’m happy so long as I’m within a couple hundred bucks of market.


My BIL had one. He liked it for the look but never got it to run reliable. He called it his range toy at best and never dumped money in to accessories since it would never be a life saver. He ended up selling it after about a year of owning it. Run a couple hundred rounds through it with a few different mags and you'll know if you got hosed or not. Good luck OP




If it's no good, you can sell it to your LGS and maybe get some money back on it or trade up for something else you want. Remember the old saying "buy once, cry once". You'll be fine big dawg.


Yeah I’m not too worried. I have plenty of SHTF fighting rifles, and worst case I relist it and lose a couple bucks. Appreciate the help!


Don't worry too much. You won't know for sure until you shoot it brotha. Post up some vids when you get it. We'd love to see it in action 🤙


Bro asked a question but rejecting any and all opinions lol


I’ve been quite receptive to plenty of people with a negative response. I’m however not interested in people who want to crap on the rifle, I asked if the deal was good, not if the rifle was worth buying.




If it’s a rifle that you NEED to have, you’ll forget what you paid for it by the end of your first mag But for most of us, that’s a pretty steep bill


It was a decent price for what they have been going for lately. I have one and it's reliable but it seems there are many out there that have had problems. I bought it used with unknown round count. When I got it, the bolt gap was pretty close to minimum so I installed plus size rollers to get it better in spec. I'm guessing I have put 500-700 rounds through it (mostly steel) since and the bolt gap stunk another thousand ot two. It may need rebarreled before I would like. Steel and aluminum mags fit tight and are reliable but the plactic promags suck. One downsize is no magazine release paddle. Centuries are built off Malaysian parts kits. The fact is the parts kits and clone builds are getting slim and expensive. There are other companies like vector and mke and even ptr ended up building some of the century guns towards the end [EDIT. Looking closer at the picture, That one may be built by ptr. Guns built by century have a parkerized finish and ptrs are black] but even the quality of those can be questionable. Only ones making them now are small roller lock gunsmiths who do great work but it's going to cost at least 2X-3X more. For years, rumors have swirled on century bringing in mke imports but that still hasn't happened and last I heard was the ATF wasn't too keen on importing rifle caliber pistols so who knows if that will ever happen. Zenith has also teased for a couple years of making a 33 clone but still only a tease. Worse case is you have have to drop some money on to get it where you want it but unless it's a total turd it will probably be cheaper than most of the other options out there right now.




Yep your right. Missed that.


Thanks for the info! Huge help!


I have one by PTR. Great rifle. A lot of the people here haven't held one, tbh not as far off as most would assume from the 93 IRL. They were also unreliable XD But all kidding aside, if you have a reliable one then you are g2g. They are built like tanks and quite accurate.


Good to hear! Thanks!


Century arms C93s need heavy grain bullets to function well , they have a very long break in period and mine runs quite well on 75 grain .223 . A really enjoyable gun , it’s going to send brass into the next county . I’ve found it to be very accurate .


For what they go for today you did fine, but you may wish you didnt. I went through that with the FAL pattern rifle that I dreamed about for years. Instead of saving for the real deal I got a century, and it was a terrible experience. They have the same problem as these Hk, the century recievers just arent speced right and it ruins the gun. Youd be better off saving up little bit by little bit and getting the real mckoy than a century. If it runs, great, if it doesnt you should re list and try to get your money back to put towards a genuine hk


Solid advice. Thanks!


One of the few guns I wish I kept, I had one that ran great but at the time they were suppose to import new guns from Turkey so I sold it. The guns from Turkey never materialized. Mine ran great after some minor tweaking, but many did not. Good luck.


Thanks, I have seen for years they are hit or miss, I also was waiting on the MKE’s that never came. Hope was for something from PTR but that 63 they are coming out with doesn’t appeal to me. I figured I keep seeing these sell and if it doesn’t meet my expectations I shouldn’t take much of a wash on it. How much you think it’s worth?


No idea, $1350 seems to be the current market apparently...


I don‘t know about the quality of CA, but I paid 750 more for a turkish HK33 clone. But in my Part of the world rifles like these are a bit more costly.


I would have bought a Turkish clone if one was available here. Only option I can find is C93’s or real HK’s for more than double the price


They were supposed to be imported a couple years ago iirc. Haven’t seen or heard of any in the wild in the US as of yet


Yeah I remember back in like 2017 they were talking about them, never materialized.


Weren‘t they under the name zenith? Or was that something different?


Yeah they were MKE, marketed as Zenith if I recall correctly


Pretty decent If you got a freind who can weld it can be cheaper tho


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MurkyChildhood2571: *Pretty decent If* *You got a freind who can weld* *It can be cheaper tho* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My brother in law has built one off a flat, and he's been welding for decades, so worst case I suppose I can use it as a parts kit and buy another flat to bend.


Yea I would do that personally I would use a 3d printed design tho


I have several 3D printed builds, never seen a 5.56 roller delay, is there a file sailing you know of?


I have seen some for 308 but not 5.56 but if you have some cad knowledge it shouldn't be the hardest change to make I wouldn't know tho as my specialty is underbarrel stuff


I wouldn't know where to begin in CAD, maybe I'll put some feelers out in fosscad if it doesn't run.


Should've just bought it at the Buy Now price! Could have gotten it for free!


Hahaha why didn't I think of that?!


There’s always a pre ban hk93 at my local fudd shop for $3,000. Always tempted to snag it and go into financial ruin


Lol I know the feeling. I recently got into NVG's and have a similar experience. Went the PVS-7 route for a grand, as the ideal option of dual PVS-14's would have been twice the cost. Same elitist attitude from people, but I used the 7's when I was in the Army and couldn't be happier. Hoping I get the same value here.


You can always get it fixed by a good roller lock smith if it is not up to your expectations. I use Jeff at PCS out of Oklahoma. He is top notch, quick and very reasonable.


Good to know! Thanks for the resource!


Yeah dude I wouldn’t have bought a century. Especially not with zenith and PTR about to release 5.56 models


The PTR one doesn’t strike my fancy, I don’t want one that takes AR mags and been waiting for Zenith the better part of a decade. I wish I had pulled the trigger when these were $600


Yeah I’m leaning toward zenith myself


Why are you asking if you already bit the bullet ?


You’ve never got drunk and placed a Gunbroker bid? lol.


No lol. But we all learn right? Enjoy the pew either way


lol yes sir. I’ll lie and say this is the first time. Yet to be burned though. Worst I’ve done is a grand for a non numbers matching P08 Luger. Runs like a dream at least.


Honestly I feel if you’re okay with what you paid, and the pew runs fine then you did ok. I’m in a ban state so I can’t even get cool shit anymore . I had to get prebans and now those shits are banned .


Damn, reminds me of why I fled MD. I'm good with it if it runs, let's hope I have good luck.


I have high hopes for the PTR63. And I'd like to see a Marcolmar Cetme L in person.


The marcolmar cetme l is a very pretty rifle. My century C93 is a very crude rifle. My C93 has been 100% reliable for 10 years and my marcolmar has been consistently unreliable for 3 years. Almost a guaranteed malfunction every 30 rounds or so. The guys at marcolmar are generally too proud of their products to be helpful too. I wouldn't recommend spending the money.


I almost bought one of those at a local gunshop for $550. Of couse this was in 2012


If you didn't get a lemon, it's honestly an okay buy. Had a fair number of Century's AKs over the years and they still run great.


OP, if it ends up having problems and you want it to run right, get a hold of Parabellum Combat Systems (ghilliebear on hk pro forums), and he will sort it out. Won't be cheap, but it beats chasing problems and having an unreliable gun.


Thanks for the tip, someone else mentioned him as well. Must do good work, I’ll keep it mind! Thanks!


Paid 550 a few months back for mine with a claw mount and extra mags




I bought a PTR one a couple weeks ago. This is high if it just comes with the one mag. If you look at the completed auction section on GB, they sell for \~$1000 with no mags or accessories. They absolutely have a mixed reputation but this was a great way to try out the platform before buying a real one for $4500. I hope yours works and at least they wont lose value until someone releases more HK93 clones.




I got a century 91, had to correct one issue and afterwards ive run a few 1000 rds thru it with no issues.


You absolutely 100% did NOT get hosed. IMO that’s about market value for one of those and as of right now, there aren’t any other options for a true (ish) clone correct 93. That may change if anyone can import the MKE 556’s but for now that’s it other than custom builds which are going to be a lot more. I have a century c93 and a century c93p. The P has taken some work (wrong locking piece and had to adjust the bolt gap with + sized rollers but the 93 has been good to go from day 1. Anyone saying you got hosed doesn’t know what they are talking about


Thank you much for your insight sir! I write off anyone who talks prices I haven’t seen since before the pandemic.


Well there was someone else willing to pay one bid less, so no...probbaly not awful all things considered.


Hadn’t thought of it that way, thanks.


I see 2 of these sold in the mid 8’s. The majority sell in the low 1k’s. There’s an outlier at 1500. You’re a touch over what the market supports, but not terribly hosed. Hold onto it, prices will catch up, even if Century doesn’t have the best name. Just get it and shoot it already


Did you buy it or did you not buy it? If you did buy it, you didn’t make a good decision. Way better guns out there in 556 for what you bid on an century arms rifle 😂. Educate yourself OP


I am very well educated, and I have plenty of 5.56 rifles, this specifically was to fill a gap in my collection, a 5.56 roller lock. It isn't a CETME, the CETME L is their 5.56, this is a HK33 clone


Did you remove how you called it a CETME? And I should educate myself………


Hosed. Sorry sir


What would you say one is worth?


$800 max, but listen to the crew here, quality sourcing is everything.


Is that a number you’d pay, or that the market for one is?


I don’t have accurate market data. My gut tells me that number by what I have observed over time.






I would only buy a real HK. For those that won’t compromise!


I compromise lol. Not wirh SHTF weapons, I have several of those if needed.


Me either.


What’s your primary SHTF weapons?


Pistols I tend to grab the P8A1 or M9A3, rifle is a colt 6920.


Sweet! Wish I could afford nice stuff like that.


$700 right here https://atlanticfirearms.com/c93-semi-auto-rifle-cal-223


lol that’s been out of stock for YEARS. I check Atlantic frequently


Ah okay. We got our c93 for 900 at a gun store.


How long ago?


Like 6 months


Nice score!