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Joel is the game master that works for arrowhead studios. Supposedly he controls our game whether it be the major minor orders. Or him waking up in the middle of the night to give the enemy reinforcements


After the last patch, seems like one dumbass shouldn't be making decisions that affect a whole published game. This isn't a fucking 8 friend DnD session.


It slightly balanced out the game. The game is meant for all of us to have fun. It got so bad people were being kicked for not running or having certain items. Kinda shit don't ya think. He's just trying to keep it balanced so everyone can enjoy the game and you have to build some skill as you go. To be salty over a few weapons getting balanced out seems kinda childish.


People who cry about OP weapons being balanced are so stupid. If a certain load out is considered the best one in the game, that doesn’t make it a meta, it makes it a crutch. If you can’t play the game well without your crutch, then that’s just called skill issue. Real skill is being able to play the game well, load out meta be damned.


>People who cry about OP weapons being balanced are so stupid. If a certain load out is considered the best one in the game, that doesn’t make it a meta, it makes it a crutch. People were upset that instead of bringing the other weapons up to par with the current meta ones, they nerfed the meta ones. If people are only using a few weapons out of the dozen or so that you are giving them, that means the other weapons just aren't viable enough to deal with the game's content. Making the actual good weapons less viable isn't making things better and is a bad way to balance imo. Try and understand the arguments people are making before you talk about them.


I do understand the arguments people are making. The other weapons really aren’t that bad. It’s just that these people consistently fall back in what is considered “the meta” and don’t know how to use the other guns. I’m not going to apologize for calling out the bullshit of the people who kick others from lobbies for not conforming to a low skill set play style.


There is always going to be a "meta," trying to eliminate that it is stupid. The "meta" is always just going to be the most consistent gear. They nerfed the railgun and now its just moved to the arc thrower and guard dog rover. Think these should be nerfed too? And justifying balance decisions on the basis of some people being slightly assholeish is just weird. People are always going to be dicks, I got kicked just the other day for literally *helping the host complete the objective.* If you want to avoid this bullshit with randoms, make your own lobby. Balance decisions should be made based on the actual state of the weapons, the game, and with the goal of increasing fun. I never kicked someone for having a bad build. Why should my weapons be nerfed on the basis of something I never did? If people feel forced into certain builds, that means the other weapons are just less viable/fun. Of course people are going to take the most consistent gear into the highest levels of content in the game. That isn't "low skill," that's just not adding additional challenge for no reason.


If all weapons are OP then the game is too easy and not fun. There is a reason people press E to get into higher difficulties. So after buffing the weak weapons you might as well just buff the enemies. Which in turn makes originally OP weapons nerfed. You could make a case for the weak weapons being *too* weak but that would mean any and all gameplay with them is boring until you get the big guns. So far I had fun with each gun (yes even the break action shotgun it has a funny amount of knockback but that gun could use some buffing) There is a point where arms race makes the game less and less fun


Asking for all the weapons to be good is not the same as asking for them to be OP. I can't believe that even needs to be said, JFC. Personally when I take anything other than the "good" weapons into 7+ I feel like my team has to make up for my weapons underperformance and that doesn't feel good. Id wager this is happening a lot but people aren't aware enough to recognize that the weapon they are using is only "good" in Helldive cause they have teammates compensating for them with "meta" weapons. Then they go on Reddit and act as if nothing is wrong.


I'm sorry my guy but if you feel like taking "good" stuff is the only way to win high level I dunno what to tell you. As someone with like 330 hours in the game, no weapon or stratagem is outwardly the best in the game, and it should stay that way, every single weapon, aside form a select few that are a little lacking. Have a place, I duo helldive with a friend of mine all the time, post nerf and we're fine, the game is honestly pretty well balanced. People crying about Meta stuff is honestly sad to me, because I used to be like that, then the Rail/backpack shield nerf happened and I decided to try other stuff and I slowly realized that people saying the other weapons and stratagems were useless literally had 0 idea what they were talking about.


I’ve completed helldives with the boys running borderline troll builds… although we did bring double eat to compensate. That’s all it took tho. So I agree with the other dude it’s skill issue


Only children think "always buff, never nerf" works. That way lies inflation and ever increasing numbers. I've balanced competitive team vs. team games, and listening to people who just want everything buffed "to parity" is a terrible thing to do. Cheese needs to be nerfed, for the good of the game.


Only a child would be interpret what I am saying to be that nerfs are never appropriate. Obviously nerfing is something that needs to be done sometimes. I just think nerfs like the slugger nerf are very questionable. >That way lies inflation and ever increasing numbers. If that is what happens, then they aren't buffing things to parity. Isn't that obvious, if you know what parity means? Like, if we simplify everything say one weapon is "power level" 5, if they buff something to "power level" 6 that is literally not **on par** with the previous meta weapon. Idk how you can rationalize not wanting every weapon to be fun and usable at higher difficulties and thinking that is a good thing but hey, you do you.


Its worked for riot 🤣 *joke*


Jesus christ. Please post your friend code so I can pre-emptively block you. You sound like SO MUCH FUN!


Yes, IM the insufferable one. Not the people who kick other players from lobbies, because they aren’t using the “meta” in a PVE game.


Anyone who would kick me for my loadout is not someone I want to dive with anyway. Sweaty af.


It helped your nuts since " Joel " has had his way for past week with his dum shut 40% of console users can't play the fkn game coz he seen fit to add fkn mechs what a fkn muppet that one dude will ruin the fucking game non considering 50% of the device are lwfut verbally attack the community on social media game good but im not gonna support shitty devs


The fact you think Joel is a dev says everything. Clearly you don't understand his role.


I literally thought it was an AI


Me personally, I fucking love the idea that Joel's controlling it, it makes it more real, everyone needs to stop being so fucking salty that the game is being controlled by a person and not some stupid fuckin ai with no brain, Joel can think ahead, Joel cam do this, Joel can do that, like I'm a real war or battle, that's why it makes it fun, that's why helldivers 2 is one of the best fucking games ever


I like it as well, Joel can see the way everyone plays and keep everyone on their toes, that way the grind doesnt get dull


I'm sure Joel isn't even one person, but a small team of people who work together. But the story of Joel being just one guy with full control over the game is so much funnier and way more satisfying when God himself shows up to your game session


I like the idea of Joel being one person, but I really believe its a bunch of data scientists measuring tagged data points and feeding it into their Tableau type tool that's code named JOEL.


Nope, it's stupid that someone controls the game like that. Makes the gamers COMPLETELY out of control with what happens in the game. There needs to be parameters set. Not some single person changing the rules part way through something. The players could play perfectly and do exactly what they need to do....but then one person can just change some code/numbers/whatever you want to call it, and make the players lose...for no reason. That is stupid. What's the point of worrying about the war aspect of this game, when everyone can do everything perfectly, and then have one person in control, wipe it all clean??? I play the game for fun, without even worrying about contributing to the "war", because the war is fake and I have no control over it. THAT is the feeling it gives me, because of this whole Joel thing. It's dumb. Like I wrote above... PARAMETERS. Parameters need to be set BEFOREHAND, and unable to be changed. If we succeed...... THEN make the parameters harder.


Yeah but the game is like super popular and its working, sorry you don't agree but you're in the vast minority here. Play the game for fun, let the rest of us who like being immersed be so. It's not like we get locked out of content if we fail major orders, and its not like the whole game is gonna be wiped clean. Its an evolving story similar to some MMO's. Even if Joel isn't a single person, the idea of him is very cool and unique. Also, completely out of control? You do know he or they react to what WE the players do right? They're not gonna just say "Hey you took that planet but sucks we're just gonna put it back to where it was." iirc the first helldivers was very similar in that if humanity lost the war Super earth was destroyed and then relocated to another planet to start again. Its a weird concept but this is by far one of the best games out right now. Be happy and play, I like the idea of influencing a games narrative by playing. I think a lot of people agree with me.


How about this. Get a pc? Console users straight up just moan about this game everytime I see someone say “Im on PS5 and…” its the same complaints. Also mechs r cool idk why you sad


I play on ps5 and it’s an absolutely amazing time, what’s the problem?


Idk he said mechs glitched out console players, readings not all that hard man… I haven’t ran into any major bugs on PC where most of the console players are whining about something…. Play whatever you want idc im just saying its kinda optimized for PC…


Not hard to read at all. I totally got what you were saying. Only stating that as a console player idk what those guys are complaining about, it’s been great for me. I’ve been using the mechs with no problem


Not everyone can afford one or need one. A pc does more than just games. For the price, ps5 is a great price to performance. If all you want to do is play games, why buy a whole computer set up when you already have a 4k TV?


For the price of two ps5s, you can build a badass pc. Instead of buying a PS5 once you have the money for it, save up for another month. It's called struggling and lots of people have to do it. You don't always get what you want in life. The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be. Be happy with what you have, but always strive for more. 


You are missing the point that maybe people are happy with a PS5. As long as I have seen posts and playing with others, all players are suffering the same issues with crashing regardless of device they are playing. Don't make it a console versus PC war. I'm happy with my dedicated machine to run games and a PC to work. You're also forgetting that in some countries the difference between a PS5 and a PC is huge enough like ask someone to wait for more than TWO YEARS or to have a whole bigger chunk of this salary gone every month in the credit card bill. Don't be so fast to judge, you are not in everybody's skin and you will never understand because I doubt you ever needed to save some money to buy a good PC, you don't sound like it, anybody who says "just save some more" sounds like it.


so your argument is "PC's cost twice as much as a PS5. So buy a PC". ​ THAT'S your argument in a nutshell LOL


I spent $2k on my PC. It took me 8 months to save for it. No one is making you buy a ps once you have $500. Save a little longer and build a PC. 


And where shall I put my eventual 2k PC? Last I checked I don’t have room for one.


Yeah or buy the ps5, play games, and invest or use the rest of the money on life expenses. Your way isn’t the only way.


No way bro. Consoles are for gaming. PC means porn computer. I learned that from the interwebz.


Damn he caught us….


I would greatly recommend you edit and review your posts before commenting. This was such a mess to read I had to go over it several times just to get an iota of an idea as to what you were trying to say. I still don't know what you're saying regarding the mech suit, and your percentages. What do consoles have to do with this? You need to be more descriptive, because this is nonsensical. This reads like you had a stroke.


Probably an 8 year kid complaining that he can’t pay to win.


Thank you for the verbal diarrhea directly into my eyes.


Dem spitters spewing their acid pretty far these days.


Wow. You're really THAT salty over GAME balancing? Are you twelve? JOEL ISN'T EVEN A DEV


Joel is our God. Praise be his name. If something he does angers you, it is because you can't understand his unfathomable wisdom. If we succeed it is because Joel has blessed us, if we fail it is because Joel knows more than we.


Lmao you just sound like a stupid asshole.


Keep in mind it’s more than one Joel lol




cry about it


Yes he should! Hope he has fun


Wow your a dumbass aren’t you go back to COD


Sorry that your crutch got balanced, dude. Maybe you should try this neat strategy called getting good at the game and not falling back on metas.


All good. Got back to doing 9s, but game is boring now.


Hot take. And a really bad one 🤡


That's true. It's a video game


Game feels good as shit to play right now, I don’t like the specific missions that have the mini hunter flyers because those missions have a stupid amount of hunters, other than that the game feels good, both automatons and bugs


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Imagine being so passionate about a game you call someone a faggot 😂😂


Why are you able to say the word faggot and not get insta banned where as I mention that shitty trans flag and I'm banned immediately 


Because homosexuals are old news. TS is the current hot topic.


because "faggot" doesn't mean "homosexual". Have you even seen South Park?


cowardly take, in my opinion; although i'm admittedly *very* much uninformed on balance issues and such. to me, the silly tongue in cheek attitude of the entire game series lends itself incredibly well to having a single DM making incredibly overarching decisions. I think of Masahiro Sakurai's take on development and how a single person's direction (whilst taking into account the entire team's input) can lead to a more robust and personal feeling experience. sidenote? nerfing top items to make things balanced in a pve game is silly too. let players game the system; it feels good to cheat sometimes.


You sound like a bitch


Wow, you need to calm down.


Then cry about it and stop playing


Joel is an employee at Arrowhead. He has control over the galactic war and basically keeps it interesting for us. Not a character per se, but He's definitely becoming one in the best way possible.


He is the hivemind behind all that is our war against the scum of the galaxy! The true villain of Super Earth!


You're telling me he is a God? We shall no longer pray to RNjesus. We praise the one who fights us, as well as with us. For the Glory of Super Earth!


Joel is our God. Praise be his name. If something he does angers you, it is because you can't understand his unfathomable wisdom. If we succeed it is because Joel has blessed us, if we fail it is because Joel knows more than we.


so a shadow council leader, the illuminati leader and the puppet master


Not after the patch.


omg your name should be KingSnowflake. The game is meant to be dynamic which includes changing up balance. Allowing a meta to thrive just makes the game stale and it doesn't allow people to experiment or use other weapons and causes people to be toxic and kick people for not using meta gear.


He's a person irl. Not lore based. He's like a dungeon and dragons game master that can help or hurt our campaign depending on what He's seeing happen. Probably a lot less sexy than it sounds in real life. He probably just has an excel spreadsheet that's just showing him stats and numbers and he can tweak certain things


he's Lore based now. We must defeat J.O.E.L


All hail Joel


Heretic detected. You will be reported to the democracy officers immediately. Report filed for execution.


Silly isbmx. We don't do execution. We only them to 'Freedom Camps' for 're-education'. This is managed democracy for Super Earth after all. We're not savages like the bugs or automatons that want to crush our way of life.


That's a negative helldiver. With the level of heresy stated above, he is too far gone. He must be neutralized to prevent info spilling to "Joel" or the enemy.




Just Over Expired Limes


Honestly they should make his position canon at this point it would be very cool ngl


Judicial Operations for Expanded Liberty.


https://youtube.com/shorts/z60e_0QHZ6c?si=7nqKoDsN2__LMz_1 J.O.E L. is the superintelligent Automaton that is controlling the warfronts. The Ministry of Truth has put a bounty on his head. (Really he's just the GM at Arrowhead who's controlling the galactic war narrative in game)


That title sounds so fucking cool though. - what do you do at work? - i'm controlling a galactic war between thousands of players and robots




J.O.E.L. - Let's see what ChatGPT thinks. 1. Just Optimized Electronic Logic 2. Java-based Operational Efficiency Logic 3. Joint Operations Enhancement Lattice 4. Jovial Organic Entity Liberator 5. Journey Oriented Evolutionary Logic 6. Jubilant Omniscient Entity Lexicon 7. Judiciously Orchestrated Engineered Logic 8. Juxtaposed Omnipotent Entity Link 9. Jargonized Operational Expertise Loom 10. Jigsawed Organic Evolutionary Language 11. Joyful Omni-Elemental Learning 12. Juxtaposition Of Expertise Layers 13. Judicial Oversight & Ethics Loom 14. Jettisoned Orbital Entity Limiter 15. Jovial Observational Entity Liaison 16. Justified Operational Evolutionary Link 17. Jargon-optimized Expertise Labyrinth 18. Jumpstart Organic Evolutionary Loop 19. Junction Of Expertise Layers 20. Juxtaposed Organizational Excellence Logic


number 2 is too much of an oxymoron though. :D


# 15 is it, that’s the winner.


I heard the bounty is upwards of $20 billion credits


Been trying to get along with JOEL for Years! [http://www.carnageblender.com/main.tcl](http://www.carnageblender.com/main.tcl)




Thank you. I kept wondering if Joel was real or an AI. You never know these days. 


This is Joel...the Master of our suffering: https://preview.redd.it/slrg8zrlqunc1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1dca0cb1dd1e3700c5007b3b0768e814d65c2c7 Charge!!!! PS. This is a Joke, please don't harass this guy PPS. No really, don't


No harassments, this guy has my utmost respect! As a 40 something year old, this is the most fun I've had in a game since the original halos.


I connected with him on linked in thanks




Don't tell him how much free time you got, he'll attack when you're gone


Oh ill be waiting i said i have a month off work i never said when


Manager: "Hey so turns out we need to cut this down to 2 weeks instead. Jerry called and said all workers need to be ready or at least good to go until after the Summer ends. Sorry.


There's a lot of salt that he's not keeping the game balanced and that some missions are far too hard or far too easy. Personally, I'm loving it. I've never been to war but I'm pretty sure it's not balanced. Some missions, you're going to go up against overwhelming forces and not being prepared for that is part of the experience. The fact that it's not automated and that the balance isn't there is, for me, one of the interesting parts of the game. If you just want to level up and get samples, that's fine too, but I think you're missing out on the best part of the game.


Exactly! I tell people that helldivers 2 is a realistic sci-fi war simulator. The places you go to will be hell. Your a small elite team going directly into enemy territory, the odds are most definitely stacked against you. Sometimes you can get the drop on them and get a easier mission, sometimes your journey will to go through the deepest bowels of the devil himself. It’s part of the experience and part of why this game is so fun.


Look him up on CreepyPasta


Fuck you Joel….


He's a bit like Palpatine lol


I had hoped Joel was like eves Bob


You've all been put in the list of questioners.


Fuking Elitist mofo can suck my nuts kicking ppl out of lobbies in a PVE game? Sick mofos...


as a payday veteran - get used to it.


My theory is that he's actually an AI gamemaster similar but even more complex than the one created for Dead Space Remake. It's easy to underestimate, but the way that system worked was very dynamic and unique.


Every massive online game has game masters.  Usually referred to in short as GMs. And yes he should make the calls. Keeps the major orders and story off of automatic rotation. As the story continues and we fail or win Joel sets the story forward for us. 


His name is H(j)OEL


His name is H(j)OEL


Joel is someone that's not worth having. Look, we have to be realistic here. It's not that we hate Joel, it's that Joel hates freedom. For every planet he tries to take, will take two more in return. This isn't over until Joel's dead and the rest of the empires fall to the illustrious Super Earth. You may take our people. You might take our planets. Hell, you might even destroy our entire way of life. But you will never take our FREEDOM!!!