• By -


as we were working on it the resistance(regen) % on it was dropping by now its less than 1% compared to starting 10%


As we destroy the colony, they get weaker.


They're powerless without their heads.


*Brood Commander is typing...*


>!*\*while headless*!<


So no head? šŸ“±šŸ’„šŸ›¹šŸ’„


HJ's only now. sry






Here's a tip: Aim for the nerve stem and put them down for good.


Would you like to know more?


My favourite is still the one about Mormon Extremists colonizing.


Shhhhh that's next week when the squid bois show up


So am I boss, so am i


wow, we should make blackholes more often. i see no repercussions whatsoever.




Loss of galactic real estateĀ 


so far all the planets are habitable for humans without any extra gear so losing a few couldnt hurt


Black hole or worm hole? Lol


There are no such thing as wormholes. That's just communist rumors.


In reality itā€™s just Joel taking his thumb off the scale so we finish the MO a few hours before the limit


Yeah. Kinda lame.


I mean it was steadily decreasing the whole time, clearly with 10% decay at the beginning it was always meant to tick down as we liberated. it's not like they just thought "oh shit they're gonna fail" halfway through and suddenly cranked down the decay.


We actually don't make any kept progress until it's lowered to 5.5%, then we're able to make consistent, and as that regen rate continued to drop we could really get started. [Image of the chart from Helldivers.io here.](https://imgur.com/a/L2usuIq). So for the first half we're pretty much pissing in the wind, but once the thumb has been steadily lifted from the scale long enough, we could actually contribute to the mission. Just sucks for the first half the run, y'know?


No, it was the mechanic that as we attacked the planet with black fluid it was destabilizing the super colony since terminids build their structures deep in the crust of the planet, thereā€™s even a news/dispatch stating as such. We were NEVER pissing in the wind, we were just attacking the colonyā€™s regen rate first, like a phase on to a boss fight.


The regen rate declining is not only seen on this mission type. Frequently Joel has it set to decline over time.


Yep, none of the progress pre-about 7.5% really did anything, which sucks for sure. It feels like you're largely just wasting your time until they've lowered it past a certain point. The first day or so was pretty much just thrown in the trash due to the decay rate being set too high. If we had control over the decay rate, that would be a lot cooler than them just lowering it over time.


It wasnā€™t set too high, the whole point was to destabilize the super colony initially, thereā€™s even in game news about that very thing happening. There was never any wasted effort because we were damaging the regen rate of the colony with all of our concerted efforts. It was a different kind of thing than we were used to seeing up to that point, but Iā€™m surprised at how many people were missing what was actually a very intuitive system.


So what does it? Is it bugs killed? Is it missions completed? The problem is that itā€™s currently an arbitrary system, but if you know otherwise Iā€™d be pretty hype


No thatā€™s just how almost every fiction story works. If you look behind the curtain it breaks the suspension of disbelief.


I think thatā€™s a pretty big cop out, to be frank. Making regen % a part of the game visible to players, that their actions have a direct effect on (perhaps reduced by completing some/all side objectives, or another way to contribute besides simply completing the mission) would make for a much more meaningful gameplay experience. ā€œFiction is dumb if you think about itā€ is not a very compelling argument for keeping the game as-is, imo.


Youā€™re completely missing the point. Regen percent going down as we wipe out the bugs makes sense. But if you look behind the curtain and say ā€œactually itā€™s just Joel pushing a button so we finish a few hours before the endā€ this breaks the illusion. Itā€™s no different than a DM fudging certain rolls or adjusting an enemies HP mid battle. Everyone knows it happens, but if you constantly bring it up and second guess everything nobody is going to have fun.


We don't see that in game. We saw our efforts were useless untill the end. My squad has learned do not help in the MO untill the last day when the devs take thier thumb off the scale. Any effort put in before that is wasted and not worth the effort as it will just be intentionally wiped out till we can actually do it on final day.


If it works like it seems, the best tactic would be to focus on other planets until the Regen drops enough. Regen is time gated, not player-action gated. If your missions reduced Regen rate a little AND contributed to completion at the same time, that would be player agency. It would mean that a strong push early on will make things easier down the line.


Iā€™m literally talking about incorporating ā€œbehind the curtainā€ stuff into the game. I donā€™t think basically anything on the galactic map *needs* to be behind the curtain. Too much of the game already works like this and itā€™s to the gameā€™s detriment. Iā€™ve sat with DMs who donā€™t fudge the numbers. Theyā€™re more fun. You say part of the issue is mentioning that itā€™s just Joel pushing the button, and acknowledging that is ruining the fun. Letā€™s make it so itā€™s NOT Joel just pushing the button then, which is what I wrote last time. Incorporate it into the game.


Iā€™m with you 100%. The moment I learned that essentially everything is completely scripted and weā€™ll never fail a truly important MO was also the moment I lost most of my enthusiasm for the war. At the start it felt like we were really doing something, but now I know we donā€™t have the power to make weird plays like liberating some random fringe planet and thatā€™s just not nearly as interesting to me.


There were cutscenes and videos/dialogue for both outcomes in this MO, itā€™s not scripted. If it were scripted weā€™d already have AT mines because why would they keep content from us TWICE?


Not all MOs work this way. It's the oens that specifically mention a large invasion force, a super factory or heavy breeding planet. We burn their reinforcement % down with successful missions.


They need to show that progress bar too


Who wouldā€™ve thunk it


Or they change values so we donā€™t lose the story event


Now its 0% bugs basically gave up


And now its gone


The new meridia waypoint is just beautiful and absolutely worth the whole weekend I played


And it totally doesn't look like a portal.


Of course not. It's just a nice looking young black hole yet to gain a lot of mass. SURELY nothing bad can happen due to that. Or the dark fluid/E-710 combination that cause it. Nope, definitely nothing could go wrong.


Oh, surely! Since when does causing a black hole on top of a massive energy supply ever go wrong? Thereā€™s nothing to worry about, we won!




.. just let it happen ..


Ladies we got them


It was -3% at one point.


Unless I'm missing something, there should be an in-game reason for this. Having to go to helldivers.io breaks the immersion a bit.


There was an in game reason. Something about dark fluid bubbles in the crust of the planet.


Dropped from around -3% regen rate to -0.9% regen rate. We're making pretty much full gains with no pushback anymore.


So we are probably supposed to complete this MO




Where can I see that?


r/HellDiversLeaks The info is from months ago so it'll take some scrolling to find it, plus a lot of things got deleted by AH, so I'm not positive it's there anymore. Also, it has lots of spoilers for other things so if you care, stay away.


I think the losing one is erased, but thanks




Beyond fucking goated.


Thanks, im it appears that im blind


I'm guessing they want to reveal the illuminate faction at not-E3? That's why there's a black hole event no matter what (I haven't read the leaks).


I didn't play helldivers 1, but I would imagine that they aren't just planning a repeat of the first game. They might want the illuminate in so that the new, 4th faction can be the big announcement.


[It's a Quantum Ogre.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/2b3qsx/the_quantum_ogre_a_dialogue/)


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.




Dont be like that man, we lost the major order for anti tank mines twice and still havent gotten it, but in the case of a major content drop you might be right. They probably had another way to write their entrances to the story


Worth noting that the first 'failure' was the "pick one stratagem" MO, where only getting one of two was the expected outcome outlined in the MO's text. The second one was a "kill X" MO, and those are the ones Arrowhead doesn't really have a way to fudge in our favor outside of outright modifying the tracking so that it doesn't match the actual data. With this MO (and most other non-kill MOs) Arrowhead has a lot more fine control over our success. They don't have *full* control, but especially in cases like this where the MO points players towards only one or two planets that are already attackable, the main limitation is the Decay rate, which is arbitrary and controlled by Joel. It's easy enough to come up with a story justification for why completing missions would drop the decay rate (and they gave us one), but ultimately that rate is the main factor in how long it will take us to capture a planet. If Joel wanted us to lose this, all he had to do was have the decay rate stay higher for longer. Conversely, by choosing to drop it as far as he did, he effectively guaranteed we would win with plenty of time to spare.


Bug difference between a stratagem no-one will use anyway and a whole new faction, especially given all the drama lately they need something big. They 100% rigged this one in our favor.


I think that if the mission wasn't genuinely bugged at the start with the breaches on top of the drill and the correct "mission complete" 5/5 stars and such at the end, we would have felt better on it. For sure that sort of stuff soured people on the MO. Even at 10% regen, which is insane, we were making progress, albeit incredibly slow. I think we earned it by pushing through the mess of it. It was definitely disheartening seeing it as a sliver for so long, knowing that it's broken and putting people off.


We did not make progress until it was lowered past 10%. Any sub-1% liberation progress was pretty much wiped out within 15 minutes over and over. We didnā€™t make any progress until it was closer to about 5.5% With the way the system works, 10% regeneration is more than the progress we can make on a planet unless - maybe - 100% of players are on it.


>Even at 10% regen, which is insane, we were making progress, albeit incredibly slow [This is false as per the Helldivers.io graph](https://imgur.com/a/L2usuIq) The first progress we make that wasn't reversed entirely was at 5.5% regeneration


They didn't need to "rig" anything. The results were already datamined months ago, and it included "losing" conditions. The content was coming either way, but player action still impacted how and where that content gets delivered.


Sure and if we wouldā€™ve lose it they never gonna want us to winā€¦like a lot of people screamed when the second anti-mine attempt failed.


Not rigged. This worked the exact same as every other MO which hints at heavy reinforcements. The bot nursery, invasion and peta factory worked the same way. With successful missions the high reinforcement % steadily runs down over time. The same thing happens in missions, MO planets with hints of large pops have the numbers cranked up but it dwindles over time. Cause we've been killing them and driving them back.


It's just waiting for that final 20% to add up and we're pretty much set to get it done in a couple hours. Edit: I thought you meant people should get over and help with the MO. Nothing is railroaded in this game, it's just a lot of time the odds are sometimes stacked against us due to things outside our control like people suddenly splitting up to defend planets that really don't matter or have any hope of succeeding their defenses.


Negative. There were two possible paths. The planetary regen rate has been slowing going down over time.


I mean they lowered the resistance amount which made us win after no progress earlier. So basically yes. It doesn't matter if the leaks from launch exist, AH has changed their minds about how to do the GM stuff a dozen times.


This is where having a variable and invisible Regen rate is dumb Just leave the rate constant and the goal really big,.and go flat rate. Or even literally vary the number of bugs on the mission.


I think its cool. Start with impossible regen rate, and work with it by doing ops and weakening the bugs


Doing that is not in principle bad, but given that it's not shown in game it means that the liberation progress bar is actually pretty irrelevant. The regen rate is the "real" progress bar and it's invisible.Ā  Everyone who doesn't go on some third party website has no idea what's even going on


Agreed- hope fully, it will be changed soon


Get some dark fluid cocktail you damn bugs.


First 2 days was breaking their resistance (started at near 10% and is now at under 1%) Now we are blitzing the progress bar. 8 hours ago we were short of 50% and now we are south of 80%. Super earth prevailed.




also the numbers of divers tripled.


Sweet liberty!


I believe there was a mechanic they didn't expressly say was in play - deploying the dark fluid dropped the resistance of the planet... thus making it take-over-able. it started at 10% and was gradually getting decreased over time... on one hand I wish they had all these numbers and things displayed, and the mechanics of it laid bare... but on the other, it's kinda nice to have cool surprises... conflicted.


The regen bonus has been drcreasing


Lol, yup you can make up all sorts of lore to explain it if you want, it's pretty silly to rely on factual assumptions to try and suss out the guy behind the curtain.


Resistance has been continually dropping https://preview.redd.it/j15n384y084d1.png?width=1037&format=png&auto=webp&s=343842348afe1be37119358caabb61d6f722cf5f


Whatā€™s this graph from?


[helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io), it shows (as it isnt visible in game) the 'regen' level. It started at 10%, and continually dropped down. Once it hit about 6% we actually started making an impact.


Very interesting, thank you


Like in real life... Over time during a sieg the defenses are being worn down aka lowered which includes less resistance


The devs have been slowly reducing the regen since mission started. Probably a lot of people saw that the resistance was near 0/0 now and decided to dogpile. That or they saw it wasn't going to work and tweaked it for us.


was a constant decrease, doesn't seem like they flipped a switch at any point.


Yup, it's the same as any other MO that depends on liberation rate. Always starts out with a high decay, to mirror the fact we're fighting against an entrenched position, then slowly drops as we (lore-wise) break through the defensive positions and reinforcements. By the end, most enemies are dead, and reinforcements few, so it's a lot easier to push through.


Decay was decreasing as we progressed through the MO. Actually cool narrative


Can't say I blame them considering they never playtested the mission type.


I have been able to extract exactly 1 time outta the 10 times I've played that stupid mission.


Really? What difficulty?


I play low like 2 or 3. It's the shrieker swarms, can't even stand up long enough to push the buttons.


gotcha. Yeah you needed shotguns with spread and MG or gatling sentries to help thin them out to call for extract. Good news is the planet is gone so you don't have to worry about it anymore lol


Given they had a losing scenario in the datamines, I'm willing to bet that the resistance would've started increasing again if progress on the MO had stalled. This is just hardcoded, it's not the devs manually adjusting it.


We scoffed, chugged the Eagleā€™s Tears beer in our hands in one go, crushed said can then proceeded to grab our gear and eradicate some bugs


What website are people using to see this information? Over the last day and a bit I've seen a few screenshots and I wish I knew what website it came from, or I'm guessing there's more then 1?


[helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io/) this is one of them.


War Monitor app is also pretty good. It pushes game and planet updates to your phone which is handy


How can we see the -% rate/h ?


Itā€™s not shown in game. Separate websites have them such as [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io/)


It was me. I carried democracy on my back all night so everyone could sleep. Youā€™re welcome.


The regen rate was artifcially inflated so that anyone could do the MO. Now it is back to normal.


I feel that was supposed to be the thing tho that the more dark fluid we dropped inside meridia the less bugs there were to push us back


Yes but then they received a lot of complaint before than when an event like this happens people do not have the time to participate. So they intentionally slowed down the completion at the beginning so that we would have the time to do it during the week end.


It takes somewhere between 1-2 days to fully liberate a planet from 0 depending on how much of the community jumps on it. So, if you get an MO to liberate a planet that you already have access to--no need to go through other planets first to establish supply lines--and there's a timer like 4 Days (Meridia) or 6 Days (Varylia 5's Petafactory), you can bet there's something going on that's going to make that last until the final day (or two). They're not just going to give us well over twice the time we need and then throw their hands up if we "surprise" them. Every MO has been winnable so far, but they've been calibrated such that they're not *demolished* immediately. Folks need to stop with this whole "they arbitrarily pull a lever behind the scenes to decide if we're allowed to win or not" shit. They're always wrong but it keeps being said because being a downer's still easy karma.


Or it's a special event and all Helldivers are injecting some whacky unknown dangerous exotic matter into the planet, killing lots of bugs in the process. Sometimes liberating or defending a planet take more time than this MO. So it was still fast. If they were too concerned, they would just make MO last longer and it would continue to progress in the same slow pace so that every gamer dad would be able to play and complain about it on Reddit.


We're minutes away now, baybee!


Meridia is roll of toilet paper. Closer it gets to end, faster it goes.


I finally logged on and had an emergency FTL jump. It was dope.


Data states it was intended from the Beginning to lower res. Gradually


Liberation was never the goal


https://preview.redd.it/2pdg1t82j84d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1b8298499c8c05fefcbb6b938485f51ce76473 We locked tf in šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


I was in one of the last games, we got done with a dark matter mission and as we loaded in the ship started saying "Alert, Alert, conducting emergency FTL Jump to Super Earth.". Gotta say that was a pretty cool little moment.


Patch is ready for deployment soon.


Just like with other heavy reinforcement MOs that mention a super factory or production planet, the reinforcement is high initially but drops over time every few hours with more successful missions.


We werenā€™t Liberating the planet so that readout was useless, right? Shouldā€™ve been a dark fluid injection quantity maybe. I donā€™t know anymore.


Joel adjusted the numbers because he got bored and wanted us to win faster.


It's a paper win.. clear and simple... I played it twice and it was the first time I've ever been board playing a MO in this game..


Devs gifted after screwing up the breach at the start


Any minute now Meridia will be a black hole


Damn, I hope it doesnā€™t implode before I get home from work.




Wow it's going to be done before I get off work.Ā  Gg, citizens.Ā 


Where do people see statsblike this. My game doesn't show this




It's over....


We locked in


Pride month got over


Pushback rate was lowered


We clapped cheeks trooper. Or charapaces, or whathatever filty alien equivalent. That's what happened.


It's already over now


people realized that you can spawn a drill in a elevated position and bugs cant get to it...


Which % are you referring to? Are you saying -2% from 58% is wild? Or 60% to 81.82% is fantastic? Or 60% to 4.87% is insane?


What app us this?


Democracy, brother


meridia looks really cool now though.


Aw man, its gonna be gone by the time im off of work


I kinda wonder if this black hole is going to summon the psionic squids.


One word. Joel.


Not a great DM in my opinion.


Less terminids as the campaign goes on, plus it's the weekend influx of players


This is why we should be doing turing


our Divers on the other side of the planet were working their hardest


https://preview.redd.it/qrznstaom84d1.png?width=1657&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9a3f5f7abc9e6ae95640c634e5da5dde53963c7 As the mission progressed, the bugs became less effective at pushing us back. The negative % per hour is on the far right. It started at over 10%.


It was pretty nice tho, getting in the game and unexpectedly your ship is jumping back to Super Earth. Change in monotony. Don't get me wrong, we jump right back to another bug planet. But that was a welcome surprise.


On the first day the regen rate was 12%. It went down exponentially the more missions we succeeded on. Eventually the regen rate was 0% by the final few hours of the order.


Maybe they made it easier to counter how the main objective appeared incompleteable?


Wait which website is this from


I'm still confused guys. So we repeatedly play same levels to liberate planet? New to the game


Every successful mission adds to the liberation percentage and when we reach 100% we win and receive spoils of war


You're not gonna believe this, mate


Womp womp game's too hard we want balance. Womp womp they helped us win the MO..


Sounds like a skill issue


hopefully you dont miss the planet


What happened was that the decay rate dropped from 8.0% an hour to 2.0% an hour and drills got buffed.




railroading from devs, they dropped the reinforce rate until we were guaranteed to win


I get a sense that someone fudged the numbers so we would succeed...


Failure would also lead to a black hole event but on Moradesh, created by scientist after a more serious incident, and I guess Super Colony was going to remain there. They didn't need us to win to see more content.


Arrowhead wanted us to win, so Joel fixed the regen rates behind the scenes. We have very limited actual influence on the outcome of most MOs.


Jfc literally every MO which hints at heavy enemy pops and reinforcements works like this. It initially has a high % and with successful missions drops over time every few hours. We're running their numbers down and in this case the planet wa literally bubbling with dark energy under the surface .we get a series of notifications ingsme about puhsing back against their swindling numbers or that we broke through.The bot nursery, invasion and peta factory worked like this. The post gas bug pop explosion worked like this. Meridia worked like this.




Nope. literally every MO which hints at heavy enemy pops and reinforcements works like this. It initially has a high % and with successful missions drops over time every few hours. We're running their numbers down and in this case the planet wa literally bubbling with dark energy under the surface .we get a series of notifications ingame about pushing back against their dwindling numbers or that we broke through.The bot nursery, invasion and peta factory worked like this. The post gas bug pop explosion worked like this. Meridia worked like this.


Letā€™s send those bug bastards into oblivion.


We are destroying the bug planet bit by bit. The colony crumbles as we inject the dark fluid deep into the crust. Their nasty nest is in shambles, now is our time to strike.


They understand we will either play it or not play it, if we donā€™t like it it will fail at 10%. Might be possible if they change the regen enough in time. Their love for stacking regen for story and my love for participating in the events are counterbalanced. Once someone posts the numbers of ā€œWe need 10 hours straight of 200,000 people on this planet to win this objective.ā€ Ha. Best of luck with that. I want to play the game, not be told some objective was failed because it wasnā€™t popular enough. I like you Helldivers. We donā€™t need to funnel 20 million hours of peopleā€™s time into one objective to have a good time. Iā€™ve only got two hours today to give you, you want them or not?


It only works like that for killing x number of enemies. For taking planets there is scaling, so it doesn't really matter if there are 1000 or 100 000 people playing. What matters is that those who are playing play on the targeted planet.


Joel said we could win now


They did not want to patch the mission, so they gave us the win. >Change my Mind meme goes here


They made it easier because fewer people are playing and it'd look bad if we failed.


Nah. Anytime we attack a lore based heavily populated planet we start off with a high regen rate . Which is why even on day two we had 0%. If you frequent any of the helldiver apps you can see that each completion had been steadily decreasing that rate since day one. So It got easier naturally as we wore down their numbers. Cool feature. It was the same way for the TCS mission and Automaton Vangaurd Elimination orders


You see, maybe that was the plan, or maybe the mission completion being bugged prevented progress earlier so they instead lowered the resistance to compensate. The game is so fucking broken you can no longer tell what is part of the plan and what is a bug.


being stuck at 0% for a day happened with the two other missions I mentioned. And those missions didnā€™t have objective completion bugs. so that happening on dark vessel missions was not correlating to the lack of percentage we had, it was just the regen rate. I hope they can give us a XP reward or extra medals for all the work we put in for zero xp


Why do they do that, I wonder...


To thematically extend the time we have on super duper major orders like this one. This community wouldā€™ve finished it in 9 hours without the regen rate. like 50% of the player base wouldā€™ve missed out on the set piece experience which probably doesnā€™t feel great both for the players and the devs


They know it takes between one and two days to liberate a planet from 0. When they gave us an MO to take Varylia 5, a planet we had immediate access to (no need to liberate other worlds first) and a timer of ***SIX DAYS*** to complete it, what does that make you think? They're being generous? They'd like us to just throw a tiny force there over six days but, if we win super fast, that's fine and they have to move a timetable up or give a 'filler' order? No, it's your clue that the MO is going to take *about* that time. We can still win it handily and easily if we go at it hard, but it's not going to be a 1.5 day slaughterfest. There will be some compounding factor, usually a high Decay to represent enemy counter-action.


The devs probably knew the mission was bugged and not getting scored correctly because of all the zero star drill missions so they probably hopped on for a bit and tweaked the scores then went back to living their lives.


Decay was set to an unwinnable value at the start deliberately and was falling at a pace that set us on track to victory even before the hotfix. This wasn't "we had to give the players a gimme because we fucked up". We were winning regardless, because the Decay going down was *always* part of the plan, just as it's been in past MOs.


This mission has kinda killed any excitement I had for this game. The idea was so cool, but it was so buggy. Barely any progress was made on the mission by any squad and after an entire day we had zero progress on the mission. Then over the course of another day we gofrom 0% to 100% completion? I'm calling BS. What is the point in live updating narrative based on our victories and losses if AH will constantly thumb the scales to fit the story they want us to experience? It's just reminding me of the early MO's where planets would go from 100% liberty to 0% overnight. We don't have control of where the narrative takes us, and what's the point in playing if that was the entire purpose of fighting for Super Earth?


The game runs on rails and is boring now. No updates. I'll come back after summer. 150h player. Had my fun, enjoy my dudes and dive hard


It's already done


AH decreases the decay rate to like 1.6% this morningĀ 


People pulling back the curtain on the guy behind the curtain and expect there isn't anyone behind the curtain. While there are somethings they don't give us info on in the game that they should, there are others they don't because they need flexibility to change things to meet the narrative goals. There was no way we were going to fail the major order that's going to lead the eventual unveiling of the illuminate and we probably finished exactly when they wanted us to. It's a story, there is nothing more to it, trying to pretend it's not and that there is a real war being waged here wont change what's happening. The very premise of not knowing anything about the size or scope of the forces of the Bugs/Bots tells you that it's just all made up. There is no reason to try and parse this besides trying to point fingers and it seems pretty silly when anyone who thinks about things logically knows it is. Do you guys just want a better system to hide how rigged it is? Would that make you happy?


Devs turned off the bugs % pushback.


You know the progress is kinda controlled by the devs right?


Here was me thinking they were just noticing the lower player count and buffing it as they went along so it was doable