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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Begging for free games, upvotes, giveaways or discounts is not allowed.


While this sounds cool, considering the problems already existing on planets with low visibility with people getting sniped cross map from enemies that aren't even rendered on their screen it'd probably be a nightmare. Alternatively, you'd need to do it on a small map - like inside a ship/building - so that that didn't happen.


Yea I’d prefer a new mission that takes place in an abandoned facility with no power or a crashed airship than a modifier. Design a level around it instead of slapping a modifier on existing levels that were designed without this in mind 


Enemy intruders on another helldivers destroyer. The crew is dead. Save restricted data while all ships systems failing one after another. You must make it before destroyer crashes on a planet.


that would go hard arrowhead please add :3


Launch hellpods directly into the hull when calling reinforcements/weapons


Nah, you're already on a super destroyer. You cycle right out of a hidden cryo tube somewhere nearby. Weapons and resupply pop out of hidden compartments. The stratagems are just activating the ships built in border repelling systems.


How would you extract then?


Make it a rougher campaign mode.  You extract by getting the damaged ship hellpods online and launching out into a random mission on the planet since the map is dead and you don’t know where you are aimed.


You can escape with this destroyer pelican. One diver launches its engines and makes all checks while others holding ground in hangar.


It just becomes the finale of Dead Center in L4D2, gather gas cans to fuel the pelican while bots swarm you


You don’t lmao they just go down with the ship


Last I checked the Super Destroyers have hangers that need to be able to cycle. Suddenly that extraction timer is just the airlock cycling open


Down to the planet below, to start phase 2 of the mission/escape after setting the self-destruct, to get extracted as usual


The only thing to come out of the maridia wormhole Is a deadweight "Uknown" freighter. Big massive ship, we have to jump from the destroyer to this massive wreck, get inside and it's all dark, systems are wrecked and it turns out to be a trap and more ships keep showing up, getting more functional as they show up, better loot and more risk. Eventually fully working ships show up and start just blasting everything, giant Swarm, Huge Fleets Hundreds of ships all just blasting they're way through killing everything


I’m waitin for an urban map


Would be down for urban combat in dark settings. Would be cool environmental story telling, trying to comb through darkened ruins. 


@ Arrowhead: just release the urban map already! 👀 You know we all want it, you want it, make it happen guys!


Yeah I think its more doable as just a single mission type not a whole planet- like Ewok Hunt in Battlefront


Going inside terminid holes in search of brain bugs😎


Yeah, I can't remember what planet it was, but it was dark and there was so much fog that you could only see maybe a few feet in front of you. By the time you saw the bugs it was almost too late. It sounds awesome, but it wasn't after one or two missions. I'll pass on this blackout idea.


We Def need planets with like city maps on them. That would be pretty cool.


AN ENEMY SHIP RAID! ok, hear me out, you fly into a planets orbit, only to see an automaton ship that's super badly damaged. after flying close to it, Pelican-1 flies you to board the ship and capture Intel. there's no power, but there's still automatons on board.


So a darkness tornado that blinds a small area?


Hence, why i think star shells should be added.


Also, do these guys know that like 90% of guns don't have flashlights?


And when they do have flashlights it usually just makes it harder to see with them. All lights do is blast bloom all over the screen.


Yeah I’m already living a horror game on those planets. Don’t need a black out event to make it more annoying


So... Like... Like a *mine* or something, huh?


Yeah, to me this sounds like an idea that sounds good right up until you start thinking about it.


I would be more worried about the fact that titans and hulks are practically ninjas… or did they finally fix that?


>like inside a ship/building This would be the way. "But what about stratagem?" Make the mission expectation that you can do it without them or only get specialized ones that are able to borrow or drill in. Maybe there's a certain depth they can go and after that it's blackout.


I would love to see the glowing eyes from the enemies (bots and illuminates) in the dark


Honestly, I think they should try to develop the blackout modifier as a way to improve on their sound design and lighting. If they can make it work for that then it would help with two of the most annoying aspects of the game for me.


I think most of those are with inconsistencies on how much enemy vision is impaired outside and inside combat. Maybe with a hard debuff for those being always on during the mission, it would actually be more stable! You could even make the nids smellblind by saying there's an oversaturation of gases or pheromones in the area, make it so they can only detect us real close but balancing it with us only seeing them real close too, while the bots have their glowing eyes and better vision so we both keep more distance during the engagements.


I love the idea of an inside map. Something like an "infiltration" objective type where you'd have to visit various locations in an abandoned facility to say, turn on power to different facility levels to extract data or something, extra objectives to turn on security turrets, or even a location where you have to defend a few waves of enemies. larger rooms could have vents the flying bugs could use, or even a new drone automaton enemy. I love belching an idea and seeing where the community goes with it. Even the people that criticize the idea. New, better versions of the idea can be thought up.


I can't see anything already, this just seems like putting a hat on a hat.


TF2 intensifies 


Give me a stack of helmets option now…


A bot on a bot? "Dislike the fact that your game is riddled to the core with bots? Buy 'protection bots', more bots to fix your bot problem!"


Would be cool but I also would never play it


Yeah it's the kind of "Played it once, was cool, that's it" mission. Everyone who played Vermintide will remember Hunger in the dark.


Fuuuck. You’re 100% right. I was hyped for this idea until I read your comment. Such a good example. I do play Vermintide and with buddies we enjoyed this scary map, claustrophobic feelings even, but since the game is about playing maps over and over we simply avoided it as it always felt like more work, more of a burden/stress.


The Darktide "Lights Out" modifier is even more intense. Being a game with a lot more of a focus on ranged weapons, it really limits visibility and heightens the dread you feel creeping through pitch-black corridors, barely able to see ten meters in front of you. Any lighting effects, and the lovely flamethrower shines in this setting.


It's a modifier I really enjoy in Darktide, but it mostly works because we're mostly fighting in close range with short sightlines and they reduces enemy ranged effectiveness with that modifier as well.


Yeah I was about to say, how tf is this being upvoted? Yall bitch about the teeniest amount of fog and about the lamps being too bright. How would yall handle a flashlight level? You'd think Season 8 Episode 3 of game of thrones woulda taught people how unfun a dark war is.


To be fair they didn't have flashlights brighter than the surface of the sun


Sounds unplayable ngl. Foggy planets are bad enough and this would be worse.


Honestly the worst is those damn light poles on some of the planets that pretty much blinds my helldiver


Yeah the bloom on this game is kinda nuts.


It's honestly hideous, and a detriment to gameplay. Sadly, I don't think it's something that's even on AH's radar to fix.


Oh my god thank you. I'm level 102 and for all this time I thought it was just something wrong with my settings lol. No matter how much I played around I could never get the lights to not be fucking permanently stuck on RAPTURE SETTING.


Yeah my cousin and I make sure to kill all the street lamps on those planets


hmm dont know about that, the fog is too much imo but all the light sources make it even worse for me. its like being surrounded by 8 fucking bile titans which then call in 8 more fucking bile titans.


To be fair, part of that is that super earth lamp technology has been created using miniature suns. Why are the lamps bright enough to melt my retinas in a generator area?


I’ve been shooting out every lamp at the evac point for this reason. The lamps with the fog fucking sucks


This would be fun for a simple escort mission to take a truck full of VIPs from point A to Point B as long as there are tweaks to the enemies. Imagine this mission but only stalkers


IT can be changed, AH just need to repair enemy vision


It sounds interesting, but would be annoying as fuck. Not every weapon has a flashlight, so you'd have to stick to specific ones, which sucks. Also, Terrain isn't flat, so every rock, mountainside, or god beware, those freaking maps where you have a canyon with just one or two tunnels through them. Same goes for ifg there's water, or trees or anything else where you'd need to go around.


Now hear me out. Helmet mounted flashlight. Like master chief.


Actually useful helmet?


Just have it be a flashlight duck taped to the side of every helmet during this modifier, like these ones. https://preview.redd.it/600mnqlfe76d1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a57b1ac2fd6a0bdcd04755e4ca97daed94a3c2f


It's almost like they could design the maps and encounters around this event.


A level like this one would be cool IF we get helmets that have various different HUDs and one of them is 'night vision' ... or you could go with 'heat signatures'. Essentially, a dark level on which wearing a certain helmet type would give you vision, just vision that's different from a normal planet.


I mean stratagem hero used to have a flare stratagem.. so it would make sense.


So I can be ragdolled even more by missile devastators out of nowhere except with literally 0 counter play since you can’t even see them start up the animation for it? Yea no thanks it’d actually be unplayable 


That actually sounds like shit. Flashlights are bad enough in this game that they are making it harder to see with them turned on.


Dude 100%. I immediately disable a flashlight if I find a weapon that has one and I'm constantly shooting down lamps. The blur that lightning creates in this game is miserable.


I thought I was the only one who felt like that it sucks because my teammates will have them on and I feel like it messes with my vision more than it illuminates anything


With all the fog and bloom, it’s like turning your high beams on while driving at night during heavy fog. It makes visibility even worse.


For all the complainers of low visibility maps, just when you thought smoke and acid rain was bad


Can I downvote so they don’t see it


Sounds like something I would try once and never touch again.


I think we can make some planet tidally locked. That way if you play on the night side ypu should be able to experience this


This would not work, and it would not be enjoyable in this game. Too fast paced, and the AI can see where the player cannot. So no to this idea.


Yaay, more visibility debuff, just what we need.


Nop, spewers are ninjas already


Holes and terrain craves would make this impossible


Can the enemy see your flashlight? I always have mine off be default.


This sounds cool, but flashlights actively reduce visibility instead of increasing it


I feel like we have enough things already that cause us to not be able to see anything. acid rain, """""""light""""""" fog, snow storms, spore spewers, light poles...


Turn your brightness all the way down


the fog is not enough?


"The sound of a terminid patrol clicking by" What sound?


That's like the stupidest idea I've ever heard.


Or maybe a Planet that has a soft layer that is like a roof and makes huge shadows? Something that the Terminids did cocoon around a planet? As a result sample quantity is higher?


That's why I bring the laser cannon on all night fight missions.


September to November event?


Fuck that.


Isn't there an illumination stratagem somewhere in the pipeline? It's on Stratagem Hero at least. This kind of modifier would make perfect sense to having that stratagem.


So like the movie Pitch Black?


I loved that movie alot


I did too. I still have it on VHS. Damn I’m old lol


I kinda want a few planets with Blizzards to have almsot permanent blizzard (slightly nerfed so you can see a little further) and have small periods where it opens up.


How about a level based on Pitch Black. You have day night cycle sped up. Safe areas where there are buildings with lamps. If you are outside/not in a well lit area when the night comes....good luck


Wel I got this off a YouTubers comment section so they can refined it more but. I like what you said.


i also want a permanent snow/sandstorm modifier. vision and hearing range for all enemies is reduced to extremely short ranges and also massively increased detection times so you have much more time to stop an alert from being called. however, once an alert does go out, enemy spawns are much, much heavier than usual as the enemy dump as many units as they can to pin you down to avoid losing you to the elements.


There's already a few maps where I can't see a damn thing. I hated them so much.


I love it


if no one's mentioned it yet, a freebie strat of orbital launched (or eagle 1 launched) phosphorus illumination round that parachutes or just slowly drifts.


Am i the only one who finds the games light posts to be blindingb


They would have to readjust the lighting in this game though. Cause flashlights and lamps obscure vision on this game more than they illuminate anything. I turn flashlights off and shoot out lamps cause they're blinding as all hell.


Spore spewers, sand storms, snow storms, night time, acid rain storms. Enough with the not being able to see


The visibility doesn't sound much deferent than half of the planets we already land on, not to mention the lighting in this game is so screwy I have to shoot out lights to be able to see. I'd really prefer if they didn't restrict vision even more.


We already have enough random bullshit limiting our vision.


Not gonna lie this sounds like another horrible modifier made up by arrowhead. People already don't even like playing dark side of the planet most of the time bc it's annoying


Absolutely not. The lighting in this game is already a total disaster and only ends up being a glare that blinds you. Even the beam of my own flashlight almost always ends up hindering my sight in night maps rather than helping. Unless they completely overhaul the glare issues this is a terrible idea.


Unless they guarantee me that the enemies are as affected as us, then I'd rather not have this


And you think that would make it a better play experience? The entire community would revolt. Like, its cool. Very cool! But not fun.


Terminids would have to make any sound for this to work. At this moment we have stealthy Bile Titans that make sounds only when spiting.


Sounds like that Ewok mode in Battlefront 2. Arguably the best feature that game ever had.


Sounds god awful with how atuomatons are, there's already big issues with poor visibility for the player and cracked shot bots, now imagine not being able to see most of the game while being rocket spammed


Hard pass


No. Not seeing shit is actually not fun.


This already happens on any planet with fog


Rework how the enemies can see you through freaking rock formations and then we're in business.


You could call it ECLIPSE and it could be a temporary planetary modifier. Just like the ionic storms or fire tornadoes, there is low light/limited visibility and then the eclipse happens and everything goes black for a period. I love it and I wish I could give you more than one upvote.


Right, I like how you think, I mean it would suck for players to not see anything buta temporary eclipse would be nice now and then, especially for bots it can be very useful to initiate stealth and such


May sound cool (to some... personally this sounds awful), but this would be an utter ballache to play. Would go in the pile of modifiers that people actively avoid. All that nuisance and frustration during sandstorms and fog that you experience? Well, magnify it to a whole mission! Yeaaaah... no


How about spooky music instead lol I’m trying my best to not break the subs rules here, so don’t read below if you care about spoilers. I think there was a modifier that was called tidal locked. Essentially the planet doesn’t spin and it was supposed to be very dark. There is also a flare stratagem in the Stratagem hero game on your ship.




Would be way too cool ! And so intense haha


Ok....so what happens when you bring a gun that doesn't have a flashlight?


And how about a new Warbond for blacked out conditions? Stealth armor Night vision Heat sensing High muzzle flash


If we had nightvision/thermal vision, I'd be all over this.


I like the idea of NVGs as an alternative to the flashlights. Not a stratagem, just active with on off, or a helmet that has the function potentially. This would just be a planet modifier (not unlike fog) that alters the vision of the player. With maybe two options for colors. This modifier could be something that has a positive and negative effect. Negative being certain stratagems flare the lense, positive is reduced enemy visual distance for stealth? Or something like that. Flashlights don't put out enough light I find, maybe if there was an urban setting that was more close quarters.


would be fun to play but the enemy will always jump on you when you try to relax inna corner between rocks thinking nothing can find you


That's just Erata Prime with extra steps.


So instead of white, red, green, yellow, orange, grey FoV I get pitch black? Yeah... good luck


[Pitch Black](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0134847/), the game!!!!!!!!!!!


There are already planets in the game where it's almost pitch black during nighttime and you can't see shit. It's more annoying than cool, especially since enemies can see you perfectly well.


I'll pass, the low visability planets arebad enough, I want to see what I'm shooting at or at least dying by


Halloween event?




I very much would not like to get shot by a bunch of robots fifty meters behind a pitch black abyssal curtain, thank you very much.


this community would lose it's shit if they put more challenges in the game


Fuckin A


Please, don't.


Similar to storms and such I’d be ok with. Not sure how bad I’d lose if it’s the usual bs smog/fog/smoke/lens flare and then add pitch black on top of it. Make it a clear planet without obstructing clouds and I’d be interested in a blackout.


Lol no


I’ll be down with that.


No, there are no flares. Neither are there dwarves.


It would suck gameplay wise but it sounds super cool


if enemies also have no visibility than yes, if I get sniped from across the map by rocket devastators and I can’t even see where they are, then I‘d pass


That’d be fun for October


I can already envision the squad wipes from nearby shrieker nests


I mean… I’ve dived on Oshaune (the closest in game equivalent) And I actually hate that planet. Not being able to see is actually horrible


With how terrible flashlights + fog/smoke/anything already is, the visibility would have to be crystal clear for it to work. I have to turn off my flashlight 90% of the time just so I can see.


It sounds cool and terrifying at the same time.


Yeah the bloom makes the flashlight actively bad on my PC and I refuse to turn the setting down. 


It's a no from me, I hate the flashlights in this game. The glare makes them almost usless in most instances.


never figured out so...How do you activate the flashlight on your weapon?


Hold R. The flashlight will be one of the configurable options if the weapon supports it.


Unless the nerf the Automaton's insane attack range and infinite aggro tracking distance.


Ye, would be weather modifyer "eclipse" or something


I’d like to see missions of greater variety, such as going into bug tunnels, and a new set of stratagems are created or stratagems tunnel through the ground like a drill. So heavy need for flashlights, different types of bugs underground, different objectives. Different environments would lead to different focus with weapons and stratagems. Couldnt use orbitals and planes cause you’d be underground, so it would force needing c4, portable nukes, and etc. I wanna find the brain bug.


This is the plot of pitch black, and I love it.


lol the second they do this the sub will only complain about how the mechanics are unfair. I’m all for it, but this sub can’t get past even the most trivial of problems on a daily basis.


Yeah it would be unplayable vs automatons, the heavy devastator would snipe you so easily in this scenario. It would be better I'd they had lights too.


Sounds like a cool, immersive concept. However, I think it would be completely unfun and super frustrating to play.


This! And gimme a flare gun or stratagem!


This experience already exists on some maps. It aint fun XD


I played my first 40-50 hours with my contrast set wrong, and the dark planets were bugged to be too dark too at the time, I can say it was scary and lots of fun. I hadn’t thought about it until this post. 




Eclipse planet, sounds terrifying


It will have the same problem I have with a similar modifier in Darktide Not all weapons have good flashlights so it severely limits options and overall makes it not fun. Maybe if everyone was given a suit light that can be turned on and off


Sounds like it would be fun for about two missions


Would justify the "Orbital Illumination" we've seen on the Stratagem Hero arcade.


During the TCS shutdown MO my friends and I had dropped onto a night map, our first night map ever actually. I don't know if the TCS missions were just bugged or what, because I've done night maps since that were *significantly* easier to see on and navigate. It was so dark that it was like you described. Could only see via flashlight and muzzle flashes. It *sounds* awesome but the mission was just a frustrating slog. We couldn't see where we were going. Walk one direction: fall down a bottomless pit we didn't know was there. Walk another direction: moonwalking into a wall for a solid minute because I can't even see it. It got to the point where I was firing a flamethrower *JUST* so we could see. If a mission was *DESIGNED* around the mechanic? Yes, absolutely, I can definitely see it being a blast. But as a modifier on already existing missions it SUCKS


Maybe it's my low graphics talking and it's a horrid clash between the light and the fog, but hell no. I turn the flashlight off on all of my guns. I shoot every light source in the game. They're all absolutely blinding and I can't see stuff directly in front of me.


So, an average 6+ difficulty missions?


I wouldn't want this as a permanent fixture, but as a Halloween themed event, it would be amazing. I've mentioned this idea in a few comments. A planet with no sun where it's always dark, and the enemies are reanimated corpses of KIA Helldivers, fused with new mutated bugs. Imagine a bug body with a Helldiver head and limbs, and the reanimated Helldivers could even talk to you and whisper creepy things like "Hungry...", and "Kill me..."


Make it so that pelican 1 has to continuously maintain proximity to host with a spotlight.


Imagine 4 stalker nests on this planet 😂😂😂😂




This happens already


That does not sound fun.


Anything except this shit that makes you walk at a snails pace. Getting tired of it.


Total solar eclipse, Dyson sphere covering a sun periodically or an automaton mother ship effect the lights rays would be an ample edition


this would be cool if the flashlight shining from your gun didnt basically blind you


More low visibility maps, but this time turned up to 11? No thanks. I'm glad you guys aren't designing the game.


Sounds like erata prime to me


Sounds fun but the enemies have to be impacted in some way I’m tired of not being able to see but can still be seen and shot at or harassed by bugs. If we could activate thermal or see electronic pulses for automatons I would be more so willing to try it But without it hell no keep that idea in the idea bin


As a one time kind of event with a fixed loadout and map? That sounds awesome!


Sounds cool on paper. Players will rage over this, no shot it is liked after 3 missions


Don’t people complain about not being able to see already. This is just more extreme lol


Please no, this thing has never worked in any game that is not a hardcore mil sim.


Before they could do this they'd first need to address the issue where hulks and chargers can sneak up on you without making a sound like a 5-ton silent ninja assassin


For this mission we should get a new secondary - flare gun. Would be cinematic as hell to be fighting by the lights of lasers, flares and napalm.


Ooooo, this reminds me of the movie pitch black, would be an epic planet hazard ngl. maybe add a new stratagem that can toggle infrared vision, or night vision free to use during this mission type so that it's not as annoying.


Yes but also no. I want night vision and thermal vision in the game, not MORE darkness.


hola mundo 


Absofuckinglutley not. I hate playing any game where it's so dark the inmy way to see is your light. I'd be cranking my brightness up. That sounds miserable


Low visibility is among the least liked things among the community, no one wants to get sniped by something they can’t see. Please don’t cook again.


Add flare gun.


I played escape from endor in Star wars battlefront 2 and if it'll anything like that, maybe not. I can still hear the ewok chattering at night to this day...


This would be maybe better temporarily as an Eclipse World. Rapidly transitions from day to night to pitch black. But most planets have luminescent planets above providing excess light. If you had pitch black conditions for say 3 minutes during an eclipse, it wouldn't be bad per-se. But not all weapons have flashlights (none of the DMR's) so it would take a learning curve for sure. Also bot/bug stealth detection would need to get more testing. Bugs seem good on stealth, but bots are broken on stealth detection at times.


TV Settings > Brightness > 100