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I believe he didn't realise until blitzø ran away with it. But, instead of chasing blitzø down and taking it back, he saw it as an opportunity to make blitzø have sex with him once a month (which is why I believe the toxicness of the relationship goes both ways)


Yep, blitz's an asshole but he got coerced into sex. I don't blame him for not trusting stolas' affection, stolas should have probably considered bodyguarding and money before jumping to sex


I've been saying this from day 1. He's an assassin. Surely there are other things Stolas could have asked for as payment? Sex is the worst thing you could ask for.


He could have supplied blitz with angelic weapons to assassinate high staus people or something


Exactly. I see everyon saying "stolas is finally gonna stand up to blitzø" but its like, blitzø didn't really wanna be in that relationship originally, he felt like he had to be for the book. Obviously that changed as the shows gone on but still.


It was a spontaneous hookup and Stolas got neglected for years. It's been the most affection he's gotten romantically. And of course Blitzo thinks he's being used at first.


The "I'll pay you", "pay me what?", "money" conversation is pretty telling on what Blitzø expects in return for anything with Stolas.


Really stretching the definition of coercion when he could have just handed the powerful demon the stolen property that he himself stole back. He was propositioned. It was pay for sex. Sex work. That's not coercion.




That is what he is trying to find out by getting Blitz the means of going upstairs without the book.


I think he suspects. Blitz ended up staying the first night and per their phone conversation it is revealed that they had a discussion about the book, nor was Stolas surprised that he ran off with it. I think Stolas was hoping it would become about more than just the book, and since Blitz is keeping him walled off, he is suspecting that the book is all he was there for. However, his lyrics in "Look My Way" imply that he knows there's an unrelated reason for Blitz to keep walls up - that he knows it's a coping mechanism, he just doesn't know why. It will be interesting to see how he's planned to have this conversation.


In “Stolas Sings” he basically says he knows but doesn’t want to believe it: “What's between you and I Just a comfortable lie I'm the fool who believes When you look in my eyes” Stolas is oblivious and a total romantic, but he’s not stupid.


Stolas is no fool, but was feeling too punch drunk loved to notice until sh\*t hit the fan next morning. A whole bottle of hell's version of absinthe and experiencing passionate fornication might have had something to do with it.


Oh yeah he was aware, I'll go ahead and point you to episode one where stolas basically set a deal about this book.


I think at first he thought that was Blitzø’s way of teasing him into staying in touch


If he didn't know it anyway, he surely realized when he saw Blitzø run off with it.


I think he realized eventually.


Okay but it'd be hilarious and also in character that if in the heat of passion Blitzo was just like "yeah I'm going to steal your Grimoire and use it to run my business" and Stolas is just like "that's nice, ohgod harder" etc. And then the next day Stolas was like "oh, he did steal it, guess I'd better call him up before the next full moon and make a deal to get it back". Come to think of it, that's probably exactly what happened.


We don't know. Given his behaviour I'd say initially not, and when he starts to suspect he decides to get the crystal fro Blitz.


Probably? Maybe not at first but I think he definitely realized it after Ozzie’s. Their relationship is… not great. Pretty much everything about it is unbalanced af. Stolas could kill Blitzø without breaking a sweat. He could buy Blitzø without even noticing the hit to his bank. He’s a legit prince. He’s the only reason Blitzø’s business is up and running. Now I do think it could become healthy with a lot of work. It’s pretty clear Blitzø doesn’t hate the arrangement anymore and that Blitzø holds some semblance of feelings towards Stolas that he absolutely refuses to admit.


Bro has a question


I don't think he knew at first.


Idk i mean stolas was drunk, so it was probably just a blur