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I just look at the alignment screen first before twisting the dish. It's literally only a few seconds away. Edit: And if I'm getting it wrong, I just keep turning for the beep or my teammate punches me away and does it themself. Part of me thinks AH made this not as user-friendly for kicks.


Lol this or you know you can listen for the beep


I basically only listen for the beep šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø no strong need to look


I look cuz sometimes it's like 5Ā° counter clockwise and if you go the wrong way you have to go alllll the way around. But yeah basically once you hear the beep drop it and hit the button.


Sometimes you are already in the zone and you gotta turn one whole damn round


I think it makes a different sound if the dish leaves the aligned zone, so you'll know if it was already good before making an entire rotation


You can actually tell right away, it makes the "correct" beep as soon as the dish activates if it's in the zone already. It's tougher to hear amongst the other noises though, and you do also get the "incorrect" beep as you start turning it and it moves out of the zone.


It does


I do then still go the wrong way


I believe the directions are inverted, aren't they? I could swear I've looked at the screen before, seen the target zone on the right-handed side, turned the dish to that side... only to find out that it needed to go on the exact opposite side (i.e. mirrored).


Cannot count the number of times I have typed "right" in the chat and the bozo at the tower starts turning left. Sure, let's take the scenic route.


I usually shout at my friends to shut up and stop trying to give me instructions. I have the democratic beep to guide my way. I do as the beep dictates. They laugh their arses off.


Sigh. It took me so long to realise there was a beep coz my speakers are crap and there is too much death and destruction constantly going off.


Good headphones will change your life


Good idea in general maybe for people who suffer from less than good hearing, visual aid might help.


A pair of good headphones will change the way you game completely. The game plays so much differently when you can pinpoint by sound exactly which direction something is coming for you.


Oh god. I had a friend who didn't realize that the circle on the computer is \*not\* aligned to the compass, so he'd tell me stuff like "the alignment is North-Northwest!", if the area would be in the upper left corner of the circle. Which threw me off completely, because I aligned it to NNW, and he goes "No, the other way around" "What other way, there is only one north" "Yeah, but the dish is pointing eastwards now" "No the fuck it's not" "Yes it is, it shows me right here" "Jay, I want you to come here. Come to me, to my position. \*Exactly\* my position. Now look in the direction the dish points. Good. And now look at your map. Which way are you looking right now?" "Well..." "No. Just a simple yes or no. Do you look towards the east?" "No. But I don't understand, it shows it being aligned towards east on the screen. You can take a look!" "You know that I am an IT guy, right?" "Yeah" "So if I take a look at that screen and determine that the problem is in fact in front of the screen, I \*will\* drive to your house and slap you." "That's an hour long drive!" "You better hope that the game is broken, then" God, I love the banter we have. This was in range of an eye of sauron, mind you, so we stood in the middle of hell breaking loose, while another friend frantically ran around our position to not get his butt blasted off.


I felt the part about driving an hour to deliver a slap. Hold strong, fellow IT Diver.


Seriously I don't even look at the plate anymore.jist straight forward and listen.


Sometimes the communication and/or gunfire does not allow for the best acoustic environment.


Dawg that beep is literally louder than almost everything in-game and I think that's a feature done on purpose. Tell your buddies in the voicechat to simmer down.


Yea same


Yesterday I had this absolute potato of a button operator who would spam the button until the dish was in place only I didnā€™t know when to let go of the thing because the beep was masked by his spam. Absolute spanner.


Ha spanner. I don't hear that word enough. Thank you for expanding my day.


I thought for a second he meant that the radar needed mechanical repairs... I'm not actually aware what the word means when referring to a person (non-native speaker here). I know what "tool" means in this context, though... Maybe something along the same lines?


Yes in this case itā€™s a synonym, Iā€™m calling him a moron.


A tool, even


This would be a nice QOL change for deaf players like me, though. But running to look at the console isn't really that difficult, tbh.


Sometimes you need just couple of degrees, so I'd rather take a look at screen so i don't have to do a full circle for this dish


That feeling when you're listening for the beep and everyone and everything around you decides to be literally as loud as possible




Adds to the sweet tension


The only time Bile Titans, Chargers and Spewers make a sound.






Or a hunter comes to say hello


Damm you just spoke my mind. There is either teammate doing stuff, passing by enemy or just stand by enemy squad will make noises the specially bots are too annoying. Even a team is taking out some post or hole on the other end of the map every single dialogue lcan be heared as if they are standing next to you.


And with music playing I was focusing so mf hard to hear that beep šŸ˜‚


And for those that are sound-challenged? There is zero visual notification for solo players.


I always listen for the beep!


And sometimes it's already aligned! Saves you a trip




yea, I just look at the alignment dish and make some assumptions about how many degrees I need to turn before I go and actually turn it


I always type in chat whatever o'clock... but no one seems to read chat and they ALWAYS spin it the other way round.


Thereā€™s also a pretty audible beep when it aligns that you can hear from the turning spot as long as thereā€™s not constant gunfire going on at that moment


Yeah, I don't know what u/nacostaart is about because the beep is the audio cue to tell you when it's aligned.


Friendly recommendation, you should say "x degrees left or right" The "o clock" position is generally opposite or flipped vertically on the screen as it is on the dish itself. If you tell them the o clock based on the screen, you are assuming they will visualize the screen in their head snd then turn the dish accordingly. When more likely they end up turning it the wrong way because it's flipped. I myself used to day "45 degrees counter clockwise or clockwise" but there are people who don't understand clocks.


I think it is just because how you spin the dish, when you press left, it turns right, and vice versa, can be quite hard to make it right when you're in a heated battle


You can also use the quick chat button (Q on pc) to give an audible compass direction for it to your team. This also can be used to identify which valves need to be opened on the E-710 transfer missions. Edit: you have to be on the terminal for that to work


So if you quick-chat while on the terminal with the alignment display up, your character will call out the direction it needs to align to?


Yup. Something like ā€œ1st one. North-Eastā€. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s coded in a way that objectives with multiple dishes can happen in the future, hence the ā€œ1st oneā€


I always type "press left" or "press right" but no one has followed my instructions yet lol. Left will turn it anti clockwise, right will turn it clockwise.


Same, it always starts at 6 o'clock, so it should be easy to figure out the rest, right? Right?? Only a few randoms I played with understood me..


There is a button you can push to callout the dish alignment itll say in the directional based off of you, you are south


I like to listen for the beep, but sometimes my 3 other teammates are making a ton of noise with napalm, explosions, gunfire and screaming. So I gotta run back over to see if it actually beeped or if I'm hearing things.


This idea is mostly meant for deaf or hearing impaired people. Should've had that in the title cause every comment is about the beep.


Yeah. If it's for hearing impaired then it does make sense. I myself can't hear the beep too clearly when there's a lot of action going on, which is why I usually check the screen first.


I would love the proposal. My hearing is honestly pure dogshit, and I can *never* hear the beep.


It makes a really loud beep


I think this would be a big help for players in the deaf community. Treat it as an accessibility request and hopefully it happens in the future!


There's already a solution for this. It's called "subtitle everything". And counting how much the game relies on sound I don't think that would be their main problem.


Not everyone knows but this does work While at the terminal hit your ā€œMark/tagā€ button and your Diver calls out the necessary position (ā€œFirst one, North!ā€) I believe itā€™s subtitled but actually am not positive


So you mark the terminal when the radar is rising. When fully raised the Helldiver will tell the direction based on the compass?


[Naw you hop on the terminal, hit the ā€œmarkā€ button, and your diver will announce what direction the radar needs to face](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/tUbt5ZI1w1) (Nothing gets visibly marked/tagged)


Thanks, that's pretty niche but still useful.


No prob! Occasionally the radar dish terminal glitches and you canā€™t see where it needs to point I think this will still announce the correct position at least


That's pretty damn cool, I'll give that a go when I get on today


I can already laugh at the image of the "(bleep)" text on my screen


:) Such subtitles are usually done similarly to play script. For example: - sound of rain - terminal answers with strange beeping


I did submit this image and my reasoning as a feature request on their website so let's hope.


you can just look at the screen this completely removes cooperating with your team


what about for blind ppl?


the dish is the least of your worries if you want to make hd2 accessible for blind people


Can you imagine killing a hulk in Braille?


Imagine if a blind person actually did it through some heavy modding


Blind ppl are cooked if they are trying to play HD2


As long as they say "I am one with the force and the force is with me" they will easily surpass even the highest rated players.


It gives a bip when it's aligned


listen for the beep


If you are deaf, you can just use the screen


I got an email from AH afterwards and it seems like they may actually implement something like this. https://preview.redd.it/il7d4knxzaad1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=348f5b695f7feb33094c3d17b95564813ec6c35f


Curious: why is everyone in a "community"? Like this would help all deaf people playing the game, not only ones who hang out with other deaf people from the "deaf people community" Like just belong you have green eyes doesn't mean you're part of the "green eyes community".


100% this!! I'm hearing impaired and sick of running back to the terminal to check how close I was while my hearing helldivers can nail the alignment in one go. Hope the Devs see this as something to implement or at least on option to turn on in accessibility settings.


It's a clock face, my dude. If you can read a watch, you should be able to align this. The area it's allowed to be in is quite forgivable.


So just look at the console and turn the dish to the correct location, you can just type it in chat if you've got a bad memory on top of being deaf


Why would deaf people need this? The game literally gives you a visual indication of exactly where it needs to go. If you can read a clock face, you can figure this out in 2 seconds.


This is amazing OP, sometimes I just canā€™t hear the beep, so a visual aide is perfect.


Same here. Even if you check the screen, that doesn't mean that it's a 100% thing. This would help. Plus, sometimes people speak over the sound.


The screen is always accurate unless bugged. The yellow line is the direction the dish is pointed, if you were looking down at the dish from above, where the bottom of the display is the position of the adjustment wheel. The yellow line needs to be anywhere in the white cone to be aligned. Knowing the dish always starts from the 6 o'clock position, you can align it by sight. If the dish starts going the wrong direction, just hit the other button (left vs right) to take the shortest route.


Yepp, a single person can easily complete this in 1 trip without listening for a beep. Personally though I use cardinal directions to orient instead of O'clocks.


Where does the beep come from?


I like the idea a lot, but I would do mostly like you have, but once it is aligned, all turn green instead of yellow


Yellow works well, as someone with RG colour blindness may not be able to tell the difference between red and green


Color blindness is not democratic, learn your grey shades cadet!


Only people with Achromatopsia colorblindness see colors in black, white, and grey. Red/Green colorblindness, at least according to research, allows people to see red/orange/yellow/green as shades of yellow and blue/purple as shades of blue.


As a Red/Green colorblind person, can confirm you are correct.


I used Yellow since it's a main color of the hell divers color scheme but green would be nice too.


Theres already an audible noise that happens when it's aligned


It beeps, there is a visual display. What more would you like?


I just picture it as a clock.


I didn't even know it made a beeping sound the first dozen times I handled one, there was just so much chaotic fighting bodies and people hollering in chat, I just never picked up the audio cues until much later. But I was always just fine with glancing at the screen and running over to do it myself. Takes a couple seconds between seeing the screen, thinking "right, ninety degrees" and then running over and doing it. If the rest of my teammates are handling the enemies, then that keeps me covered while I deal with the tower.


Would be nice, but Iā€™ve gotten used to listening for the beep


it beeps when you are done, good enough for me


Bruh it literally make a sound signal once is aligned


Good idea, but it diminishes the chance of two people interacting in the game even more, unfortunately. And yes, I know about the beep. It seems that at the moment the game is skewed towards 4 solo-players playing together with very little actual team interaction needed. One of the YT streamers has already made this point and the more I play, the more it seems to be true. Do Helldivers want more team-based interactions rather than bunkers?


Nah.. itā€™s too easy.


They already have an audio queue. Take a quick look at the terminal and do some rough estimates. I've been doing this so many times it's become second nature at this point


I know that it beeps when you align it but that doesn't help deaf or hearing impaired people.


In the meantime probably just have to look at the screen and rougly remember the angle change


That and if youā€™re far away from the terminal (I.e. the broadcast mission) you can barely hear it if youā€™re doing a stealth run.


Or in the heat of battle


Call me crazy, but I think the beep should come from the satellite and not the terminal.


I think you're crazy, because the satellite is in orbit! You would need one hell of a beep to hear it on the surface Now, the satellite dish beeping? Heck yes


Okay now I see why this is a legitimate issue. Excellent point.


There's lots of sound effects in this game that they are missing out on


actually if im not mistaken isn't there a light que at the base of the tower? The ring around the wheel lights up no?


Hell Divers are meant to operate in teams. The devā€™s shouldnā€™t spend time tuning solo/diving.


Yeah dude, should have mentioned that this is more like accessibility idea for people with hearing problems so a hundred lemmings wouldn't repeat the same one "there is sound". On the other hand, I don't think that game should be balanced for solo players at all and doing objective without squad should be more difficult. I'd even remove the existing sound so you'd need to rely on a screen or a person.


Yeah my choice would be to remove the bleeps too. Bit of soft pressure to play in a squad, like tye buddy bunkers (but of course still possible to run back and read the screen when solo)


I say looking at the monitor is really easy This would make it too easy I say this as someone who supports and advocates for the differently abled


I'm a usability designer and I cannot see how this needs to be implemented considering there is already a clear, easily legible visual directive.


Yeh no offense to the people that want this but this feels insultingly easy, and not in a funny way like raising the flag


Always look first at the screen cause sometimes you don't even need to manually align it.


It literally makes a sound when it is in place ā€¦ how are we worried about visuals still


Just listen for the audio cue and stop when you hear it.


You can literally hear a beep sound once it's aligned. It works for me even on retrieve the data mission.


I agree it'd be nice, but it's pretty obvious that the design philosophy discourages solo players (much to my chagrin) so I wouldn't expect any changes to make anything more convenient for solo divers.


There is a beep you can clearly hear when you donā€™t talk


7000 people don't realize you need to wait for the sound effect.Ā  Anyway this wouldn't be bad, would help people with bad hearing.


What i need to know is how to open bunker doors solo


It does also beep at you when itā€™s in place


Thereā€™s a sound cue when itā€™s aligned..


I just listen for the beep. No need to look at the screen if there's not a war happening right by the radar.


Just listen for the correct alignment beepscreech. You can hear it even from like 30m away.


Sound bud, you can determine when it's aligned at any point if you listen for the beep.


I'll propose the opposite. Remove the beep. Either commit to the idea that the game is designed to be multiplayer and make you actually rely on your teammates to get things done efficiently, or don't make a multiplayer-focused game.


I'm with you. They made it hard on purpose. That wasn't a bug, it was a feature.




As a hearing impaired player, I would appreciate something visual as an indicator as well.


For now, you can check the screen before moving. In fact, I do this all the time as it saves time.




Never even thought about lights, I've always just listened hard for the beep


It makes a beep sound when in the alignment window. Or am I the only one who noticed that?


There's actually an audio cue when the dish enters the alignment cone, and a slightly different one when it exits the cone. You can hear it even on the upload data mission, where the console and tower are further apart.


There's also an audio cue, when you hear the two tone beep release the wheel.


You do know thereā€™s an audio queue when itā€™s aligned, right?


I just listen for the beep


You can do it blind by just turning it one direction until you hear the terminal give off a loud beep then let go


I just use the beep sound effect on it.


I just listen for the beep


I just listen for the beep. Have never had any problems.


There's actually an audio cue when the satellite is aligned that's quite obvious when you can hear it. The problem is, it's rather hard to hear when there's combat going on around you.


Listen for the beep. Just listen for the F-ing beep.


Cool idea, but ultimately I'm against it. The whole idea is that it is meant to be a teamwork thing. The game is made for coop. Solo is doable but not what the game is made for, devs said so themselves. I'll take it one step further, i don't think they lean enough into things you can only do with a teammate. Make more things require that you are more than 1 person there, right now its only bunkers. Damn, I'll even say, i wish they'd remove the sound the terminal makes when the dish hits the right spot.


It makes a noise when it's aligned. That's all you get.


It goes beep


1. The dish makes a beep beep when aligned 2. Not knocking solo players but this game clearly encourages team play. Everything from assisted reloading to friendship doors. It's like when devs add some rinky-dink multiplayer to a clearly single player game and then people complain about that. HD2 is a multiplayer game, it's not going to be perfect for solo play.


you can just listen to the loud ass beep it makes to see when its aligned. you could also just look for a second. and for people saying the deaf players can't hear the beep, well no shit. how do we include the blind people to playing the game then, text to speech for whatever happens on screen?


It chimes really loud I do it alone all the time. If you aren't able to hear it taking a look at the image to give you a rough idea before you run up their helps alot too.


There IS a sound que, but often misheard due to all the mayhem happening at the same time. This idea would help, but looking at the screen beforehand also entices some mini emergent gameplay, so meh.Ā 


The game already has audio queues for the alignment. Not piling on, but this game is almost headphones mandatory due to the sheer volume of useful audio queues. On of the big ones is the approaching patrol noise is directional and very accurate.


There is an Audio cue for that


I just listen to the beeps (cries in *my friends somehow always start talking the instant I'm aligning it*)


Or you could just listen for that beeping... just saying.


I sympathize with deaf players, but this system would render teamwork and the console completely obsolete. Instead, why not have a visual cue thatā€™s as subtle ass the squeak/beep? Maybe a small light at the top flashes briefly when you enter the green zone?


There is an audio queue


just listen for the beep


"BuT wHy ArE yOu PlAyInG sOlO, tHiS gAmE wAs NoT mEaNt To Be PlAyEd SoLo StOp ExPeCtInG sOmEtHiNg ThIs GaMe Is NoT mAdE fOr" is what I often hear people say when anyone asks for any kind of easy things to make single play less frustrating (not easier, just reasonably not frustrating). Things like a pause, ability to open friendship bunkers, and enemies breaking combat alert when they kill you would be nice, along with that idea for that radar dish. Looks nice, makes sense, if it would be for solo games only. And since this game allows you to play solo, and how often no one will join you unless you're playing on high level on major order planet, some ability to play normally when you're alone would be nice.


All hail the mighty beeping noise, but this is also really good to know, thank you!


should have some type of visual indicator on the dish for sure. What about people who are hearing disabled?


there a loud audio cue when its allinged


It chirps when you're pointing the right way


It beeps


Am i the only one who is just listening to the Audio Signal Wien the dish is aligned?


There is a solid beep when you are aligned.


It literally makes a ding noise tho


There's always someone to tell you. *The dish makes a sound when it's aligned.*


Just listen for the beepā€¦


You know it makes a noise, right? There is an audible cue that indicates the correct alignment.


I just listen for the audio cue šŸ«Ø


Whoā€™s gonna tell him


You mean like the monitor that says where to rotate it .. Or listening to the beep sound that tells you "this is the correct position"? If you need more, the problem is you


I dont know if people are deaf, but the beep the terminal makes is nearly DEAFENING compared to everything else in the game at any one point.


It makes an audible noise when it's lined up.


Just listen for the beep lol


Also deaf people!


I think youā€™re missing the pointā€¦ itā€™s supposed to require communication got biggest efficiency. Typically I just stand near terminal and look before I head over so I know which direction and about how far to go. If someone goes over to dish, Iā€™ll call out clockwise/counter clockwise and degrees.


There is a beep from the terminal when itā€™s correctly aligned, one time the display on the terminal was broken and we couldnā€™t tell, I ran over, held down a direction until I heard the beep, press up on the terminal and it worked fine. Must have seemed like magic to my squad mates


The audio cue?


I find the audio que enough, BUT I do wish there was something more obvious visually. I work with people with hearing loss, so it just popped into my head that some may not be able to hear it. Especially if there's fighting around them.


Does no one realise there's a chime that sounds when it aligns?


Or just...listen for the beep? It literally tells you when it's aligned


The radar dish is... transitioning? HELLDIVERS IS TOO WOKE >!(I'm obviously joking)!<


Just listen for the beep.


I want to play with music on, and it makes a sound when it aligns, so I want a visual component too


The little beep it makes when it's aligned is good enough for me.


Or just listen for the beep


I just listen for the alignment sound beep thingy


Just turn it till you hear a beep