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Hopefully we get two things out of this. 1) Hive lords 2) Some different bug planets to play on besides the ones we've had for a month.


The bigger they are, the bigger their ***GUTS ARE*** https://preview.redd.it/6o3bas6pgs6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd81561367be9ce8e2272edc61e0790081577c7f


Until it is done


*the only thing they fear is you intensifies*


hive lords, eh, I doubt it. expected those on Meridia and we never got them. different bug planets can happen if we finish this order, the bugs will be pushed back to Oshaune/ Zagon Prime and the 2 rear sectors, this would be the closest we've ever come to wiping out the bugs.


\> we are clearing the area around Meridia completely \> the spacetime anomaly from ~~Illuminate~~ Super Earth Science weaponry is still around I think that something might happen after this.


3) 100 shriekers


Watch the bugs have taken the antitank mines from the bots and have deployed them against our drills


I’m thinking hive lords being antagonized, though I did think the same thing with the dark liquid.


A six day major order is there to keep you busy while they prepare to blindside you with something.


Bots release factory strider 2 electric boogaloo


Factory gunship dropping hulks Joel this is a joke ;-; pls don’t


Hive lords please 🙏🙏


*please no That would be the democratically correct sentence.


Fair, but in a gaming stand point, I’d love to see how they look


But we already know they look ugly and treasonous


Is it undemocratic to want to kill hive lords by the thousands?


Yes you should be killing them by the trillions.


I for one welcome these changes... https://i.redd.it/bjj3qne4cu6d1.gif


Bugs do need an enemy on caliber with the factory strider. Bile titans really aren’t that big of a deal


Bile Titans are more like Tanks tbh. Two shot kill with heavy weaponry, can run you over, has a huge weapon on its head


Eeeeh, I'd say that Tanks are easier. They can be killed just by impact grenades and their weakpoint is pretty much doable by a medium penetration weapon (Autocannon goes PLAP PLAP PLAP) Bile Titan, in my opinion, takes the place somewhere between the Tank and the Factory strider. Sufficiently tanky to require some heavy hitting stratagems but still dies to them, not like Factory Strider who needs several stratagem hits to go down.


Oh way harder. But the Tank, takes two shots from anti-tank weapons, has an easy one shot ability, can be hindered (shoot sacks no breath, shoot tracks no movement) Both can be killed with an Autocannon (15 to sacks, 3-5 to heatvents). Now, the Bile Titan is stronger than a tank because of its speed and hard to hit weakspots, but it is no where near the factory strider, which is basically two tanks combined with extremely fast pregnancy


Agreed. When you have at least two people in a squad with orbital rail canon strikes, they die pretty easily


They’re also not really that high of a priority to me. In a hoard I’ll shoot a charger over a bile titan every day of the week.


My priority is always the white hunters because they’re the only (non special objective) bug that can outrun you.


Other than trying to get railcannon headshots, how does one use it to consistently kill BTs? I've pretty much been crutching on the 500kg to kill them, since the railcannon only strips armour. Although admittedly I havent used it in a while


Stripping armor is important, and the railcannon takes off most of its HP so a few more autocannon to the open wound will kill it. It is still a 100% durability target though so pretty much need explosive weapons or laser cannon to open wound.


Stripping armour is just annoying for me since I then have to move to the side that's exposed while having the bug constantly turning to face me, and then try and get anti-tank into its open wounds. Maybe if I used any supp weapon other than the EAT which just two-shots Bile Titans lol


Teamwork matters. If its focusing on you, let it spin around so your teammate can shoot the wound. Same for chargers, if its chasing you manipulate its orientation so when it stops the open wound is convenient for your teammates to shoot.


That may be why I didn't really have strong feelings on it. I don't trust my teammates if I'm not in a discord call, and I generally go off on my own a lot to hit POIs and bug nests. Plus, why wait for someone else to kill it if I can just... kill it myself?


It's a 4 player co-op game


Yes, and splitting up to clear the map as quickly and efficiently as possible is cooperative strategy, and relies on teamwork :) Being able to handle myself leaves me free to help others as much as possible. Different teams work differently. My loadout as it is works fine for how I play, but I like knowing the uses of/experimenting with alternatives.


funny you mention this bc people were saying titans were harder than factory striders i would like to see a boss esque enemy from the bug side soon tho, rn its boring (compared to bots)


I find bile titans much harder to kill than factory striders. You can down a strider solo with most primaries and good footwork, just shoot the light on its face or the door underneath it. Titans basically require some sort of heavy anti-armor solution because once you break the sacs they’re invulnerable.


Democracy officer, please arrest this man and put him in the penis explosion chamber


Penis explosion chamber was closed with the budget cuts affecting the mine assembly factories. Best we can do is the ball crusher.


Very well, Eagle-1 crush his balls


People pay good credit for an experience like that from Eagle-1


Last time i check it was like 50k? Credits or smth


Super earth scientists never make any mistakes. Keep drilling!


Have we actually ever made any mistake?


There were dissidents who sabotaged us but Super Earth has never made any mistakes.


Uhhh… the termicide towers? Keeping the cyborgs imprisoned on Cyberstan which has been under bot control for weeks now. Also the giant black hole that is totally safe and nothing bad will come out of it… …wait there’s someone at my door, a democracy officer? That’s wie…


The termicide towers were obviously result of sabotage by bug sympathizers, who've been caught and executed. (yes, they actually executed scientists who made that lmao) The cyborgs were NOT imprisoned. They were LIBERATED. At least about black hole you speak the truth! There's hope for you, even if not much of it Your words are treachery most foul. You're fortunate, democracy officer already shipped you off to resocialization camp!


I’m tired of Hellmire grandpa. AH studios: “That’s too damn bad!”


Hopefully won't be as bad with the changes to the fire tornados


Maybe we can meet up with the DRG miners


hellmire my beloved


We blew up a planet, not worried about drills


Do you actually get to use the hive breaker drills? I haven't played today


They are a new mission type yes. Very similar to the dark fluid mission, u call down a drill, but you need to defend the drill while bug breaches happen around you. Once it has finished drilling, activate the detonation sequence to blow up the land and make a giant hole in the ground. 3 drills in a big map, 40 mins type of mission


*looks at hellmire* *sigh* here we go again…


There's no way we're going to focus down 5 planets effectively


Hey now, we're ALSO gonna nuke the holes after we drill it


As soon as I saw that we were drilling I thought, "I'm guessing they don't have Lord of the Rings in the Super Earth cinema logs, we're gonna get big worms popping up now!"


They dug too greedily, and too deep. I mean too democratically, and too righteously iO


That new device seems like a nod to drg's new mission and I love that


There are definitely no bugs that are confirmed to exist that use the hives as their home


This sounds like a job for 4 zany dwarves and a keg of beer.


By no means should you stick around after the detonation and listen in on the noises coming from the holes. By no means should you acknowledge such sounds as anything other than the echoes of dying bugs.


Don't worry, if we have problems, there are squads of four short guys working for a mining corporation.




How do you even complete these? On diff 7, it’s just constant breaches - I think we had 8 chargers and 3 titans running around almost immediately.


It appeared that bugs will keep breaching if you don't detonate it. I baby sat one to see how long it actually took on difficulty 7 and the breaches stopped spawning immediately after


On diff 9 the only things you have to worry about are the chaff, kill the chaff and watch as you drill and nuke the hatcheries without that much resistance. Also for chargers and behemoths super earth recommends you bring a stun grenade and a flamethrower.


Lol, the hive lord is the crash. Because when it appears, all squad will get disconnected.


Hive Lords. I’m so hyped.