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What a shame


The mythical JaMP7. Super sad


Wow, a $3500 paperweight. I was pissed for this guy.


I feel bad for all the people that dropped 4k+ on one of these. Seems pretty par for the course for Tommybuilt, another reminder why I’ll never touch his products.


G36 and now this 😂


I’ve never had any issues with my G36 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You probably don’t even shoot it safe queen


This is the HK sub lmao you know it


My EBR and AK are my safe queens ;)


Just use your shit. Tomorrow is not promised and the day you passed, your wife’s boyfriend is going to buy it for $300


>EBR lol so you already know a thing or two about jams


Blows my mind when people will bicker over TDPs for AKs and then hand over money to someone who most likely doesn't have any of that for the HK replicas he puts together.


Don’t feel sorry they just can’t accept the fact they got suckered. It’s like a man marrying a whore and acting like she is a princess, but deep down inside he knows she’s a whore lol.


I think the shitty build quality of the chassis is even worse than the FTE. They might fix the failure when it gets sent in, but the fact that the pins are basically falling out as you shoot it is unforgivable. I have seen a lot of videos of people with a failing T7. Does anyone have a video of one running smoothly? I haven’t seen one yet.


Tommy seems to be the only person with a working T7


Short clip sadly [https://imgur.com/a/ypcloF8#rYo1pVQ](https://imgur.com/a/ypcloF8#rYo1pVQ)


Thank you for making this


The fact idiots buy this stuff and think it will run is astounding to me


What a dumpster fire…If the gun wasn’t ready then don’t release. No way he didn’t know about these issues but the green paper probably got to him


Its been a long time coming, I remember back in 2019 when he first announced the project. They should've put the guns together first before taking orders, instead the release happened and then they started to assemble them, which inevitably stressed the process to get them done and shipped quickly. Next drop he said he's not going to do it that way again but have the guns put together first before the next release.


Hey at least they look cool 😂 probably better off saving money and buying an airsoft replica


Such a shame, dude literally just had one job make it good. And rushed it out and now it’s fucked.


Stupid investment. Stupid caliber


Can someone give me a qrd? Can’t watch videos.


It’s gigantic pile of shit that doesn’t work.


Dudes gun chokes on hornady black ammo like my friends gun chokes on fiocchi.


a gun sold to the public that can’t handle two of the most popular ammo brands …..


Out of four available ammo types..


A bunch of whining about things that don’t matter like website issues followed by a couple minor issues with the gun and one major problem: it jams constantly.


I'm looking forward to that MagPul foldy SMG/PDW thing. This disappoints me.


Hypebeast "drops" can eat shit and fucking die.


That’s why you don’t buy first runs of any guns.


Tom seems to have the only working T7


I figured waiting would be worth it


This video could have been 5 minutes long


I posted the shortened versions around as well. The reason the YT video was longer was I haven't seen anyone really talk about the full experience. All they do is show the gun not working, which in my case was only half the issue. The other half was the lack of organization and communication I received leading up to getting the firearm.


Mine still hasn’t shipped, and I have 20 mags loaded up and ready to go. I hope I have better luck with mine.


I hope you do as well and see stuff like that I felt should be known. Why yours hasn't shipped yet, and they're already on the second drop, or making announcements for it is beyond me, but that's why my video is so long. Had I known things like this ahead of time, I may not have purchased the gun in the first place. And the lengthy store may save somebody all the hassle I went through just to get something with a slew of problems in the end.


Tell them don’t ship it till it works.


Then it will never ship.


That was step 1. Step 2 is credit card chargeback lol.


I think many did pre orders. Charge backs can typically only be done after 3-6 months and not longer. I’m unsure what the deposit was. Too many get screwed being the first to experience something.


Oh yeah good point. That shit is fucked up and I’d never purchase anything from him.


Did you eventually get a full mag thru with the Fiocchi Defense Dynamics? How many total do you think you shot?


Hundreds of orders in a day plus hundreds more over the next week or two, then multiple emails trying to get updates/fix/combine those orders, it would've been thousands of emails to go thru. I don't think he was singling you out but just venting how it actually was.


Not every gun needs to be that 100% reliable you'll stake your life on it carry weapon. Hopefully tho it can be improved by perhaps changing the recoil spring, anti-rebound mass, or gas piston porting, etc.


I’m glad I have mine!


What type of paper are you laying yours on? Or does it only work with a very specific type of paper?


I see yall poors r salty again


Yes, because not buying an expensive gun that isnt reliable enough for any type of real life gun uses, including plinking that even a PSA can do, makes you poor.


I’m not saying it makes u poor, I’m saying u are poor


Projecting like crazy brother


I’m just playin brother, I’m prob the poorest of all hk poors, hate to see some of the t7 failing like this, hope Tom can get em fixed, even he doesn’t people would still pay for em cuz it’s a fucking mp7


It’s not an mp7 it’s a money grab.


Sad even in the hk forum so called grown men just can’t be honest and admit they spent top dollar for a piece of junk. The same ones that berated mke,ptr, or any other factory licensed clone for the slightest mishaps are the same ones to give a garage gun builder a pass lol. Human evolution but some haven’t evolved.