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Tom and Jerry: 90% of our content is that we are severely beating each other with pans. Oh 5 yr old kids watch us. >wow so wholesome Helluva: I'm an adult show purely for mature audiences. Now what if we make a gag of Verosika kissing Moxxie all over and... >NOOOO THATS ABUSE!


doll resolute gullible expansion straight plucky aback fear murky mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didnt compare falling and rape.  Beating each other with pans(assault/battery) are compared with a similar comedic scene of a cartoon character being kissed all over the face, like it was also done a lot. Also unwanted kissing (nothing implies rape except Blitz also humorous and not exactly true quip, he is known to exaggerate) isnt rape legally, its more likely indecent assault . Its for sure a small time offense in Europe where I study law. And not rape.


SA is SA


Sexual assault is the most severe crime in many places legally, not all indecent conduct is sexual assault.


you do know Tom and Jerry had outright racist jokes back in the day right? this ain't an issue of double standards it's an issue of it was bad then it's bad now and we didn't know then


And racism is also depicted today, even jokes in various comedies.  Its not good but I hardly think someone was not racist but became a racist becuse of T&J.


the jokes today are making fun of racism the jokes then were making fun of the races themselves and it wasn't self aware like today were it's those groups making fun of themselves and no that's not what Helluva is doing either considering Viv's had to do damage control Here's what's really going on we reevaluating what is and isn't ok and Viv is a young upstart times are changing she's new at this mistakes are gonna happen and she is really bad about managing controversy love the show but good god does she need a PR manager and maybe some better explanations


T&J and other cartoons depicted racist stuff but that was common/accepted at that time. They didnt go out of their way to be extra racist compared to their era. Except some ww2 propaganda cartoons the goal wasnt to mock black people. They just depicted a common stereotype that is indeed racist today. But you cannot really judge a different era. I remember watching old T&J decades ago, and I for one didnt register that its racist until I was an adult and learned about why this is racist, as I was young and wasnt from America. I just saw humorous faces or Tom's owner who is a "mammy" character/stereotype but didnt registrate anything in my brain except "haha owner is a big boned lady who punishes Tom if he misbehaves". While I agree with you about Viv needing a PR person, she should be allowed and be free to depict and even joke about adult themes in and adult comedy. There are warnings for viewers, people can search up whether it contains a topic they want to avoid. And they never depicted real abuse that has plot relevance as it hurts a character in positive way ever. It was always the slapstick that was comedic, never domestic abuse.


Gee, almost like people dislike sexual assault, you nonce.


Male characters getting kissed with those big lipstick lips is an age old trope.  Being kissed, even if unwanted isnt sexual assault. Just read the criminal code. The more you know.


But, but, It’s animated!! It must be for children!!😡🤬🤬😱😰😡😡🤢☹️☹️🤬


Those people when I show them Hentai:


Those people when i show them Vagabond and Berserk:


Those people when i show them Happy tree friends:


Whats that?


cartoon that looks for children but it's gory as fuck


I remember seeing it for the first time IN SCHOOL FOR SOME REASON (Like, shown on the projector) and was like "Oh this is cu– WHAT THE HELL"


Who put it on the PROJECTOR??? 🤨💀🤣😩


Sixth graders


Checks out.


Those people when I show them modern Family Guy


I watched Berserk in the late 90s as an 11 year old after renting it from my hillbilly video store under the foreign section. That and GiTS. I am 36 now. Still my favorites.


1997 berserk is golden


I stand by my statement




Didn’t Ed, Edd n Eddy had three older girls who will **FLIRT** with the boys (who are minors by the way) and maybe in one of the episodes (I hadn’t seen the show, I wasn’t around back when it aired) they LITERALLY MADE OUT WITH THEM *ALSO OFF SCREEN!!!* or something? Or do they get the pass because there girls and not “older guys praying on little girls” type


>there girls and not “older guys praying on little girls” type If the roles were switched they would have cancelled the show asap


They also canonically raped the boys. Straight up.


Yeah none of them wanted that crap lol


I'm sorry what


Canon event https://preview.redd.it/wfip3dr3250d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb721171054c4fc979a68e6fcd67c4fab60c2003


One of the girls yank one of the eds into a bathroom stall and you can hear a ‘ZIIIP’, and then ‘gluk gluk gluk’ and the moaning of the ed.


https://preview.redd.it/eamis1jdw70d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a6711ce6b2f4933a6381f6c33779c8cb5d6c1a2 A thousand fucking pardons?


My face when i saw that scene


WHAT. How is that allowed on a kids show😭


Technically wasn’t a kids show at the time, iirc? Idr


nah it always was on CN


I'm not sure either




what the fuuuu


What the actual fuck did I just read


i found [these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS08BSUTQ48) two [scenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1lzGog3AZ8) but im pretty sure your description didnt happen-


It was on a episode man


im sure itd be pretty easy to find if it was that crazy, im guessing u saw an unofficial animation and misremembered it or something. also i doubt CN would allow that


As usual, it’s only bad if a man does it


Idk about y'all, but I was as young as 9 watching adult animation. I was never confused as to what was real and what wasn't. My oldest daughter actually introduced me to Helluva and Hazbin. She's been a fan for years. Graduating high school next year.


Very well said mister u/glistening_cum_ropes


I was a child when I was watching South Park and playing Devil May Cry with my brothers


this made me feel better about watching the helluva boss pilot when it came out. — I was 12.


When does ed Edd n eddy take the abuse seriously the way Hazbin/helluva does?


Right like false comparison if I've ever seen one lol I absolutely love all 3 shows but to equate episode 8 of hazbin to ANYTHING in Edd Ed n Eddy is laughable. Also the canker girls WERE problematic when the show came out and there WERE people speaking out against them, just not quite the way people do now, but you will find most shows from the late 90s early 2000s have questionable content, though still not like Hazbin in the slightest.


One word: Johnny Bravo.


Well Johnny Bravo was supposed to be making fun of that type of guy. Johnny ALWAYS got beat up for being a sexual harasser. The influence the show had on kids and how kids internalized it though is a different story.


mourn reach complete disgusted march continue makeshift absorbed unique zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Dawg thats two words


Eddy's brother abusing his brother is taken seriously.


As someone who has seen Ed Edd and Eddy the difference is the overall vibe. Ed Edd and Eddy was a kids comedy show first and foremost and the aforementioned "serious abuse" only takes place at the end of the movie, otherwise it's your typical slapstick physical humor. Viv presents her shows as mature comedies or dramadies so asking your audience to laugh s/a and then in the moment take it seriously is a huge tonal shift and doesn't even make sense. You can't make jokes out of something you are trying to spread awareness about. The Ed Edd and Eddy movie never made sibling abuse a joke. It didn't have Ed be brutally beat by his sister as a joke and then ask us to take Eddy's abuse at the hands of his brother seriously. But Hazbin asks us to see Pent get forcefully dragged into a room and assaulted, laugh, and then immediately feel bad for Angel and the situation he is in.


It does make sense. They're making violence comedic UNTIL it's important to the plot then it is taken 100% seriously. Gta5 does this with >!Trevor & Michael's deaths.!< Throughout gta 5, Trevor & Michael are comedicly killing people throughout the entire game yet the games endings suddenly make death a serious and sad thing. It does this because Trevor & Michael killing people wasn't important to the plot and not meant to be taken seriously but >!thier deaths are important to the plot and are meant to be taken seriously!< >But Hazbin asks us to see Pent get forcefully dragged into a room and assaulted, laugh, and then immediately feel bad for Angel and the situation he is in. It's heavily implied that Angel was raped in S1 e4 while Sir pentious was gang raped off screen in S1 e6, 2 episodes apart so it's not "Immediately."


people can deserve a humiliating death no one deserves to get raped or abused I guaratee GTA does not have you commit domestic abuse and rescue a victim of abuse as the same character outside of player choice


whether or not it's immediate doesn't matter


I don't understand how the comparition of both rape make the tonal dissonance any better.


https://preview.redd.it/xlcaists2zzc1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b193d211e969e561aa2ca3c2f091e6585adc77b5 Verosika stans when someone says SA is wrong. (I have no evidence that this is what this meme is about i just wanted to make a funni soyjack pointing meme)


to quote george carlin: "never underestimate stupid people in large groups"


You ask too much from humanity. It's 2024, if you are not offend big everything you are a monster that eat children


Ironic cause fans of the show would do all that stuff because they love the show that much.


This is like comparing Oppenheimer to Hot Tub Time Machine lmao. One is a show that is designed to be taken seriously and one is not. When the show is centered around character dynamics and deep story telling it is a little bit more apparent. Also Ed, Edd n’ Eddy is a non episodic Kids show from the early 2000’s. It’s incomparable to HB/Hazbin in any way. Unless you think Ed could reasonably be seen fit singing Poison lol.


I could see Double D singing Poison


Fair, he could hit those notes


I could see Eddy and Kevin duet for "Stayed Gone"


I kind of hate how well that works in my brain.


This is a really disingenuous comparison to retort with. It doesn’t matter with what your reasoning is either because it’s all moot. Both shows are comparable because of the tone and means of which they use violence and other horrible things as comedy. SA and violence is so common in Ed, Edd, and Eddy it’s not even fucking funny, the Canker sisters are genuinely horrible people. But we’re not supposed to be watching them and going “WTF” we’re supposed to be laughing at that. It’s literally the same with Hazbin Hotel, if people have troubles catching on with the tone, the follow-up, and context, it is an actual skill issue. This is basic ass levels of literary comprehension that they should’ve learned about in school. It’s one thing when it is an extreme niche so only a certain number of people will understand the joke, it’s another thing when one cannot comprehend when it is appropriate to look deep into something and when NOT to look too deep into it.


https://preview.redd.it/2dpkvmpih30d1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c4ed61119b50378fe1948d35517850fa85a844 Can we NOT talk about that right now?


Those 20-30 year old adults you're speaking of is most likely just the 8 year olds of today. Kids have just become fucking stupid, take everything literally and can't read between the lines. They have infested this place since the beginning and make up for a large chunk of the fans.


That's why I put the word "Adults" in quotation marks because the 20-30 yr olds in the fandom are either: A. Little kids who say they're adults B. 20-30 yr old adults who have the mentality of a little kid.


Oh yeah. That actually makes more sense.


The way this fandom accuses the show of "Retconning" and "ruining" everything because the show's story and the characters' are being taken in a direction that doesn't meet with their headcannons about them is similar to how a toddler acts when they don't get their way. But this problem isn't exclusive to this fandom it's a problem in many TV show fandoms such as Steven universe, RWBY, MHA, and AOT.


I’d be willing to argue some of them didn’t and some didn’t even understand the difference


I’m one of those adults that can. I love all these shows!


I have seen Ed, edd and eddy being criticized for this. Although not as much as helluva boss or hazbin. But i don’t think comparing a show from 25 years ago to today standards is fair. As the comedy from back then reflected what was seen ok in those times. The problem for me though is the tonal issues. I can’t take a SA serious moment seriously if there was a gag about SA moments before. I don’t find those jokes/gags funny in the first place. As a child it made me uncomfortable for reasons i will not go into detail here. Well anyways it just doesn’t work. It’s akin to that brian dying family guy episode. The tone doesn’t work. Instead of feeling sad you laugh instead. The audience doesn’t take it seriously. Or any serious moments in family guy tbh. Slapstick physical/violent comedy was always a thing. But this falls outside that realm imo.


The difference that one show is for kids and the other uses toilet humor and curse words every five seconds


maybe it’s because the fanbase of hazbin and helluva are the most cringe unintelligent people next to mha fans


There’s a difference between a show that presents as for kids, is meant for kids, and is consistently a goofy show with cartoon logic and a show that’s trying (and failing) to tell a compelling story and give characters depth by constantly contradicting its own messages with its ‘gags’.


Does hazbin have comedic violence?...I genuinely can't remember, I know for sure hellovaboss does


Sir pentious getting gang raped off screen and Angel dust & Nifty sexually harassing Vaggie are played for laughs and aren't even negatively portrayed.


that is not funny that is demented


Sir pentious doesn't get "raped", watch the whole scene again, and Angel and Niffty don't sexually harass Vaggie at any point, I don't even know where you got that from


The scene is literally Pentious getting dragged into a room with the people inside having the intention to fuck him while he is scared out of his mind. I don’t know how you cannot interpret that as at least attempted sexual assault


In a club called "consent", after he explicitly said he planned to have sex with those people.


The face of a consenting man https://preview.redd.it/ngh4miwut20d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ec3ee4fb25b83b5642bf2e100623dc60109031


This reminds me of the people who said Thanos and Gamaora was sending bad message.


Honestly it’s gotten me to re-examine all media that plays abuse for laughs and want to dig deeper into the lore of those characters


That's specifically the issue. Women sexually harassing men is always played for laughs.


Fake shit


in fairness it's frowned upon when kids cartoons do it today and it's only specific circumstances like Loona beating up Blitz which they claim was referencing a common psychological problem with orphans but the scene didn't match the circumstances


I think both are bad.


God I can’t even look at Ed, Edd and Eddy without thinking of that certain Pizza game


technically talking about the same age group just past and present


Personally, I’m ok with the fact that there can be gags that are more disconnected from the canon of the show then serious moments. I think that when done right, this can seriously work.


It feels like these day people are trying to find any way possible to get offended at anything.


Not gonna go too deep. But you're basically cherry picking Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Not every episode has has the same vibe, energy, nor the same humor (rape, murder, ect) you can find in EVERY episode in HH and HB. Also different era. Different way of thinking. They were cartoons and were never meant to be taken as seriously. Just "Girls have cooties" and Getting money to get get jawbreakers. Sure it can be violent but no one breaks anything nor dies. In this age though, people love and adore HH and HB so much, they will rather act and be like the characters from the show. TLDR; you're comparing oranges to apples. Both are fruit but both are VERY different.


This calls out like 90% of Loona haters. “Oh no, she made fun of Moxie 😭” So did everyone else in the show!


I personally feel Ed, Edd n Eddy is overrated. Also, when it came to the main characters getting stalked by the obnoxious girl trio, I never thought the antics of the rotten sisters were funny. They were a lazy plot device the writers were used to ruin the day of the protagonists and alternated between being one bullies, and a G rated rape joke. Either way they weren’t funny.


Best part is it’s the same people 😂


Neither is good.


Both can suck its ok


https://i.redd.it/kbmhmyz4710d1.gif Don’t care show is ass


Bro lost his arguments