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The new team just took over in December. They're making incredible progress. Squad 44 is such a good game and there's no reason both HLL and Sq44 can't enjoy healthy playerbases. The fanbases should be supporting each other, not tearing each other down.


THIS EXACTLY I don't get why we have to fight. It's similar in a way to how DbD and TCM's communities interact. Why can't we all just enjoy games?


Well it’s not a fight for who’s better. It’s a fight for what game has enough players. I bought squad 44 and had to return it cause there was 1 full server and then 25 dead dead ones.


Because tribalism is human nature.


Hell Let Loose occupies an important niche, it has bridged the valley of death between non hardcore casual shooters like Cod / Fortnite and existing titles such as Squad and Post Scriptum (Squad44). Hell Let Loose eases players new to this kind of game with elegance and grace. It is difficult, yes, but the underlying mechanics are simple and easy to learn, which makes growing a playerbase easier, and helps prevent frustration and refunds from happening. This makes the transition to Squad and games like it less jarring for many people. Squad and Squad44 owe much of their existing playerbase to Hell Let Loose. It is a symbiotic relationship. Cod player ---> Hell Let Loose ----> Squad / Squad 44


I would argue that battlefield is a rage between COD and HLL. Personally, I upgraded to battlefield for years before dropping it to play HLL


I agree with everything but your conclusion of Squad's population owing HLL. Squad existed first and came from Project Reality. I would think most players either were familiar with that mod or Arma and already were invested in milsim / realism shooters. I really don't think that many "graduate" to Squad and Squad 44.


HLL to me fills the gap left by Red Orchestra. I still play both Squad and HLL depending on what I'm feeling.


Yeah, HLL feels like the spiritual successor to RO:Combined Arms and RO:Ostfront. It's like what RO2 or RO3 should have been if they were to expand on the scope of the series. Bigger maps, logistics, squads, etc but with that authentic feel and impactful weapon systems.


HLL doesn't come close to how RO2 weapons felt. They feel positively anemic compared to the true OOMPH that the RO2/Rising Storm weaponry had. I like HLL for what it's doing currently, but my spiritual successor for RO2 is '83 whenever it comes out and assuming it's not bad.


I agree with you completely but I’m OK with more bland weapons if I can get HLL’s overall scope and gameplay. 83 looks good but it doesn’t look like a big war game like HLL or PS. But yeah, RO’s weapon feel is still the gold standard.


'83 is targeting 100 players with combined arms. Should be neato. I find that if you don't find a good squad in Post Scriptum then your probably hooped, but in HLL the match can still be salvaged by a shitty SL that ONLY puts down OPs. That being said I also agree with your stance on HLL. I like the big combined arms games too, so HLL though a little bland for weaponry effects and "oomph" (as I put it in my last post), it's still one of the most accessible out there and I still do enjoy it. I also agree with your stance on RO2. RS2 was fun, but didn't have the same feel.


Oooh 100 players in 83? That is very nice to hear.


ARMA was the OG tho. Not Squad


I play them both (HLL and S44) and I agree, I did too the jump from Battlefield V -> HLL -> S44 and I'm glad I did it in this order. I am in Australia and having a tiny player base means that in the afternoon I play Squad 44 when US players are still active and in the evening I play HLL when there are 3/4 Australian active servers. I found my golden ratio and it's working well. They both overlap and manage to scratch similar itches with different flavouring, let's say.


You took the valley of death way out of context


I would definitely play squad44 as well if it was available on console, but I know they’re a PC game through and through and won’t ever come to console. Same with squad, one day when I can get a PC will be the day I get to play it


This would be sick, if people played the game. It’s completely dead. As of right now world wide there is literally 240 people playing. For comparison 5000 people are on HLL on steam rn.


Maybe this is them trying to change that lol


Far too late. The game is very old, it missed its window of popularity which was a LONG time ago


Who knows? Maybe this causes some interest and the community slowly grows. I havnt played in years and this is making me want to look at it at least.


I still hate the stamina drinking thing squad44. I always play a couple of matches when I can find a game and then back to HLL.


I could see it spiking for a month, but I don't see it surviving long-term. It's a great game IMO, but I don't see it working out unless there's a big shift in the core gameplay and accessibility to keep new/returning players around.


Fair enough, i dont know the core gameplay loop that well so i cant speak to that. I primarily play HLL. Im curious what, in your opinion, needs to be improved in the core gameplay loop?


RO2 has less than half of that, yet I can still find full servers Ofc that shouldnt be the standard, but its far from proper unplayable


Most people are at work in America right now lol. Judge playerbase in about six hours and it will be higher.


The peak over 48 hours was like 500 players. Double the amount of players, but still a tiny amount for around the world.


That's why they compared two game player bases at the same time on the same day....


Bear in mind it's also summer break for kids. I wonder what the age demographic breakdown for both games looks like.


Not enough to make up a 20x difference. lol


I’m excited that they are adding a bunch of different armor and vehicles. The problem is that they only allow three pieces of armor/crews on the field at a time. Perhaps that’s changing too, but if it is I haven’t read or heard about it yet. Best armor mechanics in WW2 gaming though. My original comment said “two crews” but that was incorrect. It’s three at any one time.


They should honestly combine this game with squad. Just like in PR, have both modern and historical theaters of war


Could make for some fun custom server match ups similar to BF2042's portal mode. Like modern *insert faction* vs WWII faction with extra health or damage or something to balance it out


I gave Squad 44 a try recently and had a really really good time. There were very few populated servers, but mine was mostly full and it was very fun. It's a very different experience than HLL, but worth trying for anyone who likes shooters with a WW2 setting.


Now all they have to do is bring it to Xbox for me!


Never gonna happen, consoles aren't capable of running these games. Your best bet would be a new console release that has hardware to would be able to run these type of games.


not capable of running these games ? i guess ur excluding hll lol


The Squad team has already officially stated this before, they aren't capable of running it. Hence they their decision to not engage in a console version. Just take a look at the frontpage of this subreddit on any given day, not a day goes by without ''I can't finish a single match without crashing'' posts from the console crowd. I mean sure you can probably launch the game, but it runs **far** from optimal. HLL only got a console version because The microsoft offer was a extremely lucrative offer for a small indi studio. They got a nice bag from Microsoft, whether it runs was not a concern.


runs fucking perfect for me mate and im on xbox, can count on a single hand how many times it crashed in a year


Don’t crush my dreams!


I have the game and to be honest it’s freaking dead. I’m glad they’re pumping money into, but I don’t think they’re going to ever have a decent game pop.


Unfortunately they picked up a dead game and have to bring it back. I don’t know how but I hope they do




https://imgur.com/a/nAtKuLO It’s kinda sad.


Do you have a time to teach a noob how to play hahaha. I wanna get into HLL but this game looks good too


There are a lot of guides on YouTube. I like Monoespacial. One of the best things you can do is hop into a squad and choose a role. Anytime I’ve got a new guy I will answer any question they have because people have done that for me.


THIS is something the 101st airborne DLC trailer for HLL should’ve looked like. Super cinematic, I got classic 2000s games cutscene trailer vibes from it


HLL infantry gameplay > Squad44s Yeah the armor stuff is great and all but 90% of people will be infantry.


I really do not like these hollywood style trailers. They might be full of action but the strategies displayed do not match the gameplay very often and lead to an influx of people who fell for the misinformation. Personally, I would wish for trailers that are more true to the gameplay. They do not need to cut out the action as there is already plenty to be found when actually taking a look at what is happening ingame.


They 100% suck, and every game does them. Bring back the “Battlefield Moments” style stuff where I see cool shit happening in real gameplay.


The battlefield moments were great to watch tbh but for a trailer that would already be a bit over the top if o you ask me as it somehow "sucks" when companies try to do them as they are then forced and not random at all. It would have been absolutely sufficient to move the camera along both sides of the trenches and show them fight instead of people rushing over an open field with tanks that have a way larger range and would actually not move a single meter to kill the other side. I know that cinema likes to "crunch" these things because of the visibility but I really do not get why it must be like this when you try to promote your somewhat "historical" tactical shooter.


Is that a question?


Ok bad ass trailer


I’m gonna give it a go


I wish HLL had developers who would create good content. But reality is cruel. Healthy envy.


Since I can't buy it twice I'm going to give away some keys when this comes out. 


lol what an boring (guess by AI created) trailer. this remembers me of the totally devastating HLL update 15 trailer from Team17. NEVER FORGET, NEVER FORGIVE.


Never forget. 


Although I have this game, I just cannot make myself play it. The graphics are bad. I'll stick with HLL.


They actually did a graphics overhaul


I might check it out again. Thanks!


How recent? As of 4 months ago it looked bad


This new graphics overhaul is about a month ago.


I’ll download it again but I’m not holding my breath.


Call me crazy but I always thought the graphics in Post Scriptum/Squad 44 were head and shoulders above HLL. Especially the player models and lighting.


From the looks of it, the graphics aren't great up close but hold up at further distances? HLL tends to look amazing up close but has PlayStation 1 graphics when looking over 400m. Anyone confirm that?


I think their main issue is that they don't have any players, their core gameplay isn't appealing to the masses and enticing people to play it. Do they have any plans on changing its core gameplay at some point? or do the changes remain limited to just graphical updates & some extra content? 250 players is enough to fill up a server for sure, but i wouldn't be suprised if people get bored of playing against the same names over and over and over again, people tend to play the same so its bound to create a lack of variety in gameplay style.


This game man.... I was so keen on playing it since I played a LOT of Red Orchestra 2. But its unplayable on game pass, cant connect to servers and if I pass that and actually go find a lobby I cant connect or join anyone. Such a bummer


They should do what arma reforger is doing and trying to incorporate AI. People need to implement it more in video games itsnthe future.


Can't wait to try it out! Love both these games and if you like HLL I recommend trying out Squad44!


The way they get more players is a console port and a free weekend/gamepass to generate interest


This is what a trailer supposed to be like.


Thanks for letting us know, i guess?


If only the game wasn’t dead


If only every person that spouted that shit would actually hop in a server and play.....


wow a vehicle for every player currently active


Dawg why you posting squad on a hell let loose sub?


Nice Post Scriptum propaganda but I would stick with HLL.


Squad 44 is Post Scriptum it’s HLL’s rival


Just bought the game this morning, finally downloaded Went in an inspected the weapons and mechanincs, tried to join a server, but after a 20min workshop donload + queue, I coulsnt join bc the server switched versions, had to download 20gigs again 😂😂


I don't understand. Why is this content on this subreddit?


They should put it into gamepass. HLL is there as well. Could help with the population


Wish I could play it, but its PC only. I hate that exclusives are so common now


There are no full servers in Germany. This game is obviously not played enough!


i would love for this to be on playstation and xbox but it probably wont😭


The Pacific was announced too!


600 players in the last 24 hours. The game is dead.


That’s a CGI trailer with a Tiger I and a snow map; wow it’s not like I’ve not seen those dozens of times on Foy, next


Two unoptimized WW2 games competing against each other leaves a clear gap in the market


T17 will add new DLC uniform so get out. We’re better off


Squad 44 has all of the worst aspects of Squad. I prefer HLL for it's simplicity and it runs better on my PC.


Weirdly HLL looks three times better than postscript while being more performance optimized.


Sound design is way better though.


The audio is incredibly well done 👍


True 👍🏼 Tanking is better in 44 too.


Squad 44 is not Hell Let Loose. What this shit post is doing here?


“Look at how better these devs are”


I would buy it but honestly I'm afraid they'd do to Squad 44 what they did to Squad in the Infantry Overhaul. I am not excited to play a suppression simulator, where bullets don't go where you aim based on bloom. It's an FPS for fuck's sake.


Don't buy it right now, it is a dead game. Maybe 1-2 full servers max.


What sense does that make? If the issue is it needs more players you say don't buy right now? The solution IS to buy now during the sale so that we fill the servers.


Don’t listen to him, usually on the weekends there’s 1-3 full servers for EU/US. Weekdays though can be very hit or miss, mostly misses in my experience


Which is exactly what he said. It’s dead.


No it’s not lol. RO2 is an actually dead game, Beyond The Wire is a dead game, Squad 44 consistently has matches during peak hours. I played it last Saturday and will probably play it this Saturday. It doesn’t really bother me if I can’t find a match at 2pm on a Tuesday, since I have a job anyways…


Most people would consider 200-300 players a dead game. That doesn’t mean the game is any less fun; but face reality. You also just proved my point. Non-dead games you can find matches at any point of the day; reason being 2pm wherever you are is peak time somewhere else. You seem to confuse it being a dead game with the fun it can provide; which is not the case. As for your comment about a job, did you want a pat on the back? Congrats for having a job buddy 😂 welcome to life.


If you say so. I think “most people” consider a dead game a dead game. If I can play the game multiple times a week on full servers it’s not dead. Regardless, 2-300 is average. Peak each month is around 800, sometimes eclipsing 1000. Far from dead, objectively. Beyond the wire averages 2.7 players. THATS a dead game. Don’t really see how it’s even a discussion lmao. As for my job comment, the point was obvious.


To not a knowledge the fact the game is dying or already dead is wild. The best chance the game had for a revival is when they announced new developers/changed the name; which saw a big influx of new players. That chance is now gone unless they do a massive advertising campaign; which they have yet to even hint at doing; along with a massive update. Case in point: digital paintball 2, black ops 2, etc. These games you can play a few times a week but everyone considers them dead. What is commonly agreed scenarios for a game: Scenario for dying game: Player base down a massive % compared to previous years, or a significant amount compared to launch year. Updates don’t bring in new players or bring back **active** players that remain for a month or longer. Scenario for dead game: Total **active** player count can barely fill a couple servers during “peak” hours, and often not a single full server during “off” hours. As for the job: again, congrats here’s a cookie. Should I get one too because I also have a job? No. Yes the point was obvious but it was also a mute point. It offered no meaningful relevance to the discussion.😂 Why? Well, that point is obvious… It is location dependent. Anyway, look. I enjoy the game. It’s fun. But at some point you have to be realistic. If the only way you can play the game is for a few hours in evening due to player counts, the game is effectively dead. Having a playable uptime of 10% a week does not make a game alive. I do hope they advertise the game and can revive it, or a new competitor comes along.


bruh why would you spend 30 bucks on a game that max player base is 100 people, stutters constantly and graphically subpar to HLL and squad. haha never mind, yall go waste your money on this game it makes no difference to me.


I’ve been playing both since launch and PS has always looked better than HLL imo


Agreed... I could never get over HLL cartoony proportions and big hands. But I do like some of the HLL maps like Omaha. Both games have different advantages.


I think they each do better in different areas. I recall the explosions being incredible in PS but HLL terrain looking better, even with HLL's insane pop-in


Seems you are not informed. Player base is larger than that,, they recently did graphics overhaul, fixed performance, and Pacific theater coming in a few months. The new devs have changed everything.


not informed lol you can go on steam and check the peak player count daily. Do you need a link to steam charts? lol yall are just defending a game blindly for some reason. It is not a bad game, but asking 30 dollars for a game with a couple hundred players and it is a multiplayer only game is a little steep for the average person. Oh, and people still have issues running the game smoothly.


That 400 players per day must be in shock