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Your post/comment was removed because it was found in violation of the community's rules and guidelines: • Posts attacking/harassing/flaming individuals or HLL Communities will be removed. • Posts that share toxic behavior in-game or in private messages will be removed. • If you have a problem with a player/community, you will handle it alone and privately like an adult. Please try to follow these rules and guidelines more carefully in future posts and comments. Thank you!


Better than me at a game? Believe it or not, straight to ban.


“You get a really sick flank and kill us all? Straight to a ban”


“Your grenade doesn’t glitch?” That’s gonna be a straight to ban


Grenade does glitch? Also a ban


Overshoot on arty, undershoot on arty. Believe it or not ban


Ban if you overthrow a smoke. Ban if you UNDERthrow a frag. You see how that works? Over under.


You speak to much? Ban. To little? Believe it or not…. Ban


I feel like I'm playing battlefield 4 servers now lol


I miss the hate messages... I feel like they were on BF4 more then any others


Switch switch BOOM!


Right to jail, right away


we have the best admins


I would avoid using a keyboard or mouse to push objectives. Also controllers try to avoid. You also shouldn’t be using a pc or a console, otherwise you might get banned. Good luck!


You think .. stop breathing would help me to never be banned at all?


Just don’t get the game. Safest way is to just watch gameplay on YouTube




Shit you not, satcheled an airhead as it landed like that one video, killed 75% of the enemy team, got banned for an hour.


I mean, you have to stay off the shit one-man 'I know its a mechanic but I dont like it' servers.


Im down to argue if its spawn camping or not again. Banning me tells me one of two things. 1 I shouldn't play your server. 2 I really really should play your server to pwn some noobs


While I hate spawncamping, its arguably better than just destroying tha airhead. Because with probably the big chunk of the enemy team waiting out a 40 sec timer, spawning, dying, 10 sec timer and then an other possibly 40 sec timer, they are out of the game for a pretty long time, in which we can reorganize the defense, or push to the other objective


The only time im against it is HQ camping but artillery placement can make that tough


I agree, I certainly haven't played on that server since that.


Well hey, nice play.


Must have shot a fragile admin. What server?


(16th IR) Realism unit. | US East | 16thir.org


Oh god…that server. Yeah they are on my ‘avoid like the rona’ list. I have never heard the word “f*ggot” more in one place in my life.


Ya I was on that server once and there was a dude that was just spamming what I believe to be a soundboard over and over that just repeated the N-word and other vulgar crap over VoIP and Team killing. It took us over an hour to get enough votes to remove the person as we were always 1 or 2 short. At the time I didn't think there was an admin on but it was pointed out to me after I was telling people to ping an admin that at least 1 admin was in the game and was doing nothing about the situation. Although it was the only time, I had an issue like that before on that server it makes it harder to pick that server knowing they would let something like that go on so I always look for different servers first and it falls to one of my last options.


Same team that allowed a guy who was racist (specifically against Spanish speaking nations) to continue being in their community


Who was that?


Oh I can't remember. It was a while ago. Cpl Mitchell maybe?


Holy based


What the hell is a figgot?


Jesus hates figs.


I've been kicked from that server before for telling the commander to stop dropping bombing runs on friendlies (happened twice in a row) after he decided to pull rank (attempt to invalidate my criticism by pointing to the number next to his name as if it means anything because it's higher than mine) and act like I just 'didn't have the experience needed' to understand the value in bombing runs that kill 2 enemies and 15 friendlies. ​ So it got added to my blacklist, which is quite long sadly. This game has a lot of wack servers.


Yup it's the realism servers that get a little dicey. Same with this other server, can't think of the name, but they pretty much allow HQ camping with vehicles. The admin just goes "if you don't like it you don't have to play". Which is true, there's hundreds of servers now, but I mean it's got to at least be fair.


Like this isn't realism lol, if everyone's being an absolute fool (which in this video, more than ten people are) you CAN just walk into their lines lmao. What a bunch of nerds.


I mean the map is Foy, the front lines in the forests surrounding it were porous as all heck.


BoB even has a German taking a piss in American lines at Bastogne, I mean. Yes. "Our lines are so porous we got Germans walking through it to take a piss" or something, is a line in BoB, lmao. This is just a dumbass admin who is big mad that his team is getting pushed by a single dude with a grease, lmao.


Admin prolly spectated him "YEAH HE'S WALLING FOR SURE" because he missed the part where he walked in between a bunch of people with AMAZING trigger discipline and dismantled the garrison.


I wanted to shoot so bad hahaha. But I figured being sneaky was my best choice. Most people who spawn in don't look around.


"imma just let these nerds be for a sitch, kinda busy"


I know where I’m going to go wreck faces at tomorrow. Thanks


>Realism Well there's your problem. It's not realistic for one soldier to single handedly take an objective so you doing that's abuse! /s


Admins never heard of Leo Major.


Medal of Honor? That's just a game franchise, right?


Thanks for the name drop so I know to avoid


one of the worst


Thanks - You go to the „don’t join“ list!


Few of them are proper wronguns, was in there for a few months


Yeah that server is by far the most abusive there is. If that sever has opening and nothing else does I just won’t play.




Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit, you run an incredibly toxic, shithole server and anyone who has played on it knows. ​ Damage control doesn't look good on anyone, how about you just do better?


Who is being harassed?


They're saying that accusing people of racism and other shit about the server is harassment lol Just bad mods defending their bad server, nothing out of the ordinary


Post a video or pics of this racism. Pretty shitty to slander an entire server as racist and bigoted without any proof but your word.


It's only slander if it's untrue, regardless of the existence of evidence.


It could be true, however there’s no proof. This clip doesn’t show anything


A bunch of people all agreeing is pretty good evidence. If my ping is good enough, I'll play on the server and see if I can provide you more


Scroll up and down the thread to read the many first person accounts of this terrible server lol Edit: server mods in here likes its a Fucking murder trial lol


Yea all just words with nothing to back it up. Don’t play the server, but when theirs no evidence, I don’t believe you or anyone else until you have some proof. Also just to clarify, I’ve never played their server, and I don’t moderate any of their servers


Stop defending one of the shittiest servers on HLL please, and stop acting like 99% of people are screenshotting or recording every racist incident they see in a video game. ​ You're not a hero, you're a shill.


Stop slandering a server with no proof but your word. What I’m doing is not heroic, you twat, it’s what normal people do when someone is called racist/bigot and there’s nothing to back it up but your stories


Don't believe it then and move on.


That was petty


~~Game:~~ admin: *you’re doing too good, here take a break* Edit: didnt know it was the admin, im used to console lol, just thought the game detected something unusual and banned


Game? Are you drunk? That was an admin decision.


Not that I know of, i’m not familiar on how servers work on pc, I play on console!


Babies have better awareness than these people defending the point


I thought my awareness was bad but I'd at least have missed a few shots at OP before being gunned down like a legless horse


Seriously, the second I exist I feel like I have a giant red arrow over my head.


*Babies have better* *Awareness than these people* *Defending the point* \- AuxNimbus --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Well, you did pretty much abused that team


Ok that got me lmao


Mate you didn’t just abuse them, you jammed a sriracha coated pineapple with grenade inside it up their arse, pulled the pin and fucked them harder than concrete


Seal clubbing dude, you clubbed so many seal pups that game. Lol


Just murdered the whole team. You embarrassed them it seems lol. Good job


Someone's salty 😏


you got banned for what exactly??? cause you did nothing wrong, simply playing the game... cause the way I see this game, you get rolled until you don't, would just tell them to get better, idk, shits wild, come play on the GOF server, we dont bitch about people fragging out


Idk it wasn't right. I was really enjoying playing with that team


This is the entire reason I stopped playing HLL, I was kicked from 3 servers in one night for doing similar things to what you did in the video. Admins are toxic af and it doesn't seem to matter which server I'm on.


They propably damaged the fragile ego of an admin by killing him




It's funny, it's pretty obvious that admin was butthurt, because the player never put them on blast, merely posted the video and the commenters put it on blast. Maybe THEY should fact check, eh?


Lmao what, if you look at the end of the video you can clearly see it says "Banned for one hour by vote" that means he was vote kicked by players, nothing to do with a server admin.


And once again, you people fail to read. I literally talked about how the player did not blast the server, but these admins are claiming the player did. Reading the admin's reply up there, and now yours and how it's getting upvoted, means reading comprehension is not a strong suit around here. Let me dumb it down in a step by step for you: Player posts video Player just says dunno why he was banned Admin reply. Their reply says player is blasting them Never did player blast them Admin claims player should fact check Insert me I claim admin should learn to fact check, as it was not the player blasting them Fin. Hope that clears up any miscommunications on your side.


Yeah I didn't start a which hunt on a specific admin. Just posted a video of getting kicked for no reason. Which they don't tell me why I was banned besides saying a vote kick was started. Them answering here answered zero questions lol


I have a feeling those butt-hurt admins are now the ones storming in here to down vote due to their ineptitude at reading comprehension. All I can do is say sorry bud.


Lol probably. It is just annoying idk why they banned me even if it's for an hour. If I was cheating being racist or an asshole I'd understand. But it was out of the blue.


Were you previously abusive?


I mean I convinced my teammate to switch engineer and build nodes. Then I switched with him to build my nodes. Then switch to Antitank to build an AT gun since the other guys were too low level. And that sums up my game. Never once typed in text chat. And only talked to my awesome teammates who I'm super sad I lost that squad.


Is what it is I guess. Sorry mate.


RIP brave soldier, there will be more


That's just regular stuff, it's a bit of meta gaming which I can always appreciate.


Maybe I miss understand things here. Many seem to blame the admins. Wasn't it a vote kick. That seems to be what the text sais or am I wrong?


If it was vote kick I would have seen the vote for me in the top. I was kicked by an admin not a vote


You can't see votes against you. It is always lovely when a squadmate tells you that someone has started a vote so shout out to your guys for not letting you know.


May be they took it out. But I remember playing commander and having votes against me I could see. But that was a while ago. And if that vote came up they would have told me.


That's happened to me before too... Joined a french server, went full Rambo, captured a point single handed, got banned cos I wasn't french. Defuuuuuuq.


I'm always afraid that will happen when I play on non English servers. Most of the time I join a server based on ping. And they ends me up in this like German only hahaha. So I cant say shit in fear of ban. But I leave soon after since I can talk. But I get surprised hearing so many people know English as a second language. I'll get guys come in saying we know you speak English we can help you lol. Best servers.


Guy got more kills than my lifetime total lol


Got to write up a Medal of Honor citation for this one


Just banned for having a "racist" term in my name and Admin threatens to ban me. But in chat they are harassing me while I can doing my job as a Squad Lead. Their Admins are just power tripping manchildren.


What server is this? So we can shit on it 😂


*This.* Can someone please answer this question?


This should be flaired NSFL


I'm sorry the what


So you get banned for handing out naps? That’s sad man. You must’ve put that guy to sleep.


Look at all those little guys, all tuckered out.


https://youtu.be/1byycwl8qgc Shhhh they're just sleeping!


Glad someone else got it.


The best Batman


Nice push man! Fck that server!


Being banned makes the video even better bro. Like hackusation level of dope. Gg.


Lol I was so confused. Didn't think I did that good


[When you dumpster an enemy team by yourself and get butthurt banned](https://giphy.com/clips/hamlet-beer-cheers-cheat-day-zodZ5vResShXqtg9CT)


Hahaha I love it


Nice work OP, that was some awesome shooting!! Not entirely sure why they banned you though, sore losers I guess...


I'll never know. May be I redeployed too many times? I was switching classes like crazy to help low levels who didn't have things like the AT gun.


>I was switching classes like crazy to help low levels who didn't have things like the AT gun. ![gif](giphy|fSAyceY3BCgtiQGnJs) By the way which server was it?


Pretty sure you got banned for reloading too much.


Came to say this, was excpecting them to run out of ammo by the end


Lol game doesn't have individual magazines so I'm always ready!


Wait, it doesn't? I always assumed it did.


It's a bullet count like cod except they count full magazines. So let's say you have a garand and 16 rounds it'd say 2 magazines but if you fired one round and reloaded it'd say 1 magazine even though you have one magazine plus 7 bullets.




Game only has the image of realism. It's hardcore battlefield with bigger maps and simpler gun mechanics.


Don’t fret man, some servers are run by douches. One of ‘em got frustrated and acted like a child by banning you. Wish I knew what server you were on so I could avoid it


Gotta join garrybusters server, this is how we play the game 90% of the time. Good job doing that shit with a greasegun too!


Grease gun is best gun lol. I love that thing.


Server admins have lil PP energy. OP has big PP energy


What server is this? Need to know so I don't play on it lol


I see the point of the abuse. You literally rekt them lol. ![gif](giphy|zgzzwU2GSOW08|downsized)


\`\`\`\`\`\*finns let loose´´´\*´\`\` server will ban you pretty much for nothing while the main admins are toxic af and telling your ban is because you were toxic...never have i seen such unnecessary rules and draconian rulers in any server lol


A played on their server plenty of times and they were always chill, never had an issue.


I've played on their servers for 100s of hours and never had a problem. But I don't really act like a dick so.... The main people I see get banned are racists, homophobes, deliberate teamkillers or cheaters. I frequently check their ban appeals (it's good for a laugh) to see what immature shit people have done to get banned. If you DM me your Discord name / SteamId I'd love to look at your ban appeal :)


played almost 300 hours in there...im kinda bummed still ( even stopped playing this game after that situation ) ...and im no racist or homophobe ...i can dm you my account name and then you have to come here and tell me if you really think i deserved a permanent ban okay ?


Then post a video like OP did to call them out properly.


Lol weak ban


I agree. I couldn't have cared about the ban but I loved that squad. Literally ruined my fun by ripping me from that squad and game. On top of that my XP.


Why would playing skillfully gain a ban? Makes no sense.


Only reasons I can think of: - the server was under seeding rules, so no pushing past mid. The game looks to be almost over, perhaps OP got bored and just started running in. - badmins (a possibility for sure, but just for what we see in this clip? A ban makes no sense.) - there is more to the story that OP conveniently left out.


Idk what I would have left out. I did have a confrontation with a engineer earlier in the game. I ran out to a supply truck parked in the middle of nowhere. I jumped in and drove off to bring supplies for a Garry. Friendly engineer ran up didn't say anything and killed me. I got mad asking what the hell man? No answer. He took my truck I got so I killed him and took it back. I died shortly after from enemy pushing spawn so the truck was useless anyway. Truck had been there for over 20 mins. So out of anything that game. That would have been a factor. But that was so early in the match. Why would I get banned for that so long after that fact when he team killed first for no reason. He didn't give me a reason till a few mins later saying it was for nodes. When they had not touched that truck in 2 points. If I could I'd give you the whole gameplay footage. Besides switching classes to build my own nodes with a friendly and build an AT gun since our. AT was too low level. That's basically a full recap up to the gun fight. May be the whole truck incident didn't help. But not enough for a full scale ban that long after the fact. The people posting a response from the server still don't give a reason to my ban. Only it was voted kicked in 15 seconds which is seriously quick if you've played hell let loose. Most of the time vote kicks don't go through. And I didn't see a vote kick. I don't have that shut off and my squad didn't see a vote kick option.


This is pretty similar to my experience with the game. Thought it would be more like Squad regarding templay, but have yet to find good servers on EU. Even ones with queues have mute SLs, no commanders, few people playing objective and only few people communicating. Teamplay is mostly just locked squads from clans who do their own thing and if you lead you get the one guy who spams every reloas and shot to the squad chat, but rest are silent. If this is not common on some servers and anyone got recommendations for good EU servers I'd appreciate them.


> Even ones with queues have mute SLs, no commanders, few people playing objective and only few people communicating. This is why I don't play that often. This game is amazing but it's such a risk as to whether I will have a good time or not. Most of the time I opt to play a game where I'm guaranteed to enjoy it.




Not gonna lie. I was waiting for you to do all that work only to get lit up by friendly artillery in the end. Nicely done. Sorry about the ban


Yeah I have PTSD from friendly artillery lol


Name and shame! Nicely done. They were probably mad you did it with a grease gun like a fucking boss.


Grease gun best gun lol


You took out an admins garrison and he got butt hurt.


That means you killed a MOD and they threw a temper tantrum. Blacklist that server and never look back.


Sick play and sorry for you!


If I try this I die within seconds


Yah. Can't do this on PC, you'd be dead the moment your head pops out of the trench at Southern.


Serves you right for abusing their lack of awareness!


That sure was abuse of their assholes


The moderator that banned should be removed as a moderator. If that was the actual server admin, then this server deserves a boycott. 'mUsT bE h4x' admins are some of the worst, alongside the 'abuse admin cheats' admins.




'Admin ban- abuse' I call bs. You realise how hard votekicks are even when the person is trolling? And you're trying blame it that... Pretty easy to copy, paste and edit a few logs, but that server message is different from if you get votekicked


Good reason not to buy it.


well, fuck 'em, they lost the point


Damn, were you playing against a school for the blind? If it were me with that garri spawn I would've been spotted instantly.


was this game last night and the american team could push past Bizory-Foy no matter how hard they tried. cuz if so hi was an honor


As much as you run the risk of running into more cheaters than usual or people who don't give a fuck about playing the game properly on Official Servers, I try to do my best to stick to them after several incidents of getting kicked from or temporarily banned from community servers that are run by cliqued up, salty children.. which is a shockingly high number of them.


What server is this so I can go fuck with them.


You abused them alright. What server was this so we can boycott it?


What server so I can avoid this


Why the guys I play with started a server. It's going live Sunday and no BS like this.


which server was that? so i can avoid playing there.


Badmins gonna badmin. It's not a real HLL day if you don't get banned at least once. (usually I get it for killing arty)


What server was this? I'll be sure to avoid it.


I’m a pc fan but I just can’t see playing this game on a pc. Every weapon seems to be a laser. Besides that, this is the type of thing that has been going on since Mohaa. Admins become gods


Console has aim assist and you claim PC has laser guns? Get out lmfao. ​ This is also a clip using the M3 Grease Gun, which alongside the MP40 is the most controllable automatic in the game because, well, it's THAT controllable IRL as well. PC is where you have no aim assist and nothing but your own skill to land shots, console is where something slows your aim down and drags it onto target FOR YOU. ​ Now go think about what you said.


Nice clip dude , you should check out the real rambo here on his channel CPT KING RAMBO !!


Got banned for abusing the enemy team by womping them like a bunch of bots, which is against the Geneva convention.


This game puts way too much control into the hands of the petty admins. I’ve seen this a few times now.


Hello All, Head MP (admin) of the 16TH IR here. We have been looking at this thread and can confirm (with proof) that this was not an Admin action ban. We have full logs of everything that goes on in our server (Chat logs, vote logs, server changes, admin actions etc). The OP was vote kicked from the server by a player (lunkersgaming). I refer to the snippet of the RCON log here from our server: Sat 26th Feb 03:18:18 VOTE COMPLETED Vote Kick {Jonnyyrage} successfully passed. \[For: 20/20 - Against: 6\] Jonnyyrage Screenshot here showing the full log: [https://imgur.com/a/AV4xKiu](https://imgur.com/a/AV4xKiu) Higher res screenshot: [https://ibb.co/9HZqz1H](https://ibb.co/9HZqz1H) We have a strict set of standards that we maintain in regards to our mod team on our server and we do not tolerate admin abuse from any of our mods just to clear that up. Any action that is taken by an admin is always cross checked with Senior leadership of the 16TH IR. If players on our server ever have an issue, we encourage players to log a ticket via our discord to raise the [issue.](https://issue.In) In this case, the OP has instead decided to put the server on blast rather than check their facts. Obviously, the OP has taken this out on our admin team when it was not an admin action but that of an individual on our server abusing the vote kick system and getting a player vote kicked for reasons unknown at present. In regards to the fact the player "didn't see the vote kick". It is possible to auto-hide this in your settings. Any questions, please feel free to leave a comment but I can confirm this was not an admin action. Warm Regards,




Why wtf?


From what I can read below it was a vote kick - they posted their server logs on it.


Supposed log. I played earlier and I could see vote kicks.doesnt state a reason for the vote kick or anything.


I would have been more suspicious but watching the video first and than reading what the logs they gave say (After reading a ton of other comments some related to Finnish servers?) .. I am inclined to believe that was nothing more than a vote kick as at .. its around 2:20 in the video "banned for one hour by vote! the reason is abuse!" \*Shrug\* im not super involved either way just saw the post so read and replied lol.