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I think the only solution is a risky one but can you sit there and turn the engine on and off or just wiggle the bow fun back and forth, I agree it's annoying but I've also seen single guys get in tanks and just sit in them at HQ for an entire march "waiting for their mates to join".


Could you not just shift gears up and down every few minutes to reset the idle timer?


surely you can just open the map every now and then? which you should do anyway to get a bigger picture of the current situation


How anyone plays this game without checking the map every 15-20 seconds is beyond me. Am I a data nerd for needing constant updates?


The amount of times I drive into a ditch coz I'm checking the map is embarrassing 🤣


Getting stuck because you're trying to navigate the fresh hell of the map is the worst. However, I learned the other day that if you do get stuck and there is another vehicle around, just ram it. I don't know why that never occurred to me before.


just moving the mouse would be enough


It isn't, you need to hit keys.


Hit capslock. Hit shift, there are lots of ways to not get kicked.


Are you sure they are on PC?


I'm lvl 10 tanker, been playing 3 yrs never been idle kicked in a tank on pc


Hear me out. Driver of a tank with a gunner is immune to timeout.


What if Driver goes AFK for 20 minutes + and one of the few vehicles are stuck away from action?


Maybe german side on Remagen ?


This makes sense to me


Idk what the context is… But there have been times I’ve seen tankers kicked for abuse when they don’t move anywhere near friendly infantry to help push or defend a point. I don’t support kicking a player for not doing so, but it is incredibly frustrating when the tank can be the difference maker and they stay back too far to do anything effective. Not accusing you of that either. But it’s something to think about as a tanker.


I get what you mean, but most of the times as a tanker you need to play it safe, that thing takes 10 min to get there and costs resources. Its not like you can respawn for free from any garrison. Depends on the map and the team you're playing with too, if its Kursk you mostly dont need to move much to provide cover, if its something like Purple Heart its mostly finding the angles through the terrain and you can get stuck easily unless you move around some limited zones and if its any of the forest or urban maps you depend on infantry to mass around an area you can reach to cover you.


The situations I’m talking about are ones where you need a combined arms push. Situations where you need to be prepared to have the tank blown up in order to hold / cap a point. The tank and fuel are worthless in a loss. Sometimes they don’t even need to yeet themselves onto the point, but simply push up with infantry to be more oppressive. The drivers coaxial is incredibly strong. You should be running out of ammo in it before you run out of shells - on most maps, that is. If you’re hanging 400m back from a stalemate, you’re doing it wrong.


Oh yeah I get it, maps like Foy needs a crew willing to take the hits so you can get the infantry across those fields. It's just that you need to be methodical about it you nees to get that fire superiority, if you know there's a tank or AT guns around you need to deal with that stuff first, or if there's a lot of infantry in an area you can't just push it unless you got a heavy with infantry or another tank with you.


100% agree play it methodically. I’m just giving a reason for getting kicked for being stationary in a tank. 9/10 they think they’re helping but don’t know any better lol


I think this is why some crews refusing anything but a heavy is the wrong move. Sometimes you need a tank down in the pit with the infantry and it can be a game changer. Medium tanks are just as deadly to infantry and they spawn for free. The only situation they can't deal with that a heavy can is being face to face with an enemy heavy. A friendly heavy sitting 300 meters away shelling the point (especially on offensive) really isn't doing much besides denying enemy tanks which does have some value. Sometimes you just need to close your eyes and drive into the enemy in 4th gear guns blazing and taking all their OPs with you. If both teams are in a deadlock, close support from a medium can make all the difference.


Theres no reason to spawn a medium as the commander, for the Germans maybe, but both the US and USSR medium and lights can get taken out from the front by the panzershrek and if youre pushing the strongpoint its probable the enemy has a couple of those around. The mediums are better served as long range support if at all since the lights can do it way better with their fire rate. The lights and heavies are better suited to almost every task. What is a good strategy is trying to have all the free tanks in combat even if your just soloing it.


They dont give you much time to sneek off for bong or even a cup of tea. Needs an extra couple mins I reckon


I love how there seems to be a small acknowledged stoner subculture in this game?? lmao I know I'm smokn up when I play


There definitely is for me and my friends. We always scramble to pack our bowls and get drinks between games. Playing that game really stoned is intense and fun as hell


Historically accurate for the German team.


historically accurate in some way for both teams isn't it?? Either way I just pretend I'm tokin down a wartime luckystrike


I love having a smoke and playing games, but high when on HLL?! I am bloody useless😂 I stay sobre for war 80% time


You sat there for 10-15 minutes without a single keystroke? What did ya think was gonna happen? Lol




It's set by server admin so it depends. Occasionally I'll go walk my dog rq and come back without being booted def more than 5 minutes.


I swear I’ve sat in game for 10 mins without touching the keyboard literally afk and not got kicked, but also if you’re driving a tank you should be moving just a little bit every so often so you can get pinpointed by a precision strike. I’m lv9 tank command and I’ve never been kicked while driving, which is what I mainly do.




This could be it, I’ve also been kicked after being afk for roughly 5 mins but that was full afk, not sitting in a tank or anything


I once got kicked for being idle when I was bleeding out and waiting for friends to heal me. Equally ridiculous and infuriating after 60+ minutes gaming


Bruh you gotta at least wiggle the controller if you're gonna kill farm.


I've never had this issue and i've played this game a lot lol...


That's boring, as a driver to just park the tank. If I'm driving we are moving, you better be good at shooting while on the move.


I dont imagine you do very well...


That's the idea anyway, still learning to drive.


If I know I'm going to be away for a few minutes, I alt-tab over and start my mouse-jiggler app I got from the windows app store. These things are made to keep your computer from going into screen saver. It keeps me from being kicked every time, so I know you don't need to hit keys. It's not much to notice even when I leave it running while I'm playing.


Except HLL only monitors keyboard input for anti-idle...


I guess I'm telling you that this can't be true because this mouse jiggler keeps me from getting kicked. It's the only reason I got and use the app, and I wouldn't keep it around if it didn't work. I've sat through entire matches when I got pulled away for something. Or perhaps it gives some sort of keyboard input also somehow?


Just start typing in chat and backspace it.


Bow and Arrow. Yes. Everytime.


Honestly, I don’t know how you could sit there long enough to be deemed AFK. Even at the very least you should be scanning for any threats that your gunner may not be able to see or engage quickly. It’s very easy as a gunner to get tunnel vision so having an extra set of eyes, especially if there’s no commander in the vehicle, can be the difference between life and death


I know I've played on servers to help seed and some people don't get kicked for being idle... for like the entire game... any tips on how to do this? I'd love to help get servers off the ground but I'd also like to walk away for 20 min or so every now and again.


Lol this still happens. I just googled this to find out what the hell happened. I was kicked for being idle in a tank