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Hello! It sounds like you got a really good start. You could add some lotion, skin care, feathers, flowers (real or fake), maybe some bath salts. If you want to put some books on there too, poetry or romance would be good options. If you have tarot cards you could display the lovers, the star, or the empress. You could even handmake her something like write some poetry or maybe make her a cute plush. These are just some ideas of some things you might have or can do. I just put anything I think she would like on her altar. Lady Aphrodite will be happy with what you are able to put together. She won't be upset with you if it's not expensive or elaborate. Just follow your gut. Truthfully, you don't need an altar to worship her so don't worry too much about it.


Thank you so much this helps a lot. Blessed be 🫶🏾


I like to have some wax candles (can be coloured or not) for lighting during rituals or prayer! Scented candles also work very well but plain wax ones are way cheaper. I also keep some dried flowers on her altar as well :)


You don‘t need all these things. Just start simple.