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So are you just going to spam this shit until September when he eventually comes and does his shit here, or are you going to be a reasonable person?


Do you think the Jews and immigrants coming to replace white people, Ana?


Not any more than I believe that the giant spaghetti monster is the lord sovereign over this donut-shaped earth. But I am tired of seeing this shit on my feed. People are making him out to be the anti-Christ himself, with the urgency to match. He’s just a wackadoodle with a wackadoodle following. OP needs to stop dominating this sub with his obsession of him.


He’s a white supremicist and a Russian govt asset. Platforming him is dangerous and irresponsible. We’ve long passed the “ignore-them-and-they’ll-go-away” stage of this sickness. The screaming should get louder.


You mean just like how the media freaked out about Donald Trump, giving him a bunch of free publicity, which gave him a shot at the white house in 2016? We all stopped caring about Milo Yiannopolous. Where is he now?


We’re here because they’ve normalized Trump and horseraced the contest between fascism and democracy. There wasn’t, and still isn’t, enough “freaking out.” And did you really just compare Milo Y’s influence to Tucker Carlson’s? which one of them just gave a softball interview to Putin that was covered worldwide? Carlson is an enemy of democracy and it’s repulsive that Hershey would bring him here.


And how many Americans do you think actually watched that interview and nodded along? You are very good at yelling mountain. You are less good at yelling molehill.


Enough to impact an election that determines whether we have a constitutional democracy. And even if that weren’t the case it would still be traitorous. Anyway, I think I know the real reason you think it’s all ok.


Ooh! What sort of nefarious being am I in your estimation? Its always fun to see the back bones of world building lol


Glad you posted this! Didn’t know he was coming here. I’ll be sure to buy a ticket.


Cheeky-fella, I've always been a democrat, even when people I my family were against me. And I agree Tucker Carlson and his ilk have done damage to our country that will be hard to repair, but chill. This is the third time you've posted basically the same thing on this sub reddit. You've got your point across, so let the sub reddit go back to being people just asking for information or help about our city. Thank you, N-P1