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Guys the super loud machine gun isn’t too hard to notice. Try to keep some distance or atleast say “crossing” and I’ll lay off for a bit till you cross


I was wondering about this as always seemed to get punished, and read that (maybe this varies by server) you always get that delay punish even if the person selects "No". It seemed to suggest there's no further time delay if they select "Yes", but its purpose is if enough people select "Yes" then you get kicked.


Correct, 10 second punishment is automatic.


Im to the point i dont stop shooting for people darting in front like that anymore. If they are at a distance then yes but if not they are eating the rounds too.


Damn straight even tho it sucks people don't get banned as often in terms of the trolls at least it helps with stupid shit like this


That's how I was when I called in a bombing run as commander. Righr at I called it a bunch of blueberries pushed so I got team kills but then I called in a strafing run and even announced it like I did the bombing run bht one person got killed and it was enough for me to get kicked.


You always get the TK time penalty- regardless of whether they choose to punish. The punish is a tally for the server to kick if it sees a lot of punished TK's.


Thanks for this information. I've had similar incidents to OP and thought I was being punished for others stupidity. It was making me really bitter haha.


They really need to just change the words they use for this. Something like: "do you think you were tk'd deliberately" is so much better than asking if they want to punish, when punish is also being used to describe the unrelated time penalty. It seems like such an easy thing to change which would avoid much confusion.


# WAIT THERES FRIENDLY FIRE!?- - XxBlueberry2012xX




Does the punish system even work or do anything? I’ve never not had the extra 10 second spawn timer. Most of my team kills are grenades on people already downed with no medics in sight.


The delay comes regardless if you're punished or not. It's to prevent getting around the redeploy penalty. Punishment is just for the server to keep track of potentially intentional team killing.


And MOST people won't press "yes" to punish TKs unless they feel it was obviously intentional. Especially if you say or type "sorry." But the mechanics and wording make it super confusing because you get a delay of 10 seconds for each TK even if they choose not to punish you.


If it us our tank I punish everytime. They aren't being careful enough.


If I’m sitting here, yelling at you from inside the tank to get out of my way, and you continue to stand in the middle of the road, completely, oblivious to the fact that we are moving this big ass tank that you probably heard almost a mile down the road, it is not my fault that you got ran over. You had at least two people, yelling at you to get away from the tank and we are moving, And the sound of the tank moving up to get away from us. That is on you. On top of that, if you were on too close to my tank, and I cannot see you, as I am trying to back up in an emergency situation (AKA taking rocket rounds or tank rounds that can take the tank out), and I start backing up and accidentally kill you, then tell you sorry in the chat, then get punished, I’m gonna get a little pissed. There is no reason for you to be up a tank ass without the people in the tank knowing. It’s not my fault you don’t know how to communicate. If I’m in the middle of putting rounds on target, and I have infantry behind the tank, I’m not sitting here with the map, pulled up to see if there’s a little blueberry behind me. I’m not saying that you have to have a microphone to let us know that you’re behind the tank, But there are way of letting us know that you are behind us, so we don’t run you over. Blatantly blaming a tank team because “they aren’t careful enough” is the most “I’m too important” statement in here. The point of the game is to work together as a team. Accidents happen, and as long as people are being cool, then it shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve played as pretty much every class except recon multiple times. And I’ve had my fair share of accidents in this game. Whether I be the person causing the accident, or being the person getting accidentally shot. It happens. The point is to be cool when that accident happens. It’s just a damn game.


Lol the running over is understandable. I mean when we are sitting in a spot firing on the enemy and have been for a minute and our teams armor always decided to blow up a squad because they thought they saw a guy on the other side the hedgerow.


Oh, that, that I get totally. But I’ve seen way too many people get pissed off at people over driving the tank. If you have a tank squad that’s knocking you out because they’re not taking just a second to make sure that the target that they have isn’t friendly, then that’s definitely a reason to either punish them once, and send it up over command chat to tell them to knock the fuck off, or knock that tank out. I can think of a lot of times where I’ve almost knocked out an allied tank, but again taking just a second to get the pointer of the gun on something, or the commander to look at something, and actually mark out a position could easily tell you whether or not Friendlies are in the area. That’s why, in a lot of cases, we get to a new area, and I’m in the commanders seat of a tank, the first thing I’m pulling out is a map. Especially if we have infantry around us. I want to know where our guys are at. so that way I can make sure that gunner isn’t going to pull some stupid shit and lays our own guys with high explosive. Sorry, if that was a bit of a rant, but like I said, I’ve had so many people get mad here recently at us in the tank because they want to lay down behind my tank for cover. Like, hello, I can’t see you down there if I need to back up, you’re gonna get run over.


100%! As a gunner you have to make a call of if friendlies are around. The 1 true exception to that is when the dumb blue berries are standing on the enemy tank. Like yeah I'm not going to wait for you to get off. I will be dead by the time that falls down the chain of command in communication.


Not just that, but the tank commander position should be telling you where you’re friendly are as they have a full 360° view around the tank and should have the same as the gunner. And they should be calling out for the gunner, since they have a better line of sight. There’s three people in a tank. it makes it a hell of a lot easier to use a tank when you have three people in a tank, and the commander position is supposed to be able to tell you where your friendlies are, and where targets are. On top of that, from their position, they can see over the tank. They can’t see down very well, but they can see just as well as the gunner can, if not better. Can you run a tank with two people, absolutely. Is it kind of difficult, yes, but you can still do it. The game recommends having three people in the tank for a reason and I personally agree that you should have three people in the tank for a reason. Even if your commander isn’t in the command position, the commander position should be looking out for where things are at, and calling out targets, and marking them. Not just middle mouse clicking them either. Like, real target on the map. But that’s a whole different argument. Edit: spelling and word chose, Siri hates my accent.


That’s not a great blanket statement to make. There could be many different scenarios where enemies and friendlies are close and an he shell takes out a friendly by accident. That to me is unfortunate but understandable so I wouldn’t punish the tanker.


Unless you have a explosive charge no reason to get close to a tank


I've maxed out both tank commander and crewman. Its really easy not to get any TKs in a game.


What's even with the redeploy penalty


Actually yes, While playing a game last night, we requisitioned a tiger, and another tank team tried to steal it from us, and killed member of our team getting in the tank, and took shots at me getting in the tank. Of course, he starts bitching at us on the voice chat, and it had been his third time doing that shit in the server just in that game, and he got kicked because our guy punished him. The punish system does work on servers that actually enforce it. And it definitely helps get rid of toxic players who do dumb shit like above.


You just answered your own question. You still killed those guys


Did i though… they were probably holding down f as they blew up. I got them back in the fight faster if anything


I had this happen to me earlier except it was 3 people running in a line that all ran in front of my mg42


I like that you didn't hesitate after, just kept firing. Outstanding work soldier. I have this problem no matter what weapon I'm using. I'll be posted up and some dip shit will walk directly in front of me aiming down range trying to do the COD side to side shuffle. Always gratifying when they get popped instead of me.


You murdered him in cold blood


Cold blueberry sauce


It is infuriating when people cross in front of your field of fire. Especially as a machine gunner. And the fact that people punish you for THEIR fuck up is pathetic.


In irl, this is why SGTs and Medics yell sailor swears at the Roflmans for their stupidity. We were to go BEHIND the person for flanking... not FRONT of them firing the obviously active machine gun! Sometimes some people need to be called out for their stupidity for their sake. Clips even if the person in question wants to be confrontational. Eventually it will be noticed.


This exact thing happens all the time to me. It’s amazing. Half the time I play MG this will happen. The other fun one is when I’m clearing a trench or a bunker I’ll throw a grenade in and yell in prox chat that I’m throwing a grenade. And invariably somebody chases the grenade into where ever I threw it.


Situational Awareness: 0%.


I Just had this same thing happen 10 minutes ago. the guy started screaming at me, I don't know what he was expecting


Some people are honestly pretty stupid. I was laying down covering fire through a field and this dude with a semi automatic rifle decided to post up right behind me and started screaming at me to “lay down” so he could provide some “covering fire”. Like sure let me move my 1200 round per minute mg so you can plink some rounds down range. It’s just like bigger cars on the road, bigger guns get the right of way.


being recently new to the Machine Gunner scene I feel your pain. I now use prox chat alot. If there is anyone in my fov I tell them Im at their “x” and could fire at any moment


I had a guy do this once and then come back and revenge tk me.


Lol that’s it I mow em down just for standing in front of e


Had a friendly shoot me in the back of the head with a PISTOL the other day while I was cooking a grenade. Ended up killing 3 friendlies.


Very good commander doing an excellent job, calls a bombing run on the objective. Advises all Squad Leads several times it's coming in and exactly where. Obviously a few ignore this and don't pass it on to their squad. A few blueberries wonder into the splash zone and the commander gets auto kicked for Team Killing... Maybe the TK algorithm needs tweaked.


Yeah because toxic people use it to troll.


I don’t even let off the trigger anymore, if they want to die they’re welcome to walk in front of me.


Same thing, but when you’re in a tank movin around and exchanging shots. All of a sudden you move backwards/forwards and run someone over.


Those are just trolls. I was kicked from a game doing this exact thing. A single individual spent like half an hour trying to get me and my buddy kicked by running in front of us. I didn't realize it was the same person or what he was trying to do until I actually got the boot for team killing. This game would be fun, and usually is when you find a game absent of trolls. 


O that has happened to me before. I just let off the fire to let em pass. Is it annoying? Yea, but unless you have the reaction time of a dead slug, its mostly avoidable.


Bot brain


One time when I was playing I got into this guys way by accident because I was moving around and he kinda shot me with a machine gun and I went up to him like about a little bit later and apologize that I got on his way


I feel you .


Yo that's hilarious


I got a team kill with a mine. At that point it's just collateral damage, cut me some slack.


I would have just crawled under lmao oblivious


And I bet he got angry at you for it to. I'd bet money on it. 


My first time on Arty.... "you were punished 46"...


lol I hate when people do that like how do they not see the bullet flying by. It happens all the time when I’m on artillery. Like they can see I’m bombing the one location for 10 min and they walk into the area and are surprised they die lol


It blows my mind that even an avg gamer can be this dead in the brain. Then special bois be everywhere!