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hahah Nice one


GODDAMN, it’s beautiful 🥹


How many mini nukes equal one regular sized nuke?


prop more than 5, seeing that we can see how strong a normal nuke is via the icbm mission


"Now I have become death, destroyer of worlds"


If the planet that makes the smoke and stun shells got invaded I wouldn’t be that interested in liberating I mean until after the factories are gone anyway


I got 4 napalm 1 bomb earlier, SEAF right here seems really enjoying working at Hellmire.


Bruh. I haven't sent one of these since I deployed on hellmire during this MO.


Imagine what kind of shells they had if they left the nuclear ones untouched 😰


Almost perfect


Maybe me and the normal SEAF bois aren't so different after all......


Can someone explain this puzzle to me? I always put in random coloured missiles, don't really know what's going on there.


you put in all the black ones labeled mini nuke, the other ones don’t matter


unless they're the only ones left


It's not a puzzle, you just need to know what each shell does. Gather up all the shells you can find before you activate the terminal and load the artillery, because you want to load them in order of how much damage they do. First priority: Black shells, mini nukes. These are the hardest hitting shells with the biggest blast radius. Equivalent to a hellbomb. Will one shot kill any enemy in the blast. Make sure you give your team mates plenty of warning before you call this in. Load these first if you have them and use them wisely. Second priority: orange high yield explosive, second highest damage shells, equivalent to a 500kg bomb. Will kill everything except bile titans and factory striders in one hit. Load these second. Third priority: green shells, explosive. These do damage equivalent to a precision strike shot. High damage, big blast radius, but not as big as the first two. Will still kill most enemies in their blast radius. Load these after mini nukes and high yields. Fourth priority: Red napalm shells. These do the least damage out of all the lethal shells, but are still pretty good at killing small and medium enemies. Fifth priority: blue shells are static fields. These do no damage but stun large groups of enemies. Very useful in combination with other strategems, need some breathing room, or if you need to book it away from enemies. 6th priority, gray smoke shells. Only load these if you can't find any other shells. Smoke only blinds enemies to cover your escape.


Why are you doing this? It's terrible. Insert them in descending order of explosion power.


Did you miss the part in which I said I didn't know what this was about?


Chill You insert shells into the artillery and then you can use them. ➡️⬆️⬆️⬇️ Shells have different colors and different values, the most useful of them are **nuclear** a *black* ones There are 6 unique shell types that you can find: 1. *Black* **Mini Nuke** like hell bomb. 2. *Orange* **High-Yield Explosive** like 500 kg. 3. *Red* **Napalm** like **Napalm**). 4. *Olive* **Explosive** like precision strike. 5. Blue **Static Field** like Orbital EMS Strike. 6. *Grey* **Smoke.** I try to load them in that order, so it's more convenient to use them. It's also a good idea to tell your team which shells you loaded.


Nice thank you. Don't worry I am chill :) I didn't mean it like that. So when we put on black and red is it gonna be hell bomb and napalm together? Do the effects stack? Sorry I'm quite new to the game, but I love it very much.


After you load 5 shells, you can use them in the order in which you put them in, so effects don't stack) Also artillery can be used after the mission timer expires, during an electromagnetic storm, and is not affected by the stratagem jammer.


Wow amazing, thank you