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I mean ya. I believe evil eye was traditionally used by the ancient Greeks so I don’t see why the Gods would have a problem with it. Just ask them to bless it I suppose.


Why would you think they'd be disrespectful? Apotropaic eyes have been used in Greek offerings before. There's also r/Nazaria dedicated to them!


I used to be Christian I guess and I was told they were disrespectful so basically just religious trauma 😭😭😭 thank you though!


I wish you well on your healing journey. I have a long way to go as well, but I believe in all of us out there who have religious trauma ❤️


Thank you! ❤


Yes you can, greeks used to have them so i don’t see how the gods would be upset by it. I’ll be excited to see what you make!


We still do. They're still sold all over Hellas and not just in tourist traps.


Eye symbols were used to *reflect* the Evil Eye, so yes, there should be little problem.


I'm confused now😭


You are only confused because most people are either misinformed or just straight up making things up without doing the legwork to verify. The evil eye motif is used to ward off other's "evil eye", by reminding them what disorder and feuding it causes in close knit societies coping with disparities in fortune and outlook. In much the same way as Medusa's visage is displayed, the Nazar wards off trouble by addressing it's cause, not as a source of it in some spiritual arms race.


So I can or can't? (I'm sorry I'm so slow😭😭😭)


You can.


Thank you😭


It's an apotropaic symbol - you use a fearsome symbol to repel harm. It's why the Greeks and Romans decorated [using gorgons' heads](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/98/Gorgona_pushkin.jpg), and why Mesapotamians used icons of the demon [Pazuzu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pazuzu) (yes, of The Exorcist fame) to repel demons like Lamashtu - essentially, you are frightening off lesser malevolence by using the symbol of something bigger and meaner. Romans depicted the eye in mosaics being [attacked by other harmful creatures](https://www.worldhistory.org/uploads/images/16835.jpg), or being "reflected". [Hamsa talismans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamsa) used in Turkey still use a hand and eye - the Hand of Venus, and the Evil Eye - for protection. So yes, using eyes for your jewellery is fine.


Basically they stop bad energy from getting to you by absorbing it or reflecting it


The Hellenic mati🧿 is older than Christianity, even though Christians still use it. It is still sold everywhere in Hellas and not just at bad tourist traps. Go ahead and use it, if you like.