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I'm a fan of it myself, and the fact that it's not super popular means I can often join any random squad and use it.


I like it too, it’s a laser beam.


It’s a weird feeling shooting this gun, the rof is low enough that you don’t blow thru a clip in 3 secs like the Thompson, but seemingly high enough that it struggles to tap fire a single round. I get 2 bullets a lot, so I just aim at their waist and let it kick to their head area, lotsa bam bam pings! I used the BAR waaaaaaay back in Medal of Honor Heroes 2, so I’m having a blast




Rate of fire


Exactly. You can fire single or double taps and be fairly accurate.


Which almost defeats the purpose of it being in the MG role - imo


I agree partly, it allows the mg player to more effectively push an obj while still being able to send lead down range. Trade off is loss of firepower for accuracy.


And ADS quicker


MG class gets an extra bonus to suppression and also way more bullets for the BAR than the Autorifleman class. Similar to how the Rifleman class has extra time while holding breath and ADS’ing, there are class-specific benefits


I had no idea that was true.... I've played for years.


Me neither until someone on this subreddit informed me too (also a vet)


Is there a list anywhere of all the class specific benefits? I’d love to read up on that.


I thought the rifleman one was a myth?


isnt it under the automatic rifleman, mg role just unlocks it as an option.


Yeah, however BAR MG class is the best way to level up MG because you get a hammer.


Except I've noticed it was nerfed. Like same distance, but not the same two tap ability at 100m


It’s a 20 round Garand, that can absolutely lay the hate down. Love it.


It should be a 20 round garand, but isn't. It should be a 1 shot kill, but isn't


I have not run into this issue. They usually drop for me.


It got nerfed and requires way more hits than before, despite being the same caliber as the Garand Don’t understand why the balancing decision was done, it wasn’t like BAR was super OP given the recoil


My fault. I tend to pop off as an automatic rifleman with the BAR. Devs thought I was too powerful. Sorry guys.


Do that again and we'll convert you from qwerty to dvorak!


Damn you really went and ruined it for us 😑


When did it get nerfed, I remember using it a few months ago and thinking it was great, then tried against last week and it just felt pointless when the M1 was available


This is my biggest gripe with the BAR. It one shots to a certain distance and then it takes two at a distance the Garand only takes one. Same caliber... It is a badass gun I'm closer quarters though, I've been using it a bunch lately and it rocks once you start to get used to recoil.


I haven't dug into the game files but it's not an issue unique to the bar. Just about all the semi-auto and bolt guns do more damage than full autos


makes sense if they want to avoid full auto spam & promote squad tactics (use your MG, use squad to lay down fire, etc.), but frustrating as the BAR was quite useful


Same caliber but less barrel length. Which would have less velocity. As to how much velocity loss? I don’t know, I don’t own either gun and I don’t regularly shoot 30-06.


It has the same exact barrel length as the M1 Garand.


Nevemind then I got nothing


Why doesn't it have a fucking bipod?


While I agree with you, it's also pretty historically accurate that it doesn't have one. Many of the men who were issued the BAR took as much shit off the gun as they could to reduce weight off the nearly 20 lbs gun, that includes bipods and the carry handle. My big complaint is that you can't use the bipod on the FG-42 in game, even though it has a bipod on the gun!


Wasn't there like a belt "pouch" that would be used to put the butt stock in and hip fire from? EDIT: Did my own research :\] "In addition to shoulder-fired operation, BAR gunners were issued a belt with magazine pouches for the BAR and sidearm along with a "cup" to support the stock of the rifle when held at the hip. In theory, this allowed the soldier to lay suppressive fire while walking forward, keeping the enemy's head down, a practice known as "marching fire". The idea would resurface in the submachine gun and ultimately the assault rifle. It is not known if any of the belt-cup devices actually saw combat use."


You are correct. In fact, this was how the BAR was designed to be used. It was never meant to be fired from the shoulder, like a rifle, nor from a bipod, like an LMG. It was meant to be fired while walking, from the hip, to provide mobile suppression for troops marching across no man’s land in WWI. It was never intended to have a bipod cludged on, which made the gun overly bulky and front-heavy.


I think it's important to point out the concept of walking fire is gobsmackingly dumb and completely outdated even by the time the bar was fielded. My understanding is the bar bipod was pretty bad, so the utility it offered wasn't just 'has working bipod', and it late war infantry squads might hav 2-4x the mtoe alloted amount of 1 bar


Oh it certainly was an outdated concept, even for its time. But when has “this concept is outdated” ever stopped anyone, especially in military technology lol. The main reason soldiers dumped the bipod is because the thing was cumbersome, inflexible, and most of all, weighed just shy of 2 and a half pounds on its own. The US military tried to turn the BAR into an LMG, akin to the Bren or DP27, a role the BAR was never designed to fill. So why carry around a 2.5 pound bipod that’s basically worthless anyway?


I still think it would be fair to allow the BAR to be deployed and braced against a structure the same way the bipods work, though. You don’t have to have a bipod to use a fence post to stabilize yourself irl.


Honestly I’d love the ability to brace all weapons on appropriate surfaces, since like you said, a bipod isn’t necessary to do that. In fact, that weird little “chin” near the muzzle of the MP 40 and the ridge that runs along the underside of the barrel is there specifically so you can rest the gun on a solid surface without having to worry about damaging the barrel


Yup I don't disagree


That would make the shitty bipod system we have feel historically accurate.


It was... Absolutely intended to be fired from the shoulder. That's how it was designed to be fired in every single circumstance aside from while traversing No Man's Land on an assault. It indeed wasn't originally designed with a bipod in mind.


You forgot to add the last part of that sentence: "However in practice, it was most often used as a light machine gun and fired from a bipod (introduced as the M1918a2)." - http://www.historic-firearms.com/m1918a2-bar.html


Ah ok that makes sense, appreciate the info. Couldn't be used as a future upgrade for the machine gunner class? Also on the FG 42, isn't the only variant available for the sniper class? Wouldn't it make more sense to give that to automatic rifleman?


I've never used the Recon's FG-42, but I use the auto-rifleman's FG-42 all the time and that one for sure has the bipod on it, you just can't use the bipod for some reason!


It was usable in the PTE for that update they added the fg42. I guess it was removed because they thought it was op or something. Now the bren has one so ADS and bipod weapons are back on the menu hopefully. DP needs ADS if the Bren can as well


I hope it wouldn't be deemed as OP! People hardly even use the thing


Many of of them did, but also some didn't. The BAR for machine gunner class should absolutely have a bipod.


Absolutely agreed! For sure not every dude was taking it off


You are incorrect. Majority of ALL 0331's in the marine corps had a bipod on theirs. Not sure why your comment got so many upvotes because it's completely false. 


Ok? That's the Marine Corps, that doesn't mean they make up the entirety of the US forces. I've seen plenty of historical things that stated that a lot of men opted for making their BARS lighter. You really commented on something that's 2 months old just to be a know-it-all? You're that guy?


I googled this thread topic and this is what popped up. I don't care if it's 2 months old or not. It's on the Internet forever now. And I was pointing out an inaccuracy simply because I wish it was different in game. And I know the devs will never actually see this message, but you never know. What I said is fact...  So in this situation the automatic rifleman class with the BAR needs to be absent of the bipod, and the machine gunner 2nd tier BAR needs to have a bipod because it IS historically accurate...


Literally just used it for the first time after a year of playing. Should be a one tap at distance given the caliber.


Agreed. This is the most disappointing point about the gun. Given the recoil you can only really single fire it accurately. The number of times I’ve hit a guy, then he’s hit the deck and I’ve lost him is too many. Definitely should be a one shot.


It was fun running into a house and just unloading on a guy. It’s very beefy.


All the mg's should be. I'll even be the guy to say even the stg out to any reasonable distance.


The STG should be how the BAR is now considering how different of guns and calibers they are. The BAR should be modeled the same as the Garand...just with that mosterous recoil


Nah, if we're being realistic about it just about any shot that's incapaciting with a 8mm, 30-06, or .303, is also going to be incapacitating with 8 kurz Again on the realism aspect bar should have less recoil than the garand, and the garand should have less recoil than all of the bolt guns. Not to get into balance.


Up to like 300-400m i would agree for the 8mm Kurtz but 30-06 (and related rifle caliber rounds) can still pack a punch at like 800m+ Obviously thats talking realism lol but i was referring to balance in the game and generally reflecting real life values in that the kurtz and 30-06 are not the same at all so having the STG be 2 shot past medium distances makes sense to me while the BAR should not be but trying to hit anything full auto is basically impossible. Also have you seen people shoot the BAR full auto irl? Its not something you just easily control even on slow fire mode haha so i dont think the BAR would have less recoil than the Garand in real life either


well then the fg42 should also 0hk at 200m...


I don’t run it often because I disagree on your point that it packs a punch. It fires the same round as an M1 Garand and should act like one but it doesn’t. Instead, I usually have to 2 tap past a medium distance which is difficult given the recoil and sights. I basically only use it because it’s iconic and I miss it sometimes


Why doesn’t it have the faster fire rate option


Balance probably


Asking the important question here.


I love using the bar but there is 0 replacement for a belt fed weapon. If I’m actively assaulting a fortified position I’m using the bar, if I’m setting up a gun for machine gun placements, I’m using the .30 cal


I’m fine with the auto rifleman not having the bipod, but the MG Loadout if you had the BAR with fast fire and a bipod. I’d carry that all day. The BAR was truly ahead of it’s time.


Not a fan of its ironsights, I find them obstructive. The real problem is that it competes with the Garand, which is a fantastic weapon in most circumstances. If it had the same damage profile as the Garand I would probably use it more.


Besides being inferior to stg44 in just about every way (slower firerate, smaller magazines, more recoil, more obstructive viewmodel), it really has no advantages. Despite using same ammo as the M1 Garand, it only one shots up to 100m. Its very good under that distance, but after that its just kind of meh. All the rifle round automatic weapons (Bren, Fg42, Bar) should one shot up to at least 150m. That would give them some good punch in a lot of situations.


I fucking love the stg44, it just feels so much better to me than the BAR


Love the bar but it's lacking at range which is incredibly frustrating for a gun that shoots .30-06.


there is something off with it that i dont like, probably a combination of bad sights low rof and high recoil


I wrote off the BAR when I first started playing as I felt it's recoil kicking like a mule and its' small magazine made it tough to use. ​ However, last night I gave it another chance and found it's really quite powerful. It kills in one shot like the Garand at similar ranges, so I tend to tap the trigger at ranges longer than 100m and treat it like a semi-automatic rifle. I feel like it can even outperform the M1 Garand at medium-long range, with the added bonus of being able to drop into a trench or slide into a building and go fully automatic, or being able to suppress enemies as your squad advances.


I try to use it as a semi auto unless the enemy is very close.


I just cannot for the life of me use it without missing most of my shots


Use it like an M1 Garand that has a full auto option in a pinch, and you'll change your mind I'm sure.


I’ll try it that way next time!


Auto Rifleman and BAR is a pain cause of the ammo you start off with. Based on range you can waste a mag per 1 or 2 kills. Soon you’re begging passing rifle men for ammo.


Auto rifles are under powered. That 1 shot kill need to be increased to at least 75m, 50m is just to short.


Love it for close quarters. Terrible at distance


I find that I hit shots and people don’t drop like they would if I just used the M1. They shoot the same rounds but don’t have the same kill range.


I love using the BAR when I play auto rifleman but not so much when I play mg. As it sits, its a great run and gun weapon, especially from the hip. It just sucks that in HLL that type of gameplay isnt always super feasable. I think reworking the piss poor iron sights, giving it a bipod, and adding the slow/fast fire rate selector would help it leauges and make it the super versatile (albeit heavy) weapon its supposed to be. Youd be able to run and gun with it from the hip, run it like its a 20 round garand, post up on a flank some distance out and pick targets out or lay down short bursts of accurate suppressing fire defending a choke point/ attacking a point letting squads advance. It really just isnt a great weapon as it sits, and is just a way to throw a lot of 30-06 downrange really fast, really innacurately.


Great gun. Takes skill but puts enemy’s down easily


I personally like it for defensive positions when the enemy is trying to come at several angles. It's a heavy hitting piece I can at least aim down the barrel of without having to mount.


I mean, the first shot is accurate. But what about the second shot? I don’t know. I’m not a good shot anyway. But with a lot of weapons I can hit something every now and then. With the BAR I just can’t hit a damn thing.


Too much recoil and takes too many hits to kill someone long range. I'll always choose a class with the Garand when I play the Americans.


I think its great at a medium range. Once you get to the point where it takes more than one hit to kill someone i think it loses alot of use.


The M1 Garand available to so many US classes hits harder (especially at hedge row battle ranges), has a good rate of fire, and a large enough clip that I never seem to find a case where the BAR is preferable. Unlike the StG 44, which may not hit as hard, but has a much higher rate of fire and bigger clip than the Kar 98k that it replaces. If I'm on the US side and I want something with automatic fire, I'll run a class with access to the Thompson because it usually has some other utility on top of the automatic fire. And you give up smoke grenades for access to the BAR, which is also a strike against it for me.


100m kill distance


Fuck with the bar. short bursts, 1-3 shots. I don't mind the sight picture. It's got good range.


If you could deploy a bipod in prone, or against a wall, the BAR could be better with reduced recoil. It’s not really designed to be a trench sweeper. It’s supposed to be mobile base of fire to keep the enemy suppressed while your movement element scoots around the enemy flank.


I like it for mid rage cover fire. The kick keeps you from firing enough to blow your spot and the power behind it makes sure that if you clip them they go down.


One of my favorites. Easy to fire single shots and it’s .30-06. I’d take it over the thompson or grease gun any day


It packs good punch and thanks to the fire-rate it's easily manageable in full auto If it had 30 round mag it would be better than STG44 Overall it's much better than semiauto alternatives like SVT40, Garand and G43


I mean definitely on offence


I'm a big fan of the BAR.... I even like it better than the stg.


easy, it's a pea shooter. Compare it to its counterpart the STG. STG is way more lethal and more contrable in auto when you need to spray and pray. If I'm gonna have to worry about recoil and landing multiple shots at medium to long range (and probably get one tapped in doing so by a semiautomatic rifle or bolt action) I'm just gonna opt to use the Thompson if I'm gonna have to play the BAR like a tommy gun by default anyways. It just needs a lethality range increase.


Even if for nothing else...i must be used for the sound haha i love it


Used a lot in comp matches with high pings. As for some reason performs well with latency issues.


For me it’s just slightly under the STG44 and pretty much equivalent with the Bren. The only reason I’d give the Bren the upper hand is because you can deploy it via bipod which is awesome. The recoil is weird too I feel like it doesn’t actually go up that much like the STG44 but it does *look* like it goes up quite a bit from your perspective. I think if they gave it to the raider assault class or maybe the grenadier assault class it’d be much more used.


The people who the love the bar love it and everyone else dispises it. I love the damn thing and never use the 30cal, but I main spotter bc I can iron sight kill ppl at 300m better then the snipers I got. (Including my friends, they are amazed at how I get some shots, but at least I call out who imma kill so they find dif target.)


I really enjoy hip firing it lol, its great at range too dont get me wrong but clearing out a house of Gerry's with it is so satisfying.


The problem with the BAR would be that it contains too few magazines, so gunners have to limit themselves in how much suppressive fire they can throw down range. There are a few specific jobs the BAR is supposed to do No.1 fire support, suppressive fire like a LMG No.2 Accurate rifle fire, picking off enemies like a garand No.3 close quarters fighting like a Thompson Being fire support expends a lot of ammo that you won’t have with less positive feedback compared to the Browning MG, meanwhile the BAR exceeds in flexing into the role a SMG in close quarters or a rifle in mid to long ranges might offer. It’s a good flex weapon, but it’s not good at the role it was supposedly made to fill (suppressive fire)


My favorite weapon. Not as accurate as the M1 Garand but you can put out rounds with it and the sights aren't that bad. Fire suppression. You can keep their heads down with accurate fire while pushing the objective.


While the range is disappointing, I find it to be great for suppressing fire. ROF is low enough that short bursts can take you a long way. Flanking at a medium distance and providing a base of fire keeps the enemy suppressed long enough for the infantry in front of them to get in and clear out a position. You don't get XP for it, but it does a lot to help keep the team moving or to clear out pesky hold-out positions behind your lines. If you're firing to suppress, it also doesn't really matter then that it does less damage from a distance, as the primary concern is keeping up a base of fire.


Recoil, bipod, hit count… but still better than the Bren


When playing usa if im kicking auto rifleman id rather just grab the Thompson and smoke kit, provides my squad and extra assault trooper. I'll leave the long range to all the other troops with m1's


I was clearing the trenches on Omaha beach...I was a walking tank. I love the BAR


The thing is Auto Rifleman is kind of a useless class to the team. Any class can get kills. Support role is basically a rifleman that has a box of 50 supplies. Your Squad leader needs supplies to build blue zone garries. Having a Support player drop supplies is way sneakier than dropping a parachute for the whole map to see where we are about to build a new spawn point. Your Engineer needs Supplies to build resource nodes or defenses. Your AT guy occasionally needs supplies for a field gun. If you’re gonna play a class that’s just about kills, I suggest you play Assault. The load outs end up being some of the best in the game. 6th level U.S. Assault gets a Shotgun 6 frags and 3 smokes. The German Lvl 9 Assault gets an STG, 1 Frag, 2 smokes, and a Satchel. All the level 9 Assaults get a Satchel. And it’s such a grind that you may as well get it started instead of putting your class xp towards auto-riflemen that No one really uses and isn’t meta.


The BAR can be as good as the STG if used properly (both of which are my favorites


the stg is better but its probably the best gun in the game, the BAR is the best allies gun imo. sure the garand is better at longer ranges but the bar is much better at closer ranges making it overall better


The BAR in this game is inaccurate. There is no fire mode and there is no bipod. 100% unrealistic. I hope the devs can do more research on what was actually used in maritime war. My grandfather has a picture of him with a BAR, guess what was on it? A bipod. He was an 0331 USMC. 


I like the bar it, garand just has too much parity with it in game. Mix that with an actually restrictive low ammo count, and I've turned a bit meh on it


MG rank 3 has the bar with 14 magazines. I prefer that load out then the 30 cal


Just fire it single shot or two round burst, it'll take someone down in one shot


Don’t use it as an automatic weapon. Treat it like an M1 Garand with a 20 round magazine. Single shots only. Do this and you’ll rack up insane numbers.


One thing I really wish they added to the BAR for more realism is having the fire rate selector. This was a option in Red Orchestra: Rising storm that I loved


>I understand as a machine gunner there are better weapons to use There are absolutely instances where having (is it 16? 15?) magazines for the BAR is the way to go. It allows for more mobility while firing for suppression.