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At rare times, I get hit by the most random arties. Far from objectives and away from the fighting. I still somehow got blown up because one guy unintentionally aimed it in the most random empty field.


Could be that there's a spotter somewhere?


Spotter "That guy! F$%& that guy in particular"


If you aren’t using the full resources of the team to fuck up someone’s day, can you really say you’re a good spotter?


Special type of humiliation shout out to when you get the fucking headshot ping killed in action from an artillery shell


"Hey, are we gonna get a new op?"


When it starts raining, you better start praying


I’ve thought about posting this so many times. It’s the only visual that accurately explains it


I'm not saying this is what op is doing this is just an observation i see. Blueberry: "man I keep dying to arty" *runs down the same road that is being and has been engaged by arty for 5 min* *blueberry inevitably dies to arty again* Blueberry: "REEE ARTY BROKEN REEEE" *runs down the SAME ROAD yet again* *dies yet again* Blueberry: *various bitching noises* Me and my squad: *moving up a different road un-molested* That aside a good arty crew mixed with SLs and Commanders that give a fuck can stop a push (that's the point of defensive arty) and I get dying to something you can't do much about sucks and I think arty shoukd be switched to mortar squads that have to be closer to the fight. But if you run into the arty over and over again and don't try to go a different way you don't get to bitch about it. (Remagan as a map is a different story and shouldn't have arty at all imo, actually in my opinion the map should be removed it really isn't fun and the us has a major advantage)


If that blueb wasn't eating arty that arty would start coming down on you. What then? Another flank? Then another? Sometimes you just gotta eat the arty. Bitch and moan about it, but eat it anyway.


Yeah if a flank stalls and team isn't moving, hit somewhere else, I agree sometimes you gotta eat it, but I've seen squads run down the same road all Match and get graped by HE. But prodding the enemy until you find a weak point is like the whole point of the game