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Apparently it goes away Thursday Edit: wtf today is Thursday, why is it still d day rotation


Purple Heart Lane is the bane of my existence


Preach brother


Purple Heart Lane, nighttime, fog, and rain. Fucking nightmare fuel


I usually enjoy the meat grinder feeling of it until i got it 4 times in a row a couple of days ago and started getting tremors and flashbacks.


Worst map on the game


Leave El Alamein out of this lol.


The worst map in the game is obviously Mortain. Just because there are so many bushes, which means you can't see anything and where so many people camp. Then there's this alibi of a town on the edge of the map. All in all, this map is not very well thought out and they should at least rework it again like they did with the Britain update (which hasn't made any difference to some people to this day.)


Yeah I hate mortain as well. Between Purple Heart lane, remagen, and mortain it’s hard to chose which is the worst. Wish they’d just take them all off


Why do u hate Remagen? Usually it is a neat historical map.


I was actually wondering why I kept playing the same maps over and over


I love playing the same 4 maps in northern France and Holland that all feel exactly the same!


I've heard Kursk is in the game but I'm not sure at this point. (I love that map FFS)


I wish there were servers dedicated to theatres. Some days I’m just not feeling US v Germans and would like Soviet or British.


You must be insane to like Kursk. Or you're a tanker, in which case, it's a decent map, if you're on the German side. ![gif](giphy|KWzzTbkhDvmQU)


Well I've liked it the 5 times I played it in the last 5 months I've been playing🥴


Kursk Night time is the best map in the game nothing compares


I like Kursk but night time with fog can eat a dick.


Not my personal favorite as I don't like snow maps, but objectively I'd say it is probably the best map in the whole game, even above SMDM


Before it was redone, old SMDM was the best map in the game imo. It was great for everything! Such a shame they remade it. The new version is good in its own right, but it's got nothing on the old one.


The only thing in game now is no garrisons


best map imo


My question is why isn’t Mortain apart of the rotation




No worries, just 11 months left before they take them out… oh wait


What annoys me about the D-Day maps is that most of them seem to be in warfare rather than US offensive so you never even get to attack the beach:(


Exactly! During the whole D-day rotation, I’ve literally haven’t had one game where I got to storm the beach or rain down MG fire from the hillside. It’s so fkn stupid


Same and I was looking forward to that. Haven't gotten to rain fire down yet but have stormed rhe beaches a few times.


Just did several times last night, guess you're off cycle lol


I’m pregnant?!


Unless the offensive sides switch from time to time im pretty sure both beaches are staged as German counter offensive so there would be no way to ever play them as expected (US beach landing) Edit: yeah I think they switch sides I’m just dumb


10th mnt servers run those modes pretty often.


D Day should only be on US offensive. I literally don’t even want to play warfare or German offensive. Feels off. Any of the other maps I don’t care if they are historically inaccurate with the gameplay. But D day should be the exception IMO


I completely agree with you, I don’t see the point in having it as anything other than US offensive.


I thought it was supposed to end last week. I can understand for maybe 3 days tops but two weeks of the same several maps is insane and annoying. Really makes the game stale and I miss the dynamic of the other maps/factions/weapons. I wish they at least would give us a timeframe of when it's supposed to end but I haven't seen anything concrete.


I was wondering why i kept playing on those maps. Ive been wanting to play Russian ones for a while now.


Same! I thought I just had bad luck lol


Would you rather remagen 4 out of 5 maps again?


😂 that is the worst map IMO


Nah they just need to trash that map. They are gonna lose player base by making us play Purple Heart lane, remagen, and mortain all the damn time


Remagen is like the one family member you have that always gets messy at family outings and makes things really awkward.


I yearn for the Kharkov fields


Confused in PC. Most PC servers do votemap so there's usually a good rotation...


Yeah I think that is a consolero only post... Cant imagine to play this game without Server Browser.


Yeah well it’s all we fucking got


I barely played Utah and Omaha maps kinda mad about it


Yeah nah any map with a French sounding name sucks. Give me the motherland or fatherland annnnyyyy day of the week.


What's wrong with D day maps?? And why the sudden hype which is lost at maps


They are all basically the same, and they are overused already in normal rotations. I'll get 5 million Carentan games before I get Stalingrad once, it's annoying.


I've literally never played Stalingrad and I've owned the game since before they introduced Russians haha..ha.. 😭


Try and do different things if you keep getting the same maps. As in different play styles, different roles like tanking or recon (if you can get it). It's surprising how just playing a different role can make the map feel completely different! I know there's only so many times you can do that, before that becomes boring as well.


Repetitive, got boring


Honestly the only thing I can think of as to why they have kept it extended so long, is that they are working on the maps that have optimization issues while they are out of rotation. I’m all for it if that’s what’s going on. They mentioned a few weeks ago before the rotation that they added in some new crash tracking programs to help identify issues. So it’s logical to assume that they have some data and are taking this opportunity while Remagen and Stalingrad are out rotation to use that data to fix some stuff in preparation for the mid summer update.


You know, now that I think about it. I haven’t crashed at all when on the D-Day Maps. Even when it’s been 4 hours


I miss El Alamein at this point


I try not to complain about HLL but this map rotation is.. played out to say the least lol. Never thought I’d be praying for Kursk, Stalingrad and El A 😅 If I get Purple Heart Lane one more time I might uninstall.


Why the hell would they let this trash map rotation go on for this freaking long! The maps are all horrible over and over and over completely ruined game for me damn


/u/skirmishYT thinks everyone wants these nearly identical maps only, though.


The same maps all time. Why?


Play servers with vote map enabled.


https://discord.com/invite/505pir   Here is the link for the group I play with, we change the rotation every three weeks.we have a casual and competitive unit. We also play in user made events, like bunker busters, zombies, FNF and SNS. The comp team plays in APL and has a few roster spots left. 


Definitely my favorite map love running that beach with both teams doing their best


It's my favorite map. It's not going away, is it???


Why do people complain about it so much? I love it if I'm being honest


I hate any map that ends with beach


Maps rotate?


I don't know whaty'all are talking about I was playing Stalingrad, Driel and Kursk just the other day.


I wonder if they were using this time to try to fix the bugginess and lag friendly Russian maps.. and couldn’t fix them in time or created more issues in them, per usual.. and are leaving the goddam d day maps up


Maybe I'm weird but I like all maps. El Alamein is weirdest one however sometimes it fun however it's hard to play without good xommander


I know I am in the minority here, but I like hiding in the foggy dark woods of Hurtgen, quietly waiting to send you to the Happy Respawn Ground.


It’s the people that play this game that are the problem too many dumb fucks that don’t know what to do and don’t care to know what to do.


PC and pick your own battle zone ;)


Nice change of pace from the Russian maps


All though I’m tired of it, it’s better than the Russians ones


Why does this shit game let me connect to skirmishes but not large team games??