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"An average Helldiver survives 35 seconds. The Ministry of War has determined this is not enough time to spend a full ammo supply. To compensate, deploying Helldivers are allotted less ammo." I imagine this is why that is lol.


IIRC, an AH dev talked about this. In real militaries, there tends to be an 'official' amount of ammo you have space to take with you. But realistically, you want as much as you can carry, so you jam extra mags anywhere you can fit them in your webbing. Edit: I'm not justifying it's existence in the game, I'm explaining the lore reasons. I don't wanna hear why you think it should be default or a ship module or whatever.


This is how it was during my time in Afghanistan, we had a set number of equipment/magazines we were expected to carry, but if you wanted to bring more you could, so long as you understood your ass was carrying it the entire time šŸ˜‚


And if shit really hit the fan, and the TIC was going on too long, a helicopter would drop a speedball (resupply) to sustain the fight. For those who don't know, a speedball is a body bag loaded with ammo and water. They just drop them out the side of a helicopter for units in need.


And here I was thinking how weird it was to have a helicopter drop you a bunch of drugs in the middle of a fight.


You'd be surprised. lmao


Never underestimate the benefits (however transient) of meth on an embattled squad of troops. Just be aware the crash will be even harder, and you want them to be relieved before that happens.


Not understanding this is why the Nazis took France in like under a week, but then didn't advance for years. Too methed out. They really tried hard to come up with a drug to combat the meth withdrawals, and boy, do I want that drug. It was a mixture of like codeine and cocaine and some other fun stuff. I have my doubts about its effectiveness during wartimes but I have no doubt of its effectiveness during good times.


quite a few militaries still sparingly use meth in occasional doses to tamper with the ops tempo of small batches of soldiers especially when unnatural hours are required of them, but generally its use is no longer encouraged in (more) sensible militaries.


All militaries have this on standby none of them are sensible lmao


I would assume our militaries are using things like Adderall more than straight up meth now. I know they really aren't far off from each other but still


lets not forget that one Finnish lad that vanished for a week, saved his lads, ate a bird and skied back to base


Relieved? Like dispose? Or medical...I am sorry I am stupid...but how do you mitigate the effects?


By which they mean actual properly supplied soldiers dropped in so the squad that took the drugs can clear right off and focus back in barracks on fighting the aftereffects. Which frankly, are terrible. (I had a authorized dose once during a military exercise. Best 24 hours of my exercise. Worst week off after. but to be fair, most people don't suffer as much I understand)


Don't worry. The battlefield drugs you're issued are non-addictive and have no adverse health effects* *This study brought to you by Permacura. Put your life in our hands.*


I need stims!


Feeeeels goooooooooood.


Helldivers never die!


A little shot of Liberty!


My best guess is that it was an unofficial term for an improvised idea that caught on. Looks like the army started refining the idea, and now refers to them as [speed bags](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsXhsmRKboo). But if a unit really needs resupply, it's probably still faster and cheaper to just shove anything that can survive a 30ft fall into a body bag and kick it out the door of a UH60.




Yeah our units SOP was 10 mags and each rifleman also carried a belt of ammo for the Automatic Riflemen (we carried about 1200 rounds on us). Realistically people would stuff extra mags, belts, and loose ammo in their assault packs too. We didn't play around after losing someone in an ambush at one point. (Fortunately for me that happened before I joined, but we definitely made sure to train as we fought).


Yeah we weren't 4 days in country when the unit we were here to relieve had one of their MRAPs torn in half by an IED. Hell of a wake up call to the severity of the situation. šŸ˜… Thankfully we had no casualties in country, but have since lost a few friends to suicide sadly.


Same here brother. Lost a good friend that way when he came back home. That was a tough salute to give straight faced.


It could be tweaked so that you drop with max ammo, stims and grenades then the booster gives +2 primary and secondary magazines, which better reflects the idea of taking extra ammo over your official load.


So what did they expect you to do when out of amo? Shout I'm out of amo and go home? Start throwing rocks? I hope not buy it yourself from the independent contractor back at base


Real talk. If I go out with a rifle, I have seven 30-round magazines. If I have a pistol, I have three magazines, the size of which depend on the pistol. Not everyone gets trained on or issued a pistol. If I have an LMG, I will have four 200-round drums. Just this much ammo with your weapon(s), body armor and other kit is pretty heavy. Just the LMG rounds described alone weigh ~35lbs. I don't want to lug around even more if I don't have to for 8-12 hours a day hoping to not get shot at. Ammo is heavy. All the real talk aside, this is a video game that's not based on being all that "realistic." We're not going to shoot giant insects with 5.56mm or 9mm rounds and expect them to do much. Weapons from Helldivers 1 commonly started you with 6 mags and topped you at 12. It's not a big ask for Helldivers 2 to do the same.


And your mission timer in HD2 is like 45 minutes, not 8 hours. Coupled with the fact that you WILL be spending that ammo and calling in extra anyway, I would rather get in my Hellpod with as much ammo as I can carry.


I can confirm. During deployment we would stick a lot of magazines in between our plate carrier and our bodies you could normally fit like four or five extra magazines in there if you were careful and a lot of the times you really wouldn't feel it. You're assault pack would normally be filled up with radio and extra radio batteries and if you were a 240 Gunner rip your back because that ammunition was not going anywhere but on your back. You had a lot of magazine pouches you could put on your plate carrier already but if you had like two magazines per pouch and you had four magazines in the front that is going to limit your mobility like crazy especially if you're in the back of I don't know a troop Carrier. Putting magazines where they shouldn't go wasn't like doctrine or anything but plenty of soldiers I knew did it.


I was in an infantry unit and I literally would not have done any of the shit you're talking about. I carried 180 rounds on a plate carrier for all three of my deployment and a belt when needed. If I need extra ammo, that's what the radio was for. We would call in close air support or whatever else we had on stand by. It's amazing how different units fight.


Maybe a much better way they could have done this, is to have the normal amount of ammo as the full capacity (so like it says 2/2 on your mag count instead of 2/4). And the booster allows you to carry more than the standard capacity. What we actually got instead, is that it's presented in-game as we carry only a portion of the normal capacity, and that the booster is the only way for you to carry full capacity of what looks like a standard amount. Even though they are numerically the exact same thing, I feel like this does create a feel that players are literally punished for no reason whatsoever by default. And I don't know about you but how you feel can be pretty important in something like a mechanics-heavy video game lol


Exactly my thoughts!


7 was the minimum for when I was in Afghanistan. Of course I always carried extra but left those in the truck. 7 full mags of 556 on top of all our other gear adds up. You fire single shot too, never auto or burst like in the movies, unless you've got an lmg, so it lasts. I did at one pointĀ  have 1 extra mag on me at all times, so 8. Was filled with tracer rounds from my friends SAW belt. He got blown up and had to be sent back home. Carried that mag to remember him, as my oh s**t mag. But back to the game, ammo is easy to come by anways. Having full everything when you land goes a long way in a tough fight though, which gives this booster a reason to exist.


Neat. In real militaries, they would pull a rocket off your backpack you're wearing and help you load it. In real militaries, they don't decide your weapons are too effective against enemies and neuter them. Edit: Everyone replying "Geneva Convention" is, at this point, cute, but it's getting old. A) as many have pointed out, the most inhumane methods are largely still employed if they're still ridiculously effective, and B) Even thinking bugs "might not be that bad" is a thought crime on Super Earth, so I promise we don't have a Terminid Convention. The point is, the military isn't going to say "Make our tanks easier to destroy and increase the recoil on the main cannon."


In real militaries, the assistant gunner actually carries most of the ammo. In real militaries, you're given surplus crap from the previous generation that may/may not be suited for the current theater of war.


Wait, you do realize that General Brasch isn't the game developer, right? He's just an NPC


Funny enough they actually did decide a weapon was too effective against enemies Im early global war on terror days the army began experimenting with other weapons and one of those was the XM25 grenade launcher which was used and loved by units like the ranger regiment But it took the DOD some years to realize that shooting a 40mm grenade directly at an enemy is a violation of the geneva convention, despite the design being used so that the grenade detonated above enemy cover. So they looked for any ā€œdeficiencyā€ and decided to scrap it instead of admitting they were wrong. That ā€œdeficiencyā€ was that a soldiers glove got caught in the trigger ONCE.


This doesn't exactly jive with the Wikipedia article about that weapon. It also says it shot a 25mm grenade, and that ranger units didn't want to use it because it required them to exchange their regular carbine to carry it and it was too heavy at 14 lbs. Do you have a source for any of that? Particularly the war crime bit, or the glove part?


"However, the most serious problem with the grenade launcher has seemingly gone unnoticed by the military and the press alike. The objective of using grenades to attack personnel with body armor directly using explosive charges also presents an intractable legal problem under the Law of War. Specifically, by deliberately designing the 20 mm grenade with the intent of shooting enemy personnel wearing body armor using an explosive projectile, the 20 mm HEDP round is thus an "exploding bullet", which are **illegal** for military use under the Law of War. By contrast, 40 mm grenades are designed to incapacitate personnel by exploding *near* them, while explosive ammunition for such weapons as theĀ Barrett M82A1Ā anti-material rifle is permitted on grounds that it is fielded exclusively for engaging vehicles and small structures." [Full article from Military Today](https://www.militarytoday.com/firearms/xm29_oicw.htm)


ā€œNo no you canā€™t kill people like *that*, thatā€™s illegal! Do it this way instead.ā€ Will never not be funny to me.


Yeah, but these rules of war are there to mostly try and reduce the levels of cruelty in conflict. Not using exploding bullets on people means their family might actually get a body to bury after the war. I'd imagine it also reduces the psychological trauma on your own front-line troops a little.


Yeah I guess. Iā€™m fairly sheltered, so it feels incredibly backwards to try and have laws defining how violence and murder should be played out. But I understand itā€™s a necessary compromise for not really being able to outlaw warfare entirely.


I think of it more like a prenup. At a point in time where we didn't all want to kill each other, we all sat down and said "ok, these methods of war are incredibly barbaric, and are more about imposing harm on others or cannot be prevented from harming civilians, so we all agree that if we ever go to war again, we won't do these things". Because things like nerve gas which can accidentally wipe out an entire city are maybe not how we want to engage in war. And intentionally only wounding soldiers so that they become a burden on the supply chain of the enemy causes a lot of unnecessary harm.


Exploding bullets are only illegal if they are designed to explode on contact and weigh below 400 grams. Since the XM25's rounds are supposed to explode above targets, they're in the clear.


I just came back and said the same thing, i was going purely off of memory for about half of what i said. I remember a youtuber ā€œTheFatElectricianā€ did a video where the latter half of the video discussed exactly what i was talking about. His video is something about the XM-29 in general.


Move over Mk 19, somehow a gun that shoots a smaller grenade is a WAR CRIME.


Because it counts as an exploding bullet, not a grenade. "However, the most serious problem with the grenade launcher has seemingly gone unnoticed by the military and the press alike. The objective of using grenades to attack personnel with body armor directly using explosive charges also presents an intractable legal problem under the Law of War. Specifically, by deliberately designing the 20 mm grenade with the intent of shooting enemy personnel wearing body armor using an explosive projectile, the 20 mm HEDP round is thus an "exploding bullet", which are illegal for military use under the Law of War. By contrast, 40 mm grenades are designed to incapacitate personnel by exploding *near* them, while explosive ammunition for such weapons as the Barrett M82A1 anti-material rifle is permitted on grounds that it is fielded exclusively for engaging vehicles and small structures." [Full Article](https://www.militarytoday.com/firearms/xm29_oicw.htm)


They scrapped it because "Oh shit, we forgot Canada made the fun things illegal"


I'm no veteran, nor sitting member of the DOD, but that sounds silly.


1) 40mm grenades are not a war crime as theyā€™re still used extensively in the m203/320 and the mk19. Also the xm25 was a 25mm. 2) the US is not a signatory of the Geneva Convention


No.2 is incorrect. The United States signed and ratified the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol 3 of 2005. It also signed both 1977 protocols, but has yet to ratify them. Iirc, the exploding bullets part is from the 1949 convention, which the U.S. signed and ratified.


Upon looking into it, youā€™re right about the Geneva conventions. I think itā€™s a common misconception that the US did not sign them at all. However, the xm25 was still an airburst launcher not intended to be direct fired into a target.


"By deliberately designing the 20 mm grenade with the intent of shooting enemy personnel wearing body armor using an explosive projectile, the 20 mm HEDP round is thus an "exploding bullet", which are illegal for military use under the Law of War. By contrast, 40 mm grenades are designed to incapacitate personnel by exploding *near* them, while explosive ammunition for such weapons as the Barrett M82A1 anti-material rifle is permitted on grounds that it is fielded exclusively for engaging vehicles and small structures." From the article. This is also compounded by them being fired in a flat trajectory. While most grenades are lobbed. Throw in how they're set for proximity, and not impact, and you have an exploding bullet. The article goes through a complete tear down of every reason the project failed, and how the launcher operates. EDIT: SAUCE https://www.militarytoday.com/firearms/xm29_oicw.htm


40mm grenades are airburst or proximity detonation not direct impact though which is the war crime


The XM25 was also designed to be airburst with a programmable fuze to blow it above enemy cover.


>In real militaries, they don't decide your weapons are too effective against enemies and neuter them. [*Laughs in Geneva conventions*](https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/assets/files/other/icrc_002_0811.pdf) Literally a list of weapons too OP to use in the battlefield.


A weapon only gets banned if people want to avoid having it used on them more than they want to be able to use it; a good example of this is cluster munitions, which are still in use despite being the subject of *massive* humanitarian concerns, because theyā€™re effective enough that major powers (mainly the United States) are not willing to give them up. Artillery has a much better track record than chemical weapons, but thereā€™s no way in hell artillery is getting banned.Ā 


BUT that only applies to Human vs Human combat on Earth. I imagine if we were attacked by 2 alien races threatening to exterminate us that we'd ignore that convention pretty quick. So in this case, there wouldn't be a reason to neuter weapons to be "humane" when fighting Bots and Bugs.


That one XCOM third-person fps game, The Bureau, had a line about that involving the torture of a captured alien for info. Something to the tune of "The Outsiders are not known signatories of the Geneva Convention" implying that they could do whatever they wanted to the invaders. I imagine that's exactly how it'd go IRL, too


Geneva conventions aren't about weapons being too strong, they are about removing weapons that are "horrible" that no one wants to deal with. If things like chemical weapons were hands down the absolute best option to war with then combatant countries would use them anyway. They aren't *that* effective though compared to alternatives and even if they are better in certain situations everyone would rather they weren't used. I always like to bring up the difference between how the world handled gas vs. artillery after WWI. Artillery wins wars and no one was going to sideline it from their arsenal even though it was just as horrible.


The only "banned" weapons are banned to limit civilian suffering. The Geneva Convention really only exists to keep the violence limited to militaries and their infrastructure. It's literally never worked and basically everyone ignores it, but that's why it exists and what it's supposed to do.


Na bruv you need to empty half an exosuit mag on a titan, that's just how it be!! šŸ˜‚ Tbh it's still fun, but it would be more fun if the weapons were effective.. Right now I feel I'm not doing as much damage in difficulty 7 so just end up playing 5 or 6 to get the fun out of the game..


The amount damage dealt from enemies on higher difficulties doesn't increase, the amount of enemies that deal damage do


Yes it's just more and more enemies It's fun to deal with some of them with shit guns It's not fun to deal with so many more with shit guns I get the chaos is part of the fun sometimes, escape with the skin of your teeth, etc but still I find myself running more than doing damage


It takes 15 rounds from an exosuit autocannon to kill the titan. Aim for the underbelly, not the head. Also, the suit has better ar or pen than the shoulder mounted AC, so it will deal more damage


Ya and in real militaries they aren't fighting oversized, hyper aware, colonizing bugs or sentient, ultra tech, bio robots. So I really don't understand wtf the devs are talking about.


Following the theme that this is an exaggerated parody of the industrial-military complex, and remembering there was a point where Russia (at least according to movies) was such a meat grinder that only every other guy got a rifle, and the alternating guys only got the spare magazine, and then adding on top that helldivers are super earthā€™s way of controlling overpopulation issues, I can totally see what theyā€™re taking about. Uhā€¦ I meanā€¦ it is exactly as perfect as managed democracy requires it to be.


Real militaries aren't supposed to be fun tho, a game is. And if a very little detail like this is kept for lore and realism's sake makes every single match of the game slightly more tedious than it needs to be, and as much as I love the game it loves to be tedious for no reason so there's no need to add to it, I don't think it has a place in the game.


​ https://preview.redd.it/81aeclmmjz4d1.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=e13dfd8a52c921b4ab27513bf9daa3ce2275f8bf


I don't know how to read


Yeah, I was in a conscription army, and during exercise we were officially given 7 mags for 1 rifle+ 4 pouches + 2 loose, but we were in an aviation unit so we had these Vietnam-era aviator vests instead of molle plate carriers, so with 1 in rifle and 2 stuffed in the first-aid pouch, we had to get creative with the rest. Thank god for leg pockets on those old flight suits.


Look AH dev sorry about your shitty military experience irl but don't take it out on me.


"Why did the average survival time decrease to 19 seconds?"


To be fair, we rarely die with 0 ammo


Depends. Some weapons like the scorcher eat half of the supply _fast_ Between the inconsistent damage to basic robots and the inaccurate fire, a full supply lasts for only a fight or two. It takes 3-4 shots to take down,for an endgame primary, a devastator in hectic fights. Add 6 berserkers to the mix, and you are out of ammo since their TTK, even with good aim at the right parts, is equally long.


Start taking the big iron and use it on the basic guys. Even pre damage/reload buff it's an excellent weapon for dealing with them and also for one shotting devastators in a pinch.


can't , stuns are too good and, unless i carry something like the AC, i need the grenade pistol to destroy fabs without having to rely on stratagems.


I love the Big Iron. It's so effective that I can't go back.


Thatā€™s because you havenā€™t found the trigger, and canā€™t figure out the right way to point the gun.


Just to clarify: you make sure your weapon is loaded by looking down the barrel, right?


This booster isn't about ammo for me. It's the stims and grenades.


The grenade and medical supplies are the real bottleneck


EXACTLY what I thought


Take the ammo off the dead bodies of helldivers who've failed democracy by dying


Since you gain access to this booster quite early, it would be cool if there was a high end destroyer upgrade that replaced it.Ā 


I think it should boost the max amount of mags/clips you can have instead of just max ammo.


Then people would argue that's just an artificial decrease/increase relationship and the max with the boost should be the max default.


that would throw a wrench in the balancing wheel. the devs already have a hard time lol


THANK you, that's what I was thinking, on its own dropping with max ammo is nice piece of mind but it's value is determined by your primary, the Sickle and other ICE weapons get low value out of this expansion when simply giving more guns +1 to +3 reserve mags/ice would greatly boost its value, having 4-5 ices on my sickle would really make this thing worth it, and having 9-10 mags with the breaker incidiary would be even better, while still keeping full reserve refill on supply pack, would make this booster so much better


I think an increase to the number of mags you can carry would be better as a armor perk than a booster


Ship module. Itā€™s too necessary otherwise


Make it both. New divers drop in with 2/4 grenades. They get the booster, to push them up to 4/4. This represents the diver grabbing extra beyond what they are assigned. Eventually they get the ship upgrade, which let's them go 4/4, but frees up the booster slot. This represents increasing what they are normally assigned (paperwork with SuperEarth to get enough supplies for the Destroyer, storage space on the Destroyer, automation to help the Destroyer prep pods with the extra ammo, etc, the whole pipeline) The trick is that with both, you drop in with 6/4. Because you can have the optimized loadout from your Destroyer, AND you can grab extra ammo above and beyond what you are assigned. Like taping extras to your arm/leg where you don't have pockets. But you can't go back above 4/4 in the field, which helps maintain the current balance of ammo vs ammo boxes and resupplies (and means you have a bit of extra "pizzazz" when you first hit the ground, good if you're dropping into a firefight) The early progression stays the way it is now, so the booster is a valuable early acquisition. But veteran divers might have the ship upgrade, and choose not to run the booster (we'll assume this upgrade is meant for around the time they have things like the quasar and laser cannon and arc thrower or blitzer, things that don't need ammo as much). But if they join a random team with a newbie who is still using the booster, the veteran still benefits! And then a team of veterans still has the choice of whether or not they want to drop in with extra ammo, if the mission needs it, or their loadout benefits from it (or maybe they just want to hold the trigger down more often). Right now the choice is between "not enough ammo" and "enough ammo." This change would keep it that way for newer players, but allow veterans to choose between "enough ammo" and "even more ammo." And there's overlap, so if YOU don't need the extra ammo, you still benefit if your teammate chooses to bring the booster. The reality is that I think communicating this to the average player might be more trouble than it's worth, but I think it has potential as far as loadout choices/flexibility goes. It keeps the option without making it feel, as you said (and basically everyone agrees) "too necessary."


Iā€™d even be fine with the ship module giving 3/4 of everything. Thatā€™d at least be workable


So what I'm hearing is I can slap on the Engineer armor and dive in with 8/4 grenades? Hell yeah šŸ˜Ž


Well, it'd be 8/6, right? Since the armor pushes you up from 4/4 to 6/6, and this booster idea is basically a +2/+0. So it's better than that. And should work the same for stims. It would require you to stack armor, the upgrade, and the booster, but yeah, you'd drop in packed to the gills with 8/6.


The thing is that this sounds really powerful until you realize that it's effectively 2 grenades per respawn. Not even remotely op enough to shoot this down.


Arrowhead, hire this person immediately


I can guarantee if I drop in with 6/4 Iā€™m going to go the whole fight never using one because ā€œI might need all 6 later.ā€


To clarify, you're suggesting that with the upgrade *and* the booster you drop in with 150% of your ammo/grenades/stims, and you can't pick up any until you go down below 100%, correct? because i kinda love that


Agreed, ship module. You should not just start with this, and all the people saying they can't live without it are shooting top much and should do some more running to complete the objectives. I personally can't live without the stamina one tbh.


Its a shooter, let me shoot, no one wants to run for 20 minutes.


Shoot and scoot!


The limb DMG mitigation is my second pick, then sonar third. Not having to stim at 8% hp because I have a broken leg is phenomenal. Couldn't care less about the arm injury cuz I don't use the eruptor, always scorcher


100% yes. It's a mandatory booster and it just makes sense to be default. Would also allow us to take other boosters, as right now Hellpod Optiization, Stamina and Vit are kinda mandatory.


The boosters could really use... a boost. Since those boosters are, head and shoulders, above the rest and that one, in particular, I see in 100% of my missions. Someone always takes it. And if it becomes something that someone always takes, that actively makes your experience worse if you don't take it, then it might as well just be the default. After all, what sense does it make that they're not fully kitting out the divers when they get in the pod? Actually for that matter, why can't they just throw the support weapon and backpack in the pod with us? Every mission has a secret hidden load screen.... It's when you touch down and have to wait after calling in the backpack and support weapon- JUST THROW IT IN THE POD, DAMMIT! Streamline this shit! >:(


Honestly, I feel like that would be a better way to rebalance this booster. Have everyone start with max ammo, stims, and grenades by default without the booster, but bringing this booster means that you get to drop in with any support weapon or backpack you chose. If you have an EAT, it will you'll have one on your person and spit the other one out of the pod or even just not be there. If you chose anything that needs a team reload, it will give you the ammo backpack for it. In this instance, it would spit the other backpacks/support weapons from the drop pod because it would suck to "waste" a strategem slot and have it be deleted. Also, from a naming perspective, it makes more sense to work this way. It's called "Hellpod Space Optimization", but we carry everything on our person. How does having extra space in the pod affect how much we can put in our pockets? Unless it's a case of "Command! I've successfully infiltrated the outpost, but I'm dummy thicc, and the clap of my Libercheeks keeps alerting the Automatons!" *In the distance* 01001001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01100100 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100110 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 00111111 It's one of the first ones you ever get, so some players treat it like it's a beginner-only booster, so why not have it be beginner friendly? Let people spawn in with backpacks and support weapons when they reinforce, maybe on a slight cooldown so it can't be abused too bad. Or even limit it to only being able to do it three or five times each since that's how many reinforcements the game gives each diver by default (this could synergize with the "Increased Reinforcement Budget" by bumping that up to four or six times each). This way new players aren't scrambling to find equipment when they come back and veteran players are incentivised not to die since there's a limit. It would also avoid people getting angry over somebody else taking their equipment before they respawn. I did not expect this to go on this long. Sorry about that.


This booster having you drop with your chosen support weapon equipped would be a really cool change, for the reasons you've highlighted.


Thank you for your service, thoughtful insight, and useful alternatives/paths. I'm ABSOLUTELY stealing "Libercheeks". That'll be all.


I'm just performing my Democratic duty. Feel free to take what you need, comrade, and may your Libercheeks herald in Super Earth's glory.


The only flaw I see with this is the CD on support weapons. I suspect that exists so that you can't just die to give other people your support weapons and then respawn with a new one, which could be *extra* problematic in encouraging people to just murder each other for their stuff \[since it only costs a single reinforce, what's it matter?\] That said, I do agree that the booster needs reworked.


And what if you've got 2 support weapons in your loadout?


Like in the Halo 2 drop pod scene where the weapons were stored in the drop pod. Master chief came out with the rocket launcher to blow shit up.


yeah, but he doesn't know what the ladies like.


> Actually for that matter, why can't they just throw the support weapon and backpack in the pod with us? Every mission has a secret hidden load screen.... Yeah 100%. Calling it in should be for later when/if you lose it. If for balancing sake they don't want to us to drop another support weapon for a teammate right away then start with a cooldown


I mean it's a bit bullshit to specifically drop in an area that isn't marked on the predrop map as having enemies in it only to find that you actually landed in the middle of Heavy Devastator Con 2024. If they're gonna do that, the least they could do is let us drop with max ammo and our chosen support weapon.


Those are the most fun, but on the bug side. Chaos from the start has the potential to carry through the whole mission, especially for the 15 minute nest missions.


I don't know man. I've dropped into plenty of missions where you land in some shit and are killed almost immediately. I make sure I'm in the clear before I call down my support.


Yeah but a big problem is you land in the shot without your shit. I wait too, but if I already had an autocannon locked and loaded? It would not getting overwhelmed in the beginning significantly easier


Its a capitalist society. Streamlining isnt part of their M.O


Capitalism is also about cutting overhead costs. So with that in mind, which seems more resource hungry: Sending down the pack and support weapon in two separate, equally expensive, pods shot from a destroyer orbiting a planet. Or just tossing in the gun and backpack in with the helldiver and use just one pod for the diver, the backpack, and the support weapon. Doesn't need to be comfortable, just needs to fit. ![gif](giphy|tu6WafgphRrAk|downsized)


You got capitalism backward. It's not how the military can save money, but how can the military send the most money to its contractors. Super earth can always raise taxes, but if you cut down on hellpods, the manufacturers would lose profits.


Worth mentioning, "military grade" doesn't mean "highest quality" it means "cheapest bidder who can meet the specifications." Generally speaking, the reason the US in particular capitulates to corporate interests is because those corpos have other options. "Oh you wanna make me pay more in taxes for business? Okay. I'm just gonna start moving operations to a cheaper country." Given that Super Earth is an authoritarian dictatorship - Managed Democracy = Dictatorship, you don't vote in any meaningful way in a managed democracy - it seems like they don't need to worry about trying to move public money around through shell corporations or backroom deals or kowtow to corpos... they'd just give their leaders (who may wear multiple hats regarding military, corpo, judicial, and legislate sectors) a bonus for "doing a good job" "It's my patriotic duty to accept this higher paycheck so I can continue fighting the good fight for super earth." But that's a lore topic and also thought experiment. Given what you said, I think you raise a good point. It depends on what Super Earth's leadership would prioritize, spend excessive public funds to give to their military industrial complex buddies which can result in under the table kickbacks to themselves. Or dispensing with subterfuge and going straight up gaslighting. I do know that if the helldivers program has a set budget, then they might have a clause about unspent resources before the next re-up date. .....actually, now that I think more about it... we're only trained for about 15 minutes, given a gun, a cape, and crappy armor, then sent to dive onto planets to take on whole armies with minimal resources rather than a more effective military strategy. ......I'm starting to think my theory about unspent resources being liquidated and distributed to the head honchos might not be far off...


How TF did you make that logic leap? I'll have whatever you're smoking


Welll.... We have shittification and Super Earth has Super Shittification


Well, good and mandatory are not the same thing. If youā€™re not constantly dying then this makes no difference. You can resupply every 2 minutes anyway. What this does is essentially reduce the punishment for dying, or even make it an incentive. I agree itā€™s good but itā€™s far from mandatory. Having it be optional incentivizes staying alive by letting you pick another perk, makes perfect sense to me.


It really depends on your loadout. Some weapons eat through ammo (Plasma Punisher for one example) or you have things like the Grenade Pistol that eat up supplies. Itā€™s not even like you can pick up your fully restocked grenade pistol off the ground either


Glad thereā€™s plenty of people who realised how useless this booster actually is. Iā€™d take stamina, vitality and being able to move through snow.mud faster over this any day. Those three are consistently useful compared to this very situational ammo one.


For real, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here for how much the sub thinks this noobtrap is "mandatory". Yes it is good and for certain missions you definitely want to bring this along (the short 12/15min mission-types come to mind), but for the vast majority of missions there are better choices.


The problem is all it takes is one bad teammate and this is mandatory. And some of my friends are bad and with randos it's just safer to have on. If you've got a good group, you can certainly min max, but I'm sure that is a very small percentage of matches that are like that making this essentially mandatory


Imo it's inversely proportional to skill level. I die 0-2 times on 9, bots and bugs. It rarely applies to me or any organized team I play with. Every 2 deaths = one resupply worth of items. A booster saving each person on the team one resupply worth of ammo, nades, and stims over 40 minutes is...not a great value add. If I had to choose between this and vitality, I'd choose vitality every time, because that limb damage reduction and hp increase applies every second of the 40 minutes I'm in-mission.


Well if it's a useless booster in higher skill levels, then it also makes sense to make it default


Eh not necessarily, because you could say that about any booster. A very good team could go no booster and clear 9 - are all currently-often-picked boosters then just crutches that should be default or an upgrade for every player? Iā€™m not sure what the answer is - maybe a ship upgrade w a replacement for it in the free warbond, or a ship upgrade that requires you have the booster, etc. I just see this booster get mentioned a lot as mandatory and wanted to point out itā€™s not necessary by any means and put the actual efficacy in scope of what it contributes during the duration of a mission.


Exactly, if you really need ammo in the first minute of a drop just call down the supply. It'll be ready again in 1-2 minutes. Honestly I don't see the point of taking it unless you're specifically planning on hot dropping right on an enemy base/hive.


On Helldive you are usually swarmed right at the start anyway so I like to just call in the resupply immediately upon landing anyway that way you get the cooldown going before you even need the supplies. Then you spend a minute or two clearing the area, grab your refill, and head out to the first objective. If really isn't needed to drop with full kit.


It's not mandatory at all, it just seems that way for alot of people. Ammo isn't uncommon at interest points and drop a resupply at spawn will help too. Seriously try playing without you'll see that starting will full ammo and stuff is useful but not necessary to playing or winning missions. It just feels nice to see the numbers full.


Personally don't think its about the ammo, but about the stims and grenades. Starting with 2 stims means less chances to recover from a bad encounter. Starting with 2-3 grenades makes for less bugholes/fabs closed or less stuns, which are an active part of combat. A particularly terrible case is the grenade pistol, where starting without the booster makes you eat up PoI ammo packs just to fill it out, and if you die, get ready to eat more ammo drops. This could speak more about how the Grenade Pistol manages its ammo (1 grenade per ammo pack is balls) but that's another conversation altogether.


The way the grenade pistol refills ammo is the thing I hate most about it, makes no sense and unless you take every pack supply packs don't fill it. I guess the way I play I don't notice it as much I usually rely on stratagems to deal with bases and use grenades as a last resort for bug holes and fabs.


If you find supplies at POI it kinda loses. But when youā€™re constantly being called back in at critical hold moments definitely


i dont die that often, more on defense/eradicate missions, it just feels like cheap


Yup. Itā€™s definitely a nice thing to have. But not exactly mandatory. Besides calling in supplies as soon as you drop solves it and by the time you actually need it should be off CD


If you're constantly being called back, shouldn't you be constantly coming back with 5 clips or whatever? In times where it's going to shit and we are reinforcing a lot, ammo is the least of our concerns.


Having four stims makes you much more likely to survive.


Itā€™s an escalating issue that just gets worse the more brutal the fighting is. Getting killed in a shit show fight while getting shot at from all angles by the bots, spawning back in with half your stims already gone is not a great experience.


Honestly I dont find it to be too big of a problem. Sure its nice to have, but we have more than enough Resupplies in most cases. And its not like it reduces your max carrying amount.


Sure this booster does basically nothing for those that are doing well (aka not dying), but for people who are struggling it is a lifesaver. Snowballing is a thing that can happen *very easily* as things start to go wrong. The booster slightly prevents that.


Especially since most people seems to forget that this also apply to your stims, not just your ammo. The difference between 4 and 2 stim is big in those situation. When you get a shitty spawn next to 3-4 gunship factory with some patrol near you, you'll thank the person who brought this booster.


Yeah, and thatā€™s why itā€™s optional. If youā€™re dying a lot you can pick this for a little bonus and keep it simple while you figure out the fundamentals, and otherwise you can pick something else. Later on if you want to try playing without this crutch you can try more niche stuff like the radar range and go on little recon missions or something like that. Choices like that are what makes a game interesting.


But is it really? Do you really go through all the ammo once you're droped? The case is rather that you either kill everything, or at least get a breather, or you die in half a minute


Ya I don't find it necessary, just nice. I don't mind if it's a ship upgrade, but I'm not clamoring for it. We drop without it all the time, and usually at the first point of interest you find there's ammo all over. It can become a problem during prolonged engagements, but that's the trade off I suppose.


Due to the weight limitations of the Hellpods your equipment weight is adjusted to your body mass. If you're missing a few mags...it's on you.


HEY! My thicc boi would be very disappointed if they could hear you over the sound of tinnitus from using the autocannon.


Mawp. MAWP.


As someone who played the first game I can say that it can be one, but shouldn't be necessarily be that way since in the first game you had only 2 grenades, half of your mags and that's it. You had to call in supplies at the spawn to get full mags, however I can understand that you do kinda need here more ammo and grenades and stims of course. In conclusion if our weapons get stronger we might not necessarily need that since our primaries could handle then most enemies.


Also in first one every player could have their own supply pod, it wasn't just 1 for a whole team, so it was easier to manage your ammo


My take as someone who played the first game is that you dropped with everything full in the first game and it worked. Not once did anyone suggest that it would be nice, or make more sense, to drop in with only half supplies. I cannot even grasp the thought process that says "this worked perfectly in the first game and was never once a point of friction - Let's change it!" Grenades were also more powerful in the first game and didn't need to be used to close bug holes, so 2 grenades went further than 4 in HD2.


You do realize that in HD1 you drop with half mags on primary, 4/6 mags on secondary, and all reloadable support weapons dropped with less than max reserve ammo, right? This is all on top of resupply taking its own stratagem slot. So no, Helldivers 2 did not add more friction where none existed. It gave players a way to change their resources on drop without using up a stratagem slot which means they actually reduced it.


This is great as a booster. Play five games without it. You won't equip it again. Extra ammo is a safety net for new players who don't quiet know how to aim yet. As you get better, grabbing an ammo box off of the first random PoI or dropping a supply at the start is good enough. For every booster that gives you more profit the more often you die, you gain less profit the better you get.


What is "full ammo"? I was a Marine for 15 years. Exactly how much ammo would I have been carrying if I had "full ammo"? Just because you're capable of carrying more doesn't mean it's logistically feasible. Their in-game explanation makes perfect sense: Those pods have very limited space inside. Not a lot of room. It's also the reason why your heavy weapons need to be called in a separate pod instead of just carried down in your pod with you when you drop.


Yep, been saying this from the start. This is the only booster I need to have. I dived once without it (after I got it), never again. I ran out of ammo so fast.


What I do is call resup as soon as we're done calling SW, as the team is still together.


Yeah, but this was in middle of combat. šŸ™‚


you should have used the resuply pod to kill a charger! didnt you hear ? the devs want you to use stratagems to kill enemies! (i feel like i should say this is sarcasm lol)


I was in this situation had nothing to deal with the charger so I stun grenade it and called down my now off cd EAT on itā€¦fun times when it works


People seriously underuse drop pods as a means of destruction. EAT ball down a fabricator hatch is a personal favourite way of mine to deal with them.


Or at least a early game destroyer upgrade


yeah you're right. it makes sense to have limited mags when you are a level 1 cadet dropping on angels venture, the amount of bugs spawning was so low that you needed that handicap. why they made it a booster instead of a ship upgrade baffles me


IMO, It should be that getting a supply drop gives you full everything instead


it kinda already does, except stims and grenades. should've put those too in the ship upgrade


I know it seems mandatory but honestly it never bothered me since I am forced to scrounge ammo through POIs for resources cuz i usually play as lone wolf since I found out that I die more bcuz of my teammates. Especially when u can just drop an ammo pod when u start the mission


It sucks when the guy packing this booster leaves and then you respawn like WHERES MY AMMO


Would be cool to see booster that change the play style during that game. I think these boosters are fine for now, but maybe shift into making these destroyer upgrades and make boosters fun. Like sliding on ice things, or fire tornado repellents. This would mean that not every booster is good on every planet, and you would actually change your loadout bases in the mission.


I disagree. we donā€™t need to get rid of this. We need other boosters to be valuable enough that going without full ammo seems worth it.


I find it weird that divers don't automatically launch with a full inventory. I mean, all the supplies and bombs are on the ship right? Why would you launch like, "nah, I probably only need 2 or 3 stims."


Stim depot was on meridia


AH about to nerf this too šŸ¤£


"Optimization, Vitality, and Stamina completely outclass the other boosters, they need to work to make other boosters viable" AH: "great idea! We've nerfed optimization, vitality, and stamina into the ground! Enjoy!"


In "real warfare" with very few exceptions most of the time in war is tense moments with no shooting. Its about the control of space more than anything. In Helldivers we are actively in combat 90% of the time. "Realism" has to stand by the context.


Agreed. Also, we're playing a videogame, not a war simulator. Any friction created by realism should serve a purpose, and this one does not. I don't feel immersed when the guy with this booster leaves the mission and next time I die I drop in with half supplies.


The others just need to be put in line with it. The extra reinforcement one needs to give you a flat +15 reinforcements no matter how many you are. The shorter reinforce time needs to lower the time to 30 seconds and increase emergency reinforcements to (a cap of) 2 or allow reinforcements even if the destroyer leaves. Faster evac needs to either spawn the pelican the moment extraction becomes available and have him circle the call in tower, killing enemies or keep it as is but each time you enter the range of a main objective the pelican does a slow fly by on it and blasts enemies for a few seconds. Scanner Range Increase needs to give you an actual mini-map (massively boosting your awareness) or show enemy detection ranges and reveal the exact type of enemy. Motivational Shocks need to replenish all your stamina and make you immune to all slow down for a second. (currently they only reduce the time slowed but you can still be chain slowed to death) Localisation confusion is pretty good already but it needs a small boost to be a real decision. Increasing the time it takes for bot drops or bug breaches to spawn enemies or increasing the time an enemy needs to spawn them in (making the animation slower) would be good.


Nah doesn't bother me, just resupply as soon as you land and there's no difference in the mission. I used to *need* it before I knew how to play with minimal deaths but once you're able to stay alive for multiple missions on end, there's no need. Would rather have sprint boost, muscle enhancement, vitality or motivational shocks as they will help for the entire mission


Why when you can usually immediately call in a resupply if you don't wanna take it.


It's so stupid, it's practically taken every single time regardless of what other stuff is taken. If something is that ubiquitous it should probably be added to the base game kit so people can have real choices. yet then again, it wouldn't really matter because half the boosters are useless rn. So they should probably buff them ffs


I don't think anyone would complain if they simply set the maximum ammo/grenades/stims to the default starting amount and then changed this booster to 'Increase maximum supply capacity'


This should give you MORE ammo not max ammo. You should get an extra grenade and extra magazines. The number of mags should depend on the weapon you're using.


Dude cry me a riverĀ 


Eh, you usually spawn 2 inches away from a loot area full of ammo boxes anyway


Yeah this one and the health buff are MANDATORY in all serious dives. Theyā€™re the release railgun of boosters.


it should be an extra ammo perc


it should be a ship module.


Almost never take this ever since unlocking other boosters (stamina mainly). The map is littered with ammo/stims/grenades so never seems to be an issue for me and as a primarily solo/duo player, it's fairly easy to share resupplies.


I disagree. I prefer when someone has the booster, but reinforcing with only half supplies forces me to be a little less reckless when being reinforced. I can't just run back into the fray, I have to break contact and resupply on my way to a new objective. It would, however, be nice if we could recover stims and grenades off of bodies though. I think that would be a better compromise.


Should be a ship upgrade.


Either delete it, make more viable alternatives or make it default. Mandatory picks are always boring


Itā€™d be cool if max resources were default and the booster was changed to give everyone 1 extra resource - 1 extra mag for primary/secondary, 1 extra stim, and 1 extra nade


If they make the optimizations booster default, they could have the actual booster reduce the cooldown of resupplies


Full ammo should be default and I would say this booster should deploy you overloaded with ammo and grenades. 2 extras of both.Ā 


(Hellpods into the water) "(Sigh)...how many supplies this time...?"


If I made boosters, Iā€™d make it so you could pick one or two that would be permanently (or until changed) applied to character across missions, and then one you pick during mission alongside it. That way people could have space opt and something else alongside that, instead of the 3 standard and one random.


If your team is good at the game it becomes irrelevant, just grab your loaded gun and your support weapon when you die, and for stims use cover or have swarm control