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I was commander yesterday and 2 noobs took my halftrack. I ordered a precision strike on them. That was the end of that.




Only time I'd allow it


I wanted them to learn a lesson that day.




Last week we watched a noob take the half-track and drive it around the cap point, he would park it and then get on the MG thinking he was doing awesome like Rambo. Did it for about 10min then we started a kick vote and he finally plugged his mic in and learned what he was doing was wrong. Basically did a 180 and we all ended up enjoying playing with him... But def could've been avoided if he had plugged his mic in. I guess he was so used to playing with VOIP muted he had no idea.




Where did you get that from my comment? We didn't try to vote kick him cuz of his skill... We vote kicked him because he took a valuable asset and made it useless AND wasn't responding to communication.


They know, they just don't care


I've had like 3 spawns tonight where someone hit melee on the opening frame with "oh shit!" then "I'm sorry!", the last one I just turned around and whistled away. Is melee weird on xbox or something?


Could be people putting down their controllers then picking them up without being careful


I'm on PS5, but if melee is also right stick on xbox, then it's probably just people who are used to games where crouching is with the stick instead of pressing B. Could be wrong but thats my best guess


Lots of people shooting right after spawning in today. Saw a wave of 20 spawn in on the Garry and at least 5 players were shooting immediately. Only 9 or so made it. We lost a lot of good men that spawn.


On PC you got proxy chat on V and default melee on B. Happened 2 or 3 times that I tried to yell to warn someone of a mine or enemy ahead and just stabbed them lol


Also, your squad doesnt need to hear you going "oh fuck! A dude just got blown up!" And commentary of your every move


Seriously. This is my biggest pet peeve. And it’s not just limited to the noobs. We don’t need full narration of your every move.


This isnt a twitch stream, we are all trying to play. Couldnt agree more. I get that its exciting for the new guys and all but its been hard to play with a squad lately


Yea we do


I'm going to jump over this fence right here. Okay I jumped the fence. There is a guy over there to the east but I can't shoot him though. Oh that was a team mate... Okay I'm going prone now. Let's open the map. I'm going west. How has your day been?


The only friendly fires I had are with my tank. Please, If I am not moving, do not place yourself behind me. Chances are I am preparing to rewind.


I'm pretty sure in most cases noobs don't tk to see if friendly fire is on, they do it to make sure they can actually hit something and the bullets work because they've played for 2 hours and haven't hit a damn thing


On PC some community servers have the season pass users locked out. Might be a good time to hop around and see if you can find a port in the storm. Alternatively you could teach noobs but if you’re feeling frustrated, it’s not your job to do so.


I will go out of my way to teach, but so many do not have mics it's nearly impossible. I was having trouble getting on the level locked servers. I played 3 games before we started figuring out what was going on. During my last game my squad were talking about how we think more servers will add level locks if this becomes the norm.


It takes new guys some time to figure it out. I find typing in chat the keybinds to squad chat is helpful. And even if your squad isn’t chatty, I’ve still found enjoyable play by using the wheel markers to direct move, attack, and defend. 3/5 times they’ll group up and use your marks. If they can’t see them, tell them to hit T. This typically gets me at least 3 or so guys working together.


I’m on vacation now and I’m kinda scared to see what’s up with the game after reading all this complains about games pass people :/ hope I won’t loose the fun playing the game… level 260 :/


It won't stay forever on GamePass and the noobs who will stay become experienced players with some help from the veterans


I’m ready to help the new interested and communicating players. I really hope you’re right and it will create a bigger player base in some point.


You're never ready.


They are not that bad dont worry.


Just imagine the worst free weekend, ever.


>Just imagine the worst free weekend, ever. but without an end date


It's really not as bad as reddit makes it. People post when they have the 1 bad experience, but mostly it's normal


yeah, not sure about console, but on PC it's fine, and actually great to have a bunch of new people.


Exactly, the amount of overreacting and elitism in this sub is hilarious


The annoying people are the “vets”, not the noobs. So much gate keeping. It’s pathetic.


It’s a struggle in the morning and afternoon. Nighttime servers are still very communicative and tactical, but many of the SLs on after 10pm are miserable pricks. It’s a trade off.


Game pas doesn’t apply to windows/steam/PC, does it?


Yes it does, and it's quite the shitshow.


F. That explains a lot. Here I was chuckling thinking this was just a debacle for console players lol.


Nope. It's like free weekend, but a whole lot worse!


I have played about 12 matches in the last 2 days. Not once have I been tk. I have seen a few, people apologize and laugh, having fun. Fuck, I still tk someone every few matches on accident. Stop trying to glorify a few team kills over a 1.5h match.


Play on servers with admins.


no servers on console unfortunately


Just turn off cross play with Xbox, problem solved


? There’s no crossplay in PC… problem not solved


That's a shame you can't do that on pc. PS5 players can choose not to play with Xbox players


But you still can't pick private servers who enforce rules. Roll of the dice with toxicity for console.


This isn't about console war bs, i don't care about what platform you play on, all i'm saying is that on the PS5 you can choose to not play against Xbox players. Besides i personally enjoy every map and every game mode in HLL


I'm not making it about console wars at all. I'm stating objective facts. You can't pick servers on console, and players suffer because of it. I started this game on console and got up to a level 70, but I dropped it once I picked it up for PC. I'm now a level 240, help admin one of the more popular servers, am part of a clan and community, and never looked back.


Good on you. I'm level 330 on the PS5 and don't mind the map rotation at all. I'm just glad i can choose not to play vs Xbox game pass users


It's a wonderful thing to see.


yeah ive been getting teamkilled left right and centre since gamepass


The only thing I've experienced and was hilarious both times was mistaking smokes for grenades on the German side. In both cases on voice chat the 'smoke' got thrown and then as it blew up they ran out into the open and got shot to pieces. Hilarious panic the entire time.




Mate I’ve just played the game on gamepass, played squad before. All of the noobies to the genre are so annoying fr


Tell all new players to put interface always on, it’ll enable friendly player marks ala CoD/BF


I just started playing via game pass this past weekend. Loving it and wish I got into this game a lot earlier. Being said if I could opt out of playing with fellow Xbox members I would as they either don’t communicate with mics or when they do it’s kids screaming, crying & TK