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Was me last night staring down 2 bile titans and a charger and whole lot of streaker




New mission suddenly sounds great!


Tbf the new dark fluid mission is basically that one piper perri meme with the tectonic drill in the middle


What do you use against the Streakers? EAT-ies


Oh oops :,D that’s what they are now called


It's like they're wearing nothing at all!


man... the cutscenes were always top notch... shame what they devolved into


I still replay Star Craft 2 every once and a while because of how dope the story is and the cutscenes are fire.


I only *really* like the Protoss story but the gameplay of story missions, even the mid ones, is absurdly good. Like the Terran mission where the whole point is committing vandalism? That's awesome. Also, yes, the cutscenes are insane.


The Protoss campaign has arguably one of the best moments of the whole series >!when Zeratul fights a mind controlled Artanis and proclaims "My Life for Aiur" before he cuts Artanis' connection to the Khala but dies from it. Absolute tears.!<


That was so fucked up. So many good protoss died.


I still get chills from that line every time I hear it. Same for the Artanis Alone cut scene. Absolute perfection.


Every time I hear Zeratul make this quote, I get shivers down my spine without fail


Great moment in the story maybe, but I find the very idea that one Xel'Naga could disrupt the holy connection between all Protoss to such an extent offensive. And lazy writing.


The "POWER OVERWHELMING" bit from the intro gives me chills every time.


Huh, I thought legacy of the void was absolute garbage. StarCraft 2 dove in quality during hearts of the swarm and never recovered. Was consistent with blizzard generally falling off a cliff quality wise around 2011/2012, once the Kotick leadership started to tell 


Funny, the Protoss is the only one I didn't like. Tho given my entire childhood was playing WOL over and over again, and I just really like the zerg.


Hey different strokes for different folks and all that. I will say that I've played through the campaign many times, because even the story bits I don't like as much are still fun.


I really liked HotS with kerrigan rising back to power. Conquering the zerus adapting your army to your preferences. Also abathur and dehaka were just awesome.


The objective of [x] is super unique. There are [x] number of [x] that must be taken, each defended by a progressively stronger force.


The Assualt on Char was a legendary campaign. That first mission where you're trying to get a foothold is so brutal the first time you play it. Gameplay stayed very good, but man, the story turned into such milquetoast generic tripe with each new expansion.


As was tradition with Diablo 3 and every wow expo after wrath Blizz was legendary from like 1995 to 2010, then after that they became utter garbage, probably due to the Activision merger. Still, 15 years on top is a pretty good run 


True. I regard Jeff Kaplan as the last creative gasp in that company before. "Do You Not Have Phones?" And "Ban these shoutcasters for the CCP!" and astroterfed esports became the new face of blizz.


I love the SC2 mod that recreates SC and Brood War


Oh snap, I'd def be down to try that


It’s called StarCraft: Mass Recall


You should check out some of the campaign mods the comunity had created It's insane


Huh, I'll look into that


Sometimes I’ll watch YouTube videos of them all stitched together.. it’s beautiful


When Blizzard discovered low effort MTX in WoW made more money than a entire game.


Horse armor ruined gaming


Common Bethesda L


I completely underestimated MTX. The fact that one cosmetic in WoW made more money that all of SC2: WoL is insane to me.


which game is this from?


StarCraft 2


"Belay that order" man i missed being hype for starcraft 2


I loved the StarCraft 2 story. I love co-op mode too. Not sure about the rest of the game


overwatch porn


Literally the only good thing that game has rn


That and Luka Doncic lol


fortnite porn


Never forget that Blizzard was basically developing a StarCraft themed Helldivers and went “nah no one wants a PvE shooter”. Edit: > StarCraft: Ghost flipped back and forth between an action game and a stealth game, and Blizzard pushed the developers to include multiplayer elements they felt strayed from the original vision. But the worst cancellation was Ares > Ares was described as Battlefield in the StarCraft universe. Builds were constructed where players, as terran marines, could gun down zerg. Plans were made to allow for players to also play as the zerg. It was designed in the Overwatch engine, and led by Dustin Browder. Instead we got OW2, Shadowlands D4… because why try new stuff.


You mean StarCraft: Ghost on the GameCube? Wasn’t it more of a stealth game like Metal Gear Solid?


Yes and it got canceled because it got delayed for so many years the next generation consoles had already released. 


It was for that whole gen not just cube. It was stealth but had combat, and there screenshots of to scale things like zerg overlords being HUGE. I think there's some footage of early builds on YouTube iirc.


Yeah, but it would still have to be able to be run on a GameCube, so I doubt the levels would be able to be that big or detailed. Like when they made a Deus Ex sequel that ran on consoles of that generation, the levels had to be much smaller and less complex than ones from the first game. It would probably be a pretty linear and on-rails shooter. I think the unfinished game we imagine in our minds would be better than the one that actually came out.


So what you're saying is Terran mech -> Bots Zerg -> Terminids Protoss -> Illuminate


I want this more than words can express. Almost as much as I want Star Wars Republic Commandos II.


We need to go deeper: - Terran - Space Marines - Zerg - Tyranids - Protoss - Eldar


![gif](giphy|pdXittpi48UzC) If only.


I feel like a lot of companies one day suddenly decided "nobody wanted" a PvE shooter and thats how we wound up with all these Fortnite clones and PvP shooters like Valorant etc. Sucks because tbh I think a LOT of people would love PvE shooters, especially if they dont have microtransactions out the ass.


well, for SC, it was more about CoD numbers.


they simply don't want to make a modest game that brings in modest to good earnings. they want to make a game that can make insane earnings. publishers are all stuck in the tragedy of the commons where they all push their games onto the f2p pvp (latest genre) field and when those games die because that field is already consumed they just shoot the game, fire the devs and buy a new studio to try again.


Starcraft Ghost, staring Nova. which was later canned but a build of the game was found on a dev xbox kit. Also, Nova backstory in the game was reused for the book with the same name as the canned game. Nova finally got her game in SC2 only story DLC and instead of doing more of that, they went Commander co-op missions because how well the mode did... so rest of the DLC stories were just released as books... man, I hope helldivers do a crossover with SC because I can finally play as a ghost fighting aliens like in sc lol


That Sounds so awesome


Lmao StarCraft ghost? A helldivers style game? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahababahahahababahahahahahaha


I know this may be a very unpopular take on this whole phenomenon but if Arrowhead can't figure out how to fix their programming bugs and garbage weapon balancing soon, I kind of hope some other studio will do a new version that does the concept justice. Unreal Engine 5.x with optimizations to run well, being able to play with friends without issue, and updates that add new, exciting, and WORKING items/mechanics or something similar would likely realize the potential that seemed to be present near launch. That potential feels like it is fading fast after everything going downhill started with developers mocking the community.


Ah shur up. I always wanted StarCraft themed shooter and the best i got was 1st and 3rd camera unit controler. Its sad that they just left StarCraft to die.


"Take us into orbit, Mr. Malmsteen, we've seen enough."


Don't do this!


I dont think you got the context hombre: https://youtu.be/-00uQzXyujI?feature=shared


and you don't get the ref i was using [https://youtu.be/07aR2gJrzhw?si=hbk-1gSV47jyoV6i&t=1698](https://youtu.be/07aR2gJrzhw?si=hbk-1gSV47jyoV6i&t=1698)


Lol fair nuff


Poor kerrigan. She was a good soul. Nows she is hot af


*HotS af


Nice. 🙌


I still can't believe that they haven't put the entire starcraft 2 trilogy on steam. It's such an easy win...


Blizzard probably has a reason they don’t want it on steam why I got no clue probably so people have to use Battle.net or something


they have d4, i would totally buy the starcraft series again just so i dont have to open battlenet to play them


Its quite easy actually, Steam takes 30% cut and D4 is a new game(sort of) where u wanna reach out to as much players as possible. Even tho steam takes a cut they can still get a positive profit from the game with micro transaction due to the player population. S2 is an old game with a limited playerbase with no micro transactions and probably wont appeal to the wide mass so the sales would probably be quite limited too. They want 100% profit from the sales of that game so those who really want to play it, will play it through battlenet. I might be very wrong here but the business and salesman in me speaks this way.


Here's how i see it: the trilogy is between 14 and 9 years old and the series hasn't received any kind of new content since then. A new generation of player has grown up and has never played starcraft and they may have never heard about it (may be they play the new spiritual successor without knowing the relationship). Putting the game on steam would simply increase visibility of a very old product. Worst case scenario they get just few extra bucks ( i don't think it cost money to put games on steam, they make money with the 30% cut) but in the best case scenario it may have a second wind and sell a pretty decent amount of copies, expecially if some content creator decides to release a review of this classic series.


I do get what u mean,  but visibility doesn't mean it would increase sales. Since visibility today isn't an issue for a game when we have youtube. I don't know if steam also charging companies for allowing their games to be in their store. I do know they have different fees and prices depending on how big the company is. Besides, how popular is RTS games really today? We have genres where mobas and battle royals are still dominating the numbers. If the choice of platform is that crucial, well then it might not be that important to the player afterall.  For Blizzard, Im 99% sure it costs more than it actually tastes. U have to understand that these companies calculate every single penny, someone or somebody has to work on this assignment with steam and the time it costs them paying these employees is probably not worth it. Blizzard wants to see that money they have spent coming back with maybe a 35-40% profit in a reasonable time. That is superhard for such an old game where the price isn't even more than a daily lunch minus the 30% cut from Steam. U also redirect the customer and player from ur own shop. That's also one of the points why many has their own launcher and shop.  Microsoft owns blizzard now so we might even see it on game pass along with WoW and the rest of their games.




No worries xdd Didn't know that. But doesn't exactly surprise me either. 


Back in the days that made sense but those games are more than 10 years old now, there are gamers today that don't even know about starcraft. You take the 3 games, put them together with a name like "starcraft 2: Ultimate edition" and you put them on steam for 30 bucks. It's such an easy cash grab and (even more important) it would be a good PR move.


Isnt sc2 free to play now?


The first single player campaign if i remember correctly. Still not on steam


PvP is also free I think.


WoL, first 4 coop commanders and all PvP and melee stuff is free, the other 3 campaigns, skins and other coop commanders cost


I'm still waiting for Starcraft Ghost.




i can recommend the Books regarding SC Ghosts centered around Nova.


Project Shadowblade, which chronicles the events of what *would* have been the plot for SC: Ghost.


Man I need to replay SC2


Sorry but the charger popping out the ground in front of the dark fluid already in full sprint fucked me up. I'm sending myself to freedom camp until they fix our armory


if shriekers ever get mutalisk projectiles i think i'll rig my super destroyer to self destruct


Rig super destroyer to hyperdrive into the planet


En Taro Tassadar!


Just accept that you'll die in this mission and it's quite a bit more fun


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Reminds me of the meme: “Every man has two dreams- to have a loving family; and to have an epic last stand with the boys.”




Are we even expected to extract?


Everyone fights, no one quits.


Wow this reaching baaaaaaaack but accurate.


I think it's less them rage quitting, more that if the hosts game crashes, it kicks everyone into solo games. It's so frustrating I've had 7 already this morning. Less time nerfing fun stuff, more time stabilizing your game please.


I would say that majority of the quitting is not rage induced and it is literally game crashes. I have attempted this mission 5 times so far, and 3 of these attempts ended in a game crashing - one time even when entering the Pelican -_-


i still get those mysterious disconnects where i get booted back to my ship with no prompt telling me why lol


I definitely experienced a fair bit of rage quitting, unless the crashes always occur after the drill blows up for the 3rd time.


I never quit even when abandoned. I go out on my fucking shield.


Lol so perfect!


I keep crashing back to my destroyer bridge...


I'll quit rage quitting when you quit dropping fucking airstrikes on the drill to kill the 4 hunters next to it!


I ragequit a few times when my squad(s) kept calling airstrikes down on the drills i'm actively defending, then set up minefields where i'm standing, then when i inevitably get TK'd, they call me back.. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE F\*\*\*\*\*\* MINEFIELD AGAIN.


Nah, it´s crazy. The mission is super fun with all the insta-kill by shriekers. Totally great mission and very enjoyable


They don’t do that anymore. That was fixed a while ago. There’s so many shriekers that you probably got two shotted by a pair landing crits


And laying prone doesn't stop them from hitting you. I never did test if arc towers let you crawl near them like the game tells you.


It helps, but you’re still gonna get hit. I usually find a wall to be up against so I can at least not get hit in the back of the head repeatedly


I don't think I've ever been insta-killed by a shrieker once in these days, using a medic medium armor. Honestly, a game changer is simply using sentries. But first of all, take down all the fucking mushrooms and bug holes. Do the objectives, go to extraction, cover yourself with a smoke bomb to call evac, then spawn both gatling and machinegun sentries, use the other 2 smoke eagle bombs if you get swarmed too much and keep the turrets up. I use incendiary breaker, quasar and eagle strikes (orbital laser is good too) to defend them and kill whatever the fuck gets there. If you have a full team it's even easier since that's 8 fucking sentries clearing the skies, but I'm doing it in solo and duo aswell with no problem. It's totally doable after the hotfix, my only complaint is that it gives almost no fucking exp.


Does taking down mushrooms even do anything?


They're spore spewers. Gets rid of the fog so you can see bugs before they're up your ass.


Insta-kill? Maybe if you take 5 or so hits to the face simultaneously while doing an open arms get a hug emote in the open.


I did get uh, one hit today. By that I mean a shrieker hit me at a weird angle and I went flying into a hole.


Ok, now I am totally doing that.


I play on helldive and theyve only killed me like once. Just keep moving around so you’re running perpendicular to them when they attack


I really hope they fix the mission, but honestly I was having a blast with what an absolute chaotic shitshow it was... lol.


Bugussy confirmed?


The qeen of blades


I can't say I blame them. Spaghettification from overusing/damaging the Dark Fluid Jetpack is quite the nasty surprise.


This is one of my all-time favorite games. I have lost track of how many times I've played it.




Why tf you took invis sniper on point defence mission? /j Man, Blizzard used to make best cinematics (and games)... And now it is just "break metacritic worst score challenge" company


100% of the time it gets easier when they quit and aren’t there to throw grenades and 500kgs at the goddamn drill.


It's done. Helmsman, signal the fleet and take us out of orbit.


What? You’re not just gonna leave them?!


Those teammates are reason why i\`m quit somethimes. How freaking brainless someone can be to intentially throw ARK turret litterally in your teammates in corner where no bug ever spawn or etc. So many cases.


I will freely admit I have attempted to cosplay a SC Ghost for my stealth build several times. Infiltrator armor with scout passive Diligence CS/Redeemer/Impact Grenades. I tried Smoke, didn't have a way to blow up fabs. 380mm (Nuke)/Orbital EMS (EMP)/AMR/Supply Pack for strats. I am aiming to grab stun grenades for the grenade slot and the grenade pistol for the secondary. Also not sure on AMR/Supply Pack.


Tried it for the first time with 3 pple who have completed it about 5-8 times each. I don't see what all the fuss is about. out of 6 runs, we completed 4, 9 is suppost to kick ur ass lol. Had a blast. sure some glitches, we didnt get credit for the primary, just the 2nary 2 times, but we dont care. I'm a 40 year old whos been gaming since I was 5, we have it pretty damn good nowadays even with all the studio drama. Theres always been drama, modern media and tech just puts it out there easier to see. DOnt like somethijng, guess what? go make you own game! what a time to be alive.


Yeah I finally had time to try the mission Yesterday, after reading all the posts here I was expecting the worse but like you said, I don't see what the fuzz is a about. Against bugs we always go with 2 people specialized in killing large amounts of bugs and 2 specialized in taking out heavies. Gaz, a flamethrower or EM mortar and that's all you need to take out the bugs before they event come out of their holes. For us the biggest treat on that mission were all of the holes lying around, we would just fall right into them, it was fun thought


played it when it was patch it seems lmao


did you played it pre patch or patched?


"I'd still win." :)


Its True


Dark fluid is literally hurting the mission progress its bugged and can't actually give points towards MO


We didn’t rage quit me and my randoms team mate just died


This exact thing happened to me today! This guy was yelling at everyone but he was the one who was destroying the objective every time they left and this exact thing happened to me.




Didn’t happen once yesterday, today I’ve already had it happen like 5 times


Yup. Taking a break now until friends get on. Randoms weren't cutting it


Crazy to think SC & expansion and SC2 would have never happened if the government never abandoned kerrigan


Starcraft referenced 😀😀


everytime i'm about do die, i go BRRRRT with my incendiary shotgun, and throw as much grenades i can, not going out without a boom!


Funny enough, I played an op earlier and we had one guy drop out (he got replaced) for the dark fluid. After that mission, half the squad left so it was the hose and I clearing a level 7 nest bust and an eradicate. Shit was fucking painful, and we didn't extract on the nest mission, but we did it.


I don't rage quit, however, my Internet decides that it wants to sympathize with bugs from time to time


I felt this as a level 16 joining with multiple level 40+ players. Oh ok I guess I gotta try to extract all alone....


Thats me landing on Meridia ![gif](giphy|roWjSjVBTx6iZ9eOgY|downsized)


Sc2 is bae. But also yeah, I'm used to climbing a mountain of spikey rocks while kicking away toebiters and tossing spears at titans. Why are all these whiney crybaby paper-ass "divers" coming into my game and wasting my reinforcements on helldive, just to quit anyways. Annoying.


I’ll thug it out with you til the very end tonight when I get home! I just educated myself on the mission and I am a competent player with thorough communication with a laid back attitude.


I still get the mission done most of the time… even though extracting is god awful


i had whole 3 man team leave me because it was to "hard"


This was me on my first dark fluid mission except I remembered the 5 D’s of helldivers and still extracted.


“You fight to the last man left…then you quit!!” ![gif](giphy|l41m4tfALH4UP4Q2A)


Evrey Helldivver who commit such thing should be accused of treason.


More jet packs for me, turds!


Cowards, it's not fucking heckdivers


My brothers are here in this post. Helldivers... But really, truly, Marines.


I would dive or die with you brother. 🗽🫡


Those things just gave me helldivers ptsd


Did a dark fluid mission and went through about 10 different teammates


Honest question: How am I supposed to play this mission on 7+? It just seems like a poorly made mission. One of those moments where the game is made unnecessarily difficult without giving the player a way to overcome the challenge.


Yea well quit blowing up the damn drill, Shiela.


That was just me. I tried this idiotic mission for about 5 minutes. With no direction on what to do and no time to figure anything out, I quit actually mad at helldiver's. I won't be playing until this MO is over. Oh, and this was on medium difficulty so it should've been a cake walk. I still have no idea what the hell to do.


Ugh a cross over with starcraft would be so fking awesome!!!!


What is this from?




Are we meant to die at the end? I have yet to actually extract from the Dark Fluid mission.


Unfortunately it's not actually possible solo. Even with turrets and an orbital laser, they swoop in too fast and knock you off the fucking beacon.


Me with light medic and shield pack on solo helldive https://preview.redd.it/9pnzlyiih24d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a3d086b3c382abedd8c4ef771915d412a8f40a


Literally had a super undemocratic match a few games ago, where some total narcissist comes in (on like level 2 difficulty dark mission). BLOWS UP the fucking drill like 7 times with his bomb strategems, has NO IDEA what he's doing on this new mission. And then when the match is over he brags about his kill count (we all had things that did the objective, like EMS Sentry, Stun Grenades, Turents while he had fucking bombs). He then cririzes my load out and forces me to change it, and when things aren't going his way he fucking abandons the mission after raging. Should have kicked the bastard the moment he bragged about kills in an objective based mission, never feed a toxic personality.


The dark fluid missions are the only thing keeping me going rn lmao


My game has fucked off a few times on this mission so sorry if you think I left my game crashed


Hey if you got shriekers you are mission complete. Lol. Good job soldier


I always felt bad for her.


I'm actually trying to play while I'm atwork. I get a call, I have to answer it. So, it's not really rage-quitting for me.


I was doing solo and thinking to myself "This isn't so bad". Completed mission and was heading to extract. Get to the call in and cannot even complete sequence, dying from dive bombs. Needless to say ran out of reinforcements.. ![gif](giphy|bTixcIRW1bWqk)


I would pay money for Sarah Kerrigan in Helldivers. even a ghost skin would be cool. ![gif](giphy|5xtDarxQ05ee2ktRA5i|downsized)


Bro every I play with dark fluid is mission are brain dead they choose the most useless stratagem or tk like crazy or they call all dark fluid packs and don’t do the mission i’m pretty sure the major order is gonna fill this time because the amount of dumb people


I knew they looked similar


I said it last night. "So this is how my marines feel when I get muta-rushed in StarCraft 2"


FYI, most people don't actually leave or rage quit. Most of them get disconnected for no reason, or they crash. For some reason, the game keeps crashing a lot recently, and it's really unstable.


God I miss StarCraft


honestly i just dont find the new mission all that fun. i hate the enviroment and would rather play other planets. so if i click quick join and it pops me into one of those missions i immediately quit.




Man is anyone else hoping we get a Kerrigan style baddy with the Terminids? Like the Terminids start capturing humans to "breed" their DNA and create more advanced terminid forms.


Isnt nova a ghost im oretty sure she got the nuke on spoed dial


Starcraft Meme :O The Betrayal that Kerrigan must've felt is very fitting for that Scenario. Tho, when SC 3 :(((


What game is this for a second I thought it was fem shep


StarCraft 2


This makes me think a backpack that activates invisibility would be sick as hell. Just grab your AMR , Stun Grenades and the invis backpack and begin your ghost larp. Could just have it be while active enemies don’t Aggro onto you, but would probably need a decent bit of cooldown between uses depending on how long its active.


Why even bother with this one? Fuck Meridia. Bugs can have it, I don't give two shits or half a fuck anymore.


If we can't have it, nobody can. Get your dark fluid canister and get in the pod, HELLDIVER!


Are you saying you have joined terminids now? Coz that is what i am going to tell the democracy officer.


or go full doom mode


Jumped into a game and 3 lads exited within 2 minutes I held on dropped an sos and me and my new 3 buddy’s executed a great mission on level 7 one managed to extract and I was delighted with that. If people aren’t willing to die for freedom why are you even playing this game?


I’m a believer that this sub is way too harsh on the developers and the game, but I agree the Dark Fluid mission is too hard. I’m all for the super colony being absolutely swarming with bugs. It should be non stop wave after wave but it should be some combination of the geological survey mission and upload data pod side mission. Give us all the bugs and force us to stay in a smaller area but don’t make us need to protect the drill itself.


My eyes are red burning right now and i've just ragequit. I sort of feel like an asshole but I don't think I can put up with this mission type. ("lol skill issue git gud")


If you join a Helldive difficulty Dark Fluid mission and leave when it doesn't go as planned, I wish you'd be banned from ever getting approval of a C-01 permit on the grounds of "Lil bitch genes must not propagate"