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The seeds may have been planted back in double life. I think they were soulbound.


Ahhh, yes, there base was the relation-SHIP after all :)


“The ship burns, EVERYTHING BURNS”


"Nice rhyme"


“What, rhyming ‘burns’ with ‘burns’?”


"Okay. We will start with a trust fall. 3... 2... 1..."


Martyn you killed me!


I know there was a bit when Joel was a guest on the server doing Ren's boat race and there was some neck kisses jokes because Etho was beside him. So that was before 9 ended.


It started in secret life when Scott's task was to say I love you to 3 people but Because it was scott it was easy, so they had Etho try it. And joel responded by saying he was obsessed with him. https://youtu.be/EdstffyR4l8


I know that... and OP literally says that in their post. They asked when it started in Hermitcraft.


While that is their question, it didn’t START in Hermitcraft. If it didn’t start in Hermitcraft, you’re supposed to say where it started (which isn’t even in secret life, it’s in double life) instead of correcting people for answering a question correctly.


If someone asks me when I started working at my current job, my response wouldn’t be “oh no no, I started working well before this job at X way back in Y.” Responding that way may be correct in the sense that it is a factual statement, but it is not the answer to the question posed. I’m not denying that the answer given is indeed factually correct, but it is objectively not the answer that the OP asked for. CarbonationRequired is correct that the Etho-Joel jokes first made their hermitcraft debut in S9 when the guests were invited to the server to try DO2 and other minigames


It’s not like your job situation at all. It’s something that didn’t originate. It’s like someone asking you “when did you write this song you performed with your band.” But let’s say you wrote the song before you were in a band, you wouldn’t say “well the only time I wrote it with my band was when we edited it before we performed” you’d say “I wrote it before I joined the band”


Your example is indeed a situation in which your interpretation would be correct but your example also lacks a key component that this one has. The OP specifically cites a past example in the Life Series and then asks for when the jokes first came into Hermitcraft. Ignoring the parameters of the question and giving details about when it happened in the Life series is, again, objectively not the answer that OP is looking for Edit: slightly changed the last sentence. The answer would indeed be correct, just not what was asked for


What I saw originally (and what the comment also shows) is the fact that the post was edited, it wasn’t originally like that


Ah, my apologies then. I know of no way to see the original contents of an edited post and so can only speak to what it currently says.


My apologies here too, for some unholy reason they got rid of the edited symbol (I edited this for proof)


That wasn't where islt started at all. That was after it was already established.


Actually it started back in Double Life where Joel and Etho were soul bound and had the Relation-Ship


Nah it started before then. Back in Double Life when they were together. It's just been the rare and fleeting moments they would appear together since which would eventually escalate into obsession. I can't recall a specific moment where it clicked exactly, imo it's been more of a slow build up.


50k words, slow burn, soulmates to friends to lovers?


Boat Boys: Lost at Sea Written by Mythical J Sausage


hurt/comfort as well considering the life series


Major character death


I think the whole obsession joke thing started on Double Life, the third season of the Life series, in which Joel and Etho were soulmates (if you don’t know or remember Double Life, basically it was a server where two people were soul-bound to each other, meaning that they shared a health bar, and if one person took damage, they both would take damage, and if one person died, they both would die). That’s where the “boat boys” and “SmallEtho” duo names came from


On hermitcraft specifically it started with 2 things:  1)when Grian, Gem, Scar, Joel and Etho were testing out the flying boat pigs. Joel was flying in a boat with Scar and after mentions how it's weird that Etho didn't want to go in the boat with him since he's so obsessed with him (Joel then proceeded to reveal that he's wearing his double life skin with Ethos face on it)   2) Joel steals Ethos gunpowder, leaves a note pointing out Etho is building in a similar style as him "obsessed much". Etho plays up on the bit and tries to argue that Joel is the one obsessed with him even tho he just happens to watch Joel's hardcore series every day


One detail I'd like to add to the variety of answers here is that beginning with one of the Double Life episodes Joel changed the undershirt on his skin to have an Etho face on it, and very visually revealing his new obsession to whoever they first met after with pride.


It’s a saga with many parts: - **Double Life**: Etho and Joel were paired together, built the RelationShip, it burnt, then everything burnt, just like their love for each other. Thus began their “SmallEtho” era. ❤️ - **Secret Life**: Etho tells Joel “I love you” to see if he’ll say it back. In the betrayal of a lifetime, Joel tells Etho “I know you’re obsessed with me, but c’mon” and refuses to say it back, in a shocking, heart breaking twist 💔 - **HC9 Neck Kisses**: Joel, in the halls of Decked Out two, makes the greatest miss-speak in hermit history and mixes up cheek kisses with neck kisses. 💋 - **HC10 Statue Presents**: I’m happy to report the two are clearly “on again” this season (after Joel’s sharp rejection of Etho in secret life). And despite Joel’s drawing the attention of a lot of the men of HC (looking at you Iskall 😂), the Etho/Joel mutual obsession fanboy thing is going strong to this day. I love a love story. 😂❤️


While they were actually soulmates in Double Life, the “obsessed” joke started in Secret Life, when Etho said “I love you” as a task (or as like a joke based on a task?) to Joel, who replied with “Uhm I know you’re obsessed with me Etho, I saw you made me your thumbnail” (edit: I realized this was in your original post, my bad) The neck kisses were an unrelated joke that happened between Joel and Jimmy on their Decked Out 2 visit; Jimmy had given Martyn a little good-luck kiss before his first run, and then repeated the joke when it was Joel’s turn, who mixed up his words and said “All right, just a little one on the neck” when he meant to say “just a little one on the cheek”. Later, that joke was incorporated into Hermitcraft 10 with various people, and then settled on the Joel/Etho obsession gag


It was actually Scott's task (tell three people "I love you" without being called out for it), then it was acknowledged that it was for him due to being... well, Scott. So then it was suggested that if someone like Etho had the task, they wouldn't have succeeded. Etho then told Joel "I love you," to which Joel responded with, "Ok, Etho, I know you're obsessed with me, but c'mon."


In double life Joel changed his skin to have Ethos face and Etho had Joel in his thumbnail for the double life video. From there they both started who is obsessed more jokes


Why does no one on this thread know about SmallEtho-I mean- Boat Boys 😭 im mad at the hermitcraft community today guys 😭 IF YOU DONT KNOW THE BOAT BOYS WATCH THEIR DOUBLE LIFE NEEOOOWWWW (to quote Eefo) In short: It DIDNT start in secret life it started 2 seasons before sooo. Yah. Watch the life series.


It started in Double Life. In Hermitcraft it’s been there practically from the beginning since it was already a thing before Joel joined Hermitcraft.