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sorry soldier, but you can't do a lot without the horde of players.


At the least, we've only seen such a thing on rare occasion. The biggest outlier is, and I suspect always will be, Malevelon Creek. Thing was damn near liberated when the MO came in and delivered the coup degrace.


Which was a major detriment, when it cost us Ubanea, Tibit, and Draupnir, all in one


We're still pretending the bug divers don't do the same on the regular?


Oh no, not at all. A constant disappointment, really.


It kinda sucks that we can only liberate one planet at a time, IF the vast majority of players are on said planet. It also tells everyone to not bother in the future if a planet is not on track to be taken in time for the MO. I actually spent a lot of time on Marfark, even when it was clear we wouldn’t make it in time. Next time I’ll just play something else instead. Kind of makes it feel pointless, and you have to wait for MOs if you want to play for a new map, that isn’t in current rotation. Current MO is a good example, we won’t get to see the new swamp biome until hellmire is liberated and the blob is actively avoiding that planet. If the small minority of people who actually play on it had any sort of effect on liberation, maybe it would be taken by now.


Yeah it feels less of there being multiple war fronts and just 1 that keeps changing direction like the bot divers can’t really liberate any planets unless the rest of the community have a carrot dangled above them to make them help the bot front


There should be an MO for each front simultaneously, unless its a big story development type operation.


That would divide the player base up and cripple both sides. They would need to switch up the liberation system. Remove or greatly lower enemy push back on most world's and remove the liberation reductions for too many planets being fought on. That would really help alot to making smaller planets more viable to take


This wouldnt be the case if you calculated liberation absed on players in each side instead of global


I was looking last night. We have 8 bot planets with divers on it. Not a single one is pushing the 1.5 an hour. Bugs are split onto 3 planets (if we are still on three) So ya. Liberation needs to get a bit changed.


The bot divers are hardly even worht mentioning. 76k/84k are on bug planets. And of of those 76k, 9k are on Hellmire. We didn't have that high a percentage players on one planet when there was 1 bot planet left in the game.


Last night and again today, the entire bot front is less than 10% of the playerbase. That’s 7 planets, most with less than 300 players each


I don't think this would change anything. Majority would focus the bug MO and only move on to the bot one if there was time left over.


They really need to rethink how they do planet liberation. It’s extremely unintuitive and penalizes doing anything but following the horde.


The devs are forcing the players into hard fought victories. Which just isn't working. Hellmire hasn't been captured in fucking months. It gets to a height of 10% and plummets back down. I don't blame people for avoiding Hellmire or the Bot front. If they don't find it fun, they don't have to play it. I personally fucking despise the dustbowl maps with canyons. Like Fori Prime and that other one on the bot front I fought hard to set up a training base on. Just for it to now be meaningless.


Has it really been this long? Not gonna lie, I’m definitely not playing on Hellmire, even though I don’t mind the planet itself. We’ve taken it so many times at this point that it’s just stupid. I specifically remember taking this one, and us losing it within the next day or two. What’s the point of liberating those planets, if we’re back on them next week, stuck with the same rotation of maps. As a side note, I started playing in March, and we were fighting for hellmire then. The only time I can think of when we got past it is around the TCS event. Just feels like the devs are cheating, giving us an illusion of choice.


I've played since the start, and I'm just bored of the maps we have. This whole planetary war is shit. It's like a worse version of the FH Faction War. I don't wanna fight on the same 5 planets. I want something new. I want to enjoy good planets. I want to use the Polar Patriots and Viper Commandos shit on planets that they'll fit on. This games become so incredibly stale, even with new content. Because we don't see new maps ever. Between the players pushing on multiple fronts and the devs not relenting or understanding how much the playerbase fell off, it's just incredibly boring. I wanna enjoy this game. It's fun. But between bad warbonds and the same maps. It's the most stagnated game I still play.


Take the long road around hell mire well stack the squads and cut it off. Fuck hellmire well liberate the hard way by not touching that planet.


I wish one front did not suffer so much just cus a major order is on the other front. Like make the total player liberation% scaling on the total players on a front instead of total players online. Markaf had around 10k players left at one point (out of 100k players online) and we were still loosing. Like how dose 10k people on a single planet not push past the 2.5% defence (we were at 1.387%), that is absurd. Etsanu at the same time had 23k players on it and was at 2.494%, in other words, they were not gaining enything but in fact loosing by 0.006% at the time. How if why would we need 25k people to push or atleast be on par with a defence of 2.5% when 100k people are online, thats a 1/4 of the players online?!?! (To be presis with a post i did the total players was 98k so i was rounding it off upwards)


We were always fighting Eurasia


Yes but im talking from the moment when i got those numbers above. Like all those number are from the same day/2 hours when i was trying ghatar info to write about the liberation vs player scaling


Definitely feels like the entire way liberation works is at least mildly counteracted by how the playerbase actually wants to play. I don’t know how you’d fix it but it would be better if progress didn’t just evaporate. If you have ~10k helldivers and a dream, you should be able to get something done right? Ideally it’d be something like having smaller objectives on planets that don’t suffer from degradation, maybe making it easier to take the planet down the road? Something like that.


Suggestions I've heard for how to possibly fix it. 1. Have every mission count towards liberation. Too many players act like it does anyway. Have every mission individually count and then have a big bonus at the end for completing a whole operation. 2. Change the system to depend not just on the total number of players online but also on the number of players on each front. For example, they could incorporate the current system for calculating liberation impact but apply it to bot planets by the number of players playing bots and to bug planets by the number of players fighting bugs. Tweak the numbers a bit so that 10k bot players aren't as effective as 40k bug players but so that 10k is actually capable of slowly pushing back a bot planet.


YES good to see more people looking that idea


It feels like a pretty obvious opportunity for allowing players who have capped to spend their extra resources. Imagine, for example, if you could donate samples, medals, and requisition slips to counteract the enemy regen % on planets? That way people could both dive and put their resources from said dives ( assuming they have everything unlocked and have no current use for them ) into buffs for our liberation rate or debuffs for enemy regen %. Feels like it would solve two design problems AH has on their hands with one new system. Granted I would fully expect a system like that to be riddled with software issues on launch... so this feels like a bit of a monkey's paw wish even as I type it haha.


I think that solution might suffer from the exact same issues we have now, which is that it'd all be used on the planet being focused on, and it can't be too powerful of course to avoid trivializing the entire thing. So you'd end up with a couple hundred helldivers who still couldn't make a dent on a planet, even if they spent all their extra resources. Not that I think having an outlet for them is bad.


I think perhaps using caps or some sort of system where planets with less divers receive more benefit from these bonuses proportionally, a dev team could make it work. Could this dev team make it work? Now that I'm not sure about...


Personally I think I'd prefer a system that allows some incremental gain on a planet that can't be lost, so a small group could, over a significant period of time, soften up a planet for an easy takeover.


Well that would be the point of reducing enemy Regen %, I'd be fine with either so long as it actually works.


everyone donates (Certain number of item) to the war effort for a boost. Restocks everyday, and each planet has an option for it.


I feel this. I watched it slowly fall. We coulda finished it at least]>


Developers would still give it back to the bots while we execute new MO


I can dream Harold]>


Was a huge bummer. Did so many runs there. We were at 60+% when I logged off and like 60k players. Next time I jump on it's 6k and under 50%. Wish it was possible for us to take bot planets outside MOs. Not easy, but at least *possible.*


I really think Joel should have left Marfark at a 0% decay rate, so it'd have been a crawl, but possible.


I think all bot planets should have 0 decay tbh. Most of them have less than 1000 players with only Mafark at 6k. With current decay rates and majority of players always on bug planets, it's actually impossible to make any progress on bots "naturally." And that's not even going into the fact that bot defenses are basically a guaranteed loss given the above.


Maybe they will be possible since they removed that god awful broken evacuation mission, im not gonna hold my breath though


That should definitely help, but I'm not sure it'll be enough unless literally every bot player piles on the planet being attacked. We'll have to see when the time comes, I guess.


I think in the beginning it was possible, remember how the automaton front was entirely liberated? Problem is, we are going too fast for the devs to keep up which is why you only see planets liberated if there is a MO. They have effectively stopped us from liberating any planet by ourselves.


I remember the bot front being liberated as part of Operation Swift Disassembly (ie an MO). Outside that we were stuck in an endless cycle of Draupnir, Mantes, Ubanea, and the Creek (losing those planets at different stages).


The current planetary liberation system means that the optimum strategy to make progress (assuming enemy regen rate is greater than 0%) is to concentrate all forces on a single planet at a time. Unless you have a critical mass, you'll make no progress, merely slow the decay rate marginally when you could be helping win the focused planet. This makes some sense in-universe and encourages coordination within the community. There are a few major problems with this system, however: - Firstly, it isn't communicated to the player, so a new diver may believe that it makes sense to help out a neglected planet rather than adding to an already large invasion. - There is no in-game system for widespread coordination between players, just the major order to direct them. Without a major order, the community scatters and makes little progress. - Even if the players were all on the same page, the system discourages players from going to worlds they want to fight on or even rotating between different environments. - The major order system itself is a double-edged sword. One one hand, it gives the community a common goal to focus on. On the other, it makes fosters resentment between people who work towards the MO and those who want to do anything else. Heck, even if somebody generally likes the missions involved in the major order, it may get old after a week. It gets really bad when the major order consistently requires a specific annoying mission type. I don't know a good way to fix all of these problems. The simplest issue to fix is communicating how liberation works in-game and clearly stating that combining forces on one planet is the best way to make progress. A more complex system that incentivizes cooperation rather than punishing individual action could be good. Tweaking things so that hitting less prominent planets actually makes some difference might feel better. Increasing mission rewards on MO planets or something could be a good idea. Something more tricky might be to make multiple simultaneous "major orders" with looser time constraints to allow more diversity in play, but this would only work if the system was revised to allow such divisions to be viable. They could integrate a "managed democracy" voting system in game that allows players to help select the next planet or planets for the community to focus on from a handful of options. After the voting, the planet may have increased mission/operation rewards for a period of time and a very obvious marking/order.


I think we should have attack and defend "priority operations" where completing one gives a large boost to liberation % and temporarily disables decay. Like a mini major order where all players on a planet get an alert about a nest growing out of control, or an automaton supercomputer being built. Two new mission types that only appear for these operations. No penalty for failing attacks (since they shouldn't necessarily impact the story) but failing a defensive priority operation should boost enemy progression by a small percentage.


https://preview.redd.it/v7wgijbwbb7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a4322fc371761a57c69beed66a12c28d0aa0b20 The 4 emotions people feel from this statement


I love Marfark so personally I’m kind of happy I get to have it a little longer


Fine by me, I love fighting in marfark


I tilted my head sideways when I noticed this too. Like, it was ~60% when I went to bed and then was at 0%. Couldn't believe people dumped it that hard instead of finishing the job, even if we were late to get the anti-tank mines




Bot players when bot MO: "Look at all those people on bug planets!! Why aren't people doing the MO!?" Bot players when bug MO: "What are you all doing, you can't just go do the MO!!!"


Edited: poorly constructed my thoughts Bot players care a lot about the galactic war and lose quite a bit. Bug players don’t seem to care and succeed quite a bit. When a bot MO drops, the majority is usually on that front, with bug worlds still holding at least 40% of the playerbase. When a bug MO drops, the bot front has less than 10% of the playerbase. I feel like OP is commenting on those things


I do as the MO commands. I dropped Marfak for the entire last MO but when SEAF issues orders we follow, such is the duty of democratic citizens and mighty Helldivers. Be Proud of the Vote they gave you and submitted in your name, True Democracy means doign what you are told withotu question.


so the cogs of war keep turning


Yeah I was pretty mad too.


We were so close.


the best part is that you get 2 or 3 days of bot major order and then 2 or 3 weeks of bugs major order. I don't know, but maybe people would find bots fun if the devs also added a new mission type once in a while? we had like 4 or 5 new bug missions and 0 for bots since release lol


As a fellow Marfarker... ![gif](giphy|10o3Um2U3wa4DK|downsized)


Them’s the breaks, most of us Bot players go to play Bug front when the Major order calls for it. Cuz Democracy


Botty bois = shooter vibes, effort required, can be challenging to the extent it’s more difficult than fun. Bugs = starship troopers cosplay, big explosions and destruction, still manageable on higher difficulties with less effort overall. Ifs supposed to be a parody with big ass bombs and crazy space war stuff. Nothing about it says it’s a game for sweats, bugs just end up being more fun.


Bots are More difficult than fun? *Looks at the 3 chargers and 2 behemoth chargers ragdolling me into a hoard of hunters and a bile titan* I dunno man. I think it’s just the barrier of entry of getting shot back at… I wish I could run from the bugs as easily as I can outmaneuver bots And before you mention the bots trouble troops like Devistators. All of them are an impact grenade away from not being a problem. Not the same with bugs.


I do well with both at any difficulty. The only I have is that I get killed by my friends more often than from enemies. Though I can't blame them cause one is prone to underperform if under pressure and the other one is a new guy.


Bots are exceedingly easier than bugs now with the recent changes. I’m not sure all of those changes were intended, but literally 95% of your issues in bots can be solved with literally 3 or less plaps of an Autocannon. Bugs require me to bring anti tank, and then run out of said anti tank when the sixth behemoth charger, fourth normal charger and second Bile Titan spawn lmao. I still blast 9 on both, but since the charger change, bots are so much smoother to vibe with


I've only just started playing bugs since levelling from 10ish to 42 almost exclusively on bots, and I can tell you I was not ready! My current loadout is a stalwart and a supply pack. I clean out the chaff so one of the two inevitable shield/quasar guys can do the big stuff.


It is always a beautiful thing on ANY team I have, whether random or with friends, to see someone devoted to chaff clear. As someone who mains taking out the big stuff, having someone by my side slaughtering hundreds of smol bugs brings a tear to my eye. May your missions excel Helldiver 🫡


Or you could just run stun grenades and flamethrower and kill 2 chargers with 1 fuel tank


I could, but then who is gonna take out the Bile Titans? Because my teammates certainly don’t 😅


Same problem. If orbital scatter wasnt a thing OPS would've been at least A solution. I still run flamer because at least I see less Bile Titans after the patch, so keeping chargers and behemoths in check is more important


I’m not sure if the number of chargers is a bug at the moment but yeah, there are a metric shitload of them lmao.


Follow orders. if you care about liberating planets, follow orders. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. (play in whatever way you find most fun, but if you actually care about the galactic battle, follow the MO's.)


As if anything was happening on the bug front while bot MOs were up. Stop thinking there are two different kinds of players. Most players just follow the MO.


Is that Donald Trump? At least that's what "The Boys" season 4 wants you to think.