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They need to make it so only squad leads can vote the Commander out.


I had a tale of 2 games today. First game I stepped into Commander on Stalingrad Defence. I flew around the map, placing Garries, locking down points. We won 4-1. The next game was Stalingrad Warfare at Night. Got off to a good start with Garries but we got steamrolled. Thankfully nobody blamed the Commander. I had Garries everywhere in both games. Sometimes you can give it your all as Commander but if your teammates don't pull their weight then you're screwed.


I used to play as commander on console I was not bad at it at all but I stopped playing it because the lack of communication is so bad and no one listens to you. If you ask squads to go on defend no one wants to (warfare) or if you ask a squad lead to put down a garrison because they are right on supplies they dont. I think since xbox gamepass squad leads should be required to have mics because the communication is absolutely horrendous.


Yeah, I just got to level 30 this week and practiced a lot on empty servers as Commander (using all the actions and driving the Supply Truck fast and effectively) before jumping in. I had a blast with a couple of 5v5 matches before hopping into an empty Commander slot in an almost-full server. One hour later, we lost the match, but I never got yelled at and even received a couple of commendations. I did what I could about poor garry placements in that match, and I pretty much knew where they should go down. Since this was my first major match, I stayed away from giving orders for defense and logistics, only to rely on putting down markers and making general requests wrt them. However, I don't think I'll ever enjoy having to force SLs, against their will, to take their units off-task to do what many find mundane. Funny thing is, defense and logistics are my two favorite things to do. That's the main reason I play as SL with a locked unit. If someone requests to join, I'll let them in and then ask them if they saw my unit's designation as "Logistics". Level 30 was my main goal so that I could finally fiddle with being a Commander. I don't really have any good reason to level up anymore. Takes the pressure off, I guess.


I think I was in both of those games except I was on the opposite team both games. Honestly I rarely saw any infantry at all even as AT in that warfare match. Sometimes squads just make the wrong pushes or aren’t flowing well no matter what you do as commander. Both were good games tho good job for sticking it out on the warfare match


Yeah I don't quit just because we're losing. I tell everyone GG guys, we'll get em in the next one!




It is a very thankless job and you do a lot of work that goes unnoticed. You'll find that the players who try to kick the commander because they are losing have no idea why they are losing and just blame the one who is meant to 'lead' the team. These intermediate noobs think they know how to play the game, but in reality they have no clue. They don't realise how much the more experienced players carry the team by building good garrisons and defending wherever necessary. The Commander can only do so much and without SL's helping out, it can be very difficult to win. If you have a very uncooperative or unresponsive group of officers, I would just resign as commander and go officer. You can be a lot more effective as an officer if you have a squad that is willing to help you out. Then when a new commander joins, you can hopefully help them out and then the game will go a lot smoother.


And it makes it worse when squads don’t want to build any Garry’s, what’s crazy was we were actually winning but it is what it is


I joined a match 10 min into a game and took Commander since it was the only spot not taken. The team had ine garrison on point, and that was it. I spent the next 30 minutes trying to get garrisons up.myself and dying a lot while also dropping supplies on SLs to get them to build some. Shockingly, of the 13 garrisons built that game, I built 10 and one recon squad built 2. Don't know how we did it but we won. We could have finished the game off 3 times before if SLs were building garrisons themselves rather than waiting for me to make it to the supplies I had dropped on their heads.


I, not a commander player at all, got into an argument with a dude because he was trying to rip into the commander about "not putting down garrys". Boy... Your Squad Leads can put down garry's to but I don't see them doing that at all. Just OP's.. Try doing that too and maybe we wont be getting pushed back.


I feel the same op. I'm also level 10 commander and it's just not worth it. Before you could coordinate stuff with your team.


Wdym before? I'm new to the game. Before what happened?


They added the game to game pass and now all of the CoD ding dongs showed up ruining the game.




Oh ya gotcha thanks. Full transparency i bought the game on steam sale in February so I'm an idiot but not a game pass idiot lol


Before all the lv 20 Sl and no mics people joined. Either running off doing shit miles from objective or we took let's all attack the next one. Then complain in chat when we lost the point we just took.


I was in a game, no commander. I jumped in and instantly heard the SL’s say “are we gonna get rid of this one?” Then my mate asked me why there was a vote to kick me. Thankfully it didn’t go through, but I left the commander role fairly quick after that


Seems to be a case of *find someone to blame for my incompetence, therefore kick commander* While I fully agree that it's unnecessary, and frankly, a d*ck move to vote kick a commander with 3 minutes in the clock, especially one that is doing well, I would also say that it takes a lot to be a commander. More than placing key garrisons. You need to help coordinate strategic manoeuvres (however tough that may be with silent squadleaders). Your rank/level in the game is a reflection of your game experience, and other players will judge you based on that. But again, as a reminder to all, voice concerns and ask the commander to step down before you kick them. They are playing for fun just as you are.


I see that so much. Or sometimes I'll take SL because no one else will and then someone in the squad will gripe about where the OP is or I'll tell them to defend a point and 3 people just totally ignore me and then complain about us losing a point. So annoying I haven't experienced that as a commander yet, thankfully, but I assume it's similar x# of squads.


Nah forreal, I really hate when half the team sits at the start of the match waiting for someone to create a squad. Only to backseat SL or not follow any orders when you decide to be SL.


I was in a match last night where literally 10 people got kicked within 15 minutes.


Your team sucked**** Ftfy


Every time I see a thread like this I see some people trying to figure out why the commander was kicked, as if there has to be a logical reason. Lately I think there is no logical reason for most kick votes because the number of kick votes has increased drastically. One recent game I was in, there was an attempt to kick the commander, which failed. This was immediately followed by a kick attempt of some random person, not the one who did the commander vote. This also failed but started a string of kick attempts on various people, originating from different people, with no explanation for any of them. This dragged on for about 8 kick attempts in a row. This is annoying and that is probably the reason it happens. It's just idiots trolling by abusing a really bad kick system. The solution is to come up with a better system. There are a lot of good ideas out there that the devs can draw upon. One certainly would be to change the number of votes to be successful. I was in a game 2 days ago where we were on defense in an offensive game, getting hit hard on the last point. We attempted to kick a guy who wasn't helping or doing anything but the vote failed because there were only 17 people on our team but the votes require 20. This is a really stupid mechanic.


Welcome to the club.


This is why we disable vote kicks and have active admins on our server. Just play on a well run server like that.


My favorite is getting voted because another person wanted to take command so when I jump back in off a friend an that commander fumbles the bag h hard


I don't understand why people want to kick commanders so often. I generally "ignore" or vote "no" on any votes to kick unless people are telling me that person is team killing. They need to make it more difficult to kick people for no reason. I was kicked for no reason yesterday and it's annoying to be banned for an hour over nothing. Discourages people from wanting to play commander or SL


Leadership is hard. Especially when you are leading a flock of turkeys


Yeah gamepass will be over soon. no more noobs being idiots and tking and voting to kick


How not to get kicked every time: Tell everyone it’s your first time playing commander, and then tell them they just have to be specific about what they need. I’ve played about 30 games playing as command “for the first time,” I never get kicked, and sometimes it actually forces people to cooperate and tell me what they want when they want it. Also, if we end up losing, I still get a bunch of “Good try command” at the end of the game. It makes people play a lot nicer when they think you don’t know what you’re doing.


Good tip for ya: When grabbing the commander role, carefully check who is playing on your side vs. Other Ask who’s on comms, there might be 10 squads and two SLs - and both with no mics 😂 If you see a lot of locked squads with clan tags then most likely you are in clan game (could be one sided)


Join a clan


How do I do that?


Try play with GBI in Australia lol. You'll place 3 mint garries then commander will dismantle them cause he "plays in comps" then we get steam rolled and blames people for not placing garries


Sounds like console issues yeah?


I was going to say, I don't ever see this happen on PC? I recall a single instance of a Commander being voted (and it failed) in the last two weeks. I've even seen brand new Commanders take the role when no one else would step up and not be kicked, because even a new Commander is better than no Commander.


It doesn’t. We had to lower the kick threshold to allow people to actually get kicks to work. Haha.


How’d you guess 😞


I was kicked just like this. Even though in the year 2024, for this game that doesn’t even have the capacity to keep track of simple statistics like wins, It was enough to never play again. It’s more important that the vote system can pop up constantly breaking the immersion for its core function of kicking out innocent players. Fingers crossed no one triggers a vote while you’re at the death screen trying to respawn, good luck navigating that.




No i didn’t even speak because no one was talking


It's not because they're not talking that they're not listening You should call things and all even if nobody's talking, that goes even for SL


A commander not communicating will usually get booted, regardless of how the team is doing.


You gotta check in, make call outs, update the team on your progress, make requests, and give encouragement even if command chat is dead silent. They’re listening, sometimes, even if they’re not speaking.


Yep. At least say things from time to time, like "Okay, just ran recon over the attack objective, check your map", "Doing great on resources, guys, let me know", or "Bombing Run is available again!".


They should get rid of the vote kick entirely. The constant notifications of vote kicking constantly interferes with the game. Most of the kicking is due to someone getting mad by getting accidentally team killed.


You tried, and lost. Thats all i see here. Maybe ur next post will be, i tried and won. One bad game.. you gunna quit? Bad games happen all the time. Pick your self up. And get goin. Similie for life.


How do you see that? Op says their team was winning when he got vtkd. Im sure there were people who voted not knowing why. When I see a vote I always look for an explanation in text such as "team killing" "stealing half tracks" but Im guessing a ton of people just auto vote yes assuming there's a good reason. They might not even hav known it was the commander when they voted yes


His post says he tried his best. And still got vote kicked. Ergo. He tried and lost. He could have an idetical game next game. And get praised for his effort. Next games story might be, he tried and won. You said it. People dont know shit, So get back on the horse and ride


Look at the thread title. He was booted (aka voted kicked). >Playing commander sucks, I put down every single garrison in the game with 3 backup Garry’s on the defensive point only to be booted within 3 minutes on the clock.


Yeah we were winning the game with ease