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I'm just curious what's up with the randomly loading 1 single bullet when I reload my breaker. Will go from empty and press square, watch the animation complete then turn to let it rip and a single shot comes out and I've gotta reload again. It's a magazine how is that possible


Unfortunately this is a gun-wide glitch that I believe has been present since launch, or it's some intended mechanic that punishes you for trying to fire before you reload is complete. Because I've noticed for me that's usually how it happens. Either way, it fucking sucks


I have noticed it with almost every weapon I use. Support/Primary/Secondary doesn't matter IME. It also seems to be happening more and more often as of maybe a month ago.


Isn’t it because you eject the mag, start the reload and end up cancelling, try to fire and are only able to fire the chambered round and need to reload completely?


Idk, I try to make a point of not doing anything other than walking while reloading and it still happens to me.


If that’s the case then it sounds brutal


If you've managed to chamber a round you have reloaded.


Unless the previous mag wasn't empty?


But doesn't the glitch happen with a dry gun? It's happened to me that way.


I know what glitch you’re talking about but it happens to rarely I have no idea how it starts. It definitely doesn’t seem like it’s because you shoot too early.


I had it happen with the flamer just yesterday - switched to the weapon with a full canister, which the helldiver proceeded to throw away like a dented can of beans.


yup, if you're not careful you can use all of your ammo up like that.


I can't count the number of times I've been in a panic, thought my reload animation completed, only to be shooting an empty clip. "Oh come the fuck on, game" is a line that I say at least 5 times anytime this game gets booted up.


I'm confident it was at launch or atleast from the first week as I've noticed it all the time I've played it's a very annoying bug that got me killed a few times!


Definitely since launch. It's super annoying. Either the mag is in or it isn't. I've already fired the last chambered round before it happens. Gets me killed often.


I fucking dropped 3 fuel canisters I was so mad, its like they programmed half a staged reload system in but forgot about it.


I thought I was losing my mind. I would turn to fire after a reload and one round or no rounds came out, that can be disconcerting when a million big ass hungry bugs are on my ass. Then I questioned myself, did I hit the right button, is it my pc? Now I know. I guess I can cancel my psych evaluation now lol. Thank the helldivers god I had g23 stun grenades. Saved my butt more than once.


I guess they're trying to account for when you throw the mag out but desperately need that one in the chamber but it's definetly broken right now and not working as intended. Again, just guessing.


That makes zero sense lol. If you need one in the chamber, a normal reload from empty is the fastest way. If you reloaded with one in the chamber and fire the gun just cycles like normal into the new mag. The only option I can think of is canceling a really and firing the one round then finishing the reload. Which isn't happening. I'll completely reload and new mag, watch my ammo go down, then chuck that mag after one round and watch my ammo go down again. Its definitely a bug whatever is happening


the problem is that the Reload is staggerd... and at the end there are basicaly 2 steps one is "insert mag" and one is "refresh ammo count" if you fire AFTER "insert mag" but BEFORE "refresh ammo count", the game THINKS you finished reloading, so the mag is depleted.. bnut it hasnt updated the ammo count, so it thinks you only have a single bullet in the chamber.. after you empty that game goes "mag empty" and yeah


That’s been happening since launch. Don’t know what causes it but I think too many actions happening before reload is complete confuses the game and it only puts 1 bullet in the chamber even tho you inserted a new mag so the game forces you to waste said new mag. Very annoying


I didn't even realize until you said it that this glitch has costed me a ton of ammo. Completely wastes one of my mags, arrowhead what the fuck


development having a theme of trying to make this game hard like Dark Souls early on has been the driving force for why this whole game is enshittified. like, it's coop, and they focused HARD on making weapons work, worse... it's pathetically hilarious to me, like do people even bother to like idk, use their own product?


Considering that before Pile became CCO he had stated that the devs need to play the game more, probably not.


I have this issue since day 1


I knew it wasn't me I knew it my Incind Breaker or the Grenade Pistol I go to reload and it does the animation and aim and it's saying I need to reload again or fire one shot from my main. I thought I was not letting the reload any animation but I decided to watch last night and I am and it did the thing you described. And it takes away one of my fucking clips and I run out of ammo a lot quicker than I should do I'm also experiencing FPS drops on PS5 on planet Garax is it with the jungle it gets bad when there's loads of fire or explosions form to many Strats


Happens on many many guns. Flamer especially is notorious for this. It seems to happen when trying to fire in the last stage of the reload animation (maybe?). Waiting to be absolutely 100% sure the reload is done (mag turns white in the hud) seems to prevent it 


If it is a hidden mechanic I think I'm going to go out on a limb and call it stupid. I have a magazine fed gun and just placed a new mag, how can I only fire one bullet from a fully loaded mag? Where are the extra bullets going arrowhead


It's definitely a bug IMO and not an intentional mechanic. I intially thought it might be meant to model "one in the chamber" where you could technically fire during a tactical reload, but only 1 round. Only problem is, doing that doesn't magically destroy an entire magazine of ammo


I just pretend it's a jam to stay sane


hate it when my flamethrower "jams"


Yeah why is this still not fixed. So many times I died because I reloaded three times in a row as five berserkers or stalkers are tearing my face off.


Slays me when the tenderizer does it, reload is already so long on it, why do this


Holy shit so I'm not the only one this happens to! I kept complaining about this but non of my friends noticed it so I thought maybe I was mistaken. Many belts for the nade launcher have been wasted because of this..


Experienced this with the stalwart the other day. 4 second reload, fire one round, \*click\* character dumps 249 rounds on the ground, another 4 second reload, fire 1 round \*click\* character dumps another 249 rounds on the grounds, another 4 second reload, finally back in business after getting half eaten by hunters. It was infuriating and unfun to say the least.


It's something to do with interrupting the animation


I have it happen to me if I try to fire to early, but it doesn't eat my mag, I just have to press reload again and it redoes the second stage of the reload and keeps my mag count the same, I've made sure since i was worried I was loosing ammo haha


Bro this is a thing? I thought I was losing my mind cause it kept happening to me


I’ve been having issues with the machine gun support weapons not wanting to reload when empty and I have a reload available


I thought I was hallucinating when that would happen to my eruptor


Probably a bug with how reloading normally leaves one bullet chambered. Ordinarily, you'd get 30+1 or 16+1 or however much when you reload with non-empty magazine, but I guess something broke and the game just leaves you with the +1.


What I don't understand is the fact that you cannot join friends in game. Invites do not work. For a multiplayer coop shooter that WANTS you to play with your friends, how is this not a priority to fix?


At this point my friends and I are only using steam to join games, which works fine, but is obviously not ideal


I'm a lurker in this sub and just trying to have fun and look on the bright side... But damn man. The first match today, I join someone and am shooting a bug and 1 sec later I'm on my ship. 20 minutes gone. Thought alright, I'll boot my own game. 20 minutes in, start stuttering, game crash. I'm in the same boat, I'll try again in a couple of weeks.


Yeah trying to 100% a mission and after 30 minutes you crash and get nothing, I immediately stopped playing and won't play until I can finish a round. Where's our reconnect option so we don't lose our stuff at the very least


The only way to reconnect is if you're playing with friends. That definitely needs to be addressed ASAP. Crashes and freezes wouldn't be so annoying if I could just jump back in


And the funny thing is the game DOES know if you're rejoining a game as it will automatically refill your loadout you selected. So it has this system ready for rejoining matches but you can only use it when playing with friends.


Not to make light of the situation, but I had a "positive" crash the other day. After my game crashed, I rejoined but oddly it's just me and the main mission was completed anyways, so I extracted. Afterwards I close the game completely and rejoined and they were still playing the same mission (we get all samples if we can). So I guess I got to double dip.


I'm back to playing Deep Rock for the time being. It's much easier to get my friends to play, and the new season is really fun. Can pretty confidently say in my 5+ years of playing it that I've never been blocked from finishing a mission by a bug, but 4 months of Helldivers and it's happened multiple times...


I can't even think of the last time I crashed on DRG. It may actually be never  Drillevator is a GOATed mission type too. Those zombies legit scared me


Deep Rock is more reliable with 30 mods installed than vanilla Helldivers 2.


When we found the season event with the crawlers I was doing my own thing across the map. My 3 buddies were on discord and hearing them discover the event, then start freaking out and screaming and shooting while I scrambled to find the quickest path to them was straight out of a F.E.A.R. game. I half expected to find them all dead with no enemies around


think the last time I crashed was a couple months ago and it was a widely known but rare issue with dx12 or something like that, switched to 11 and haven't crashed again since nor do I even remember if I crashed before that even in my years of playing it


How similar is it to helldivers with the co-op teamwork, chaos, and guns? I don’t need huge explosions like hell divers but I want the enemies and levels to be interesting and different. Helldivers u love it but the maps feels super similar after a while.


I'm a DRG veteran so I feel qualified to speak on this lol. Probably not as chaotic and visually stunning on the whole, although missions can go tits up if you're not careful and the game does have a distinct visual style that works well for it. The guns aren't as punchy and realistic as HD2 but there is MUCH more variety and every class has access to different toys. No Liberator variants here. The missions have better variety for sure. In Helldivers most missions are different flavors of going to the objectives and hitting terminals that do nominally different things. In DRG you can be riding and defending a massive drill tank, building oil pipelines you can ride magnetic skateboards on, or trying to bring valuable crystals back to a mining platform to name a few. The map variety is also better, arguably. There aren't points of interest like in HD2 so to speak, although there are randomly generated events and activities you can interact with. The biomes in DRG feel more fleshed out and impressive than the planet types in HD2, they are roughly comparable in how many environmental types there are but DRG does much cooler stuff with the procedural generation. Some of the caves I've walked into are seriously awe inspiring. EDIT: Oh and the enemies are great as well. You're only ever going to fight bugs so there aren't two dynamically different fronts like in this game, but there is a large amount of enemy variety where you always feel like you're fighting a lot of different stuff. PLUS, you never feel like you're unable to take down a tough or tricky enemy, unlike when you get caught without Anti-Tank in this game.


The one thing I’d like to add is the 4 classes compliment each other really well. DRG is really peak co-op gameplay for me (even though I only play with randos).


Yeah the games technical side is in a pretty dire state. I feel like they don't know how to fix their own game without breaking it. They "cooked" for six weeks and released a patch that was no less buggy and broken than their slammed together weekly hotfixes And then their new content didn't even work, and the hotfix to fix that broke more things. At some point the grace period is over. They need to get it the fuck together, or people like me are going to assume they're just bad at their jobs and happened upon lightning in a bottle.


At this point AH need to first acknowledge that they know that the past 4 months way of handling things was a giant cluster fuck in terms of patching and communication and testing. They treated this game like a free to play early access game and the community deaerves a clearly stated applogy for this mess.  Second AH need to clearly state how they will address this and that MUST include either transparency into how their testing is done or alternatively a setup of a test environment for us.  Third, all releases of new features need to be put on hold until they unfuck the currently fucked state of so many aspects of this game from superior packing to patrol spawns to visually misidentified weakspots and hilariously bad fps issues. Given the insane state their code appears to be in they cannot keep adding more variables. The broke state the drill mission was originally released in is all the proof needed here. AH are at 0 in terms of goodwill and any more releases like that will take them squarely into the red.


A test server with implemented bug reporting would probably save them hours of “testing” that I’m pretty sure they still don’t do properly.


I refuse to believe there is any testing, the spear bug was absolutely prolific, it hit me three matches in a row after the patch when I tries to use the "fixed" spear. The infinite loading screen is also a show stopper and had they done even a day of just playing the game I feel confident it would have shown up if they had realistic coming and going from the team. This isn't "You own a prestomagic 23 monitor, and have an xbox and ps5 controller hooked up to your pc and it sometimes causes a rare crash when you press triangle and start three times fast." Literally if you drop with a spear you will crash when you try to use it. To add insult they had that big "We've got a new ceo and it's a new day at AH" and they had a game breaking bug in the spear running wild and they didn't make any effort to communicate anywhere but discord and it had to be brought to reddit by discord users. They sold over 12 million copies according to sony, you telling me that's not enough to pay for a dedicated test server so you stop releasing patches that break things you shouldn't have even been touching like ship modules? Sooner or later you either have to perform. It's great if the chef is trying his best but I'm not going to eat reheated dog feces because you don't actually know how to cook.


The worst part is that people are gonna start wondering what in the actual fuck are they doing this whole time. Most of the stuff added in the dlcs or updates was found in the files months ago, some of it completely functional. The illuminate are there as well with completed animations and throughout this whole time we have managed to get a grand total of 2 new enemies that broke the game in their own ways and nothing much else. With horrendous patches, a dwindling playerbase and stability that keeps crashing only to be slightly fixed every other patch and yet was still the best at release, I am starting to really worry about the future of helldivers and I clearly am not the only one


The problem is that the engine this game is based on is severely outdated. They will never be able to fix these problems and with each patch it is gonna become worse.


It was the same engine they had during launch though and arguably the game was a lot more fun for the average player. (inb4 the no fun allowed crowd starts harping about balance in a PvE game)


Yeah arrowhead nerfing weapons left and right that ppl were using because all other options were garbage, was big brain time for sure.


Honestly, they should just go with the insanely fun balancing over anything else until they get everything fixed. They can always bring stuff down later but if everything feels strong and punchy it’ll probably keep a lot of people entertained. Hell, they could even up enemy spawns as long as I can kill them faster. I’m all for games being difficult but the game has such a low skill ceiling, and no enemies are really mechanically challenging, that it’s never really going to be a difficult game that appeals to the milsim fans without feeling dull to anyone else. Arrowheads main priority should be gaining as much good faith as possible from fans. The most recent patch day had a spike (using steamdb for reference) of 90k and has gone as low as 16k since then. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hit below 10k by the end of July, so I’m somewhat concerned.


They chose this engine as they used it in HD1, and now HD2. The last version of the Engine was in 2017, so 7 years ago. AH has been using it and developing Helldivers 2 it for more than 7 years. AH chose to continue with it since it was announced EOL as they had years of experience on it with Helldivers 1. AH's CEO stated they have been working on the game for 8 years with Sony. So that means they knew from the start that the engine was EOL and had time to plan for support. [https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/stingray-end-of-sale-faq.html](https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/stingray-end-of-sale-faq.html) >Update (January 2020): Stingray is no longer available as part of Maya LT. Customers with active Maya LT subscriptions with Stingray (version 1.9) will be able to use Stingray until the end of their contract term, however it will no longer be available for download Autodesk Stingray subscribers will continue to receive technical support until the end of their subscription term. Again, version 1.9 was the last version from 7 years ago. Looking at the Stingray announcements, the end of un-official support was 2020. That means if you didn't buy a support contract, support would end in 2020. That is 4 years ago, and AH knew that back in 2017 or earlier when they started. The forums were migrated in 2023, and are active with help, and if Arrowhead bought it, still support (for the duration of their support contract). So the engine version hasn't been revisioned since 2017. You couldn't buy it after 2018 and AH's official statement was: **We wanted to build our game the way that we had envisioned it, and the Stingray Engine allowed us to do that. We wanted something that's flexible: we wanted to expand on the engine and didn't want any dependencies that are hard coded in the engine.** [https://damassets.autodesk.net/content/dam/autodesk/www/products/stingray/responsive-center/case-studies/Arrowhead%20Game%20Studios\_Customer\_Story.pdf](https://damassets.autodesk.net/content/dam/autodesk/www/products/stingray/responsive-center/case-studies/Arrowhead%20Game%20Studios_Customer_Story.pdf) So they probably do have the code for the engine (as they are expanding it), have more than 10 years experience with the engine (HellDivers 1 and 2) They have known for more than 7 years the engine was on it's way out, and they chose to use the engine, and to take 7 years to become "experts in it". But they used the same engine for Helldivers 1, so this means their familiarity and ability to use the engine goes back further than 2017, they are familiar with it and more than a decade of experience with it. They have had decades of working with versions of it on Hell Divers 1 and now Hell Divers 2. But lets look at the Wikipedia for Helldivers 2, since no one else seems to: >On 3 December 2020, Arrowhead Game Studios revealed that work had started on a new project for PlayStation 5. It was confirmed that the game would be a third-person shooter.\[13\] Like the first game, Helldivers 2 runs on the discontinued Autodesk Stingray game engine (originally known as Bitsquid). Arrowhead Game Studios founder Johan Pilestedt confirmed on social media that "**The project started before \[Stingray\] was discontinued," adding, "Our crazy engineers had to do everything, with no support to build the game to parity with other engines."\[14\]\[15\]** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helldivers\_2#:\~:text=Development%20and%20release,-On%203%20December&text=Like%20the%20first%20game%2C%20Helldivers,(originally%20known%20as%20Bitsquid). So even 6 or 7 years ago, they knew this, they chose this and they had their "crazy" engineers doing everything in the engine.


They abesulutely can they still have access to all of the code.


The point being, with the engine not being supported anymore there aren't any experts they can turn to for support when things break on them. They have to figure it all out themselves in-house. Which, I mean we can see how that's going (shoots a stim and slows down the rest of my team).


Fatshark is like 1 or 2 block away they might be able to ask for help


I didn't even know that was a thing, no wonder sometimes my character just runs slow sometimes when getting away and dies


Vermintide 2 is on the same engine and is still being updated years later. It's not the engine.


Not true, See my other posts when people say this. A quick search of the Stingray engine shows that the forums were migrated in late 2023. There are multiple posts about people helping people. Additionally the support stopped in 2020, last version in 2017. AH had an option to pay for support per the EOL announcements. It is supported if people purchased support contracts (like normal), just not sold any more. If AH didn't buy a long term support contract that is on them. AH also has 10+ Years of using this, and their CEO made a statement in 2020 addressing this issue (also quoted in my other comment). Fatshark uses the engine as well as many other, and the forum is active with developers helping developers. And if AH chose not to purchase support well then that again is on AH for making this choice more than 7 years ago.


Not my problem as a player. There's only a few solutions to permanently fix that problem and all of them suck. - Staff up, train, and dedicate entire teams to maintaining the engine so it will not cause development problems. Basically treat it as your own engine. - Realize you've struck gold, but cannot build a castle on salt and sand. Put HD2 in maintenance mode and start on Helldivers 3 on a different engine. - Port the game to a new engine and halt development until it's done, which would effectively mean a soft relaunch. - Continue to shoestring this game together and lose the patience and goodwill of anyone that's left, further running your reputation as a developer into the dirt. If they genuinely want to be a major AAA studio like they've talked about, they have to act like it and make the hard but correct choices.


Doubt they will think of making HD3 now, but I totally see them announcing a full overhaul on the game engine next year, I think this would be the ideal scenario


Wouldn’t remaking the entire game on a completely new engine take a loooong time though? Like upgrading an already existing engine is one thing, but changing to a completely new one after launch is a large ask. You’d have to remake literally every single asset and then recode basically everything so that it still feels like HD2. At that point, they really might as well just make that HD3.


It would be harder than making a new game from scratch, yeah. You'd be rebuilding the entire code base from the ground up while trying to make every last little thing identical to its old versions.


They have used the engine for HellDivers 1 and 2. They knew they engine was EOL 6+ years ago. They (the CEO) stated they are modifying the engine and doing crazy shit. So I do believe they have been modifying the engine since HellDivers 1. They knew when they started Helldivers 2 the engine was EOL. The CEO says they have been working on this with Sony for 8 years, the EOL of the Stingray engine was announced 2017. >Continue to shoestring this game together and lose the patience and goodwill of anyone that's left, further running your reputation as a developer into the dirt. But they get to keep making money with this option. So they chose option 1, and option 4. They have more than a decade of experience (HD1 and HD2) on the engine so they are comfortable with it. >If they genuinely want to be a major AAA studio like they've talked about, they have to act like it and make the hard but correct choices. 100%


hell, they modified the engine back when they made Magicka. There were questions about their engine choice even back then, and the reason they gave was that the engine was so easy for them to customize, to cut out bits they didnt use and add more, (plus IIRC they had at least one of the people who developed the engine working for them at the time), that they felt they could make any game they wanted with it.


Ohh ohh I know the answer you this one... it's D isn't it? 


They should’ve switched to unreal when their current engine got discontinued which happened a year into development. I know it would’ve sucked throwing an entire years worth of work in the trash, but it would’ve saved them a tons of headaches in the long run, I think the game is just fucked now and unless they wanna rebuild the game in a new engine FF14 style, it will forever be fucked 


Probably should have known some coding fuckery was gonna be up when it shared the same engine as Darktide lol


>my friendslist is still gone, I can not play with ANYONE that I haven't added on steam the same patch they added "Invite-only" lobby setting, when **the invite from steam doesn't work** 💀


The FPS issues are really annoying. Game used to run smooth as tits.


Same. I gave up. Each time i played there is big risk that i just waste my time.


yep. between the drill strategems just not showing up on the stratagem menu a good 20% of the time. and last night we encountered a bug where you couldn’t reinforce teammates, I just feel like i’m going to waste 30/40 mins every time I queue up a mission now


Reddit will downvote you for this but i think posts like this are important. Lets newer players see the current state of the game and lets developers know their game still has issues.


I think devs noticed when their player base dropped significantly and isn’t increasing. Even after the patch and the new warbond.


It increased for like a day, then immediately plummeted back down to 50k and is still bleeding players albeit more slowly now lol 


Doesn't help that the supposed banger update came with a warbond where we had the least amount of weapons and armor ever of any warbond, and even then they gave us the knife that doesn't work as a melee weapon and doesn't work as a stealth weapon making it less viable than it ever could be AND the armor doesn't hit any breakpoints with its melee damage and its weapon sway buff came bugged making it nigh useless. Definitely regret buying it now even after they fixed the sway since I bought the armor for the melee buff and it does jackall.


already noticed 30min after posting "no feedback allowed, only followers"


“I’m not having any of these issues and the game is great! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” fuckin hate this weird toxic positivity.


Had this the other day when I mentioned the game running poorly on the new planet. People are just like “well it works fine for me so you’re wrong”. Like bro I’m playing on PS5, the console owned by the company that funded HD2. Everything should work


Yeah gacrux framerate is absolutely horrible. I was really looking forward to the new biome (jungle bugs and bots sounds sick) but one operation on there has me dreading it now instead. Sad times.


The worst part is they will keep saying that over and over again until they are the only ones left and the game dies a slow death as they gradually get bored and move onto other things.


Yep, communities need to voice concerns because if they’re drowned out the only people left will be the ones who can tolerate a diamond in the rough, which is not many these days considering how many games are vying for your attention and not crashing every other match.


Passionately reminding that bugs exist is still passion for the game. When the issues and downfalls stop being pointed out, then games start to die


People don’t make these posts because they hate the game, they’re irritated because of its lost potential when stuff like this is happening. Like, I’d love to be playing more right now but it’s not even worth it when its crashing as often as it is.


Exactly! So many see "please fix bug" as "this game sucks", it not bc we gate the game, we want it to be better than it is. I'd be playing more if I wasn't getting crashed every match, or (idk if it was changed) regularly having 6+ gunships (not a skill issue, we had 3 spears and you would get shredded by the ship before you could lock, or the 15 heavy devestators were stunlocking you)


Not to mention the 'deadline' isn't when the game community dies off naturally, the deadline comes when a new game that captures everyone's interest is released instead. Hd2 will probably continue to limp along with <10k concurrents like Darktide. Fat Shark has also royally fucked up on delivering fixes and QOL improvements for nigh 2 years now.


Same engine as well too or am I being dumb? I think that might be a big part of it and a big mistake on their part for using it, seems to be getting spaghettified more and more.


Yup, same engine


I legit don't have those problems (or if I do they're minor enough that I haven't noticed at all) and think the game is great, but I still agree as my experience doesn't invalidate the OP's experience.


Well I have experienced those problems and more. Possibly more severely at times. I am not even on PC. I am using a PS5. PS5 has frame rate issues after the patch. There is crashing during the pod drop. They show all pods launching from the Destroyer even if you are dropping in solo to a squad already on the surface. The side objectives often get broken or are non-responsive at the console. If you use your hellpod to destroy a bug hole. I die now.. after 500 hours and 900 missions. I died to environment after using my pod to destroy a bug hole when I have done this so many times before without issue. I have run into a glitch about 50 times now. Where if the host disconnects and I become the new host. I have ONE life. If I get killed trying to finish the mission. I will not self reinforce. I just get to look at enemies defile my corpse until I hard restart the game and give up all my progress. TLDR: Game still has glaring issues on PC and Console still.


Reddit in general has this problem with the toxic positivity unfortunately. Like yeah you can of course love this game but don’t get angry when other people are annoyed by it


Don’t insult my current favourite product!


I legit don't have any of these issues, its so weird I cannot remember the last time the game crashed for me, it is in such a good workable state...FOR ME\*. However; the fact that this is happening to a lot of people needs to be brought to the devs attention. A couple of my PS5 buddies drop all the time. Or we get the one where it splits us into 2 instances of the same game. This post isn't just a 'drama for no reason, I am quitting post'. The OP legit cannot play the game because of performance and crashes, that's a pretty serious issue the devs MUST look at.


It's weird toxic positivity because many people have left and don't care about the game anymore enough to criticize it. It's a spiral, and it is ok - it's settling into that long haul hardcore fan state until it fizzles out in time for Helldivers 3.


I call it Dev Simping.


My favorite thing is sometimes it happens every 2 hours sometimes every 5 minutes but every single time my game crashes it bluescreens my computer completely, I go to boot screen, try to load back onto game and I'm 5 fps unless I restart again. I have a fairly new rig, 12th gen i7 and 4060


I’d stop playing if I were you, that’ll eventually kill your computer completely 


I was thinking of buying the game today lmao.


Expect to crash during missions and the game to not utilize your hardware that well. Thats not counting all the tiny minor glitches that all add up


Its still worth it IMO. It has bugs but its still a ton of fun and you can easily get a lot of hours of enjoyment out of it for less than what AAA games cost.


It’s stupid good fun when it’s working but it’s a little bit of a diamond in the rough. Worse ways to spend £35 though definitely.


Amazing game with garbage unacceptable technical problems that they only seem to be making worse with every patch


The mods don’t like these kinda posts but honestly they can stuff it. Posts like these are really the only way we’re gonna get any traction for an Operation Health-type patch wave. The game needs to WORK.


I posted a similar rant yesterday and it was removed for being "a common rant" and I can't help but think maybe we shouldn't be removing common rants as they are representative of the communities views on the topic. I crash with every single dive now. Either on loading in or loading out. I literally can't have a single session that isn't crashing anymore. Pretty sure it's tied to the spear still even though they said they fixed it. The fact that it's taken like 4 patches to get the spear even functional is absolutely crazy to me. AH seems really bad at coding and they should probably hire better coders really freaking fast because we aren't he only ones leaving over it.


absolutely agree, suppressing the communities criticisms, no matter how ranty or unprofessional or whatever, will just mean people get tired, dont care to talk about the issues and leave, even rants with next to no cohesion are good cause it shows that person still loves the game, one day those posts will stop and they'll have moved on to something else or maybe they stopped playing after the relentlessly shit patches and updates


>AH seems really bad at coding Maybe. The engine they used stopped being supported a few years into development. So by that alone basically any roadblocks they completely address within the engine itself at this point. whether they should have switched engines is another discussion. but regardless the fact is the game has become a more buggy crashing mess over time.... i miss the days the game didnt crash nearly everytime i play.


I get this. I love the game. It’s fun and a great time with my friends. BUT the connection issues, the crashes, the weird bugs and glitches, it just makes it more tedious than it’s worth. The scales were still in favor of fun until recently, but now it’s just annoying. I want to play and dive. But when I crash or get kicked while playing with friends. Or they disconnect from my lobby, or just weird shit happens that obviously isn’t supposed to, it ruins it.


Been having ongoing issues with the friends list, particularly with pc players. I’m on PS5, my buddy and his wife are on PC. Him and I can join each other, see each other on the friends list, etc. with no issues… his wife does not show up on my friends list (even though we’re friends, but she shows up on recent players if we’ve played together. I can’t send her an invite, and since she can’t see my on her friends list either, she can’t join my squad. So when my buddy isn’t home and she wants to play, she has to login to his account on his computer, join my ship, then she has to join on him to get on my ship, then log him back out. That paired with one of us inevitably getting kicked at least once while we play makes it a PITA for us to play together if my buddy isn’t home. Not sure what’s up with friends list stuff, but it’s been like this for months now. Getting kicked from missions stopped for a while but is back now after the recent patch. All stuff that won’t cause me to not play, but is thoroughly annoying. I’ve also been having instances where my frame rate goes to all hell after this patch too.


Oh, I also started having issues where I get stuck on loading screens. My buddy and I got stuck on the end of mission loading screen twice in a row. We both had to close the game and reboot. Then when his wife and I played the next night, we got stuck on the hellpod drop screen twice… same thing, had to close the game and reboot.


Yep, agree with everything said! Arrowhead, please, spend some time not on selling me idealess warbonds every month. Take your time, ffs, and make your game playable technical-wise. Tech problems with the game were here from day one! and it's almost half a year and you made it even worse!


I think in the long run choosing to build Helldivers 2 on such an ancient game engine is going to bite AH in the ass


It's insane to me that they just said "fuck it, lets use the same obsolete unsupported engine we used on our last game 10 years ago"


I think destiny 2 using the ancient ass tiger engine from the OG halo days (last I heard anyway) is a great example, ffs telesto broke the game or itself like 30+ times over many, many years feel like that case alone would have given a second thought to using such a old engine


It’s been biting them since day one bro


It already has.


The game is a fucking train wreck performance wise (ps5 player) constantly crashing, friend list doesn’t work, load times are fucked, people need to drop out of a match loading in order for the game to load properly, random bugs in game. If the game wasn’t as fun as it is people would be up in arms about how poorly it runs… it’s fucking ridiculous


I have this same issue, since launch. I am pretty sure I would be level 130-150 by now if I didn't lose an insane amount of progress every day that I play. I have lost probably over 50 hours of my 550 hours of gameplay to glitches, crashes, and bugs. I know for a fact that most players would have quit the game if they lost 1/3 as much progress as I have. Getting sent back to the ship mid fight 37 minutes into a 40 minute mission back to back in 3 mission drop attempts is infuriating. Also on PS5. Losing 3 hours of a 4 hour gameplay per gaming session per day. That's a lot of lost time in a week and people are trying to silence anyone that shares their grief!? This attack on freedom of speech is just as ridiculous as the game's balance issues and patch problems.


Recently it’s been pretty sad.. used to have an hour or two of fun with my cousin and now it’s like 30 mins because we’ll get stuck in the infinite loading screen or players lose connection and it oddly messes up everything.. been super lame


Na bro it is your fault and this game is perfect. Also stop criticising my multi million dollar company >:(


Yeah I’ve also stopped for a while, it’s just too many issues by this point, and every new patch gets us excited then immediately disappoints us with several more bugs 


"Let them.... COOK!" -Biggest helldivers 2 cope of 2024.


The neckbeards who are defending the state of this game in this thread are hilarious. I have a 12700k, 32 GB DDR5 6000 CAS 30, and a 4090 FE and I have to jump through hoops to not crash every time I launch the game. I have no complaints about performance, but I have a good system. Stability, on the other hand, is pretty fucking horrendous. I ran into this same phenomenon when I complained about performance issues in the Icarus subreddit. There are always several basement dwelling troglodytes who have to defend their game the way a sports fan defends their favorite team, even if said team is currently a dumpster fire. It's extremely annoying and I absolutely hate it. Just be objective, man.


I have a 4090 and a 13700k and the performance definitely sucks for my system. 80-105 FPS fluctuation on native res (4k panel) with a mix of medium/high/ultra settings. Using their dog water scaler gives me a few more FPS but at the cost of massive blurriness and still stay CPU limited. This game should run way better than this. And for the record, last week I just fully wiped/re-imaged my system from a clean OS install. Latest drivers etc. doesn’t matter


It's not buttery smooth for me, either, but it's fine. I can deal with the performance but the stability is horrible. I'm not going to quit playing because I just started, but I will definitely put it down if this continues and/or escalates. I don't have a lot of time to game these days and I don't want to waste it on a game that crashes, causing me to lose whatever progress I've made.


It's extremely CPU bottlenecked, since last patch it even fully loads i9 14900kf. I have much slower ram, 4060 but game runs smoothly for me until CPU starts throttling because it's basically a CPU benchmark running non-stop, then sometimes fps drops.


None of the issues have really been resolved. Just bandaids. One thing gets fixed, another blows up. Crashing every other game, strat pads not working, pelican never landing etc etc it's just endless. It's frustrating because we clearly love this game and the devs seem to be in a tight spot on fixing it


I haven’t played since the second warbond. I could tell the team was in over their heads, and I didn’t want to invest any more time. Still follow the memes though, they are great.


The game is sadly unplayable for me also. I can't even play a full operation, sometimes even one full game, without it crashing. And since there is no feature to reconnect to the same lobby you previously played in, I am constantly losing out on medals, samples and fun.


Idk how the hell they completely broke the friend list, but that was it for me too. Can’t join my friends games. Invite doesn’t work at all. If I’m lucky enough to be able to have another PC friend online we can use Steam to connect but all my friends with PS5s are out. It’s unbelievable how AH could take so much good will and just piss it away with this spaghetti code garbage. Wake me up when this shit is fixed, if that ever happens.


Yea i was thinking about a break as well. I just got my ass kicked by a bile titan that wouldnt take damage and my rail cannon took three tries to lock onto it. The constant buffs and nerf thing is getting old. Unlocking new weapons is boring bc theyre nothing special 90% of the time so its not really keeping my attention. I play solo a lot and it just needs a quality of life improvement. Ive played Dark Souls 3 and games like that. I like a challenge. This is just irritating.


Is anyone else having this issue where they just explode randomly while traversing the map? Then it says your teammate killed you but they clearly couldn't have?


I’ve been off it for over almost 2 months. Hopefully we get a really big update soon.


So these kinds of issues are why i barely play right now and stopped buying warbonds. But the biggest one is the issue causing my wife to get disconnected and sent back to the ship almost every mission. And she didn't have that issue until the explosive warbond released.


I find this happens to me, except when my wife gets disconnected, she goes upstairs to bed


Same. I love the game but in current state it bring more frustration than fun. And this is problem for months already.


Man, that sucks to hear OP. I hope you have a better time when/if you come back. I get and give the devs leeway for being a smaller team but this kind of stuff *will* drive people away. It's really something they need to buckle down and focus on if they want to retain and grow their playerbase.


Same here.. I love the game but having a crash here and there, not seeing the friends’ list.. having to restart the game after a host is leaving the game etc etc etc is getting irritating as of the whole coop experience is dead


I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing those issues. I'm reeaalllly tired of the stuttering and 40fps crap.


Is it just me or what, but I can’t even open my game without crushing on pc now


social menu completly broken for weeks now... wtf going on


Constantly at 30 fps on a decent rig. Won’t return until FPS improves


Yeah the freaks on the other sub banned me for saying exactly this. Absolute garbage people who deserve a smack in the mouth for covering up this trash. Stop releasing weapons and fix your game. It's ridiculous. This is your job. People have paid for this product.  Are you incompetent? Your customers are done with you.


I can confirm the weird stuttering. Now and then the game halts for half a second , then clips to the current frame. It only started happening in this patch too. Thankfully it hasn't happened during critical moments but it does get annoying when you're turning around trying to aim. And it's annoying how they broke SPM again. It feels like the people who did the patch undid or overwrote the previous SPM fix.


I've been struggling to finish a game without a crash of some sort. It's fun, but not exactly worth playing with so many bugs.


I’ve been crashing like crazy recently, 2 of which my whole pc crashed along with it, heard similar stories from others in game too. There was a stretch of games where I couldn’t go more than 30 seconds after a mission began without crashing and I was losing it lol. If anyone else has issues, try verifying steam files and clearing the download cache. I also tried reinstalling the game and steam as well. I don’t know what solution worked but I was able to play smoothly yesterday with little issue. It’s insane because I tested a bunch of other games and they ran perfectly fine.


Whenever I join a quick match, and have to return to ship without even landing because of one reason or the other, the next quick match always takes me to a random difficulty. It sucks having to go back to ship again then running to the monitor and starting the search all over again.


This sucks. I get the frustration. Im on console and the only bug I've been dealing with is not being able to accept friend requests but I've been in your shoes when I used to game on PC.


The bugs were so bad for me at one point that maybe twice a day I would glitch into ads and then into the map. The game would also crash once or twice a day. It is a little better now but it's still bad. In addition to this the game is extremely stale. I feel like AH is trying to win some award for perfect balancing in a fucking PVE game. The balance doesn't have to be perfect. Try adding some actual new mission types that encourage team play and some new enemies.. I keep seeing all this shit about leaks, but who cares about a leak? So I'm definitely chilling for a couple months on this game until we get something real.


I think we've all collectively have come to the realization that the devs are way over their heads when it comes to the technical side of this game... they have caught lightning in a bottle and dropped a banger of a broken game that they don't know how fix. It's comedic at this point that friend list (most important feature in a online co-op game) has been broken SINCE LAUNCH almost 5 months ago on top of the dozens ongoing game/immersion breaking bugs.


I'm kinda done with it over crashes as well. Every time I restart my computer and want to play, I have to do a driver's update, event though they're already updated. So that's like, 5-10 minutes prep time to play. And now that isn't even working, so there just doesn't feel like there's a point.


The performance is so bad it turned me off as well


It got to me too last game session. Bugs glitching through big rocks, getting insta killed by bile spewers in medium armor, flamethrower glitching and only beeing able to shoots straight downward and setting myself on fire every time… crashes out of the blue. Ragdoling like crazy and getting killed by a raider in 1 secons while ragdoling out of cover. Some things are not even bugged but straight no fun to play. And nothing really got added in forever.


It really is a broken mess a lot of the times, 100% agreed. Everytime I boot the game up, I remind myself to not expect to play in order to not be let down.


Absolutely the same Helldiver


I feel you, personally I've been enjoying playing Elden Ring. No crashes, no software issues in general. It's been refreshing to play something that was clearly QA tested. Highly recommend if you're looking for a game that's more challenging, more visually stunning, and more well-crafted than Helldivers. It's unfortunate that the level of craftsmanship you see in From games isn't the norm... maybe someday AH will get their act together and become artisans of software instead of just jury-rigging everything while letting the players be their QA engineers.


I just had a new bug last night where I cleared two bug nests with eagle airstrike and the game didn't register them as being cleared


Yo, I'm on PS5 and I'm so done with all the problems with this game. The primary weapons, man, they're mostly trash. Only a few I actually like. I like to switch things up to keep it interesting, you know? But I'm out for now, peace.


They really need to work on checking off the list of known issues that's been hanging out since the day the game launched. It's a little embarassing how long some of those have been on there, at some point you gotta stop adding and breaking new stuff and fix what's supposed to be there from the start.


Oh bro, you forgot the stalling loading screen, stalling completion screens, or just randomly getting back on to your ship mid session bc…?


I have a simmilar issue. Sikce the last "big" Patch i lost like 25-30 fps and i did not change any setting. On the New jungle setting its even worse. Somwtimes the frames drop Down to 15.


The constant bugs and balance buffoonery just discourages me from loading the game up these days. Crashing is also extremely fucking awful with how frequent it can be, especially when you're playing a higher difficulty and the game just decides to piss your progress away because the game won't run stable. That's not to mention the brain dead decisions like making it so once you get in the Pelican to extract, you can still be killed while having no choice but to sit there and lose exp and samples. I'm good just putting this game on ice for a long while, hopefully AH figures out whatever they need to to fix things and, at a minimum, make the game work as intended before they pile on more shiny bs warbonds


i get limited time to play daily ( around 1-1.5 hours) , i try to finish 2 missions daily assuming 40 mins per mission , so 2 in 1.5 hours easy. Truth is i get done with only 1, all because of random disconnect, game crashing, stuttering and people disconnecting :(


Oh, but it’s super critical that they fix the infinite grenades bug. We won’t stand for that.


Yeah it's becoming more and more difficult to enjoy the game.


I'm with you bro. Everyone on this sub-reddit is going to call you a whiney doomposter but the game is REALLY buggy, thats the main problem with the game, every other issue is secondary to the PLAGUE of bugs with every patch. It seems to get worse and worse, they take 2 steps forward and 5 steps backwards by either reintroducing bugs or creating new ones.


To think that they are so worried about weapon balance when the game feels like it’s being wrapped in duct tape to hold it together for each update. Developer priorities are not focused right now. Hence the shoddy technical aspects, abhorrent game balance, rapidly decreasing player base, lack of interest from new players. This game spread by word of mouth and right now, the word is “They are running it into the ground.”


At this point I’m worried this game won’t ever be in a truly playable state. They’ve fixed bugs multiple times and the more they fix, the more new ones pop up.


Me and my friend ran in to the blank objective screen yesterday. First time for me too which is so odd. He’s a level 9 and it was his first time doing a Geological Survey. I was letting him do the main objectives on his own while I scoured some POIs for him. I asked if he was good and he said “the screen is just blank it’s not letting me upload the sample data”. At first I didn’t believe him so I ran all the way over to look for myself and behold: The screen was fucking blank and it said 9/9 in the corner. So we failed the objective and therefore the whole operation. Not a great first impression, and that’s only *ONE* problem he’s run into out of many. He’s on PS5 while I’m on PC so we’re already *still* having stupid ass connection issues that have been prevalent since launch. I told him to hold off on getting the game the past month because the game was so broken it was almost unplayable. I let him know that the latest patches have fixed quite a few things only for it to still be a buggy fucking mess. I’m so sick of it. How long does it take to test and patch the game? Stop releasing shitty warbonds and fix what’s already implemented. The game will die at this rate at the hands of bugs and incompetent patches that add more. As a 200+ hour player, I’m getting ready to sign off too. I love this game, I want this game to be great and succeed because it is one of the best I’ve played in a long time, and I want to be able to dive without having to worry that I just wasted 20-40 minutes of my time because of crashing, connection issues, bugged objectives, bugged BUGS (and Bots), and etc. Please AH, make the right choice and just focus on stimming the game, instead of dropping new (probably broken) equipment.


There were multiple gameplay systems broken since launch like armor. People didn't really complain that much about it The Helldivers just assumed that enemies had extremely high lethality.


I've had days where it's just very frustrating to play without friends. Join in, queue up for a match, queue for infinite amount of minutes like the good old days. Leave queue, try again, get into a game. Pick my loadout, get ready, mission is almost done, cool free shit. Next mission, stuck on loading screen, sigh and alt f4 the game, rinse and repeat. Want to host a game? Host game, few people join after a few minutes, we play the game normally it's all fun and good. Someone leaves (or crashes) and now nobody else can join my lobby, have to alt f4 to fix it, booting the other 2 players. The performance issues are insane as well, I've tried the same exact things as you and I still can't get over 60fps except in my ship, as soon as I get in game it's a perma 45-50 no matter what my settings are. I got the game at launch and it ran perfectly, I remember having like 90 fps while everything around me was blowing up and circlejerking with my friends how well optimized this game was. I still very much enjoy the game but man is it frustrating to play sometimes.


I hear ya, it's frustrating. I really like this game but don't want to play anymore until they get their shit together. They don't seem to be able to get a test environment running, it's sad.


Honestly I stopped playing because my friends were having the same issues as you. My game ran fine but without my friends there to play I lost all interest in the game and we moved onto other things. By the time we figured out some sort of long convoluted fix for it, we had already lost the interest and motivation to go back in. Don’t get me wrong. It was a fun game and we had all sorts of laughs and funny stories from our time playing but the damage had already been done and we had given up.


Having no friends' list is a huge one for me


I agree with pretty much everything except I couldn't reproduce the first one, what GPU do you have? We had the weirdest glitch yesterday where we just... Didn't have to launch the ICBM, the screen was gray, the objective was gray, thankfully we could evac properly. Though in the same mission one of the guys had a black screen until he restarted the game


Devs really pulled an uno reverse card on the industry. They launched an amazing game that was ACTUALLY launch-ready… and proceeded to erode the quality down to dog shit.


Stopped playing approx 2 months ago. Game gets worse every patch. So much potential with appalling execution. Pathetic devs at this point


Not to mention the spawns are so broken


When Elden Ring DLC has better performance, you know your game has issues.


Only just managed to finish my first mission without a crash in weeks, and then wouldn't you know it, it crashed as the cutscene for extract played. Not touching it again it till the next update.


The big patch wasn’t even what broke the game for me, my friends and I played a lot without any issues for the first couple days, it was the immediate patch fix they released the weekend after that just botched everything for us. We can’t even make it through a mission without major issues now. We keep trying, but end up just giving up and going to other games.


Really hate the reinforcement bug. Happens most of the time when someone disconnects and no matter how much we try, reinforcements don't respawn


Mine crash constantly even though my Pc is very good :(


There is always Shadow of the Erdtree to keep you occupied for the time being 😅


Same man same. Sometimes I boot it up to try to play and crash. Guess I’m done for the day! I have 600 hours too. Waiting for new stuff/illuminate at this point.


I can't finish a single mission unless it's a blitz or eradication. If I am deployed on a planet for more than 15 minutes, the game is almost guaranteed to crash.


another one also going to bite the dust here, have some of the issues you talk about, but yesterday the 3 games i played, i had 2 disconnects... that together with the all famous reloading stuck screen, and crashes, and disgusting game mechanics i hate to the bone...


My cousins can’t be heard through his mic. Other games he can. But the last two times we played we couldn’t hear anything he said.