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Leave it how it is. It is mostly a product of its time and a reboot would not be able to capture the same magic.


Agreed. It's not going to have the same feel. The same was said about The Wonder Years. They captured something special that would not be able to be recreated.


You could say that about every movie and shows that has been rebooted….


Imo , I’d leave the show as is. I think the show is complete once Arnold found his parents imo; that’s what most of us have been waiting over a decade to see… but the demographic has changed and the show wouldn’t be the same. Though, I would like to see the patakis so hopefully that gets greenlit one day. I feel like that can maybe fit the maturity of the teen audience and the adults that wanted to see the spin-off. But Im not gonna say I didn’t want one lol I went on a rant few years back wondering why shows like hey arnold and other good shows don’t get continued but I understand what people were saying now.. these reboots and new shows aren’t really meant for us anymore.


The patakis is really the only missing piece, but honestly we're so lucky already for getting the TMJ movie...I genuinely believed for years that the movie was never going to happen


No. The show, and we its target audience had our time. It's time to collectively move on.


Please no. I like where it ended with the Jungle Movie. Let Nickelodeon make new terrible shows.


If it ain't broke don't fix it. Only thing I'd have like to have seen was Arnold and Helga becoming an item. But we have a comic artist doing that for us, and I hear there were 'notes' between the two published during the height if the pandemic...so it's kinds canon? Either way I'm happy with what we have. ...if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Those notes were posted on Craig Bartlett's Insta, so I think you can still find them. They were also posted to this subreddit.


Metal, thanks. I'll definitely pursue that after work today:D


Man couldn’t find it. Wish I could see it.


Remake? No Season 6? Yes Sequel where the kids are parents to a new PS118 gang? Why not.


Rugrats "All Growed Up" was a disaster.


I wouldn’t say disaster , at least they tried


But in retrospect, now that I'm older, I understand why it failed. The novelty of the show was that it centered on the shenanigans of infants who couldn't yet verbalize, but who managed to have all of these complex adventures. Having them "grow up" removed the novelty of the franchise. No one cared for teenage Rugrats. Having Arnold and co. grow up, with children of their own sounds nice on paper, but not so great in execution. I personally don't want to see middle aged Arnold and his friends dealing with work, depression, anxiety, divorce (Gosh, I can unfortunately see that storyline. Arnold is still single and teaching at PS 118, and Helga is a divorced mother, who just moved back into the neighborhood. She's done a lot of growing up, and has a son from her first marriage who just so happens to be in Arnold's 4th grade class...)etc. This show had its time. I'd rather a different show, by the same creator, but not necessarily, fill that niche. Personally, "As Told By Ginger" would probably be better given its more mature themes.


I enjoyed that show. "As Told By Ginger" Towards the end of the series, The Wild Thornberrys lost its charm too.


"As Told By Ginger" has the potential to grow considering it was never just a pre-teen show. It had various dimensions to it, including but not limited to her friends, but her family, and their problems. "The Wild Thornberries" was great, the film basically ended the series on a high note. Once Eliza's secret was out, there was no longer a need for the show.


IDK HA had a lot of mature themes too.


Not in the way they did it on ATBG. There was more continuity within ATBG, whereas HA had a loose stream of continuity fitting for an after school cartoon.


Well yeah ATBG was a little older kids. For a show about 9 year olds HA dealt with a lot of adult things.


Yup. The whole charm and magic of Rugrats was babies doing things we wouldn't expect them to be doing and how they interpreted the world. Taking that conceit out and just making them preteens leaves us with just a bland regular show.


I had three big gripes about, "All Grown Up." 1. They were preteens not, "Grown Up," at all I wanted them as fully fledged adults. 2. The show just kept the personalities they had as babies. Make them have different personalities make them grow as people! Make Chuckie brave, make Angelica be a nicer due to being bullied herself for being overweight as a 5-6 year old due to her cookie obsession, Make Tommy more careful in life! Give the twins more stark difference.  But no show felt like a copy and paste of their baby personalities. Ugh... Also Spike and Grandpa shouldn't be still alive. 3. Give Susie a flaw... Just one flaw. Please..it was like the show was allergic to giving her a flaw. That is all.


At that point, they might as well scrap the show and start from scratch. I think the show *could* have been salvaged IF they cut down on some of the characters. Have it feature Thomas and Charles as pre-teens/teens. Phil and Lil could have moved out west to Arizona. Angelica and Susie are now in high-school, and perhaps occasionally show up, but not necessary. The issue comes down to Kimberly and Dillon. How to keep them involved, but not take away from Thomas and Charles navigating growing up (Think the tone of Rocket Power.). Spike could theoretically still be alive. He'd be quite old, but as he's a medium sized dog, not so uncommon.


If they were going to do preteen it should have been titled different like, "Preteen Years," or, "School Years!" We don't necessarily need to cut down on the cast though yeah it'd be realistic if some of the families moved away or some of the parents got divorced. When I was a kid I always thought to myself that Drew and Charlotte's marriage shouldn't last.... As an example. I did have an fanfic outlined for this years ago with me, "fixing it," and my ideas were the following as they are taken from my old, "idea," notebook.  Tommy being more careful in life after having a major injury from one his, "adventures," so he learns from Chuckie and is more cautious in life. After having a brush with death while he still likes to explore, do stunts, but he always takes proper precautions and has contingency plans.  I pictured Angelica and Chuckie in the same exact class.  In the original series Angelica was three while Chuckie was two so this works. I pictured Chuckie having skipped a grade due to his intelligence and he helps Angelica with her studies. When Angelica was bullied as at the ages of 5-6 because her weight Chuckie was there to help her through it. Because of this Angelica is nicer and little bit less of a brat and Chuckie learns to be braver because of Angelica. Kimi I see gaining an creative streak and becoming more artistic in her preteen years.  She and Phill in my notes were doing art projects together and have grown closer as friends because they have an appreciation for the arts. While Lillian goes by, "Lilly," to help further establish her differences from Phill. In my notes here she has a love for the stars and planets with ambitions to go to space camp and have hopes of being an astronaut one day. Susie while extremely gifted has stress while underneath her parents expectations of her getting high grades and doing everything perfectly.  So I having her sneaking out at nights going out and having fun with other kids her own age.  I have her getting closer with Timothy McNulty. Harold doesn't exist in this world. Spike is dead but the family does have a second dog named, "Spike 2." Lu is dead but his ghost hangs around unfortunately only Dill can see or hear him. So the reader is left to question if it's in his head or if it's a real ghost. Also yeah I'm more of a strictly plantonic shipper when it comes to the Rugrats show. I will happily plantonically ship most of the characters. But anyway does were my fanfic notes from my teen years. Hope you don't mind me leaving them here. Lol




And the 2021 3D "remake" I will stand on the "hand-drawn animation is superior to computer animation" hill untill I die That goes for Garfield, Spongebob & The Simpsons too


No. The themes in the show timeless. Besides I don’t like what they did with the art style in the movie and it was really offputting.


I'm tired of remakes and reboots tbh, I'm not even a fan of the reboot concept to begin with...


Yes and no. I think we should get Hey Arnold and his friends as adults but at the same time this generation (not all but some) doesn’t really care about 90s shows unfortunately. ( Idk if I worded it wrong lol)


It would be cool to see someone who grew up with the show create a show with a similar spirit and vibe but have it be their own thing.


I agree! It could be like a spin off type thing that does a few years after they graduate college or whatever!


The show would not be the same if you included cell phones and all this tech. Do you know how much faster they would’ve learned helga loved Arnold with cell phones. It would be all over their version of Facebook as fast as possible


Gotta be when they are mid-20s. Like instead of a HS thing do something where Arnold kinda forgot a lot of what happened when he was @ PS 118 and he gets a blast from the past by seeing Helga again after a long time away and things come flooding back. Like the losers club going back to Derry lol.


The original crew is up for doing a S6 if they got the chance so I'd love to see it. I wouldn't mind a reboot so long as the original crew was involved.


What is there to remake? It's a perfect show. Now making new episodes I'd be down for. They set it up nicely after jungle movie, but I can also live without them.


No, but a revival would be cool. It could take place where The Jungle Movie ends with Arnold and his gang now being in the 6th grade and him and Helga being a couple (though secretly for the time being). It can basically be the same as the old show, only with Arnold's parents back in the picture and new adventures and stuff in Hillwood.


Remake- hell no. Flash forward series about adult Arnold and Helga and their kids- yes. It might seem natural to do a sequel with the PS 118 kids in high school like The Patakis was supposed to be. But HS has been done too much. It would be more original among cartoons to do a sequel with the characters as adults. Kinda similar to my fave Stephen King story- It, but no clown lol. Just with the premise that Arnold comes back after a long time and forgets a lot of what went on when he was 9-10 and it comes flooding back. Just like the Losers Club coming back to Derry lol. It would also address the notion Bartlett threw out there that Helga and Arnold would be together and have kids one day. What would that be like?


Not a remake, but a new season with his parents around if done well would be cool.


No. Why keep remaking/rebooting shit unless you’re a shameless money grubbing whoring corporation. I loved the Arnold jungle movie. It was awesome cause it tied up the story and had many callbacks. But I would not wanna whole new show based off that.


A remake? Personally I'd say no. But a continuation of some sort, like a Season 6 which was possible had TJM done better, or The Patakis, I would personally be down for. I'm in a weird spot with the series where yeah, for all intents and purposes it has wrapped up, but there's still so much potential for future stories especially with big status quo shifts like Arnold reciprocating Helga’s feelings and his parents being back in the mix. Craig Bartlett has mentioned he'd be up for doing more if Nick/Paramount gave the greenlight as well and I think something older/more adult like The Patakis has plenty of potential for all the millennials who grew up with the original show.




No. If you want more just read fan content. The show itself doesn’t need more.


I'm going to go against the grain and say I think a remake could be cool. It'd be interesting to see the kind of struggles and pressures young people go through with modern day technology and social media. What I always loved about Hey Arnold is that it was always relatable and it would be kind of neat to see that translated into present day. And even if they do a reboot/remake the old show will always be there for us regardless. I never understood the "It would ruin it!" take because if the remake is bad it will only further serve to show how good the OG show is and like I said they're not going to just erase the original show from existence.


I'd prefer a sequel with the Hey Arnold's gangs kids... Seeing adult Helga and Arnold. Also the children should be their own original characters to show how vastly different one generation can be from the other. Like Helga and Arnold could have a son who is super passionate about animals and animal safety.  Their daughter could be the pretty and popular girl who slacks off on her studies. Helga could be at odds with her daughter because all Helga sees her daughter being is Olga 2.0 who doesn't like to study.  Lila could be in a childless marriage and but also a school teacher for the next generation but also she enjoys her choice of being childfree. Phoebe could be a mental health Doctor who has Curly as one of her regular patients. She and Gerald could have both adopted and biological children. Harold's son with Rhonda could be someone who thinks money is the root of all evil. Making his mother where she went wrong with him. Just as an example. Lol  


I really like this!


Thank you! :)


Honestly wouldn’t be interested in a remake, considering I’m more than likely positive Nickelodeon will ruin the show alone. Maybe something like Arnold and the gang older or The Patakis. Something more adult themed, since considering the demographics seems older now.


I want a updated version like they are doing with king of the hill


Yep sequel


no please. its my fav let is remain how great it was and is.







