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I am awake, at least. And able to comment more on this subreddit the last day. Cilantro flowered at my pond. The berries are ripening now. But the storm still rages, sun showers. It is rainy, but bright.


May God bestow peace on you.


the gods*






Apollon isn't one of my gods, so I don't know what he's up to today. But I am planning to do an offering to Pan in the forest in a bit. And get some exercise because so far I've had a slow, relaxing Sunday.


Great actually. Definitely felt Apollo's presence today. 


I should make my first ofefring to him sometime soon, Χαίρε Απόλλωνα <3


I did not feel Apollo today, however it has been a good day on shift. I feel I am guided by all the good gods and goddesses.


My day has been well! Helped out in installing a new air conditioner having to climb through the hot attic. Did laundry, cleaned, felt very productive, now I'm chilling with music :D I hope your day went wonderfully!


woke up on top of a mountain which was fun. I then walked down and did some gardening and swimming for the rest of the day :)


Apollo and I don't interact much. Dionysus and I went for a walk to meet my gfs parents. It went amazing. And now I'm back to feeling things


I got Apollon’s card twice today so I’m certainly getting the message that he’d like some attention and offerings. Been a sunny, productive day with good food and better company. Hail Apollon Phoibos


I danced in the living room and showed one of my favorite love songs to Lady Aphrodite, then had a great nap and now I'm considering baking some sweets


I was preparing my garden for planting earlier today. And after that i sat down to work on my writing, which is then when I felt Apollo with me the most


I’m pretty good, js came back to Hellenism from Islam today (i was praying and it stormed, clear proof to me) I don’t know much about Apollo, i worship Aphrodite and Poseidon.


Had a busy day and got mad when I got angry 😡 I am sorry for it.


Personally, Apollo isn't a patron deity to me (none of them are, I am still new) but I prayed to Hermes to protect my bags from thieves because I went to a theme park as a school trip, and I am an adrenaline junk, so of course I can't have my bags with me in a coaster Luckily, Hermes listened to my prayers and protected my bags


I've pissed off Zeus and almost got hit by lightning 3 times in severe weather conditions


That is sad 😢


It's a once a month thing used to it by now been happening since I was 10 years of age