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Probably not much of anything else going on in that persons life.


For some people, believing that they've upset someone makes them happy. It makes them feel like they have power over you. it's the troll mentality.


Isn't that the description of a sociopath/sadistic?


Basically yes A sadist is someone who takes pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering or humiliation on others Symptoms for sociopathy include (too lazy to list it all): * lack of empathy for others * impulsive behavior * not learning from mistakes or punishment Source: google


Whoa. Don’t lump us trolls with griefers, it’s fun to mess with people through words. Not sabotaging a game. You still have to play and enjoy the game to a troll. Back in my trolling days in both modern warfare one and two, I still had to be a decent player to troll on the mic. Then I became a PC player and the difference in PC community made it so I haven’t trolled since. But I will still claim to be one since I was really good at it back in the day, and I will not let some greifer tarnish the art form known as trolling


NGL it sounds like you're in denial as to how awful you treated people back in the day.


Being fat, single, and living in your parents basement can have adverse effects on mental health.


hey now, not all of us are asses, some of us just can't afford the rent or mortgage


Yeah I felt personally attacked


At least his crusty anime waifu pillow keeps him company.


what happened?


Put 120mm orbital barrage right next to the generators. I figured him hellpodding into the first generator was unintentional because I’ve been steer locked into the generators before. He was dying ALOT but usually it’s was because of my mortars hitting him since he was staying near the bugs. I just figured he’d eventually learn or something didn’t think he was sabotaging at first.


Bro took his anger out on the whole team. If they were pissed, an eye for an eye. Better than hurting the whole team. They should have just replaced your head with a rocket. (Not advocating team-killing, but it sounds like you did enough of that). I've been on both fronts. The killer and the revenger.




i really doubt it


He literally killed the rest of the team at the end.


Possible you broke the poor diver's mental by killing him repeatedly with the mortars and 120. Some people don't handle it well. Also possible game / network lag exacerbated his inability to position well, and he was unable to play well with whoever was "hosting." I've seen that before. After he tilted, just decided to eff around.


The 120 is his. He planted that purposely on the generators. No one else had the 120. He was purposely charging the bugs while he had the eruptor I don’t remember his support weapon but it wasn’t a flame thrower so idk why he was staying so close to the bugs. It was after he did that I realized he was sabotaging from the start.


You're just a professional victim.


I know it's a PvE game but AH needs to send a message and hard ban people that do this. Thst might be extreme but it's a hill I will die on.


Next time just kick on detection of traitorous behaviour. Democracy doesn't need people like him.


Why is the knife icon so huge on the left there??


He’s probably drunk on a Saturday night. Next time tell host to kick him. Only solution


Sore loser


Same as anyone find teamkills being fun. No they are not, it's the same griefing as that guy did. If you find yourself amused or smiling after accidently (or even worse, "accidently") teamkilling someone, please visit a doctor.


Side note I had that same mission bug out and just leave us standing around like a pack of assholes, 4 diff times yesterday. I'm not trying that mission type anymore. I think if someone accidentally destroys the generator or whatever it bugs the mission


Iirc, it has something to do with somebody bringing the patrol delay booster. It glitches the waves and it stops spawning


Ah well that's good to know. I'll test this out later and see if that's what it was because that's an easy fix for a mission type that I like. (Just didn't enjoy restarting over and over)


Had one like em before kept dying on purpose and down to 5 reinforcements called an airstrike on all of us and started laughing like a cyka


Just started last night and the first few matches I chose the lowest level to get a feel for the game. I didn’t realize anyone could join in(like I said new player) and the guy just starts randomly killing me and calling me back. Went on for a few matches, I didn’t get too upset, since he always called me back for reinforcements just in time. I knew he chose to be there since it’s such a low difficulty level. I was Level 1, they were 74. Dude was just griefing. He followed me a few drops until another low level guy was made host and quit from it. Joined another easy mission and same bs from another player Lvl 16. Only this a-hole killed me just before extraction and didn’t call me back.


Not all Helldivers are like this. It really is a great game.


What a bitch


You know what pisses me off more than the dude being an absolute asshole is you constantly reinforcing them and giving them another chance. Like especially since the chat log shows that dudes just blatantly dying over and over again. Like the last bit when he tkd the other diver and ran upto u, if it were me I'd put a Liberty sized hole in their undemocratic skull. Fckin imbecile, raahhhhh I'm getting angry for you lmao.


Honestly I wasn’t thinking too much at the time. I was trying to help m3 kill the bile titan and stopping all the bugs coming from the front. Top of that I forgot to change my grenades as you can see I still had the knives really could have used the incendiary grenades. Just overwhelmed and then I see this guy put a 120 right next to the generators that’s when I gave up lol. Killing him wasn’t going to change the fact that we wasted our time on that mission.


Ok but can we talk about how fast you are with those reinforcements. You are ON it, respect


Cadets can be bad, but no one is THAT bad... i honestly insta-kick after the third death in a row.


Most likely afk.


Skip towards the end of the clip. They're just a troll.


I think this is the actual answer here.