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Jessica wasn't Nikki's twin, she was her adopted sister. Their Dad killed her iirc. When Nikki's power first manifested is when her personality started to split. I don't think her mind could take it. Nikki had the power all along but could only use it in her Jessica personality. Eventually her personalities come to a happy medium and she was both scared Nikki and strong Jessica simultaneously. This was at Kirby plaza when Linderman tried to kill DL and as Nikki ripped a post out of the ground to hit Sylar with.


And then DL got stabbed at a club by a rando, lol what.


He got shot point blank range if he let it phase through him Nikki would have died.


Where did you get adopted sister from? I've watched that entire series 18 times and I've never heard them say adopted ever


Jesus Christ, I made that comment 8 years ago and I haven't watched the show in about that long. But if I remember, it was revealed when either Nikki or Tracy Strauss tracked down Dr Zimmerman he explains that they were triplets (with Barbara) who he experimented on and gave powers to. He placed Nikki with the Sanders family. Jessica can't have been her blood sister. Maybe they didn't say the word but from my memory that seems to have been the implication.


I don't think Jessica was ever a real person. The only time the reference her as such is when she accuses Niki's dad of accidentally killing Jessica, but even he seems confused by this. Like beyond the point of just denying it. The way they explained it at the end of season 1, and then in the beginning of 2, was that her home abuse fractured her mind and gave her a split personality to cope with the abuse. Then when her power manifested she channeled it through that alter ego. She was eventually able to just use her strength without the alternate personality. Overall I chalk all of this up to bad writing. Here is Jeph Loeb's take on it: >"Niki's power is the same as her alternate personality Jessica's: unbelievable strength. They're the same person. Niki discovered her special ability through her split personality, but it was always her ability."


Thanks. That was my take on it, too.


That would all make sense except for the fact you're totally ignoring the scene where Niki and DL went to her actual grave.. Niki had an unopened bottle of alcohol there and DL asked her if she was drinking with her sister and Niki said "I'm thinkin about it".


'Jessica' when she is in Nikki's body is just an alternate personality, however Nikki did have a sister called Jessica while growing up. As a result of Nikki growing up in an abusive home, she developed a severe mental disorder. However, I believe that the reason that 'Jessica' is her alter ego is because Jessica always stood up for her, so to Nikki she symbolised strength, and for this reason her power manifested in the alter ego 'Jessica'. Tracy, Barbara, and Nikki were triplets, and were given powers by Dr. Zimmerman, however when their parents died they were separated (Nikki was raised by adoptive parents).