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okay, why are you blaming Arrowhead for this? even on the Steam post, it was signed by Sony.


Consider that this is the only Sony game on PC that requires this.


it's also the only Sony game where the PC port launched on the same day.


And also the only multiplayer one right? Spiderman/GoW etc are all single player games.


Until Ghost of Tsushima later this month.


Unless they port the SP part only, Uncharted 4 has a multiplayer but hasn't been ported to pc afaik


They’ve confirmed that the multiplayer component will launch alongside singleplayer featuring crossplay which will require a PSN account.


Well thats pretty cool, I just started playing Ghost on ps+ and being able to play the mp bit on pc will be nice


Awesome thanks for the info


Oh crossplay is pretty dope. I was super late to the party (got a PS5 last christmas) so I never bothered with the multiplayer mode. I figured that most people were already done with it, but I do have a couple PC friends that might be interested when it comes out on steam.


Ghost of Tsushima has MP?


Yeah, PvE modes like wave survival and short co-op missions. It's pretty fun!


There exists a Helldivers 1.


Wasn’t helldivers 1 released on pc in same day as the console version?


No, PC version was released 9 months after console


Isn’t it also the only Sony game on Steam that’s entirely multiplayer? Not to mention crossplay on release? I won’t be surprised if a PSN link is required for the Ghost of Tsushima: Legends stuff that is getting crossplay soon. Update: Sucker Punch has announced that GoT: Legends (the online portion of the game) WILL require a PSN account, but the main story (the offline portion) will not. Seems pretty clear cut that Sony just wants people that are using their servers to agree to their terms of service and stuff. Really not a big ask, and honestly pretty reasonable.


It’s also the only Sony game with multiplayer on Steam


Helldivers 1: ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


So far. I am curious how their Playstation overlay will work/look like when Ghosts of Tsushima release this month. It also requires a PSN account for Online Multiplayer (the coop mode and legends mode) and also for the overlay. I assume when it comes to exclusives they will keep doing this. Playstation was more than stubborn to even consider porting their games to PC to begin with, only started really pushing for it once they noticed PC players actually buy their decent ports. It just took them a while longer to realize, so I am not surprised they are doing the same XBOX did in regards to accounts. (You require an XBOX/Microsoft account for most if not all XBOX exclusives)


Microsoft also essentially generates Xbox accounts for anyone with Microsoft accounts now that it's baked into Windows.


Yes, but that is more of a technicality, since you still require either/or. If you have an Xbox account, you are fine anyway, if you have a microsoft account, you will autogenerate one and probably don't even realize it. Sony now has to show if they follow the trend of how these account links have been done for the past few years, or if they get stuck in the past in usual japenese IT-company fashion and start something stupid like the "Windows Live" Bullshit which caused Microsoft to lose a considerable headstart in the PC space with their early XBOX ports due to asinine restrictions, but let's hope they passed the fax machine in their plans already...


its only one of the only ONLY Sass games by sony on steam to begin and part of their contract since they funded the game


It's also the most successful...... What's your point?


I swear, sometimes I just think most of reddit has a reading comprehension of a toddler. Its not that hard to understand. Not saying that people don't have the right to be mad but BE MAD at the correct things.


considering AH is defending it and telling people to spam an emote on their discord when people give negative feedback, i think its fair to blame them


AH is contractually obligated to defend the decisions Sony makes.


so its fair they share the blame then?


They are not. There are pleanty of devs that say "we disagree but it was forced on us by the publisher".


I know this may sound crazy, but cutting bridges with your publisher, when your publisher is mf Sony, might not be that good of an idea


PR goes well beyond the consumer. To disagree with or otherwise speak negatively of a business partner is tantamount to suicide. I'm not talking about competitor here, but a *\*partner\**


But didnt AH have to agree with the contract they signed with Sony? Therefore Sony can enforce it. Right or no ?


Contract to develop and maintain a video game. Not say nice things about business daddy.


Because Arrowhead sold the game in countries they knew didn't have PSN, knowing that the game would require PSN eventually. They sold products in countries they knew would not be able to function in those areas. That's fucked.


Sony is the publisher. They are responsible for distribution. The PSN requirement was also listed from day 1 on steam.


Yeh. Arrowhead said "yeh publish our game, I'm sure there aren't any meetings or conversations about making it PSN required when agreeing to work with Sony."


Because AH made the deal with sony and have allowed this to happen. Corps always try to blame each other while destroying gaming...


sorry but Arrowhead is just as much at fault as Sony if not more.


Edit: Twinbeard has just announced this is a Sony decision that AH has no control over. So I will redact my statements about AH and instead apply them to Sony. Because AH has gone out of their way multiple times to say they are an independent studio and Sony doesn't make the decisions for their game. Turns out they fucking lied.


Lied or didn't know that Sony were able to command them. Of course, both scenario are still possible, i wait for official communication before judging.


Edit: Twinbeard has just announced this is a Sony decision that AH has no control over. So I will redact my statements about AH and instead apply them to Sony. If that was a possibility this entire time then AH shouldnt have gone out on a limb and said they have total control of HD2 and are independent. Im not blaming AH for this Sony debacle btw. I just think its a little irresponsible and immature to say they are independent and independently make decisions when thats clearly not the case wether they knew that or not.


Semantics like crazy up in this thread. Is it not plausible to assume they meant that, for example, "no Sony cannot force us to buff laser weapon damage, it is our game and it moves in the direction we choose."


>I just think its a little irresponsible and immature to say they are independent and independently make decisions when thats clearly not the case wether they knew that or not. Sorry to repeat myself, but imagine they **did not know** Sony had the power and they thinked they were free. Maybe they were genuinely honest when they were talking about their freedom on the game.


Then it sounds like they need a better lawyer to explain to them the situation they are in. If thats the case I feel bad for AH being strong armed by Sony.


That is probably the situation. We will see soon i guess ;)


Just saw the discord. Twinbeard just announced it wasn't an AH decision. It was Sony. But thats scares me because Sony has proven they have control. They could remove Super Credits being earned in game and AH couldn't do anything about it. Sadge.


Allright, i might gave a look too. Big company have many ways to take control over little ones. And remember, in a capitalist world, those who have the money have the control (usually banks, but not here)


You clearly have no idea how a board of directors and investors work do you? Companies do what the board tells them to do. CEOs can only have so much autonomy if they aren’t in line with investors wants




You can be an independent company, and still have to answer to the board


Idk if you are being willfully ignorant or just not understanding at all. AH came out about a month or two ago stating Sony does not own them and they make their own decisions. Now they are saying this is a Sony decision. Either they lied two months ago or they are allowing Sony to do this and agree with Sony. Both are shitty.


Could be a combo of both. From a small business perspective here’s my idea- they probably thought they would be able to do everything on their own, because Sony told them they wouldn’t interfere with creative decisions. That is probably what they meant. When it comes to this thing that everyone is losing their minds over, I would bet Sony flexed and threatened them as their largest investor in the IP right now. This happens all the time in startup tech companies that get a big name involved


You're missing some important understanding in that. AH is independent. Sony does not control what they make. HOWEVER. They partnered on Helldivers and it is ***PUBLISHED*** by Sony. While Arrowhead maintains independence and creative freedom of the content within, Sony is responsible for distributing the game. Where it can be sold, why, when, how much, and how they choose to track that is what Sony has control over, which, is what this is. The publisher has now requested accounts to track who owns it and where.


The community managers are also being dicks about it in the discord. Arrowhead is 100% ok with this system and are defending it


You think AH has no leverage to renegotiate the contract?


I am so confused about this stuff I had to link the account the first day I played release day?


Because it was required initially and then they dropped the mandatory requirement when the servers started getting hammered. Put another way, had the servers not melted the mandatory PSN requirement would have always been there and there would be no controversy like the first few weeks. The game was selling like hot cakes and you didn’t have people complaining like this over the PSN requirement those early weeks.


tbf if itt was required i wouldve not have bought it and refunded it the moment i saw the message and so wouldve thousands of others that are fed up with these things


It was temporarily made optional due to some bug or other, but was still listed on the Steam page as mandatory, and the game explicitly tells you to do this (and did the entire time it's been optional) the first time you boot it up with a giant QR code and big "Link your accounts" thing.


You assume this community can read XD.


I know, right? Media literacy and just kind of literacy overall seems... Honestly just disturbingly lacking on the HD subreddit, and that's genuinely concerning in regards to the level of education these people are getting.


I usually scoff at the "iPad kid" reference to some of the younger gamers but things like this make me think it may have some merit. No personal accountability. "I didn't read or consider a single thing presented to me and now I'm mad!" it's especially funny because I almost gaurentee anyone actually affected can get a full refund through steam. As a side not refunds are hella expensive for Devs when done months later due to transaction fees from credit cards and such. This would send way more of a message then all these gamerz screaming into the void of reddit bots.


Thing with refunds here though; According to Steam, they gave you every explicit detail you needed except how the game actually plays and whether or not you personally will find it fun before purchase. All warnings are present, the hardware requirements are there, all available purchases and microtransaction acknowledgements are present, and it has reviews right there at the bottom of the page. So, once you're over the 2-hour, 7-day window in its legal refund obligations? Steam has washed its hands of your purchase, and is no longer responsible for facilitating refunds. People are claiming "But the EU will do something", and like... No, they won't. Again, Steam, Sony and AH all provide exactly all the information you need to understand the requirements and agreements *prior* to purchase and in an easily obtainable, publicly available fashion, so the EU isn't going to do shit. In effect, people in "No PSN" countries looked at a thing that explicitly required a thing they couldn't do, were told *twice* very explicitly that they had to do that thing in clear, unambiguous text, and then still chose to buy it, and are now complaining about facing the consequences of their own poorly thought out actions. It's akin to buying a bottle of Chlorox, seeing all the warning labels, the bottle itself gaining a voice and saying "Don't drink me, I'm poison"... And then the idiot drinking it anyway and complaining at the pearly gates that "BUT NOBODY TOLD ME IT WAS POISON".


I would bet 5$ if you bought it in one of those restricted countries steam gives full refund. Yes they give you the info for the rest of people complaining about making an account but it should be region locked the distributor (Sony) fucked up. Steam doesn't want that liability they will put it on Sony 100%.


The only, and I mean absolutely ***ONLY*** people with a legitimate cause for complaint here are exactly those people, who are an extreme minority of players. Valve, Sony and AH *do* need to bear the responsibility of having sold the game in those countries where PSN isn't usable. *However*, it's just a fact, plain and simple, that people in those nations would just use a VPN or some such thing to access the game *anyway*. Like, that's not even up for question, the game is popular and fun, of *course* people would just make phony PSN accounts and use Steam region lock bypasses to play it. Yeah, it's a legitimate complaint, but people really shouldn't even pretend for a moment that they wouldn't, and are only bringing up TOS, which people largely don't care about, because it's something to point at.


This sub is a clear example of how horrible social media can misinterpret entire situations and blow everything way out of proportion just to follow the general crowd for fake internet points. It's so much easier to make a meme that gets quickly popularized dumping fuel into the fire than actually admit who's really at fault and to be blamed and have a real conversation about this. Then again this is a reddit gaming sub, so what did i expect lol.


Just be glad that Reddit is an *extremely small* minority of actual players, especially the ones that actually post or comment on anything. At the very least, the chuds and smoothbrains aren't a significant faction by any measure.


I did not have a QR code link my accounts thing. I bought after initial launch during the "servers are actively melting" phase. It just plopped me right into the tutorial. I would've immediately refunded if it had asked me to link a PSN account.


It literally told you on the Steam page that the game requires one. It literally less than a single cm below the "add to cart" button on the right in bright, "warning" orange. Missing that, and the "first boot" one, which *also* explicitly tells you that the game requires a PSN account is entirely on the buyer. I don't *like* PSN, nor Sony, but I am at least literate and informed enough to know what I'm buying and what's required for it before I buy it. So to should you be, but apparently a lot of people really, really *aren't*, which is more concerning than anything else.


Didn't argue the steam page thing, but since you bring it up that's not really clear either. It says "Allows linking to steam account" which I thought meant you could substitute in a steam account, which I assumed happened automatically since I never got asked about the so called required PSN accout. Also steam store pages are notoriously inaccurate. Remember all the store pages that sold different games as helldivers? Also this argument feels like a "You mean you didn't read the entire EULA?" argument, which even the buisness-happy US Court System doesn't support. Nobody reads every detail on every EULA. Yes I ignored the inaccurate steam page "notice of requirement" because when I went to play the game, it wasn't required. And now you want to attack me with an ad hominen about me being allegedly illiterate, which is funny because you seem to have failed at comprehending that I never got a "first boot" popup, which was the entire point of my post.


I played starting near the end of February and it definitely told me to link my account. I didn't even see a skip button despite it being after one was supposedly added.


the steamstore did tell you it needs a PSN account


Didn't argue that, but since you bring it up that's not really clear either. It says "Allows linking to steam account" which I thought meant you could substitute in a steam account, which I assumed happened automatically since I never got asked about the so called required PSN account. Also steam store pages are notoriously inaccurate. Remember all the store pages that sold different games as helldivers? Also this argument feels like a "You mean you didn't read the entire EULA?" argument, which even the buisness-happy US Court System doesn't support. Nobody reads every detail on every EULA. Yes I ignored the inaccurate steam page "notice of requirement" because when I went to play the game, it wasn't required.


Why the misinformation, over and over? In bright orange, right next to eye level with the "add to cart" button, steam has three warnings; > Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: nProtect GameGuard > >Requires 3rd-Party Account: PlayStation Network (Supports Linking to Steam Account) > >Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA [HELLDIVERS™ 2 EULA](https://store.steampowered.com//eula/553850_eula_0) It's even in the EULA that if you wish to file a dispute in North, Central or South America, your PSN account ID is part of the information that must be incorporated to do so.


Or, we saw the "skip" button at the bottom right and clicked that. If something is skippable it ain't required.


I joined on day 3 or 4 and I didn't even get a prompt to link them. I don't even recall seeing an option to do so. Probably on one of those tabs but somehow never saw it.


Ever think it's Sony putting the Boot on AH's neck? I'm surprised they've been allowed a Grace Period at all. AH isn't the problem, Sony is. Boycotting Helldivers isn't going to change anything. "A PSN is Required to Play this Game" was also the first thing you see when you get to your Destroyer and it is clearly stated on Helldivers Steam page. Nothing about this is 'sneaky'.


Never saw one, no qr code, no link your account message. They either turned that shit off shortly after launch or it's yet another of the myriad bugs plaguing the game. 


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this mentioned in the store and mandatory for a while at the start and then reverted so they can fix a bug with it? Doesn't sound very sneaky.


At release. It wanted you to link to the PSN account. It was just buggy and you could skip it.


Before release. Since December '23. Proof: [https://steamdb.info/app/553850/history/?changeid=U:43264197](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/history/?changeid=U:43264197) The only folks I feel bad for here are those that literally cannot get PSN without jumping through hoops. It's pretty clearly been on the steam page since well before launch, and even well before pre-orders opened. That said, Sony/AH should have communicated it much, much better. Even now the process is fucked. Folks who have gone ahead and made PSN accounts can't even link them in-game. It's a shitshow.


Dude atleast use the correct company. Its Sony who pushed it, not arrowhead.




Yes. "Sneak-in" with highlighted description right next to the buy game button. "Sneak-in" with the giant splash page and QR Code when first launching the game. This is like claiming your girlfriend is sneaking around cheating on you when 1. You're just some dude that's a regular at her coffee shop. 2. She was already married for 2 years before she met you.


Never got a QR code splash screen when I first launched. It just dropped me into the tutorial.


Same here.


But they make sure to allow you to buy the game even if PSN is not supported in your country


That's between Sony and Steam. Arrowhead makes the stuff, doesn't get to decide where or how it's sold.


i VPN'd to the US and managed to link my account back when i bought Spider-Man. Never had a problem on other games since.


Nobody should need to do that, even more when the game works just fine without it


i just stated the inconvenience i had and the actions i took to circumvent it. it's still true that i haven't had a problem since, meaning i wasn't banned or anything. but in no way am i saying it's ok to always do that. if it came across to you (and apparently others too) as saying i'm not affected by the change, then it might have just been lost in translation as english isn't really my first language.


Watch out for the Sony police! They're simultaneously greedy and want your money / data, but will also ban you for choosing a different country, deying them your money! Fear mongering something nobody has gotten banned for in the history of forever is peak reddiot


i mean, i do get their point of being unable to link your account to PSN due to being region locked which i think is the #1 reason they're angry about this change.


tbf the splashscreen was removed when it became optional due to server melting


To be fair, some people did not get the splash screen due to AH disabling it while they had server issues. Which is precisely why they should be blamed partially tbh


Gamers are the biggest moaners


yeah except they literally forced no one to make one for months. If it was “mandatory” from the start they should have forced you to make one. Not spring it up out of nowhere 3 months later.


It was mandatory at launch, it was made optional when server issues started happening to limit the ways the game could get overloaded. Now that the server issue has been resolved it has been reinstated


Where and how the actual fuck do we even link our accounts there’s literally no option in game or anywhere else for me to do so?


So apparently the option to link for existing players should be coming back near the end of the month? But if you're making a new Helldivers profile/buy the game after this week you'll be able to/need to link a PSN account when booting up. This is entirely baseless in my personal experience, I'm just parroting what I've heard elsewhere because I haven't seen a verifiable source yet.


Has nothing to do with Arrowhead


Children shouldn’t have access to social media until some form of intelligence can be documented


I feel Like children have more reading capability then some adults here, not to mention intelligence


Blame it on PlayStation not the devs


"I can't read"


change it to sony


Playstation players owning a PSN account: calm PC players when forced to own a PSN account: r/helldivers


1; Sony owns the IP, and the account is likely contractually mandated by Sony as part of the publishing stuff. 2; PSN accounts were mandatory at launch, and were only retracted temporarily due to a bug. 3; The Steam page literally directly states that a PSN account is required right there in all the provisory warnings. It's right there in bright orange. You'd have to be blind to have missed it when buying. 4; The game explicitly *tells* you to link your PSN account the first time you boot up the game, and did so while the bug had the "mandatory" part of that temporarily optional. Yes, it sucks for people in countries that *can't* do that, like some in the Balkans. Yes, a VPN or just picking a different region is valid and it's unlikely that Sony will actually ban you for it, though it *is* a possibility as it does break TOS. No, the EU isn't going to do anything about this as Sony and Arrowhead already took every possible step necessary to tell you this was a thing you needed to do and wouldn't have even been able to legally release the product in the EU without already meeting those standards. *Maybe* Steam will step in and offer refunds, and if they do, then by all means make use of them, but it's unlikely. But spreading misinformation about it and throwing a tantrum because the thing that they explicitly told you you had to do... Is now something you have to do... Is just being vitriolic for the sake of it. Just wait until AH or Sony makes a statement about it. Email them if you have to, it's not hard though you should be at least civil and not send them death threats like a smoothbrained chud. It'll get addressed, just *wait patiently* and quit filling every forum and review with misinformation about data selling/access just to push some fearmongering agenda.


They should've kept it mandatory. I'm not reading a 12 page contract whenever I buy a videogame to see if it's gonna burn later on, thats always assumed.  I have a problem with the fact they turned the feature off just to get people playing and now unable to refund. You cannot tell me thats not a scumbag move. 


Why are we blaming Arrowhead? This would’ve been something Sony snuck in. Arrowhead doesn’t give a shit if it’s connected to PSN or not.


Enough. Please guys, can we just stop the endless whining? I joined this sub for the memes, now all I get 24/7 is just a cascade of salt. Forget the bugs, and the swarms and the inconsistent patches, the constant fucking crybaby whinging is the worst thing about this game.


How dare people in a public forum want to discuss things you don't want to discuss. I'm shocked. How could they do this to you, the main character!?!? Cry harder about the crying ... Lmao


Lmao imagine down voting someone calling out an entitled person whining about how people don't agree with him on what to care about. Keep the hate coming automaton sympathizers. 🤣


Maybe you missed this detail but : SONY != ArrowHead And it was labeled on the steam game page before launch. (this being said ==> this is still a dickmove for country without PSN)


i honestly don't get whats the issue really.. Just make a trash account you'll never log in again . Connect and done .


My thoughts exactly. Takes like 5 minutes and then back to business as usual


for those in the UK and some other EU countires creating a PSN account requires you to upload a picture of your government photo id or a picture of your face because of a recent laws that were passed.


People really be that stupid eh?


lol at all the people who want to give up all the fun they have playing the game over needing to create a measly PSN account. How many other accounts across the internet do you have? I understand the principle - some won't be able to play unless Sony offers a workaround for them. I feel for them, but I'm not going to let it impact me playing an amazing game that I have a ton of fun with. I'll continue onward and pour one out for the homies. Security concerns are overblown imo. Use a burner email and a unique password. You already are giving kernel-level access to the anticheat. There are a million avenues for hackers to get your info if they really want to. There's no use worrying about PSN specifically.


Burner-Mail and a random password, all good and fair, but the company that gets breached every 3-5 years will also provide hackers with a hint to my steam account. I know at least enough about security to know that i know nothing about it, so i don't rely on it beeing 100% safe with 2FA.


I don’t get the outrage


Incorrect. It should be arrowhead yelling at sony.


Holy fuck, this isn't Arrowhead's doing. Bunch of clowns in this subreddit.


It's scary to see that people can't read and understand that this was not Arrowhead's decision.


Not arrowhead, this is entirely on Sony, focus all fire on them, arrowhead are just the poor sods who were forced to bow to those greedy corpo shits


Its Sonys work, they just dumped the blame on arrowhead


Edit: people on steam playing in regions where the PSN ToS are restricted have been scammed. Will PS Helldivers see a sudden drop in players online?


No one cares you giant crybaby


I hate what's happening here. We finally get a decent fucking game in what feels like a freaking decade of unfun, dogwater AAA releases and rainbow unicorn cosmetic BS, and now even this *oasis* of a game is copping hate and controversy from it's fans. I know some people can't make PSN accounts in certain countries and that sucks, but there's 2 things to remember. 1: That's Sony, not AH. 2: Make a burner account and use a VPN. You can do this for *free*. Can't figure that out then maybe learn to read and don't buy games that you can't play.


Great launch on PC? Were we even playing the same game?


Not the technical side (obviously). If at all, it suffered from it success. It sold well, it was well received. Not at all like real botched launches we had.


The launch was fun as hell for about 2-3 days before the shit hit the fan.


The game was borderline unplayable on AMD devices, I was crashing at least once every 2 missions. That was even before servers hit their cap.


God this really is the whiniest community in gaming.


A) Honestly hard to believe everyone playing games doesn't have a Steam, Epic, PSN, and Xbox account, at this point. B) PSN has robust friend management and player blocking tools that Arrowhead clearly haven't been able to match internally.


Guess what, i never had a xbox or playstation, why would i have i account for them?


Because they publish games on PC that require additional accounts? Like almost every other modern 3rd party dev does? I have an Ubisoft account, an EA account, an Activision account, a Capcom account, a Gearbox account, a Blizzard account, a Bethesda account, and probably a dozen others I've forgotten about until they have a release I'm playing, on top of the base storefront accounts. I don't like it, but it's also de rigueur for gaming in the last decade.


To understand that: 1.) You think everyone have every publisher related account 2.) Your think you got every publisher related account possible 3.) You do not like this 4.) You annoy other people that this, the thing you dont like yourself, is usual What the heck


I'm just saying that there's some fights worth fighting, and that needing publisher-level accounts is one gamers already lost ages ago, like it or not. It's certainly not surprising, even if it is coming at an unusual time so far after launch.


The only thing other Sony games have offered was additional rewards for linking. It's not been mandatory like it is here.


But it is mandatory to have publisher accounts for a majority of AAA games.


prove me if I'm wrong but every PC player purchased the game on STEAM, not in PS store or whatever is called.


Tons of publishers - most of the AAA ones at this point - have publisher-level accounts that are required to play their games, no matter where you bought them.




Odd that it was “required” and yet you could skip it easily. Also odd that the game was sold in regions where PSN is not available. But what do I know.


Anon did not read the contract he accepted Many such cases


I love that its not even buried conkers deep in the EULA or TOS, its right there beneath the fucking purchase button


What is the problem tho?


It was stated on the store page since day 1 that a PSN was required to play. Arrowhead pushed against it, and delayed the requirement due to the server issues at launch. This was always coming. Just make a burner PSN.


"Sneak" as if it hasn't been clear since preorders that this will be required


People who get uppity about using different launchers or making third party accounts are the biggest pansies man. Unless you’re in a country with no way to register, shut up and make a temp email for psn. Seriously the gaming community is full of worst types of “die on this hill” people you could possibly imagine. Literally seething about having to take two minutes to sign up, sign in, and link an account you never have to touch again.


not the devs fault, they were blindsided by it as much as we were


They weren't though. They always knew once the servers were fixed they'd have to enforce account linking.  They knew it from launch day. The game was flooded with players and rather than keep the mandatory but not currently functioning account linking, they turned it off.  They knew that the people buying the game would assume account linking was optional since the game worked just fine without it, and now they're springing it on us 3 months down the line, long after the refund period.  Seems like they knew damn well what they were doing and what the fallout would be. 


This community right now: “I can’t believe they want me to make a PSN account to play this game!” *dislike Arrowhead and on Facebook* *dislike Arrowhead and Sony on X* *Unfollow Arrowhead and Sony on Instagram* *Leaves the Helldivers subreddit on Reddit* *leaves the Arrowhead discord server* *Gets tired and orders food through the McDonalds app* *watches angry videos about how much Arrowhead and Sony suck on YouTube* *gets hungry again, orders Burger King through the app* *rents Starship Troopers on their Xbox to get their bug killing fix* *watches people play Helldivers on Twitch for the remainder of the day*


This is the publisher.




Yeah i had to link my account the first time I played, and I wasn’t a day 1 player either, I came in around the middle of the second week. Took me all of 5 minutes. The fact this is genuinely upsetting people is wild. Also this is a Sony thing not arrowhead.


It’s not Arrowhead. It’s Sony.


Arrowhead needs to get a proper PR team in place and stop riling up their toxic fanbase on discord. They have inflamed this situation much worse with their thoughtless replies. They might be used to dunking on assholes when they had a few thousand players per game but they need to scale their professionalism relative to the scope of their major success.


# "great launch on PC" That's pretty funny...


The suffered more from success than from a botched release, quite the opposite of what happens usually.


HAhahha, no there were more issues than just "the back end" that fan bois are obsessed with and every "patch" has added more crashes for a different group, plus so many more things... (like S credits vanishing, progress not saving, I could go on and on. More issues than No Mans Sky at launch, since we could play that! and everyone said Sean is on a beach with their money, meanwhile they fixed, expanded and improved in every way for what 10 years without charging a dime and 0 MTX.)


Oooooooooooooor you could blame Sony, not Arrowhead. They didn't get a say in this bullshit.


Yes, please keep blaming the studio for something they don't control. Friggin genius.


It's Sony pushing, not Arrowhead


Change that arrowhead to Sony.


It was known from the start you need a PSN account as well.


It is known that i didn't need one 3 days after launch till now.


Maybe read the steam page next time.


"perfect" >whines incessantly every week about a different made up issue


You’ve got the wrong guy. This is a Sony L, not an Arrowhead one.


It’s Sony not arrowhead They have literally no choice in the matter


Twas Sony who has conducted this evil, diver.


Again, its one minute. Make an account in one minute. There is NO OTHER DOWNSIDE here.


Just one more account, bro.


You have a steam account, an epic account, an xbox account, a google account, but for some reason now its the time to complain? Make it make sense


Can you make it make sense? Where i draw the line, is up to me, btw don't assume which accounts i have, that list is wrong. For each account i have, i had some use out of it directly after creating it. How would it make sense to me after i was able to play without it for months now, and Sony coming along like a beggar?


Why does them coming in later matter? It was always inevitable it was on the store page and there just is no issue here. Its one minute. You cant genuinely be this upset over one minute.


Just do what i did. Use a gmail account and use the dash trick to see if they sell ur info, then tell them your name is jason bourne on the account info. They get nothing of value.


Love it when people blame Helldivers instead of the people reasonsible. Maybe you want to cahnge the text to Sony? Brain rot.




OP getting absolutely thrashed in the comments.


The white knights are coming shouting "AH can do no wrong!". Are they good devs? Probably. Can they fuck up? Yep.


Nobody says AH can't.make mistakes, because they're just as human as we are. But this seems to be more Sony decision than the devs, and since they're the publishers, there's not much AH can do to stop it. But there is talk on Discord about them working to find a solution for this, especially for players not in the listed countries.


It's on Sony, not ah




OP out here collecting downvotes.


People not understanding that it is not Arrowhead but Playstation enforcing AH to do this


If that is such a problem for you then don’t play the game, traitors


The timing is really weird bit other than that it's like most other games on steam that require a third party account. People just like to cry.


It's not arrowheads fault. It's big corpo doing big corpo things.


Clearly Arrowhead, which has catered to y’all’s incessant complaints since the game came out and has feverishly patched and updated the game *regularly* in that time, is just trying to ruin the game for people now. This has nothing to do with Sony somehow /s


It has everything to do with sony


Dude it's Sony's fault, not Arrowhead. This is some stupid stupid "shoot the messenger" type shit


I agree with the discourse, but this post is wrong. No one is trying to sneak it in, was always in the info about the game. Also, its Sony's first MP game on PC, so you knew they were gonna fuck something up.


People complaining, "oh but it said it right on the steam page". Kinda silly since there are games and other products that say something like that is required but it's only required for a certain feature or the like. And to add to that, I was asked to link a psn account, but my brother wasn't and I wound up just skipping linking it. Only real thing it said was to the effect of "you will miss out on some features".


Holy shit just make the fuckin account or don't. You all probably have a Twitter, insta, Facebook, Snapchat, Xbox, Shopify, YouTube, Spotify, Epic Games, etc, account already. Either make an account or don't, the bitching is wild considering how many dumbass things you all already have accounts for.