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A simple fix for at least half of that PO; change it to destroy X stalker lairs.


And X is 1, given you may go an hour or two without seeing one.


Or, make it so killing the stalker lairs counts for multiple stalker kills. At least for the purpose of the PO.


Any mission on Diff 7+ that ask you to destroy bug nest will have high chances to spawn a Stalker Lair. Since the kills are shared, less than 3 missions (that only last 15 minutes max) are required to do this PO. Yes I know it suck. I agree. But that's not as worse as "Kill Bile Spewer" where they are an elusive enemy from a sub-faction of the Terminids that get randomly chosen between at least 3 others each time you launch a mission.


The kills are not shared when some of the players have already completed the PO.


I'm wondering why you had to say this, isn't it already known that if you've already done the PO other people doing it won't help you. Or did you mean to say something else, I'm confused.


If we are in the same mission and both of us have an active PO to kill stalkers, then each stalker I kill advances both your PO and my PO. If we are in the same mission and you have an active PO to kill stalkers and I've already completed it in a prior match, any stalkers I kill do not contribute to your PO. I'm stealing stalker kills from you and preventing you from advancing your PO.


Note that the PO is active until you get the medals from it. E.g. I kill some hunters for PO alone and finish the current mission with 40/50 PO progress. I then start another mission and frend joins me. After 10 hunters are filled with democracy my PO disappears from the menu but my democracied hunters afterwards still count towards my frends progress. Also worth noting that we tested this over a month ago and I haven't gotten back to playing yet so shit might've changed for all I know.


Oh, that makes sense. That's annoying. I didn't think i would get down voted for it though, not that I care for karma.


Yeah, I skip this this one when it comes around. Simply not worth the time cost.


As most of the player base hate bots for some reason AH caters to them so they have something to do during the bot MO


Because bots are hard they don’t want to play anything too hard because they’re filthy casuals


As someone who plays both fronts regularly on diff 7 - bots are easier. But somehow only bot players have this weird elitism about "being hardcore".


Bots are easy and cheese at the same time. They won't rush you with billion hunters but can shoot you through a rock or pre fire rockets from 100m away. So it's a pick your poison type of deal. What's better about the bots is that you're not forced with your load out for antitank stratagems so much since there are a lot more things that can kill a hulk for example than there are things that can kill a bile titan. As for the elitism I can agree that some bot players have that annoying souls type of "git gud" thing about them


Yeah, I just hate the whole "people play bugs cause easy" narrative. Both sides are not so far in difficulty. If you have tactical shooter background - bots are easy. If you have played horde shooter - bugs are easy. The reason we have way more bug players is because that's what the game promised. In trailers, advertisement and everything. Bots were never shown in those. They aren't even in tutorial or intro.


Yeah, I didn't know anything about this game before it came out and I got sold on it as a "Starship Troopers" inspired game and only then did I start to dig in and saw that there is also some 40k and terminator inspiration here as well so you're 100% correct on that.


Bots feel either easy or bullshit. Very little in-between. Bugs have a more consistent challenge without feeling frustrated.


Idk man, bugs have just as much bullshit. Bile titan vomit having inconsistent range and hitting you when it's not supposed to, chargers sliding around like they're break dancing on ice, hunters jumping through walls. I like bits more because I can run different stratagems every game and still do just fine while on bugs I feel limited to a few that work well and that's it. Both are wack in the end


I die more to spewers hiding behind/inside each others corpses than any bot.


It’s the sub in general. The whole game is easy but they all try to pat themselves in the back for “managing to play such a hard game” missions are virtually impossible to lose. I have 411 missions played and 400 missions won. And I can’t even remember the last mission I actually lost. Those 11 were all in like the first day or two of the game, and I’ve never moved back down in difficulty. The whole game is super casual.


I think you underestimate the average persons skill... having taken game dev in college there were multiple classes on how to handhold players while making them feel like they were good at the game. Good example was the first Halo, when they started testing alpha none of the testers could figure out how to get out of the first room, where you jump over the pipes in the wall to get to the 2nd hallway, hence adding subliminal things like arrows everywhere that pointed players in the right direction without them directly realizing they weren't actually making that choice.


lol people like you sound so dumb. Helldivers 2 **IS** a casual game, if you think that if you play against bots that makes you some pro gamer, hate to tell you this butt you're not. The enemies are slow and often stationary. If you want to flaunt at being good at games that actually require skill, go play souls-like games or multiplayer competitive games vs real players where you'll face off against people with skill.


Nobody is flaunting anything people complaining about playing matches that are too difficult sure sounds like they’re upset with how hard the game is, There’s an option for players that want an easier time it’s a lower difficulty players playing on 9 don’t have a harder option at the moment.


Yeah I never do that one… Bike spewer bounty too I hate the randomness


Why is this such an issue? I see the PO as an optional thing, the MO is the main thing to worry about. If you're really worrying about on a PO for 15 medals you can just do a 3 mission operation for the MO and get the same amount of medals plus whatever you find. Don't let something so small affect you so greatly, it's not worth it


It's like going to a restaurant and the menu is fine, but they have actual human poop on the menu as a desert option. What you're saying is that it doesn't matter as much because you could just not do it, but OP saying the menu is probably better if they leave it out, and list a number of reasons why that is. Just because something is extra, optional, whatever, that doesn't mean its quality shouldn't be comparable to other options that could fill that same window. If you have 9 good choices and 1 bad one, you'll never pick the bad one, and it might as well not exist, which is the case here.


First off, terrible analogy. Secondly, like OP I don't see it as terrible like you both do. It's a thing to do. You're free to do it or not, no one is forcing you to do the PO and the MO at the same time. Is it optimal to get medals, no, does it ruin your life if it isn't, well it shouldn't. It's a video game that gives you fake currency to buy virtual things, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.


Even the MO is optional, and isn't the most optimal way to clear the galactic map to win the war. Reddit is just doing what it does best and complaining.


At the same time, stalking the stalkers sounds funny, so I will allow it


Yeah, I just didn't bother with this one. Didn't want to deal with it.


On one hand I like the idea of it, I was actually excited to go out and kill some of those suckers. It looked like the randoms I squaded up with also felt the same way, we found and lair and farmed it for a few minutes. Maybe they should have a single listed hint for a mission like "WARNING: High Chance of Stalker/Shrieker Encounters" for at least one of the various regional gameplay modifiers (Bile spewers, spores, etc) from time to time to help with that.


I mean it’s a couple of medals who cares? Some you can crush in a single mission and others require you to use weird weapons and take 3-4 missions. It’s a freebie, let’s stop trying to make parts of the game easier for no reason.


There is a mission lower levels to kill a stalker nest I think (4?). Also, I just killed 10 stalkers in 1 Mission on 9 and I didn't even know it was the PO... It's just 15 metals, it's not that big of a deal.... Pro-tip for stalkers for those having trouble, the pummeler is S tier for stalkers.


I joined a mission late, killed no stalkers and fought none, and got the PO done. I thought maybe it meant the small jumpy guys instead of stalker lair guys


Go take out enemies in the game. What more do you want? It’s totally fine and normal.


Protip: You dont have to do every PO that you come across with. The 15 medals you get from it is sometimes (actually, oftentimes) miniscule versus if you complete 9er nissions in succession.