• By -


Apparently we've only shot an average of 3 bullets per Helldiver....


Can't be right. Average mission you come back with 100-1000 bullets fired per diver but only have like 20 deaths max between them. 


I almost think something about the bullets per mission is also bugged. I've been coming back with almost 2k shots with the sickle, and I'm pretty sure that's wrong.


That is around 160 seconds of continuous fire in a match, I think I regularly pull that off with the Sickle.


The Sickle does not fire bullets, to be fair.


I know, I don't get nearly as close with the other weapons as the infinite ammo really helps. A Sickle Stalwart would be so neat, though not all that used as it wouldn't be Anti-Tank :/ The comment I responded to mentioned the Sickle, hence why I responded a bit in jest about how I easily fire 2.000 shots with it.


Coming back with 0 shots an hundreds of kills. There is something wrong with the stats!


Goddamn, how much do you lift diver?!


That's like that one Scottish soldier, who stormed Normandy on D-Day with a Sword. Simply built different


That sounds cool as hell actually what the fuck


His name was [Jack Churchill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Churchill)


Everyone loves Mad Jack Churchill


And I'm fairly sure it was him who got the only longbow kill in all of ww2.


“You know, if it hadn’t been for those damned Yanks we could have kept the war going for another 10 years.”


Imagine being there, laying down fire left and right with your state of the art mounted machine gun when through the smoke and blood and the shite comes a crazed Scotsman with a fucking CLAYMORE! I’d have been away lol. Scottish people are scary enough without doing that sort of shit




Breaker and Senator


Armstrong Approved!


Thats easy. Just do the infinite grenade glitch


Just got good elbows


I blame the children.


Nah. That's pretty standard. I use the sickle for everything, and the range of 2k~3k bullets fired is usually what I get, give or take.


I run the sickle and regularly finish missions with 4-5k shots fired.


2k shots with Sickle is my average game, the reason you can fire so many "bullets" with Sickle is that it doesn't have any bullets and you technically don't have to reload it ever


Plus the fact that 1 helldiver takes between 1-200 enemies out per deployment


Few. Most players go through few lives per mission. Every death is canon


We were all using the pre-patch senator ig


God I love that gun


Were you not shooting the entire bullet, casing, and all? That's 50% more bullet per bullet!


I love how this canonically explains how you can take so many shots from Portal turrets before they kill you.


Cave Johnson moment


either the way they count this is bugged, or its a deliberate falsehood to imply to the player that there are worlds where helldivers are getting slaughtered by the tens of millions, and we're actually on the "easy" side of this galactic conflict It'd be worth checking the steam concurrent players to see if that lines up with the active helldivers metric because yeah, I play with 4 people on helldive most of the time, I'd say we usually finish with a couple of reinforcements remaining, but say for the sake of argument we use 20 reinforcements between us every game... We always finish with between 150-450+ kills each. avg 5 deaths vs avg 300 kills? IDK how this number disparity could be achieved. Even if 90% of players are jumping into the game, getting literally zero kills, but maxing out their reinforcement budget every time, repeatedly, there's no way these numbers add up.


More people are starting to realize the numbers don’t add up. I figured it out when you had that “2 billion” MO that was so obviously tilted in our favor.  It takes the fun away from me knowing the stats, numbers, how we progress, is all basically arbitrary to what the devs have planned. 


> It takes the fun away from me knowing the stats, numbers, how we progress, is all basically arbitrary to what the devs have planned.  this is .... every video game ever made ... do you think the numbers presented in all games are accurate? Even X-Com shows you a fake percentage to make you feel good about your shots. this is a common game design thing. The numbers arent real.




Xcom has this funny ability that even if your soldier has 90% chance to hit, that soldier will miss 90% of the time. A lot of keyboards, gamepads, and controllers were broken because of this.


It's just a meme that barely has anything even close to truth behind it. Normal difficulty xcom makes you *more* accurate than the tool tip at high accuracies. It's just that people take 20 shots at 80% accuracy, miss 2 of them (instead of the 4 you'd expect) and freak out about how this "always" happens, because they're treating an 80% shot as "well that's obviously gonna hit."


this guy maths


Very inaccurate - Average stalwart enjoyer


Took the Stalwart with a supply pack to a mission last night where the enemy spawn was just tons of shit ass little bugs non stop...fired almost 8,000 bullets in one mission. It was beautiful


I love when I go to lay covering fire for my teammates with that thing only to rack up like a 30-40 kill streak on the sweep.


I sometimes empty mags just to hear the extra voice lines.


"Get some, get some!"


Considering how many times people get redeployed in the middle of a wave of enemies only to emerge surrounded by heavies and superheavies that ragdoll and /or kill you instantly that might even be true


At this point, I'm fairly certain that pubs use reinforcements as a 2s distraction measure to get some of the heat off them. Nothing and I mean -nothing- is worse than being dropped into a mob of 3 chargers and a fucking fuck of hunters.


That's a good collective noun for them. A herd of cows, a flock of geese, a swarm of bees, a murder of crows, and a fucking fuck of hunters.


Also, a fuck this shit I'm out of stalkers Fun note though, even with the nerfs the eruptor still 1HK stalkers


Whereas I ask to be thrown at the Charger so I can squish him with my pod.


When I die, reinforce me on the BT.


If I die young Throw me at the titan Lay me down on a bed of Chargers Sink me in the bug nest at dawn Scream "FOR DEMOCRACY" like a love song


You rock. I listened to that song a week ago and didn't expect a work in to Helldivers.


I don't know why ppl do tjis all the time. I try to figure put where the slly died and then, if it's too hot, toss them 180 degrees from that so they can land, get bearings and work their way in, or disengage.


I get redeemed into green spit everytime 


Probably the averaging out from all the players tossing the Reinforce ball into the middle of enemy hordes as a distraction...


Can't wait for nerfs based on similarly accurate tracking for weapons. "According to our internal tracking data, the crossbow has a pick rate of 112% and kills roughly 78 enemies with each trigger pull. We're nerfing the ammo to 1 mag and the explosion radius is now 2cm, which we believe should bring it in line with all the other unusable weapons."


They aren't great at accurate tracking. Check your career stats; your total number of terminid kills and automaton kills added together are probably thousands off from your total enemies killed, unless we're also killing ghosts.


You forgot to add in the war crimes and friendly fire. 


There are no war crimes where bugs and bots are concerned


Any so called "accidental civilian kills" are really just targeted executions of traitorous conspirers who would undermine Super Earth and Democracy. Helldivers have justice poured into their veins and democracy hammered onto their hearts, so even what appears to be an unconscious accidental misfire is really an extremely targeted and calculated shot to kill an unknown enemy.


So when my backpack kills me, i was a traitor all along?


The backpack was forged in liberty, and can sniff out traitorous intent. If you died to it, then it was because an undemocratic thought entered your head. Even intrusive thoughts are criminal. If you are concerned, ask your democracy officer about our new Super Lobotomy procedures.


Killing a civilian only costs 50 requisition, you can kill so many and it's so affordable!




They're not war crimes if we're not at war. It's a peacekeeping operation.


Helldiver Training Manual: Friendly fire isn't.


Top edit: Since this is the most traction I've ever gotten about the Supply Pack/Down Button issue, I made [another post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/vSviWJ5Jy1) I don't give a Termanid's Carapace about the fake points, but hopefully we can boost it up to the Devs somehow ... I recently gave up on getting my kills to Thanos I have played nothing but bots for the last month, but I've seen my Termanid kills increased by 1000+ every week I reported it, but nothing. Just like how calling in a 500kg will use a supply pack if you're running it. Still haven't seen that one on the patch notes despite multiple reports Edit: I have posted about the 500kg/Supply Pack bug at least three times and deleted them because the only people there were calling me a liar I've gotten more awareness on it just from this comment lol Fuckin' reddit, man


Sounds like a controller-only bug based on your later comment about other strategems that end with a down. I bet some of the people calling you a liar are on k+m and can't recreate that bug.


When I call in airburst barrage I pull out a grenade half the time. I think if you let go of stratagem menu before the beacon is in your hand it uses what ever dpad toggle younlast pushed


I gotta switch off impact grenades...


I'm on PC but use a controller and this also doesn't happen to me. Not denying it because I can't test console.


I bet they (us PC users) could recreate that bug if they put 5 = (down arrow key). Might test it later since that is interesting.


I play on ps5/controller and the amount of times I'm typing in a stratagem and my dude hits a fucking stim instead is out of control


>Just like how calling in a 500kg will use a supply pack if you're running it. no way... do you have a vid? that would be the absolute king of dumb fuckin bugs created by these devs


Just [ran it with the 500kg](https://youtu.be/mKNlGW7eEZU?si=h1xJ-FXthMo3Wi0s) the [orbital laser](https://youtu.be/D04WtB7hia0?si=E3HjF_Y9L_IqCa0N) and the [EMS ](https://youtu.be/kGJL8rcfQ7Y?si=026k-KwmeC5JF97b) all those end with down arrow Ironically, it's sometimes better when I'm in the shit because it gets interrupted like a stim but still gets the 500kg off It's been like this since launch. I've mained the supply pack since I unlocked it. You can check my post history.


It’s probably similar to how sometimes when you use a stratagem that ends in right you use your grenade


That's true! But at least with the grenade, you only equip it. You don't instantly throw it lol


I changed that on mine so it's a tap for throw and it's hell to get used to


![gif](giphy|fBGy9GPvF3QwCPQt9f|downsized) You magnificent bastard


Same bro. Killed two helldivers at the beginning of a match because I have it set to tap-to-throw and they were focused on dropping their strats.


I've done that so many times to my buddy. Especially in the heat of swarms it's really hard to aim it so I don't also catch teammates with the damage


Happens to me all the time when I’m redeploying a fallen team mate..


Fucking sometimes. I swear if I could use xyab I couldn’t accidentally hit a diagonal on the D-pad and cancel the whole thing just to hit > on the d pad at the end and feed myself an impact grenade.


I can only assume that AH read these reports and thought “that’s so fucking stupid no way this guy ain’t trolling” and promptly forgot about it


I am pretty stupid, so they weren't completely wrong.


Fellow supplybro, keep your team happy and Democratic as I do ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


Fuck yeah! All the Stims and Ammo we want! *(and team resupply too, right?)* ... *(And Team Resupply too... Right?)*


I mean, I'm hogging the supply drop but in return, I make sure everyone has enough ammo to do my job for me. If not, well. There's enough ammo and nades for me to genocide the whole planet of bugs and bots.


Oh for sure But Liberty help them if I'm running the grenade pistol


that's incredible. lol thanks for the vids i'll be referencing these


is this a controller only issue? i can't seem to recreate it on mouse and keyboard


yeah he's on ps5. so i'm guessing the game detects the button for the stratagem and completes the combo, which reverts the button function to supply pack it probably would work the same on pc if you had arrow keys bound to multiple functions


Yeah I've got a couple and can take more It's not sensitivity, it doesn't happen with every strat that finishes down


Can you post them? Very curious


Just did in a comment right above, 3 stats that end in down - all used a pack Literally ran a quick game just now


Similarly, I can't see samples in-mission no matter what setting and it's not in the patch notes either.


Hit "revert" on your HUD settings in the menu and save them. Then make any changes you want. This should bring back the sample counters.


Your team mates are also your enemies.


Accidentally killing other Helldivers ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Don’t forget to add the amount of helldivers killed in this metric just to be sure. Not to say it’ll add up but I wonder if they add that to the counter because of killing enemy dissidents.


The game is rubbish at determining cause of death too.


We made a major order that consisted in killing 2B bugs in a day but there's like 300M enemies killed TOTAL? Yeah that's definitely wrong.


Someone pointed out that for the 2BN it counted one kill as four, if you were in a four person squad, the same way that personal orders can be completed by your teammates


Even then, that'd mean that in that single order we killed 500M


It was more like 650 million because the average party size is less than 4. I believe it worked out to be 3.28 Helldivers per mission on average.


https://preview.redd.it/podz6waf6txc1.png?width=1050&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8662d387c4a62e4c76d6d670be1b080387f2b37 the 0.28th Helldiver in question


John HellDivi


More like: Jo


Who’s Jo?


*cracks knuckles* *clears throat* *stretches back* Ahem... Jo mama.


Correct. It multiplied by the number of people in the dive, which worked out to slightly more than 3. I made the original post (and got called a lot of name by people who don’t really get how averages work lol).  It was still an incredible amount of bugs killed! Using some assumptions, it seems like our kill rate increased by an astonishing 400%. But it was overcounting. And from the looks of this post there are a few more bugs in the system to be killed.


Oh shi-


Why are you getting downvoted? This is quite literally true.


The stats on screen are just for the selected planet or sector.


pretty sure those stats are per planet, and just shows the last planet you looked at...


Yes. Enemies killed missing 3 digits.


After killing 2 billion terminids we only killed 300 million enemies


Propaganda in action.


Any questioning of super earth propaganda is treason!


Pretty sure those stats are per planet, and just shows the last planet you looked at...


But guys, there are commas in the inaccurate numbers. Improvement!




Those are funky numbers. The more accurate ones are the ones shown next to the Democracy officer right before you check the war table. The numbers displayed once you are in are way off... like : https://preview.redd.it/0qgozsvwnsxc1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac2fc813b5ac70122ea2f1785972f466740dd13 More KIA than bullet fired, really?


I'm pretty sure these can show both the grand total and a total for a sector but it doesn't switch on a dime so numbers can be wrong when they are accurate for a specific sector while looking wrong for the total for the war.


I was looking for this. I've noticed the same thing at times. I think it can also show numbers for the individual planet as well


Also like average Helldivers fires 3 bullets per life? That sounds a tiny bit off


You have 3 shots comrade, make them count


Hey guys let's force the automatons to the terminids by fighting from the left edge and slowly pushing them north and then right


And then watch us get deployed to planets where you have to fight both sides at the same time.


Maybe they'll kill each other, win win


or the enemies enhance each other -> imagine charger with minigun turrets. such heresy must not happen


Automatons + Terminids = Cy-Bugs (the ones in Disney Wreck-It Ralph movie).


Hulk riding a bile titan. Factory strider that opens its mouth and unleashes a cloud of cyborg shriekers.


Numbers don't line up game is unplayable


It's those Stalker swarms which are responsible for this discrepancy.


Yeah the real number of enemies killed id assume is bearing down on the big T (trillion). We killed a billion bugs in 10 hours.


I forgot about that 🤔 guess it could be automoton propaganda (server error)


I did find it weird that I had 50,000 requisition slips instead of 50000. It also feels like the font/UI on console is slightly bigger.


There were some UI changes in the patch for ultrawide monitors. Entirely possible that may have affected the base UI slightly for everyone.


They most likely used an unsigned long int for storing the values and the largest number it can store is 4,294,967,295. So when that number is reached it overflows which means it resets back to the lowest number it can hold. In the case of an unsigned long int that would be 0. Since the counts never exceed 4,294,967,295 and are never negative they must of used an unsigned long int. What they should have used is an unsigned long long int as the highest number it can hold is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. And it would quite literally be impossible for us to max that out and get an overflow in the games lifetime.


…Sounds like a new MO challenge to me




You should have seen it a couple of months ago. After about 2.1 billion it wrapped back to negative. This is their "fixed" version.


Are you questioning super earths ability to count?


Casualties keep rising!


Dunno, I'm pretty shit


Well, this might be a hint to point out something that hasn't been getting attention. There are actually a lot of helldivers frozen on every destroyer. Only a couple will be defrosted per mission. And if you look out through the windows, you will see that many destroyers are being shot down. Therefore indeed, many helldivers are dying without getting the chance to fire a single shot.


This is cannon for me now. Thanks for this post.


Considering we just completed a major order that required us to kill 2 billion Terminids, I reckon those numbers are off…


I’ve seen more kills on a planet then system then the galaxy wide kill count.


Actually, I’m looking at the counter now. I see 2b enemy kills vs 1.1b Helldivers KIA. https://preview.redd.it/8uwdhtohdsxc1.png?width=1504&format=png&auto=webp&s=f66bb247ec8997bb7452063b2c71b0940ba7f87e


2b enemies killed and 2b bullets fired? Perfect accuracy.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't more Helldivers been killed in this war than people that have existed on Super Earth and her other planets?


We just recently killed 2bil bugs, so the bots are clearly hacking our democratic statistics. And yeah just on that MO alone those counts reflect what would be 1 bullet per bug, unless they are taking energy and explosive weapons out of the equation, but I don't think I see that many using energy weapons


No one asked for this kind of data, and tracking it this poorly is embarrassing.


It's mathematically not possible unless there have been an assload of failed missions due to a helldiver firefight on drop. Even the missions I've failed, I've killed more than I lost.


I kill thousands on a slow day, and my teams normally are a little bit under that. So the only explanation would be some traitoris group out there trying to influence the fine citizens of super earth. this will not stand, we must fight harder my fellow helldivers


My kill to death ratio is about 65... Most people would be well above 1 death per kill... Surely...


Pssst. All the stats are broken in this game. Even the ones at the end of a mission. All you have to do it get killed by or accidentally kill some team mates and then notice that at the end screen it'll 9/10 times say zero friendly fire. Use any energy or lazer weapons and notice accuracy and shots fired don't count. Try to finish daily missions and pay attention to the kill counters and notice that it doesn't actually line up with the amount of enemies you are killing most of the time (and I'm not talking about how it's shared between team mates). The stats are broken. Have been broken. Will likely continue to be broken since the devs have never acknowledged it and it seems that most players don't notice it either.


Probably another bot virus messing with our systems. We need to fi nd the source!


God bless Super Comma’s and god bless Super Earth! Lo


100% positive the enemies killed is missing 2, or more likely 3 more digits, so it's 371 billion.


Probably just wrong the game has never been able to count lol old eradicate missions use to say kill 350 enemies and if you added up the totals at the end of the mission you'd always be a 100 or so kills short.


Enemies that bleed to death are probably not counted. Almost every enemy can.


Bot propaganda. Super Earth Ministry of Statistics seems to have Bot and Bug sympathizers in their ranks. Their goal appears to be making it look like we're losing the war! These traitors need to be flushed out and publicly executed immediately! For Liberty... for FREEDOM!


I like to think it counts deaths In the tutorial too lol


It’s called Propaganda!!! I mean, totally legit super information.


We should get friendly fire stats as well


Element 710 is people!


What if the SSSD encrypted is carrying a virus and the bots left propaganda stats to mess with us?


I came here to say somethin.. but what the shit how do you guys get between 2k and 5k shots fired with the sickle, I maybe get 1k or a little more but thats it, I guess I mostly nuke everything or impact and grenade pistol weakspots so sickle is used for long range or continuous fire conditions


I killed that many before breakfast.


Waiting for that “accurate counting” plug-in next…


Someone's tempering with the logs. This isn't good. It'll demoralize our troops! We gotta court-martial whoever did this!


Sorry guys, I'm really bad. About half a billion of these are me.


Could be helldivers killed by other helldivers lmao


I bet they just put the commas in the wrong place lmao


that wouldn't actually change the number, though. Just mess with readability. But there's no way to, say, turn a nine-figure number into a ten-figure number by misplacing a comma. The commas also aren't in the wrong spot anywhere anyway, as you can see that no number has less than three digits after any comma. But maybe we've lost several digits on some of the bigger numbers.


You can turn a ten-figure number into a nine-figure number though by sliding the commas down and dropping off the last digit. That's what I assume happened. 37 billion makes more sense to me than 371 million. Edit - I suck at spelling


Okay yeah that could be.


None of the stats in this game are correct. I always get messages like me getting killed by certain people but they weren't even close for example.


Yeah, these stats don’t seem accurate. I KNOW my personal KDR is about 60.


With my luck on dives not shocking at all.


Must be the 27 buffs ;)


I know striders count as 2 enemies so I wonder what else gets miss recorded.


Didn't we crush a major order for killing 2 billion bugs?


When I booted up the game and saw this I was genuinely more excited for the commas than literally anything else in the update because I'd been complaining about it here before. YYEEEESSS! I'm sick of devs leaving out commas when we have gigantic numbers to read all the time.


We are getting fucked on this side, send nukes please!!


worthy sacrifice(s)


Big oof


Looks like they just flipped those numbers


Not just more Helldivers than enemies, they fired on average less than 3 shots before dying.


It's not accurate but I've noticed that more often people die lately in public matchmaking. 




I think the commas pushed the last three digits off the edge into oblivion.


It's an enemy propaganda!


Thats the result of solo-diving now. You dive, you get instantly swarmed and die repeatingly until you run out of reinforcements. ; ) But since Helldivers are stubborn, they keep repeating this. FOR DEMOCRACY!


I think the devs just want to feel like they’re owning facists


Friendly fire