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You're telling me the 500 signatures wasn't enough to overturn over tens of thousands of dollars in pre-ticket sales they've made already? I'm shocked!!@


Not a normal community given the way funding helps Hershey, the taxpayers get a bit more say in who that money goes to


So Hershey Entertainment is committed to platforming a Russian government asset and known white supremicist in the name of “diversity of opinion.” Ok no problem I guess. 😕 Man, fuck central PA


Lol wow there are some serious TDS patients here in the Hershey Reddit page. I guess you all are going to vote for the senile guy who literally shit his pants on the world stage last week? BAHAHAHAHA




there’s video evidence of it. He crouches down, clenching like a toddler and then Jill rushes him away in the middle of the event to clean him up. Macron didn’t know what TF was going on


That's 1- Not even close to how you source something 2- impliying your going to vote for the felon 3- incredibly rude, your grandma would be ashamed


I don’t care if you don’t agree with what he has to say, he still has the right to say it


I fully support his right to say it somewhere else then.


You could just not attend the event? No one is forcing you to go.


We are asking Hershey to not give a platform to hate speech. We are not legislating them, we are asking them to do the right thing.


Hate speech is not a real concept. Just because someone says things you think are mean does not make it “hate speech”. You just can’t handle any person that’s not a shitlib having any type of platform. Your no better then the “muh facists” that you spend every living moment thinking about.


Using words to incite violence and prejudice is pretty fucking hateful. But if that’s the world you’d like to live in we have more than a few differences.


Please post even a single example of Tucker Carlson calling for violence. Just one.


He asked why parents were not “thrashing” teachers. That’s just one example. https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-suggests-dads-should-thrash-kids-teachers


he lost his job for knowingly claiming the election was stolen, fuck offfff


Lol can’t even show an example so you pivot to some unrelated bullshit. Fucking loser. Keep crying in subreddits because the mean TV man says some things that make you upset.


Do you tan your testicles?


I hope you shit yourself


why are you trying to block free speech. that is fascism


He's free to say anything he wants without government prosecution. There's your "what free speech means in America" lesson for 6/12/24.


yes free speech is constitutional only youre right but I think this is an example of how individuals can be fascist as well and how these types of people like to create echo chambers and block out anything that could threaten the echo chamber. its a sign of a weak mind


People’s speech is protected. But just like people, corporations decisions have consequences and we are asking Hershey to avoid those consequences and be consistent with their promoted values.


well why are you expecting a profit driven entity to uphold good and just morals and values. they will always do what is in their best interest first and foremost. which goes beyind companies and is a general fact of human nature


Yes. Capitalism does that. I think that it’s in Hershey’s financial interest to be on the right side of history. Also being hypocritical is a way to lose patrons, employees and investors.


He has the same right to a stage in the giant center as you have the right to publish whatever you want on the front page of the New York Times… this is not a free speech argument


I think there are a few more things that make up fascism, (after all, Stalin definitely wasn’t fascist despite being anti-free speech). That said, the least bad solution to speech you don’t like is criticism of said speech. Any restriction of speech beyond what is absolutely necessary for a functional society is a bridge too far for me. (That said, we also have the right to call out the pro-Tuckerson folks and to call them out on their bullshit. This is a right I fully intend to utilize).


Hershey Entertainment had Trump twice. They know it will draw a crowd and money