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Not a star in the skybox at Meridia. Now hop out of the ship and look behind it.


Behind the ship or behind the hole?


Behind the ship. Two lights


Got a link to what you're talking about?


https://preview.redd.it/kv3e9bp5jv4d1.jpeg?width=3440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d66271e9a358703d8c52dfff99a7800bc26e9dfc one of the clearer shots. there is something keyed behind the ship but its neither the spawner for the debris at Meridia or the sound source. Judging by where the debris begins which is mid to aft of the super destroyer which is well out of frame here as well as direction of the 'wails' from the hole.


What do your elf eyes see, Diverlas?


Hop out of the ship? 


Use the rock paper scissors glitch to exit. Then Look behind your ship.


Is it really an Easter egg if you have to glitch to see it? Or just some random asset they left floating out of view


Could be assets. But it's neither the spawner for the debris or sound center


Yeah I was in there now and I honestly think the lights might be some artifacting at the source of the two smoke trails going into the wormhole thing. 


Do u have a screenshot ?


Posted it last night as it's own post.


or don't look and down vote me because your all fucking lazy cucks. Here now suck a taint you fucks https://preview.redd.it/8sjwqq9i3w4d1.jpeg?width=3440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f7b207b75d0ac49353aecf5a28eca73adbd18b


Hole is too big. But its fine. A small hole would look boring. The problem i see, right now, is the lack of stars. We dont see any stars. This means, we are already in the hole.


Well since we can walk normally in the destroyer, that means we have artificial gravity tech So it could conceivably be used to counteract a black hole attraction, if powerful enough


I dont think the tech would help, if you are in a black hole. Even if, it would impossible to leave it anyway. Because it warps the space/time so much. Every direction you go, would lead to its center.


If you can go faster than light (which we can), you have a chance to escape it. Obviously, the closer you get to the actual centre of the black hole, the faster you'd need to go to escape.


What's the lore behind our ships? Does it travel faster than light or does it somehow rip a home through space shortening the length?


The ships use an Alcubierre Drive, according to the wiki (and I'm pretty sure the devs confirmed it on twitter at some point). This type of drive basically pinches spacetime ahead of the ship and stretches spacetime behind the ship. This creates a "wave" (descriptor used to invoke images of surfing, even though a bubble would be a bit more accurate) of spacetime, which the ship is inside of, that keeps accelerating and accelerating, relatively. It's a bit hard to visualize, but imagine yourself just walking at your normal pace, but as you walk, you translate forward faster and faster. While *you* still feel the exact same, you're just walking at your speed, the world around you is a blur, and everyone that is outside of the influence of the Alcubierre Drive sees you walking at speeds that are downright inhuman.


Got it, that's pretty cool thanks for the lore


Not sure. The announcer calls it an "FTL Jump" but I'm not sure we have an official ruling. I *want* to say that I read about E-710 being more akin to warp "fuel" as opposed to standard petroleum (giving credence to altering space instead of going real fast) but I don't have that source on me rn.


I'm no expert but I remember hearing that with relativity things can appear to be faster than light but in reality that's not the case and it just bends space time in such a way but again I'm no expert


Don't worry. One of the NPCs on the super destroyer has stated that E-710 is used for FTL jumps.


you can't actually go faster than light, any FTL tech must work with bending space


I dont think it will be possible to escape. If you are behind the event horizon, there is no exit anymore.


The event horizon is only the event horizon because that's when *light* can't escape any more. If we journeyed to a black hole with our modern technology, the point we can't escape is *much* further away. With FTL drive, it would be beyond the light barrier.


The reason you can’t escape once you crossed the event horizon is because time and space switch places with space stretching out infinitely, so the singularity becomes a point in time from which there is no escape as that would amount to backwards time travel which is considered to be impossible according to our understanding of physics.


So is FTL travel, however.


Actually it’s not impossible, it just requires an incredible amount of energy and exotic matter with negative pressure (dark fluid), the FTL we see is likely some form of Alcubierre Drive.


I believe it was confirmed somewhere that we are using an Alcubierre drive in Helldivers (I don't recall where, it may have been someone making crap up on a wiki somewhere), but it was my understanding that further research showed there were too many unsolvable problems with it and it has since been mostly relegated to science fiction. Either way, I feel these questions are likely so far beyond current understanding of physics in general, certainly for either of us, that black holes and FTL are a case of "make it up. Does this sound cool? Yeah, let's do it." So long as we don't end up with whatever Interstellar's ending was about, I'm good.


In theory. Because we cant see, what is behind the horizon.


Good thing it's not a black hole ;) ![gif](giphy|ZXFkp0BSnIcDmHo9Eo|downsized)


Super earth says it is Are you doubting what super earth says? Do I have to call the democracy officer?


Damn, super earth even shut down my wormhole GIF


Listen here smart guy. If the ministry of truth says it's a black hole then its a black hole, if they were lying they would be called the ministry of lies


Is it a lie to be misinformed...? Clearly we have automaton spies. They must be dealt with before they can harm super earth. ![gif](giphy|OGMweBsLs1Rsc|downsized)


Are you doubting the super earth high command? Yea buddy you're going straight to the nearest democracy officer


No, I'm doubting the super earth mid-command. High command can't be lying if they think they're telling the truth.


Idk it sounds like you're doubting our security and command centers


We should always be on guard for spies and imposters.


No tin can would ever be able to get inside the heart of democracy, I suggest you go to the re-education camp to relearn the power of democracy


ChatGPT says the screenshot i took looks like "a tunnel or portal to another dimension of some kind, thats got waves radiating off it suggesting it to be active" ...


ChatGPT? What is that, some kind of automaton? Don’t listen to that prattle!


I saw this years back I think on cosmos maybe. But there was a theory that to enter a black hole we would need anti gravity to counteract the immense gravitational forces. Now if I remember correctly one of the npcs on ship said the dark fluid has negative mass. While negative mass doesn't mean it will have negative gravity it is possible the remaining dark fluid on the ship is keeping us safe somehow


A real black hole with the mass of the earth would be about 1cm in diameter. Very small lol


Ok but the big question is, what happens if you touch a 1 cm black hole? Does it tickle or do you get violently sucked into a hole the size of a rain drop?


You get sucked in. It still has the gravitational pull of normal earth, since it has the same mass. But once you put your finger in it you’re doomed 😅


A real black hole the size of Earth would be ~2160 solar masses.


I like small holes


No... no... I'm fine with small holes. They're not boring at all. What am I supposed to do with the rest of the big hole? My standard light penetrating rounds won't do anything to the big ones. It's just to much hole for my standard issue weapon.


the skybox is empty which implies the black hole are the rest of the star system


This is for those who don't know [https://youtu.be/M\_XwzBMTJaM?si=UvGJX4CIqHXT1M7S](https://youtu.be/M_XwzBMTJaM?si=UvGJX4CIqHXT1M7S)


That's so cool. Thanks for your find, you're a legend


Legacy of the Void might have had a mediocre story, but they fucking nailed the cutscenes. Every single one is fantastic.


Blizzard always nailed the cutscenes. Shame that the company itself is liquid ass nowadays.


Man, SC2 cinematics used to go hard. I wish they had made a full-length animated movie like that.


Ah fuck I love the story and cinematics. I wish they had made an expansion with no focus on pvp and gone full pve level system permanent upgrades with choices etc.


Goddamn Blizzard was cool back in the day. Also Starcraft II. Man that was a fun game and campaign (all three of em)


No worries. They won't have enough Vespine gas to expand.


Don’t forget all the additional pylons they’ll need to construct


They would now, with all the E710 we have sent!


They want Vespene GAS not Vespene Innards


Damn squids are trying to proxy us




No worries, as longs as they won't spam carriers we should be fine. Just let's make sure that SEAF have access to Stimpack. *En taro Adun!*


Carriers spam are the weaker ones, the ones to watch out are high templar(stupid aoe)/tempest(I can hit you across planets)


"you must build additional pylons" "Our warriors engaged the enemies"


Can't wait for the Illuminate 22-gate opener


Fuck the protoss gonna do? Construct additional pylons?


My life for Auir!


LotV Intro Cinematic ACTUALLY made me tear up, because the storyline of losing and reclaiming one's homeland actually really does ring true for me


for the love of god. DO NOT BRING THE GOLDEN ARMADA HERE. Terran marines shit on everything we have. they have full auto gaus rifles firing tungsten rounds at mach yes. we have a fucking revolver. if we suddenly get legions of superspeed knife handed Zealots charging us im getting in my drop ship and fucking off to retirement. worse still if they send through carriers that on their own are planetkillers. or the fucking spear of adun and atendant motherships.


My Life for Aiur! For Adûn! Yes, executor? Dji-hou! Dao-tora! Thus I serve! Honor guide me! En taro adun! Doom to all who threaten the home world!




I smell illuminate propaganda... https://i.redd.it/ihngwxsyjs4d1.gif


Could be the gateway the Illuminates will come through....


Bruh...that's is so obvious ly a treasonous thought. In no way would Super Eath scientists make such a grave mistake like that during our great war campaign. I will be reporting you to a democracy officer for this thought crime.


We goin to the Ark yo stop Truth




People who think Terran Mech is BS aren’t ready for Skytoss deathballs, 4 gate timings, and dark Templar.


What is the one on the right?


we are summoning protoss to fight zerg right?


This one's huge though, we gonna fight the whole golden armada?


It's expanding! https://preview.redd.it/0y3da5u8rt4d1.jpeg?width=2077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff46525da22a0f29df3ea03768b152202e648ab7


It's actually gonna absorb the whole universe and shut down the game servers for multiple days before we get Helldivers 2 Chapter 2

