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To be fair every helldiver does not get their own ship. Every ship comes with a large supply of helldivers that it launches down to the surface one at a time to act on behalf of the super destroyer (target weapons, manually access electronic systems, etc).


Yep, even the democracy officer on our ship said our ship is an investment from super earth


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! The Helldiver Division of the Super Earth Armed Forces, its subsequent recruited Helldivers, and any media representing the body, written or spoken, should be spelled as one word. It is **Helldivers**, not Hell Divers. Carry on. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*




A single helldiver doesn't actually control an entire destroyer, that's just what they're made to believe. They are given only the autonomy to choose which mission to deploy to, and can't travel to any planet not under attack like the ship master says in one of her lines (save for what's left of meridia).


You do not own a destroyer. You are an ammunition piece loaded into orbital cannon minutes after your basic training. Whole side of the ship is a freezer for your replacements. The moment you die another one gets unfrozen and walks into "his own destroyer" to be loaded into a cannon, to be used as stratagem of "reinforcements". There is no ranking or meaningful score for a turret to ruin, no reward a turret can take away from you. Embrace the friendly fire, it is what makes the game more fun and memorable. Fun memories are the reward for playing hd2.


A single helldiver? Don’t you see the bunch of other frozen helldivers whenever you get on a ship?


The tech exists It's just that super earth *doesn't care*. You're expendable cannon fodder, as the 80% casualty rate during training *deemed acceptable losses* should have told you Given you need a permit to engage in activities that may result in children, some suspect the helldivers program doubles as an overpopulation problem solution


Surely the over crowding population would be used for SEAF as they’re the cannon fodder an helldivers are the elite ? Unless it’s true that the helldivers are intact clones or bots them selves 👀


Elites? Lol The 10 minutes training sequence is all the training we get. At least SEAF recruits get 3 days. And they're on base and planet holding duty so unless invaded, they're safe We're meat shield given explosive ordnance and pointed into the enemy's direction We fall under the "surprisingly elite cannon fodder" trope


Never thought of it like that 😂


You shouldn't, cause it's bullshit, Helldivers have clearly more than 10 minutes of training evident for being able to use the entire SE arsenal and operate every vehicle. The 10 minute sequence is just the final test


No they don’t, from what we understand they are just winging it. It’s the lore sorry you don’t like it but it is what it is.


The lore is bullshit then, I am sorry if you don't like it. People can't be tought how to shoot a rifle with any degree of acuracy in 10 minutes, much less how to shoot over 30 different guns and operating mechs. There has to be a generalist training that helldiver recruits have to either get or are expected to already have, for literally the entirety of the arsenal bar the liberator to make sense to even be there, and not to justify the feats of endurance, strength and precision Helldivers perform routinely in gameplay.


*The M2016 'Constitution' is a reproduction of the old M1903 service rifle used in ancient times. It is fairly ineffective in combat but is used within the Super Earth Armed Forces as a ceremonial rifle. Every citizen is issued one once they turn 16 to encourage service.* That's the lore from the 1st game about one of the rifle. Everyone has a gun and presumably learns the basics of shooting And if the interface for stratagems and consoles with all the arrows didn't clue you, tech manipulation is seriously dumbed down to allow manipulation by everyone


Explosive ordnance worth millions of super earth credits that we gain access with dancing pad but mobile version.


Super earth doesn't care. They could spend the money to make changes like these but they aren't worth it. You're expendable. Unless the change means more kill of enemy it's ignored.


I want it to hit them.




Our lives are cheaper than the tech needed to implement that. The reason medals are currency, is you proving you are worth enough money for super earth to issue you that piece of equipment. Proving the equipment will be used to kill at least enough enemies in your short life to be worth their money.


I like to think Helldiver ships are just clone facilities pumping out copies of the same elite soldier over and over


Correction - we don't have Destroyer. We have helldivers frozen bodies on Destroyer. Crew can say whatever they want to this unlucky guy who is going to die after few second on the planet. Still think that we (player) are adaptive combat ai system that is bound to destroyer and downloaded in each frozen body before cooking the helldiver for launch).


Basically. The player progression is definitely the destroyer more than the diver. The only upward progression is ship module upgrades, the rest are lateral upgrades increasing your arsenal. That's why even at level 100 your crew may congratulate you as if you just finished training... That helldiver did.


Helldivers own the super destroyer, that's why the democracy officer has to justify the emergency jump


Nah, that's just them being accommodating. The whole deal is that you'll be dead soon anyway so you might as well get to choose how you want to die.


The terms of contract states that you are the owner, and the thing doesn't shy away from just how fucked you are so I don't believe they are laying about that.


Well, you are the owner, until you die. Then the next helldiver gets thawed and becomes the owner until they die, and so on.


I agree, you arent expected to own it for long and thats by desing