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im happily staying on suicide, below for a more casual time.


Suicide is the sweet spot, difficult as hell but still manageable to extract almost every time


Yep, and its also nice because you can still bring things that aren't "meta". I've been using the 380 barrage and spear almost every mission and it's working great, even though i don't really have a support weapon 50% of the time because the spear is bugged. Also it's even better because there is still only 1 missions modifier and you have a good chance to espace the horrendous -1 slot modifier. My favourite difficulty right now overall.


Having gotten the spear, it’s a lifesaver against gunships and tank ngl


Spear, as it currently stands, is great *except* for the lock-on bug.


I wasn't convinced on the Spear until I saw a teammate destroy fabricators and an observer tower from 200+ meters away with it. That made me REALLY impressed.


That's why I bring it. The towers and airships. Sometimes a fab is close to the jammer/detector tower and shooting that with the spear will make the obj tower blow up as well and complete the side mission


Did this to a strategem jammer once by blowing a fabricator next to it


If a fabricator is attached to the jammer/spotter tower just blow that up with a grenade and it automatically blows up the jammer/spotter towers.


That's kinda why I said that already in my comment 🙃 shooting the spear at the fab so you don't have to get in close with grenades


I used it for the first time last night, and did just that. I was wondering why people thought it was bad


Its only problem is the lock-on bug. Once that gets fixed it'll be a great weapon.


Because it literally doesn't work half the time.


They have done studies, you know. 50% of the time, it works every time.


I just watched a video today, where guy is claiming that it's not bugged. You need to stand higher sometimes, the vision of the object cannot be obscured etc.


I think the problem is where exactly the spear considers the lock on. Like it can lock on to fabricators but for some reason it seems like the lock on point is the bottom of the fabricator. Meaning if you are below the fabricator or there is a rock in the way it just refuses to lock on. I think the same thing happens with enemies, the lock on point isn't the entire unit but a specific point on it so if that is obscured it just absolutely refuses to lock on even if 90% of the enemy is in the reticle.


You would think the lock on point would be the vents or the tanks on the back since the spear does a death from above dive. Only way the lock on point being at the base would make any sense is if the spear was a burrower.


If you see things as a physical objects, yea. But if you see them as assets in a computergame it makes perfect sense that the one placement point is at the bottom of a structure in the middle.


Been a while since I've done level design but I do remember a lot of assets back then having a [0 0 0] coordinate being either the bottom center of the asset or a bottom front corner of the building. e.g. when you placed an asset in the world it's "location" in the files was listed as that point. It wouldn't terribly surprise me if that was an oversight in the coding and it was trying to lock on to that point.


I forget sometimes that most people know nothing about games. Knowing how the sausage is made is so helpful when playing. Though it can ruin some games. Legends Arceus was a lot less fun for me than for others. I could basically see how the spawning worked and it totally killed any immersion


Nah it's 100% bugged. It's even on the known issues on the last patch notes so it's getting fixed.


It's not just the hight, I use it all time on solo fabricator missions and some fabs it won't ever target


Except you can't stand higher in some maps. So it's bugged.


Can confirm. If nothing else, Spear locks on to gunships 100% of the time since they're unobstructed in the air. Also saves you the trouble of aiming so you don't miss.


Arrowhead accidentally adding realistic radar signatures and obfuscation against backgrounds.


Hi, Canadian radar guy here. I've had our outdated systems lock onto pickup trucks moving against a myriad of backgrounds. And that was over 20 years ago. Radar is incredibly reliable. And as far as being able to lock onto things, even compact systems have reliable lock on to objects as small as 1 meter (3 feet 3 inches for Americans) across. The SPEAR is not even remotely a realistic representation.


If we were on the warthunder forums I would soon expect to see a classified document leaked




Be the change you want to see in the super world


That is very interesting! Although I have a basic understanding of the physics principles behind radar, I know very little about the actual equipment other than what I see at airports (from inside the terminal or during takeoff/landing). I apologize in advance if this is kind of a stupid question, but when you talk about "compact" in terms of radar, about how big do you mean?


The difference can range between a full size ASR (which is used at airports), and a handheld speed detector that cops use, and everything in between. RADAR as a principle is really simple. Basically it's a schizophrenic radio that's looking for its own signal back and then blanks that signal. You're looking to see what the difference is between the initial pulse, and the return. Whatever the difference is, that's the indication that something is there. The size of the return tends to tell you how big it is. If the target is impressively large, like a Galaxy or Antonov, it may actually give you numerous returns, that's actually handled through programming when all the points are moving together perfectly and collated into a single target. The repeat number of returns over time can easily get you the trajectory and speed. This is all telemetry information (position in space and time,) and it's at the most basic level achieved simply by firing a radio frequency out, watching for the return, blanking out the carrier (the RADAR's operating freq) and then reading the information left over to tell you what's what. The big difference between sizes is specifically what you want the RADAR to do. A cop's speed gun is just running a basic calculation from the time the first ping hits the target to the last ping based on distance travelled. An airport RADAR needs to work in several different kinds of weather, so it's firing tons of different beams out to ensure at least a handful get through and planes can get the information they need to land. Because when it's foggy and you can't see the ground, you need to trust in what the RADAR is telling you (specifically the Precision Approach Radar, or PAR for short.) Because lives are literally riding on the line with this, those systems are way bigger because they're doing a lot of simultaneous things at once. And because the PAR is more important on the vertical plane (you don't crash sideways in the air for instance,) there's a lot more modules and beams in the PAR typically than there is in the ASR's azimuth mode (horizontal sweep - what you always see in movies with the rotating green arm that beeps planes or other moving targets.) Hope that was an interesting read.


As an avid spear user even in its current state I just recently was told you can lock on more effectively if you tag the enemy first before using the spear. It definitely helps tremendously.


If this is true that's super nice. Reminds me of battlefield 3 where the recon class had a little laser designator they could put down and anything you tagged with it could be locked onto by friendly units instantly. So like someone with a javelin could point and fire instead of the normal like 3seconds it'd take for the lock on.


Damn, memory unlocked there. As a BF3 jet pilot that loved to target vehicles for ground support, I sang the praises of any recon class that brought that thing.


I pretty comfortably beat most Helldive bot missions I attempt with stealth armor and an AMR and Dominator, I strongly recommend giving it a try. And this is playing mostly with randoms or doing duos with a friend. Sneaking through bot territory commando style is an incredible stealth experience I wouldn't have expected out of a horde game.


You actually hit something with the spear? https://preview.redd.it/e0eql9q3v9uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f5b4fcf3a010ac074ae34bb3b6c82f913d00199


You can bring things that aren't "meta" into 9 and clear it just fine, it just won't be clean (most of the time)


You can do that in helldive too. As long as you aren't actively bringing shit that can't deal with anything then you can bring whatever.


Yeah I've noticed too that it's also in that sweet spot where you usually get people who know what's going on and have their load outs figured out too. I don't know why, but I just seem to get more "squads" and less "everyone run in a different direction around the map" once I bumped myself to suicide with matchmaking for instance. I did an 8 once after my first full suicide op, and promptly found myself going back haha.


I fully agree, I see a lot of level 20-30s in level 7 who just can't quite make the grade or have a complete lack of objectives awareness. Like it's really rare in 8 to have a team get bogged down fighting infinite spawns over nothing, whereas in 7 it's not uncommon for the others on my squad to not to actually start playing the mission properly and moving towards objectives until half the re-enforcements are gone. This normally means I can run off and solo objectives if I'm cautious and make liberal use of stratagems to avoid breaches/dropships, but I'd rather be kicking ass with a squad tearing towards objectives than MGSing it around alone.


7 is the lowest for super samples. Tons of under-qualified players in there for that reason alone. Either diving solo, or being pulled along with their higher level friends who are unwilling to go any lower. It's easy enough to just run and gun your way out of any mess they make, and 7s are totally soloable if you just bail on them and do the objectives if the team keep getting bogged down. Difficulty 8, like you said, is where you find the best pickup players to roll into your squads, where everyone has a plan, but it doesn't really matter much if 2 people throw their orbital rail at the same tank, for example. Helldive, you gotta be communicating, planning, and making sure everyone is on the same page about when and how to engage and when to break off if it gets weird, and there's way too many people who are limit testing up there. Almost nobody plays LvL 8 who isn't supposed to be there. It's definitely my most enjoyable difficulty also


Yeah I've only dabbled in 9 a couple times because I don't play with a squad so 8 is a nice "anyone competent will get by with minimal comms" level for me. It can still get hairy but there's almost always a way to disengage and regroup and almost always the sense to do that.


Yep 7 Suicide is nice. 8 I have difficulty with randoms and I think I’ve only extracted in 10% of my mission, with more variation whether or not the main objective was completed.


Suicide is badass!


Exactly. If I decide to be psychotic and play helldive, I do not expect to win unless I’m totally dialed in and get slightly lucky. Moreover, I expect to see hella tanks, drop ships, and giant walkers.


Having played one helldive campaign that my friend dragged me into without my knowledge, it's not ***THAT*** bad. But it is basically hit and run, do the main objective and any side objectives along THAT route, and then try to get out. It's good fun. But I also tend to stick to suicide when I want my challenge.


With a ~70+ team there’s a chance of a clean sweep.


Please, we've been "clean sweeping" Helldive since level 20. There are only a couple mission types that are complete ass on helldive, like the scientist extract mission. People just need to realize you can't just stand around and fight on helldive because you won't move for 40 minutes since it will just keep spawning more enemies. Just keep moving from objective to objective running and gunning.


only ever seen 1 huge walker on suicide, and i quickly walked the other way, thankfully it wasnt near anything important.


They are pretty easy to take out tbh. Rocket pods, orbital precision, EATs/quasar to the sides etc


There are more tanks than a Russian parade. There have been multiple times I was up against upwards of SIX TANKS at a time. I have no idea how we survive that, but somehow, we do. There are more devastators than there are chaff, and so, so many hulks. I run the AMR, if my aim is ever not on point we get overrun in *moments* I love suicide mission, easily the best difficulty imo, but Helldive is *such a rush*.


Same -- Even though I've had everything (except the new ship upgrades and warbond) unlocked for a while, I do almost all of my missions on difficulty 6 or 7; I just find it more fun. If I've had a rough day or am just feeling tired, then I'll drop down to difficulty 4 or 5, and help some new players finish their missions. Just because you *can* run missions on the absolute highest difficulty doesn't mean that you *have to* run missions on the absolute highest difficulty. There's just as much, if not more, fun to be had on the lower difficulties. (Sure, the lower difficulties might not get you as many internet bragging points, but if that's what you're after then there are probably better ways to get them anyways)


I personally prefer difficulty 7, but 9 isnt impossible to complete and extract. Difficult, yes, but that is why it is the highest difficulty like you say


As I switched to 9 permanently I don't think it's that much harder, but people play so disrespectful is wild. The host would deploy in the middle of the enemy, get shrecked and ragequit. Or they would do objectives around a sauron tower instead of destroying it. Just careless gameplay. I'd be struggling to deal with these objectives and they would hinder me sometimes. Like last game a dude just deployed on top of a primed hellbomb that's about to destroy the tower that just detected us and is spamming bot drops. He destroys the bomb, puts it on cooldown of 30 seconds just as the drops start raining down hulks and tanks. I executed him on the spot.


For me, it's fighting **every single patrol**. No, Chad, we don't have time to fight 23 robot waves for the next 15 minutes. We got shit to do. I remember once getting scolded for not helping clear out patrols when they were adamant on holding some pointless hill at the edge of the map.


yeah, people get this wrong all the time on higher difficulties. we aren't there to murder thousands of bugs/bots. we're there to complete the mission at any cost, including our lives. the endless slaughter is relegated to SEAF who outnumber the helldivers dramatically


My absolute favorite thing happened today. 2 patrols were circling part of our main objective and the entire squad crouched and crawled around to the terminals and levers and we managed to avoid both.


Yeah, I hate when my friend just engages patrols at 7+ that you can just walk around from, even points of interest can become hell if you don't kill them before 2-3 dropships get called in. At some point you don't have enough ammo/cooldowns to handle all the enemies. Every unnecessary encounter should just be avoided, idc how good you think you are at handling it.


You don’t get xp or resources from killing bugs and bots.


It’s weird how differently people approach this stuff. My friends seem kinda easy going about it, like oh damn look there’s a thing over there I’m gonna go look. But I’m like bro this is a war we are going to die and I have to do these objectives and why are you risking our lives fucking around looking at the vending machine


This. All enemies attack virtually only head on. This means that any large encounter you come across can either be sidestepped or retreated from unless you already allowed yourself to be overrun. The easiest way to deal with the horde is to drop two turrets next to one guy, let one other circle the objective to the hard side and the other two to the easy side. The one guy with turrets is a distraction, the one guy taking the hard route is diverting enemies away and the duo can attack the rear of the objective and encircle the horde at the same time This works especially well for bugs when the objectives are literally hidden in big rock circles




I got a better one, one time me and a friend were playing with a random and I found a bunker so I tagged it to get someone to notice it and help me open it. Random gets there and I shit you not, just STARES at the bunker like the concept of a button was just alien. I was even on 1 button waiting! So my friend pivots from what he's doing goes all the way out of the way to come open it, but not before punching the dumbo in the face lol


I regularly play Helldive. Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes it’s honestly a walk in the park. It all depends on how well you play.


It depends where you drop too. Sometimes waves of enemies just flood you before you can even get support weapons/strategems out


Dropped in between a stalker and heavy nest.  As an added bonus, also in range of shriekers.  Mission was an immediately failure.


I've had helldives where it's a safe drop and the game is completely easy because of it. Super chill because people who play Helldive know what to do, and when you do know what to do ( apart from extraction ) you tend to still finish the objective. But then I've had helldives which are like "Lol randomly drop next to a heavy nest/big bot army" and the game just continually shits out reinforcements 24/7. I think the worst one was a bot mission where there were like 12 of the flying drones chasing us from basically minute 1, as we unknowingly landed hot. Seems like a lot of how Helldive goes is honestly just rng on if you land safely, and if you don't, how well one guy can rat out to safety not being chased by a horde to respawn the other 3.


I like landing on the extract pad, usually nothing really _that_ close to it. Lets you get situated instead of immediately overwhelmed because you're in between three heavy nests and a shrieker nest.


Except when bots fortified that too


Also apparently being near the extraction zone increases spawn rate of patrols even if it's inactive


Yes, I don't have my spreadsheet with me but I believe it is 50% faster (twice as often) for patrol spawns if you are directly on extract.


Yeah, from my experience that's usually a safe landing. People sometimes push to land close to objectives but that's a dice roll on whether you'll land safely or get completely massacred.


Nothing like landing right by a jammer and mortar nest and getting a tank and two hulks immediately dropped on your head


Recently, I've noticed that there are bases right on extraction, and the randoms treat them like an option probably not full well knowing that those bases spawn swarms of them on the extraction. So recently, not only can I barely land, but I can almost never fucking extract! It's all up to what the team does.


Fucking this. The first time I encountered the gunships, was on helldive RIGHT after we dropped, Immediately had 6 gunships just swarming us. Half our reinforcement budget right there. we didn't complete the mission.


If you can't kill them fast - run! Do other objectives. Come back later if you have enough respawns left.


This may be a hot take but most people are tempted to drop in a empty zone in the map where it says there’s no enemy presence but that is such a scam. You could very well be right on top of a shrieker or stalker nest. The real big brain move is let’s say the map is pre-populated with a side objective such as an upload data mission; you should drop right on top of that shit. I feel like the side objectives are spaced fairly far apart so you won’t be dealing with that bullshit If you’re really lucky you can drop in on a spore spewer and destroy it with your Hellpod and get that mission done right off the bat


Literally dropped in next to a spore spewer in my last mission! Couldn’t see a really safe place, so chose an “empty” spot on the bottom of the map. Was super excited to see that spewer right below me, though I didn’t think about actually landing on it. Auto cannon took care of it but next time I’m aiming the hellpod for it!


> I feel like the side objectives are spaced fairly far apart so you won’t be dealing with that bullshit On the opposite end sometimes 3 objectives are all bundled together in the same area


Once had 2 stratagem towers and a detector tower all in range of one another. It was not a good time.


Went on bot helldive last night. Dropped straight onto a command bunker, but it was within range of a jammer. Me and the bois lost half our reinforcements in the first 5 minutes. We somehow got the jammer and the bunker, but we decided to push on. Eventually, we were empty on reinforcements, and the last guy alive at the time was our level 11 buddy rocking the default loadout, MG-43, orbital precision, and eagle airstrike. Told him to go on a suicide run to destroy the last bunker, and he somehow set off that last hellbomb and successfully extracted later on (with me and another friend following the respawn cooldown). It was hell, but it was absolutely glorious


Here's a tip - those waves of enemies are almost always completely avoidable. I know what you're thinking... "Oh this sweet summer helldiver", but hear me out. When you are in a situation where you are being overrun, the best thing you can do is pack up and leave for a minute or two. Break line of sight and finish off any higher speed pursuits. Often after a few minutes, those bot clumps despawn or return to patrol routes. Similarly, people are too trigger happy. They see the bots flash red or the hunters perk up and just start unloading. Just chill and break LOS next time. You can play this game like the Hitman series and breeze through level 9 objectives. Keep moving... sneakily!


I will preface this by saying people can play however they want. It's a game, it's not that serious. Having said that...soooo many players don't have the patience or the chill required to, ya know, not shoot at everything they see. Secret Squirrel can be fun. Bloodlust Bandicoot can also be fun. The two don't mix well though. My favorite missions are when me and another random are just quietly synergized and reading each others movements. It's like a dance of absolute destruction. Almost like a marriage.


They mix well when 2 or 3 go bloodlust and secret squirrel just goes off by themselves to complete objectives and bust camps. My favorite is when bot drop alert goes off on the other side of the map, and I know I have a minute to do whatever I want.


I only play helldive quickplay with randoms because I only have time to play at odd hours, and I agree that most of the time its a skill issue. Some teams will switch objectives when one gets too hot and others will shoot every single patrol, and it makes a huge difference. But sometimes its just the RNG and how patrols are placed. I've had some missions where no matter what you do, you chain from patrol to patrol and literally never have a chance to let things cool down. I had a bot mission yesterday where we drooped into combat immediately, tried to run away, ran into mountains with a four way junction, so there was an army at our backs, two paths with patrols marching down them right at us, and one narrow path filled with fire tornados. That mission was a wipe with only one objective completed as we reinforced repeatedly into a death hole where you would pop out of your pod already on fire and being shot, because there was no no safe way to retreat.


Yeah this is my experience (and play style too). You can just get unlucky: a solid contact line in one direction versus bots and you can just fight that to a stand still. Get accidentally flanked by devastors of any type? You might be about to die.


While that is generally great advice it is much less viable against Stalkers (who can always outrun you) and Shriekers (where it is arguably harder to break the line of sight). With both in immediate proximity to your drop you might be truly fucked. But yeah running is still the best option in that case


Agreed. Sometimes we walk through it like no big deal, extract out with like 60+ samples. Sometimes it feels like Joel himself is watching us and pulling the levers.


I host games and play with randoms 99% of the time on 8-9 sometimes 7 and have an absurdly high missions success and extract rate


Yeah this is my experience. In all my level 9 missions, I've failed extraction like twice, but always get the main objectives done at least. I think people are just bad at the game truthfully but obviously it's the games fault for their failure, personal responsibility be damned.


It's about playing as a team, something most git gud players can't. No matter how good 4 players are, if you can't cooperate you probably won't make it.


Eh, 4 competent solo players can probably split up and beat it faster. Or 2 teams of 2. The trick is to either use smoke on objectives that bring in enemies and force you to stick around, or bring just one buddy and have them drag the aggro away. I prefer going around as a team and taking and winning fights more than strictly necessary, but it’s probably not “the meta” if you wanna maximize time and resources. Diff 9 really isn’t very difficult at all if you’re willing to be gamey. It feels good, like a proper challenge, if you play it straight. Usually. Difficulty seems to vary a lot.


Unless teams repeatedly enforce you into the mobs and burn 8 to kill just a single hulks. Instead of enforcing in a safer area to help clear


The strategic fallback is one of the hardest things to get online gamers to do. It's an absolutely essential tactic in real life because you only get to die once, but gamers have a hard time thinking like that.


Agreed. 90% of the time. Teammates get mad when i call down my secondary first for them instead of just enforcing so they can ‘help’. Its funnier in helldiver diff, you got ^40 who don’t understand teamwork when you get do a diff 5 with folks who listen.


Just Dont Stop on Helldive Difficulty. Keep it movin


And dont forget to hug your helldiver brothers and sisters before extraction.


I did. Just wished they could hug back, but they didn't have any arms.


Super Earth engineers will promptly give them a mechanical prosthetic to ensure adequate moral maintenance while out spreading liberty.


Sounds like automaton propaganda...


Fair, but you'll see plenty of helldivers with prosthetics. Think of it this way, you get more democracy per helldiver when they all have all four limbs than you lose by giving some of them robot (bleh) limbs.


Or punch them into the ship if they play around.


Guaranteed path to victory everytime. Keep moving, do the objectives, do your side stuff, extract.


Yeah, too many players get stuck in and end up standing their ground needlessly to their deaths to enemy reinforcements. Like if you blitz a base and disengage, you can more easily deal with the chasing enemies as they naturally funnel themselves in pursuit. Compared instead with standing your ground and inevitably getting surrounded on multiple fronts.


This is the number one reason people fail higher difficulties. When you first start playing the game on lower difficulties, waves can actually be defeated, so newer players get used to the concept of “clear the wave first”. They don’t realize that no longer applies at higher difficulties where waves are limitless, which leads to inexperienced players camping and bleeding reinforcements while fighting an uphill battle. I’ve even seen experienced players get caught up in the moment and waste minutes at a time without moving. Light armor and stamina are your friend in higher difficulties.


Technically wrong. It's about everyone having the ability to full clear a breach together or not. If everyone commits and cleans up it's easy.  But also no point in killing a breach if you're not at an objective.


To me, the struggles aren't enemies, it's force of habit when changing fronts. Bots aren't bad at all if you're in a survivalist mindset and stay near structures. Bugs, I still can't fight them too well, but what I die most too isn't either fronts. It's another teammate, lol. "Sending in an eagle!"... 'Calling in reinforcements'


I’m actually kinda the reverse, i do alot of run and gun with the bugs. Always moving is the key to surviving bugs for me. The bots make me bit a bit more methodical. Ive definitely been gearing towards semi auto weapons for the bots and relying on environment and distance. Just overall a bit more tactical. Its honestly something i really enjoy about the game is that i have to adjust play styles depending on the enemy and environment


Bottlenecking bots with the terrain and pounding them with the autocannon has become my favorite activity


You can pound me with your auto cannon anytime, soldier


If this act can result in a child, you better submit your C-01 Form, soldier.


Don’t worry, it can’t.


Bugs with stealth and sentries is amazing fun when playing just 2 people. You can sneak around, then you can deal with 1 oh shit-moment before you need to hide again. its fun.


Well for bots i go with better armor or explosion resistance and a slugger or scorcher. For bugs i love to take the sickle and a flamethrower and light armor with extra grenades. A breaker is fine aswell, but I just like to not care about ammo against bugs.


I vastly prefer bots. At least bot heavies actually die in a reasonable time frame, and you can kill them with primaries if you get the angle. Unlike the bugs, whose heavies demand pinpoint accuracy because their high health pools make anything aside from headshots useless.


Most deaths for me come from people reinforcing me right in the middle of a mob like I’ve been mistaken for an airstrike


Being reinforced down on a Hulk? Understandable risk/benefit gamble. Being reinforced into a crowd of three Hulks and two types of tanks in an endless dropship hotzone? Please call me down a little later when you have breathing room.




I love how bots and bugs require different tactics and equipment. I have preferred load outs and armour for each, im excited for the luminates and what they will be like to play against! For bugs i find light or medium armour cause you need to out run the hordes, extra grenades, shotguns and dedicated anti tank support weapons make your life much easier, like quasar and DAT. Bots on the other hand, distance and cover is your friend and heavy armours with explosive resistance. The new eruptor or sickle primary, AMR, AC etc are all extremely useful against them. I find less of a need for like quasar against bots as you can use things like AC and amr to take out elites due to the weakspots. Bigger Bugs weakspots are still covered in heavy armour unlike bots, so you have to take anti heavy with them


I’m getting my ass kicked on 8, idk how people do 9 So many medals to get to scorcher


Brother I haven’t gotten past 5…


Lol 5 is my day off relax vibe


It's wild how you acclimate to harder modes after a while. I go back to 5 and it's definitely chill. But I remember starting out and white-knuckling 4.


Lol so true. Some days I play a 6 that is harder than 9. Not sure if it was a bug or Joel but I did a 4 that dropped 9 tanks. 9 tanks all within 30 seconds. Haven't even seen that on helldive. This game is goofy sometimes.


now that you mention it, for sure that happens. Maybe it's a "perfect storm" of drops/spawns, but yeah I played a 3!! recently that had all of us, even a lvl 50+ endlessly dying with only 2 able to extract. I had a buzz on (which is when I play way lower levels) and it really sobered me up lol


So we know there an invisible supply lines between planets. My pet theory is the difficulties are a modifier (1x 2x 9x etc) and depending on how well it's supplied or surrounding space is controlled there's a bonus to the spawns. So some planet out by itself maybe 1.0 difficulty so 1x1 1x2 1x9 etc. But then you're assaulting a planet in hostile space and it's fully under enemy control? Maybe it's like 2. So 2x1, 2x2, 2x9 etc. So if it's a 2 then a level 5 difficulty would be harder than helldive on the other planet. (2x5 vs 1x9).  Just me 2 cents.


It would be awesome if this was the case


Yeah I'm not trying to raise my blood pressure on my game time


Just fight less, run more. Not everything requires a big fight. Sometimes it's okay just to nope out of there and come back when things have chilled and strats are back up.


The problem with 8 is the folks who think the point of the game is progression instead of fun. I find that literally 9/10 times I play quick play on 8 I get put on teams of 3 players under level 20. I'm all for helping the rookies, but they never understand the hit and run mechanics.


Honestly full clears of level 8 is harder than rushing through level 9 missions, if you coordinate with your teammates to have heavy clear, and medium clear, completing level 9 isn't too hard if you want medals fast! Level 7 is great for sample farming and full clears, you still get decent exp and medals, but it's significantly easier than level 8 and 9 for full clears. Less tanks/bile titans


Helldive difficulty is the easiest difficulty (not including 1-3) because you actually get good random teammates.


This is a coin toss for me. My teammates on Helldive are either ODST troopers, or the team loses 7 redeploys before everyone has their support gear.


Getting established at the start is imo the hardest part of Helldive.


Dropping on extraction is the safest way to hit the ground, secondaries don’t appear in the briefing and with how fucking many the automatons have (in combination with the immediate attention they require) you’re almost always going to land on one no matter how far away you are from an outpost


Ooo, this looks like a safe spot to drop.  "Um snake, there's an eye of sauron there"


Drop a bit way from whatever objective you’re after and trigger a breach/drop. Then run away and get your weapons.


I don't think Helldive is all that hard even with worse teammates. It's still easily doable, just more annoying. Normally its their build that makes it tricky because they run things that just don't work that well. Sure i'm lvl 119 so i understand the game quite well, but its nowhere near as hard as I thought it would be. I honestly thought it would be a nightmare, but instead I'm winning like 99% of them. I actually want a 10th difficulty. There's honestly so many easy ways to make it harder without making it BS too.


there is a lot of rng in this game for a shooter. sometimes it just aint your game


Absolutely. Some games I’m just running around clearing objectives with ease with no patrols, other games I’m constantly running from a storm of lasers. If I trigger a bot drop I always vacate the area, but if patrols keep showing up that’s up to the game to decide


Very true, I've had easy Helldives, and I've had Impossible missions that wrecked our shit for 30 straight minutes.


This is every horde shooter to be honest. Like I've played a lot of dark tide and vermintide over the years and there is a similar amount of "oh the AI spawned the absolute worst combination of enemies on the most unfavorable part of the map, like tons of AOE damage guys in a tight hallway or unending hordes of chaff when you're caught on an open field with no natural funnels or defensible positions. I guess we just lose lol"


That’s why I’ll never play it. I know damn well I’m not good enough for Helldive, Suicide difficulty is more than enough for me


Tbh I’ve been on suicides that were harder than the average helldive, so you probably “could handle it” but yeah, do what’s fun. I would maybe consider that the odd impossible-feeling run is a thing regardless of level of high difficulty, so it might be fun to bump it up to 8 or 9 if you’re feeling like you succeed 90% of the time but that last 10% are nightmares- 10% are always nightmares. I dunno if it’s the ramping AI or just weaker teammates with low kpm but I’ve had suicides where 3 BTs or tanks show up at once along with a mega-horde and I’ve had helldives where I never see more than 2 at once.


Because the person wants that difficulty, but they feel that there are issues that need to be ironed out, like how they lowered the number of tanks in 7-9 Helldives What is this post lol


I've yet to see a single person complaining about helldive but this is the third post I've seen complaining about people complaining about helldive




Guys, Helldive difficulty is so easy, stop complaining! You are all just so bad it's funny. Just be amazing like me. Sometimes I'm so bored of Helldive that I find myself dozing off during bug breaches and bot drops.


Oh yeah? I'm so good Joel created a new difficulty just for me. "10 - UMCorian." Every enemy is a Tank, even the ones in the air. The tanks fly now.


The dark souls "git gud" meme actually became some people's personality and it shows.


And I'm willing to bet they're not even playing on Helldive themselves.




It's obvious the people that make these posts really need to go outside and see some sunlight for once in their lives. 


Being a total shitter while sneering there's 'no shame', yep.


I’ve been in several subreddits of mainstream games and it’s a trend at this point, fake arguments are created or minority ones are blown out of proportion, so it’s very easy for the average player to upvote yes and these posts make it to the top. These posts contribute absolutely nothing other than stating the obvious, but people can’t resist getting validation.


>fake arguments are created or minority ones are blown out of proportion It's so annoying seeing a post with 10k upvotes complaining about a tweet that has 10 likes as if its the end of the world.


The cycle of Reddit. There's always people bitching about nonexistent problems or nonexistent arguments because they want that free karma and because they want to feel smug and superior.


i think it may be coming from people complaining about extract essential personnel? which is 1000% a valid complaint, fuck those missions (the 15 minute ones where you are forced to kite cheese, not the 40 minute ones which are much easier).


My only complaint about Helldive is that I think it should contribute more than it does to the war effort because Helldive missions with the 40 minute time limit are almost always 20-30 minutes. Everything else about it that isn't tied to a bug is awesome. I can't imagine playing the game for long periods of time on difficulties lower than Helldive because it wouldn't be challenging for me and would require less coordination with your teammates.


Just typical losers trying to farm worthless imaginary points.


OP is a Karma farmer. > From their profile they've been making 3-4 low effort posts on subs like r/MarkMyWords every day since they made their profile. If it's not an LLM it's a very lonely person. > > Absolute state of the moderation in this sub that low effort crap like this post constantly gets filtered to the top.


Where are people complaining about helldive difficulty? Only complaints I've seen are about the extract scientist.mission being broken


i find this argument to be pretty weak. personally i dont have a strong opinion on the matter. helldive doesnt feel too hard to me. its almost impossible with a bad team and almost impossible to fail with a good team. what im about to say is strictly about the line of arguing OP is trying to apply here. everyone that has spent even a short time with games in their life knows that there is different kinds of difficulty. difficulty that emerges naturally, difficulty that is artificially imposed, mechanical difficulty, intellectual difficulty, difficulty as a result of rng. etc. either way difficulty in a game is meant to create challenge and enjoyment for those players seeking challenge. As such any difficulty that cannot be in some way - direct or indirect - be offset by player skill provides little value. It can be fun to play against a strong opponent. It rarely ever is any fun to play against a cheating opponent. Difficulty is - in the end - just a gamemode. And there is no reason people shouldnt be able to discuss about a gamemode. If part of the difficulty in this game comes from „unfair“ systems that provide no challenge, but only increase the rng component, then criticism can be very much valid. one example of this is vision being hilariously bad on some planets for players while the AI sees just fine. Leading to the famous laser shots coming from what is essentially a monochrome wall of gray. Or bots straight up seeing you through objects and shooting through it. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree on this or that specific issue it is still valid to bring these up. And i find your attempt to blanket-deny all of these just on the basis of „then play easy, filthy casual“ to be pretty unconvincing.


I just want to add on that it feels like a lot of the "unfair" systems in Helldivers isn't so much that they're actually unfair/RNG it's that they're terribly communicated. For example, if there's a bunch of smoke that hinders visibility, shooting at the bots will actually make the bots more accurate against you which probably leads to some of those complaints where smoke doesn't seem to do anything to the enemy. Or how if you're under a light they'll be more accurate so you should shoot them out. But the game never actually explains this stuff, not even a helpful "the enemy will be able to locate you if you shoot at them through smoke" loading screen tip. Or how part of why rockets felt bad was because they had a deflection angle where they'd do only 50% damage. I bet most players don't even know this game has deflection based on the angle you shoot an enemy at.


There's a point to be said about a difficult game mode being difficult. There's also a point to be made about aspects of the game being broken in a way that makes the game harder than it ought to be. Videos of over a dozen bile titans spawning at the same time. The Spear just ... not functioning at all. Being vacuumed into mobs by your own gun. Being sniped from 200 meters out while you can't even see the reds of their eyes. Fire tornados that home in on your location like they're sentient friends of the enemies. Fire damage which kills you in a fraction of a second (meanwhile, the enemy is standing under the fire tornado like it's a pleasant sauna.) The reticle on almost every gun being askew. Bots hotdropping directly into the objective point on the civilian extraction.  Counterplay is a fundamental aspect of difficulty. Most things in the game can be counter played against. Often in a multitude of ways. It's one of the reasons I really enjoy this game, even after the missions that make me want to yeet my controller off of my balcony. But there are certainly aspects of the game that have such a narrow counterplay as to make the game unfun or brutal to the point of ridiculousness. It would be nice to see some of those counterplay avenues opened up a little bit.  Strawmanning people that are frustrated by saying they expect to do everything solo with no deaths and a thousand kills doesn't do anything but breed resentment.  Edit: One more thing. Can I please stop getting pinned? Just let me stand the fuck up please. Diving just to get stuck on the ground because the game seemed to arbitrarily decide I'm not allowed to stand up anymore is super aggravating. 


Well said. I don’t want them to make it easier but things should work as intended. The only mission I think is straight up unbalanced is evacuate essential personnel.


Me shooting my self with a Quasar because I had the audacity to bring a shield. Arrowhead has a lot of bug fixing to do. 


The rescue essential personnel mission is truly broken on Helldive and can only be beaten by cheesing. Stuff like the spear and DoT not working also desperately need a fix. As much as I hate the pinpoint sniping of rocket devestators, I'm ok with it. Same with the occasional absurdly high number of titan spawns. I think part of the point of Helldive is to feel hilariously outmatched, and sometimes to have the surprise of pushing through impossible odds, like land dolphining your way through a literal sea of bugs to extraction. I will say that I think completing Helldive missions should contribute WAY more to the liberation/defense of planets.


Dead bodies and other clutter which prevents you going prone manually will prevent you to get up if you dive or otherwise end up prone in the clutter. It is beyond scuffed and has been the bane of my existence since the day I bought this game.


Yeah, that it is difficult isn't the problem. The way that it achieves that difficulty is. Think of Doom 2016 and CoD: World at War. Doom 2016 plays excellently at max difficulty and makes you feel unbelievably badass when you succeed. World at War feels horrible at max difficulty and comes across as unfair and tedious. Right now, Helldive feels a lot closer to the latter than the former.


How do useless rants like these get upvoted?


Because people like beating up strawmen since they don't fight back. Also circlejerking -- lots and lots of it.


The Reddit experience


Right? Dude can't even get the difficulty tiers correct before crying about it online. Suicide isn't directly below Helldive, it's Impossible. Most of these ranters have zero clue what they're talking about.


I haven’t really seen people complain about helldive. I have seen them complain about the BS that makes the game harder in a not fun way though (across any difficulty)




Genuinely who is complaining about Helldive? I don't think anyone is.


Who is complaining that much about the helldive difficulty? I see a dozen stupid rants like this one for every one comment about the harder difficulties being too hard. Just chill dude. People on the internet complain about any and everything and your opinion isn't going to change that. Not everything requires a reaction - you can just downvote and move on.


Critiquing =/= complaining. The vast majority of criticism of the higher difficulties has mostly been about mission modifiers, which aren't interesting, and the weird spawn logic the game has. Modifiers like increased cooldown or call in time aren't fun and just decrease the number of viable options. The devs know this, and it's why they cut their effect in half. Criticism made that change happen. Spawn logic also doesn't make sense. You're encouraged to ignore bases that aren't near extraction and delay completing the objective. There's also the issue of patrols still popping into existence near you, although that occurs significantly less often now.  People just want the game to be better.


Another thing that I think is a really weird design decision is that taking out bot outposts and bug nests actually increases the number of enemies instead of decreasing it. It should really be the other way around, both from a logic point of view and a gameplay point of view. If I'm running Helldive, I'm usually trying to complete main objectives and extract with samples. Since taking out factories and nests makes the mission harder and only nets extra money and xp, it really doesn't make sense to take them out if you're trying to get samples and get out. Not to mention that logically, destroying enemies' spawn points should reduce the number of enemies, instead of increasing them. I love the game, but there are some really weird design choices that become more apparent on higher difficulty.


This however reflects why I stopped playing higher difficulties in games over the years. Higher difficulties eventually just break the design, and extreme difficulties end up not fun. You can see this in like Slay The Spire as well. People can win Ascension 20 + really hard mods on a streak, but it railroads you into very few viable designs. It becomes less about trying to find something fun that works, you need to make one of a few decks work in this run, or else. And it's /very/ hard to keep both a somewhat casual experience fun while making a very competitive difficulty work. That's why e.g. StarCraft 1 and 2 have different balances between competitive games and the campaigns. But now you have 2 games to balance with changes.


I only have trouble on Helldive with the shorter missions right now. The mission of eliminating hordes of bots always gets me. I just can't seem to find a good enough spot to set up by the time I've got them all over me.


I gave up on trying to set up anywhere since the bots always occupy the map already. We take all take 3-4 eagle stratagems and run around the edge of the map being chased by berserkers loony toons style.


Shit I play on medium and sometimes it gets crazy. Just got to level 16 too. Had the game for 6 days now. Dont have a dedicated team or friends other than my little brother. But he is at work most of the day so I can play with him. Guess I need friends to play challenging or hard.


Peoples main problem is that super samples are locked behind these difficulties so they have to play them to progress whether they're ready or not. I find 7 to be a sweet spot most of the time. I won't even try 8 or 9 because I'm already pretty bad lol.


I rarely play helldive because I only play with randoms. I simply can’t take playing with randoms on helldive anymore. I would say a large majority of players don’t understand how bot drops happen because they will take pot shots at every single fucking patrol and never shoot the flare guy. When the squad is not full of morons, helldive is the best. To keep my sanity, I play challenging. I put on my highest stamina armor, jetpack, AMR, and then just bounce around letting the randoms have their fun while I basically do everything.


I had no idea anyone was even complaining about this.


They aren't. OP is karma farming. Say something that everyone agrees with but make it sound like it's an unpopular opinion and your post gets swarmed with upvotes.


You can tell by OP not really responding to anyone raising criticism with their point.


I wish the mods would just remove lazy ragebait posts like this tbh


Does this place even have mods? It seems like a free for all


Helldive is possible and sometimes easy when you have divers thank know gorilla tactics and know how to disengage when necessary


I prefer level 7 missions. Hard enough to provide a challenge and be cinematic, but still fun. To me it feels like the “Right” level of mission when playing the game. Kinda like how Heroic is the canon level of challenge in Halo. Anything harder than 7 is fun, but requires I play with my friends. Level 7 I can run with randoms or even solo if I have a good initial drop.


I honestly don't understand where people are getting the impression that helldive is super hard. I play almost exclusively in pubs where no one is using mics and I've got probably around a 60% successful extraction rate. The only meaningful difference between tier 9 and tier 1 difficulty is your mentality of how you engage with the enemy. On helldive you're going to have your radar up half the time and you will only fight the enemy when it's on your terms, avoiding them or kiting away when you have to whereas in the lower difficulty tiers players want to plant their feet and kill their way out of every situation. As long as you acknowledge that movement is life you shouldn't really have tons of issues on helldive.


I just wish super samples weren’t so time consuming. The ship modules require like 10 per thing and you can only collect 3 per mission at like 30+ mins a mission that’s nuts can we at least get like another daily objective that gives bonus super samples if you complete the harder missions?


Believe it or not, the super samples are unlikely to be a consistent bottleneck. It's mostly going to be the common/rares, simply because of quantity. When you find super samples, you know exactly where they are (the dick rock) and they're all there. Commons/rares are just scattered across the map. The new tier 4 upgrades require 300 Commons and 150 rares. *Each.*


Super samples are by far the easiest sample to stay stocked up on if you don't just camp 6 and under. You'll get your 10 in at least the same amount of time it takes you to get your 100ish commons. Especially if you play at 8 or 9 getting 5 and 6 per map respectively.


The game is honestly not as hard as people make it out to be on suicide, Yeah you are gonna get reinforced a lot but if you work together and dont rush in blindly youll be ok. Otherwise just play on 5-6 its not a real job, just have fun


Who's complaining about helldive? Never seen anyone complain about it since players aren't forced to play a certain difficulty