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~~Still fixing some formatting issues. bear with me~~ ~~Should be fixed now, apologies. Just gotta add the emojis :).~~ Reddit does not like copying large Discord texts If something is wrong or missing, you can reply to this comment. I have inbox notifications on the post itself turned off, but not on this comment. edit: Please keep in mind im not an AH employee, so if you're suggesting game changes, just know that I'm not the one who can implement them. I will at least pass it on to a Community Manager, though


The SEAF Artillery stratagem is no longer blocked by stratagem jammers or Ion Storms, and is available after the mission timer ends and the destroyer leaves close orbit. https://preview.redd.it/eccgxdcm7b6d1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084c955ac25791dad46cebc3228459bf0e486f0e


Absolute belter all around


Da, beltalowda


Smart change, add strategy on those maps.


Now if they would let us go back and load any loose shells.....


Please. Have the chance for 20 shells to spawn and have one guy reloading it.


Oh man, yes! Adds more flavour to the heroic sacrifice.


Just giving us the ability to reload after the first shot is enough to change how SEAF is played. A few extra rounds near by would be great.


Imagine making your last stand around the gun loading those final rounds on a blitz, only to break position and use a smoke or ems round a window to escape and make a last second sprint for the dropship.


ctrl+f autocannon - 2 results found oh shit autocannon sentry Alright wew.


autocannon mains stay winning (you and me)


I'm with you, Helldiver.


Same bro. https://i.redd.it/1avsjeto8b6d1.gif




I hate that I understand this.


Im pretty sure that AH have said already that the Autocannon is exactly the right level of balance they want it at. Really the aim should be to make other weapons as viable as the AC rather than bring the AC down.




Worst change in this bad patch -not an atomaton spy




This pic goes so fucking hard


Thanks! I made the Meme myself, but someone else made the pic. Cant remember who, but he is on this subreddit somewhere, and made a post about it. I also have another meme with the same pic: https://preview.redd.it/moxfopfuoc6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e466c70e1f0b6e5e04ddd051209510a77581a91


I'm okay with it in theory, it was just... boring. Imagine if it was something like "at least one of your strategems must be off cooldown at all times" [edit] seeing as this took off, I gave it some further thought: This'd be decently easy to convey to the player. Add a gentle 'scrambled' effect to your strategems list that intensifies as you have more of them - purely visual, just there to make it clear it's an intentional effect (remember when people kept thinking the "your strategems are random" was a bug?). When you're down to one strategem, your list is fully scrambled and you can't call it in.


Or, blocks specific types of strategems. Imagine only being able to bring orbitals, or just eagle strikes.


Difficulty 8-9 is back on the menu boys


https://i.redd.it/xwv33eqj7b6d1.gif \>Sees Orbital Precision Strike šŸ˜§šŸ«£ \>Gets 10% cooldown reduction \>Gets 50% call down reduction OPS bros just keep winning!


Tbh I'm really interested in the gattling strike now.


I love Gatling strike, and I'm happy it got a major buff


Same. They buffed my boy. I ran with this and OPS on bots and bugs, now my strat loadout is just more powerful!


Just went for a diff 7 bot run, it can kill tanks if they stay in it long enough, and at 1min cd it will be up and ready for the next patrol It's so disgusting, i love it.


I loved Gatling strike before, it wasn't a heavy clear stratagem but the fast cool down made it super fun to use. Now it sounds just flat out amazing


Default orbital strike gang unite šŸ˜­


The Orbital Precision Strike was already good enough as it was, now it just won a permanent spot in my pockets.


>Orbital Precision Strike - Decreased Spawn/Call-in time from 4 sec to 2 sec This thing might've just went from good on skillful hands to absolutely great. No need to manipulate and predict enemy AI that far into the future anymore.


I will no longer have to use King Crimson to hit things faster than a snail


ā€œKiller Queen has already touched that doorā€ (Presses button) ā€œā€¦ā€ (Nothing happens) ā€œGive it a minuteā€ Edit: Got my Ks mixed up


I still don't understand king crimsons/diavolo hability


am i stupid or do you mean killer queen?


I just stunned stuff with emp granade lol


"Updated some first person crosshairs to improve readability" Might be the most important update to me for this patch lol


The ARM scope is so fucking good now


>The ARM *The Anti-Rifle Materiel* ##Finally, a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.


I think you mean Anti Raterial Mifle




Was it mentioned anywhere which scopes are tweaked?


AMR and Eruptor both got a scope upgrade and itā€™s fantastic


Only tried the AMR but the new crosshair feels a lot better!


My body is ready. For Liberty.


Wow, every stratagem change sounds like it was put some thought in it. They looked at what it was supposed to do and changed every stratagem that was underused and considered weak. I haven't tried them out yet, but it sounds really good. Today is a good day for democracy.


I am especially happy with the changes to the orbital gatling and the strafing run. Bullets from a destroyers massive triple barrel rotary gatling gun better shred everything on the ground, and the Eagle is a proper A-10 Warthog now. OBS potentially hitting something before it can m9ve away is a massive win too. A super grenade on a cooldown! And the MG changes including turret... *nice.* Might have to try deploying without a backpack or support weapon...


I like to do that. There's always support weapons around the map. Not to mention spares when your team is off cooldown I would like it if there were a couple of loose backpack strats on higher difficulties, but I never see them after difficulty 4 or 5


Pretty sure they did it the last times, too. But now we get an explanation what the thought behind a strat was and what they changed to achieve it.


Now that reads much better than the patches before.


Right?? Optimism restored for this game. This is a fantastic patch and shows that they have the right idea for balancing going forward. Good job, AH


And all it took was just the CEO doing the balancing himself


We love Pilestedt. I hope he is checking out the community feedback and celebrating. Frankly, I hope the whole team gets to celebrate today and breathe a little sigh of relief. They all deserve it




> The acid effect applied by hunters, bug mines, etc. now allows you to sprint while under the effect and slows you by 30% instead of 50%. Duration has been increased from 3 to 4 seconds. These changes are intended to make it less punishing for players to be slowed while fighting the Terminids, This allows us to use it in more places without making the experience very punishing, for example the Bile Spewers. Oooh... I had to pause for a moment there. Yeah. This patch is amazing.


Sounds massive. The constant inability to sprint was one of the main issues with the bug front. This is a great change.


The fact that the acid effect prevented you from leaving the prone position by tapping sprint was a huge problem given that that's the intuitive way to do it.




Wait, if we can call in artillery even while jammed, then according to [this](https://preview.redd.it/5oe2ibgdaz2d1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=39b1ff1c6e27a29f01fe01f1328349dfcd058f21), depending on the demolition value of the shells we could potentially just insta-nuke Jammers without having to go in and disable them first.


Honestly make the SEAF artillery just even more useful than before. Had people skip it if there wasn't any nukes or high yield HE.


Always just did it for the XP.


It actually has a reason to exist now without mininukes.


Once had the joy of loading it up with 2 Mini Nukes, 2 High Yields and an Explosive. That was a good day.






Orbital Precision strike buff... it was already nuts now it's even more NUTS like big NUTS!


Literally the only thing holding it back was the 4 second lead time. At 2 seconds, it's so much more usable now. But that Gatling Barrage buff. Holy fuck


That Gatling barrage is dirty, my god.


I felt something move, I'm keen to try it out




Yeah I'm probably gonna bring Gatling Barrage more now, it was fine against chaff, but now it seems to be good against most enemies.


I love Gatling stuff, it's been a constant in my strategms for the low cd time, even if it was just ok I'm so happy right now, persistence payoff


Im definetely testing it now holy shit this is huuuuuuge


orbital precision strike mains eating good tonight


Sentries got love. Time for some Engineer Gaming(tm)


I love wearing my trench engineer outfit and calling in 4 sentries, sometimes 3 sentries and a shield emplacement.


Precision strike just jumped up to S tier on both fronts, it was already nuts for Titans and Factory Striders, now it will definitely take the 500KGs place as the best Titan killer with a 2 second call-in time.


I'm absolutely going to miss tossing it into bug breaches and randomly bonking a titan on the head that wasn't even there when I tossed it lolĀ  It's a massive buff though, basically a super grenade on a short cooldown now!Ā 


Let me introduce you to Atmospheric Interference.Ā  All seriousness, precision strike always picked whenever that modifier isn't there.


Yeah scatter modifier will still absolutely murder it but now it's more resistant to the +50% call-in time modifier.


Man finally it feels like the Sentries won't disintegrate the moment a charger even just looks at it.


Or finally you can turn HMG I love this stratagem but the turning rate was atrocious


I would be surprised if they take a Chargers hit now, but the buff does seem like it will make them more useful against bots.


>The FAF-14 Spear targeting has been reworked and should now function much better. However it has lost the ability to target Automaton spawners THE MONKEY'S PAW HAS CURLED :'( That aside this patch is a COLOSSAL W HOLY SHIT WE ARE EATING >Removed operation modifier AA-Defenses: Reducing the stratagem slots by 1 >Disabled the Retrieve Essential Personnel defend event mission for the time being WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


At the very least, they confirmed that's unintentional and is a bug they're working on hammering out. I'll 100% take the loss of long-range fabricator kills for the time being in exchange for a more reliable Spear for now though.


We had a hilarious case last night, doing the Hit-and-Run mission with goal to destroy as many fabricators as possible. We got all but one, time was running out and nobody wanted to leave extraction. So we figure "eh, we lose one". Suddenly, there is a call for a hulk. I turn and aim Spear, I get a lock-on. I fire and... LIGHT AUTOMATON OUTPOST DESTROYED I locked to freaking fabricator in distance instead of the Hulk.


Absolutely. Still, long-range fabricator kills from any angle was pretty much the main selling point of the SPEAR for me. Well, that and becoming an anti-air missile against gunships. even that aside, still ABSOLUTELY worth the tradeoff. The spear feels SO GODDAMN GOOD to use right now!!!!


I mainly packed it for bug front to deal with Titans somewhat reliably (RR wasnt cutting it; still a beast against Chargers though). IMO I still find AC more useful for that job. More ammo plus does a bunch of other stuff


THIS IS UNINTENTIONAL AND WE ARE FIXING IT Right then and there, any worry dissipated. W update to a sorely trampled weapon.


Bot front fucking feasts today


Damn that was like the only thing I brought the spear for. Demolition/taking out bot fabricators. Now it might work as a regular weapon though finally. Maybe even bring it on bug missions.


They did mention it's a bug, they are working to restore that functionality. However, more reliable lock on everything else is acceptable tradeoff until fix is done.




Just had to check and this is the modifier that removes a stratagem for a mission and not the anti air base objective that disables Eagle stratagems until it gets destroyed. I was a bit worried as I think that objective is a fair and fun


They cooked.


Optimism restored. I hope the future has liber-tea this exquisite.


Cooked everything except the slugger. i miss it


Yeah, me too.






>Spear targeting is unable to target Automaton Spawners This weapon is cursed


Next patch: >Spear can now target Automaton Spawners. It can also target friendly turrets and Helldivers, this behaviour is not intended though fairly funny.


That would really be funny. It wouldn't matter, mostly. Turrets and other helldivers are usual very close, where you wouldn't try to hit it with the spear


Sending out your mate into the stratagem jammer for the long range spear hit


I would allow that tbh


You can lock onto allied mechs even if someone is in it


Honestly, I could see this being left in, just for the funnies.


it would also be usefull, target a helldiver in a mess of "untargetable" enemys(like dominators) and use him as a laser guide


"You may die, but thats a sacrifice im willing to make."


I can see how it'd happen from a development perspective. If they completely rewrite how enemies are targeted, fabricators probably don't count as "enemies" in the same way.


Can they do whatever they did to the Spear and do it to the Autocannon Sentry? Would be real nice for it not to use all of its ammo against the side of a fabricator.


That's the curse we must all accept for a 5 AP, 300 Durable gun. Remember this the next time someone complains about the Emancipator Exosuit ACs not having the same damage as the Sentry. *Yeah, because the Sentry is operated by a fucking hamster,* and theoretically a player should be able to use it smarter.


I laughed so hard when I read it, it just can't get a break Lmao


I'm only partway through but already I'm salivating. Orbital Gatling can damage heavies? Hell yeah. SEAF Artillery stratagem is no longer blocked by stratagem jammers or Ion Storms, and is available after the mission timer ends and the destroyer leaves close orbit. Hell yeah Artificial light sources have had their intensity rebalanced and reduced across the board to fix situations of lights completely blinding the player. Hell yeah, so underrated. The weapons of the Exosuits are now allowed small adjustments in the angle they fire their projectiles versus their muzzle angle. This should make their weapons more accurate. Hell yeah.


The light fix is underrated. No more shooting every bulb?


https://preview.redd.it/6poe71i7ab6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a54eaa4eae2816cc99e39e4419c34f78b901f4 Now i have BFG šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Biggest IronĀ 


ngl, generally speaking, this seems like a big W. sure there are some things i wish i had seen, but overall i am indeed happy.


I was really hoping for a thermite buff this patch. If thermite hasn't changed, it still takes at least 3 of them just to kill a charger. You can only carry 4 by default. You give up having grenades to fail to kill a charger. You know what else kills a charger in 3 grenades? Impacts. And they're still grenades.


> The SEAF Artillery stratagem is no longer blocked by stratagem jammers or Ion Storms, and is available after the mission timer ends and the destroyer leaves close orbit. Nice touch. I'd assume the 'make connection with super destroyer' sub-objective is more to give the Helldivers system permissions, rather than co-ordinating artillery through the SD itself as people had speculated.


so glad the charger behemoth is getting some love, thanks arrowhead my silent prayer was heard


For all my fellow Eruptor enjoyers out there..... Freshly tested against the bugs. Obviously its noticably better but heres some info. * 1 shots everything weaker than a Hiveguard. * Hiveguards can be 1shot but you have to hit their bodies, hitting them in face plates is 2 shots. * Brood Commanders 2 shots * Because shrapnel wasn't readded, the AOE is still "meh" but it can muti-kill close together enemies. * Bile Spewers are 3 headshots or 3-5 "Sack Shots". (My personal biggest dissappointment so far) * Stalkers seem to take 3-4 shots the majority of the time. I managed to kill one in 2 shots but i'm 90% sure my machine gun turret hit it acouple times first. * Chargers are 3-4 butt shots. Conclussion. Not as good as pre-nerf but its isn't complete dogshit anymore. Still seems too "niche" to be a good "all round" weapon against bugs. Edit: According to some other people in the comments. It seems to perform well against bots. It's able to 1 shot devastators in the crotch. It seems like it has returned to its former glory. Apparently shrapnel played alot bigger of a role against bugs than we may have thought.


It was always better against bots for the simple fact you're 10x less likely to kill yourself lol


Yeah, I think everyone knew the bolt action explosive sniper rifle was better suited for enemies that donā€™t climb on top of you


They just need to add the shrapnel back imo. Its still in the weapon description.


It needs to one shot spewers to the head to be worth running imo. And an AoE buff if theyā€™re dead set on not readding the shrapnel


Agreed. I can live with 2 shooting brood commanders, but 3 shots to the head of a bile spewer is ridiculous.Ā 


Crossbow gang is fucking EATING today. Overall a ton of buffs, though I think railcannon strike NEEDS some lower cooldown if it's consistently not one-shotting or even two-shotting targets.


Yea, the precision strike improvements make it seem a bit irrelevant now.


I actually used precision strike even before when playing against bugs as it can one shots titans with relative ease so this makes me SUPER happy


And eruptor aswell lets go brother Alright did some testung against bots. It 1 shots walkers and can sometimes onehsot dvestators. It struggles a bit against berserkers but all in all it is much better than what it was. It still feels a bit lacking and the shrpanel really should be added back Also new scope reticle


I think it still needs the AoE size increased. Iā€™ll try the crossbow next. Big slow weapon either needs speeding up or more damage for it to be worth it and Iā€™m still not feeling it compared to the dcs. I remember the crossbow being lighter/faster so maybe it will be in a good enough place as an alternative. Nice patch overall though. Love the stratagem changes but non stratagem wise itā€™s a step in a good direction but it likely wonā€™t unseat bot-dcs/bug-inc. breaker for me. Will test the crossbow in the next game and see. Would be nice if it reaches _good enough_ state which I do suspect it has.


I fear that the 150 extra Damage won't change anything significant... But no final judgement until tests are through.


I can confirm it one shots devastators on a crotch shot again


I love that there is an entire faction where ā€œshoot him in the dick!ā€ is the best strategy.


Just for Devastators and Berserkers due to how their Health and Durability values work. Devastators are actually really unique in that they're the only enemy with a "chest" that's weaker than their "main body". Every other enemy you shoot in what you'd call their torso, you're just depleting main health; with Devastators, you're breaking a part they can't live without *before* that main health is depleted. And yes, for those of you who didn't know: you will save bullets by hitting the Berserkers in the groin, not their glowing chests. It's something like a 20-30% difference in shots required based on weapon. The chests are mostly tubes and shit, your bullets are going through. Just break their legs off and they die.


Thats everything I needed to hear


You might be right. Im testing it right now against bots.


They probably added some new enemies without telling us


The notes did say they are adding in the Charger Behemoth variant to higher difficulties, so you are technically correct.


The variant always existed.


Yes, but now, if I understand correctly, the Behemoth will spawn as part of normal patrols and PoI, bases, etc, instead of only being used as a Mid Difficulty Main Objective (plus the singular one that spawns for terminid Evacuate Priority Citizensā€™ final objective). Sounds good to me, combine that with fewer Titans and more smaller enemies on 7-9 and I probably wonā€™t love bugs like I do automatons but the challenge is moving in the right direction.


Nonsense, balance patches are always around 2GB!


Looks like they added random gunship patrols on the map - we spent 3 minutes running around looking for the facility and didn't find one


Holy shit, less large enemyā€™s and more spam on higher difficulty. Such a great change to mix up the loadout. We feast


Lvl 9 bugs is about to be fun as fuck. Desperately trying to stem the tide of smaller enemies with a couple of heavies tossed in peridically for "oh shit!" moments is exactly what I want from this game.


My biggest problem with high difficulties was seeing more hulks and tanks with missile pod dudes than the ā€œcommon gruntā€.


Rather them than those grunts who shoot flares for every minor inconvenience


Hey, stubbing your robo digits on a rock is valid reason to call in drop ships!


Stoked to try the new Gatling Barrage. It was cool before but useless. More dakka plus heavy armor pen should make it a decent pick for Fac Striders and Bile Titans.


My blocked country's ass is finally getting the patch crumbs, I owe my life to you


I was right the fire tornadoes do respond to player movement


It was really obvious they did. You could stand in a rock and slowly get surrounded by 8 of them all hugging it's edge.


Cause it was weird how it ignores me whenever i stop


Thank god tornados can't climb rocks. Everyone knows this.


They do move in herds..


![gif](giphy|4pMX5rJ4PYAEM) Me when I now know that bushes increase stealth




Eruptor users in shambles.


the unwieldiness of it makes it a hard sell, even if that damage was significantly higher than the newly buffed value. The shrapnel is what made it IMO. Never cared for the randomly dying, in fact it was a part of the fun lol. If they had just fixed the "explosions pulling you forward" bug I would have been happy with it in its released state otherwise.


They mentioned in the notes that the possible damage output was literally around 9000 šŸ˜‚ so I guess I understand why they couldn't add it back in. EVEN THOUGH I don't think it was very overpowered at all. It was similar to the arc thrower in terms of clearing smaller enemies except slightly slower


I loved the original iteration - felt like a real powerful bolt action rifle. Looking forward to trying this update. We'll see how it goes.


Superior Packing Methodology is broken again. Support weapons only receive half ammo now.


This might sound crazy, but with how unwieldy it is, the Eruptor is probably going to remain suboptimal for the bug front. Curious to see how it'll perform on the bot front, with all the flinching & stagger and whatnot.


Also waiting for the first tests, but adding damage changes nothing. In the blogpost they mention that the damage buff should deal with cannon fodder enemies... Don't know how that should change with more damage, when the explosion range stays the same.


Going to have to test rocket pods. Frankly in their pre patch state they were awesome at killing tanks in one shot. If that's no longer the case that's a disaster. tested on lvl 2: no clue if they still kill tanks, but they do kill fabs pretty good. Seems like they might focus non-structure enemies a little tighter which means you have to be more precise when tossing. Someone replying here said they also kill cannon turrets! Yeehaw! Update: after some 7s they still kill tanks ok. Just get the designator close.


Yeah I can't play the game right now, and the notes on the rocket pods are very confusing. Are they still king for taking out tanks? It's all I want to know. When they start with "I know it looks like a nerf, but hear me out", I'm having flashbacks of the "Yeah the Eruptor change is totally a buff" situation


More accurate could mean a huge buff... esp with no more damage reduction. I've seen only 1 shot hit out of all the rockets before and its a pain to hit chargers or hulks at all. But its a staple of my loadout, so definitely gotta test it


The good outweigh the bad HEAVILY for me in this update. Well done!


EDIT: This was posted before the OP was fixed. "See the blogpost for a more detailed description.Eagle Strafing Run GL-21 Grenade Launcher MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun MG-43 Machine Gun MG-43 Machine Gun, A/MG-43 Machine gun Sentry, A/G-16 Gatling Sentry and EXO-45 Patriot Exosuits Gatling AR-23 Liberator, M-105 Stalwart and AX/AR-23 ā€œGuard dogā€ AR-23C Liberator Concussive BR-14 Adjudicator AR-61 Tenderizer PLAS-101 Purifier CB-9 Explosive Crossbow R-36 Eruptor R-63 Diligence Other " This is probably the part of the patch people are waiting for, why do this on the post? It's also messed, it looks as if the rocket pods had a million changes. Actual missing notes Eagle Strafing Run: * Increased uses from 3 to 4 * Increased armor penetration, can now damage heavily armored enemies. GL-21 Grenade Launcher: * Increased explosion damage by from 350 to 400 MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun: * Increased projectile damage from 100 to 150 * Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 23% to 33% * Decreased fire rate from 450/750/900 to 450/600/750 * Decreased reload time from 7 to 5.5 sec * Increased stagger strength MG-43 Machine Gun: * Decreased reload time from 4 to 3.5 seconds * Increased max amount of Magazines from 3 to 4 MG-43 Machine Gun, A/MG-43 Machine gun Sentry, A/G-16 Gatling Sentry and EXO-45 Patriot Exosuits Gatling: * Increased projectile damage from 80 to 90 * Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 7.5% to 25% AR-23 Liberator, M-105 Stalwart and AX/AR-23 ā€œGuard dogā€: * Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 10% to 23% AR-23C Liberator Concussive: * Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 23% to 35% BR-14 Adjudicator: * Increased magazine capacity from 25 to 30 * Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 10% to 20% AR-61 Tenderizer: * Increased projectile damage from 60 to 95 * Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 10% to 17% * Decreased ammo capacity from 35 to 30 * Decreased number of magazines from 10 to 8 * Increased stagger strength PLAS-101 Purifier: * Increased projectile armor penetration to be the same as the explosion * Decreased explosion damage falloff CB-9 Explosive Crossbow: * Increased explosion armor penetration to be the same as the projectile * Increased demolition strength (Can destroy Bug holes and Bot Fabricator buildings) * Added medium penetration tag R-36 Eruptor: * Increased total damage from 420 to 570 damage per shot R-63 Diligence: * Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 10% to 25% *Some enemies have durable body parts that receive only a portion of base damage from projectiles


Didn't touch the slugger. Man keep the damage nerfs fine but at least just give us back the stagger. PLEASE https://preview.redd.it/d7tp3gjx7b6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3a5a67bd7c1b4b9ceaea0ee5be490f24d216d9


fr, they cooked but justice for the fucking slugger for Christ sake!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/fhzrumx4ab6d1.png?width=941&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd270682e58144fed17252de406ca5bb2966762e We back to the game boys!!


Tenderizer at 95?? Holy crap name it shredderizer.


I know! Fuck I thought giving it 70 damage would be just dandy. 90 plus additional durability damage? I'm glad they didn't give it Medium Pen or the Adjudicator would be untouched.


The Tenderizer is pretty damned good now. Just ran a mission against bots and it made real quick work of things. It even did pretty good against berserkers as long as I was hitting my shots, which I assume is what they are going for. Good stuff.


Even though it wouldve been nice to see more buffs (especially for mechs) this patch still is overall very good and sets a good precedent. If patches continue like this, we are golden.


Crossbow can take out gunships now!! Just tested, don't ask why šŸ¤£


And tanks


Supply boxes stopped fully filling up my Spear ammo (even with the ship module buff purchased), so looks like thats a new bug?


This is a MASSIVE patch holy hell- buffs across the board, multiple community-suggested fixes and features, finally touching stratagems more prominently, AND some love for stealth players? We asked them to cook and they gave us a full buffet, hot DAMN! Now, hereā€™s to hoping for a lack of performance issues, and a warbond that works on arrival!


"Removed operation modifier AA defences".Hell yeah.




> Fire Tornados * Fire tornados have had their behavior changed, they should no longer feel like they actively respond to player movement, and should move more randomly. * While a fire tornado storm takes place, enemy vision is reduced. Player vision is unaffected. \*Fire tornados being more random should result in more variance in situations players find themselves in. Tornados are significantly less likely to pile up and overlap on extraction points or objectives, and will generally be a bit easier to deal with. LETS GO


>Sending friend requests via friend code in game currently does not work Bruh


I stopped playing for three weeks. But now? NOW IM DIVING BACK IN! FOR SUPER EARTH!


Same! Slowly started loosing any passion for the game only diving once a week but boy oh boy Iā€™m delivering liberty all weekend now


Took me 5 mins to get to the bottom Iā€™m so gassed they have made this game 10x better again !!!


HMG emplacement got even better. Still though, can you do something with rocket oneshot? I'm kinda tired that one rocket from any enemy can destroy both emplacement and me. At least blow me away from it with half health.


Autocannon mains, surviving for another patch https://preview.redd.it/vytbv710ac6d1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=5455308507b7630fe6deed6af665670c7074aa56




My only reaction to this patch https://preview.redd.it/ld1h4wxq8b6d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=410e3ee3d4642bc02bb61449a64f636e901ee0bf


Tenderizer got a major buff, hell yeah




My experience so far Patrols and spawns are definitely either not fixed or overtuned. Every POI had multiple chargers or devastators sitting on it. Every breach or bot drop had multiple chargers and an absurd amount of shield devastators. Every bug breach on 7 had a bile titan. Also had way more patrols spawn right on top of us than the previous patch. Not fun. Shield devastators are STILL firing from impossible angles with deadly accuracy. Fire tornados still feel the same. We had multiple bug missions on hellmire last night where we had to constantly run out of the objective or extraction because 3-5 fire tornados would only stay in that area. The eruptor and crossbow are still lacking. The buffs are nice but they still feel totally underwhelming and not worth bringing. They need to have the explosive damage/radius they used to have. The HMG red dot is still off. The gun still suffers greatly from the wonky fps shooting. The packing ship module is broken again so support weapons arenā€™t fully restocking from supply drops. The game is crashing more. Every time I start it up I have to verify the game files for it to actually work. The grenade launcher buff doesnā€™t feel like much. Devastators still take 3 or 4 direct hits to kill them which was exactly how it worked previously.


Sweet liberty, look at all those buffs!