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Mid is an overstatement, they're terrible


First one was dumb fun for the most part. Love the Hotel scene


Reminded me of the hunter and hunted level from contracts


“Inspector. You’ve obviously learned too much about me. I can’t have that. Not even in my Death”


First movie isn’t that bad. It’s not a good Hitman movie but it is a decent action movie and has beautiful Olga Kurylenko in it. The second movie is just bad. It feels like it tried even harder to be nothing like the games than the first movie did, and no, the movies are not connected to each other in terms of continuity.


Olga kurylenko seems to be part of every single trash action game movie adaptation. First Max Payne now this.


And don’t forget Black Widow where she plays Taskmaster. Where she’s so forgettable


Are you forgetting about the most forgettable Bond girl of all time in QUANTUM OF SOLACE. She was so forgettable that I didn't remember her name and didn't bother looking it up.


Bro that whole movie is forgettable. Was watching a James Bond documentary of how they were made and actors for Bond from Dr. No to SkyFall. The producers and actors hated Quantum of Solace it was just forgettable. The problem was because of the writer’s strike happening around the time, they only got the first draft of the script done.


I just read a thread today about qos on the bond reddit. The general consensus is that it's good if you treat it like the 4th act to Casino Royale and watch them back to back. Since QOS takes place hours after casino and continues the vesper story ark. Not to mention QOS is the shortest bond with an 1:46 run time. If you treat it like it's own thing it's pretty bad. Honestly the only thing I don't like about it is the shaking camera "art style" similar to Jason Bourne in the fight scenes. I just can't tell what the hell is going on Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/JamesBond/s/cu9UPwuQ8R here is the whole thread discussions.


Yeah I guess that could work. Kinda like John Wick 2 and 3, both are great. But it’s better watch them back to back.


Personally, I just prefer to ignore Wick 3. It was good, but kind of pointless. Especially sandwiches between 2 and 3.


I mean. That's what happens when a plot point is the erasure of personality. I do look forward to her return in Thunderbolts. And I hope she's allowed to be the snarky smartass her comic self is. It would make a good coping mechanism for her trauma.


best review i ever saw of that movie included the line "it is so rare to see a movie go style-over-substance and then neglect to add any style"


The first one is actually good, and both protagonist and love interest are well done.


In terms of being hitman movies they are not particularly good. However I did enjoy them as action movies just turn ur brain off and enjoy.


I can’t recall what the actors looked like or who they killed despite having definitely watched them a couple times through the years, so perhaps they were the best Hitman movies of all.


You're might be right here...


Silent assassin rank movie making?


kinda dumb movies. some fun parts. i recall one scene 47 needs an inhaler to give to this old scientist guy. so while in an elevator he swaps this little chubby kid's inhaler for a switchblade. as 47 walks off, the chubby kid smirks as the elevator doors close, his parents not noticing. i found that scene fun.


Then when the kid started choking his parents accidentally stabbed him in the throat


Excellent childcare 47


*Elegantly done*


The Timothy Olyphant movie is not a good *Hitman* adaptation, but it's an excellent assassin / spy movie. Agent 47 was in control of the situation from beginning to end, which is rare for action movie protagonists, who usually get their asses kicked until they barely manage to win at the end. He successfully manipulated and/or outmaneuvered the Russian government, the CIA, Interpol, and his own "Organization" in order to achieve his objectives. That *Hitman* movie is not a good adaptation, but it's one of my favorite movies because of how goddamn smart the protagonist is.


Agent 47 is not only bad, but it's boring. Which is the worst thing a bad movie can be. The first Hitman movie can be funny/interesting at points


its like eating a mcdonalds burger. if you expect fantastic then you need to shift your world view


One was awkward as hell, seen it once and I'm okay leaving it at that. The other one was meh, not the worst game to movie adaptation I've seen. If you've seen both you'll know which is which.


didn't see the 2015 one but the first was genuinely one of the most unpleasant films I've ever seen. I went into it thinking it'd be so bad it's good but it's really just awful lmao


Is it worth watching for a laugh? I'm thinking like is it more like The Room (so bad it's good) or Morbius (mid and boring)


nah, it just sucks. turns 47 into a snarky wise cracking badass and has some terrible performances. I'll say it got a few unintentional laughs from me but like i said really not worth watching even for a laugh


I liked the first one. The second was a bit too silly.


The second one is an abomination. First one is somewhat OK, it’s not necessarily a good Hitman video game adaptation, but it has a few cool scenes and bald Timothy Olyphant looks kinda badass.


The movies really has nothing to do with the games. Just exploiting a character to make a generic low brow movie. Could have been good but they went the wrong route.


It felt like a regular action movie. Not bad but not good either. I kinda liked the second one


The movie most like the Hitman games is called The Killer, and it’s actually quite good. The Hitman movies that bear the name Hitman are not at all good, but they do have entertaining moments.


Mechanic Resurrection is a better Hitman movie.


Both Mechanic movies have kills lifted straight from the Hitman games. The opening scene for the first has Jason Statham drowning a target in a pool, a scene very reminiscent of "Traditions of the Trade" from Codename 47 & Contracts. The second has him creating an accident kill by breaking the glass bottom of a high-rise hot tub, very reminiscent of "You Better Watch Out" from Blood Money.


The first was bleak and generic. The second is quite silly and I enjoyed for what it was. It was also supposed to set-up and Square-Enix cinematic universe, so it’s a stealth Deus Ex film too. It’s very silly and not like the games at all (although there are a few homages I appreciated).


They’re both hot garbage, and that’s mainly because Hitman does not lend itself to movies well at all. It would be very difficult to make a good Hitman movie, because the games are very slow and methodical stealth games when you want the movie to be high paced and action packed. Hitman would be incredible as a TV show. I’m armchair writing here, but imagine one map per two episodes, and the ICA has this “simulation system” where you see Diana and Agent 47 plan everything out and see all the different ways 47 could kill the target. Then the second episode of the arc has the real mission, and something will always go haywire that can lead to tense moments or high paced action to break up the monotony.


Honestly, just make each season a contract. To make it realistic, 47 couldn’t just knock out the gardener and find himself in your bedroom. Show some mission prep, close calls, target stories, ICA drama and obviously infiltration, and I think you’d have a decent formula. Hitman is not an action game so give it the respect it deserves in the spy/drama category and make it an anthology of complex contracts.


I think I'd enjoy it if it wasn't a Hitman movie. But I enjoy it as a "Who cares, just absorb" film if you don't take it seriously. If you do take it seriously... fuck... so bad. Haven't seen the first Hitman movie yet and honestly I'm in no rush


The first one is not that bad if you don’t take it seriously (and the practical effects and some action scenes are good) but the second one is just atrocious, the effects are pure cgi (that looks like dogshit) not a lot of action and just boring to watch in general


As Hitman movies, they are absolutely terrible. As action movies they are okay. They are not Mission: Impossible or John Wick, but if you want to have fun with a movie, they will do that.


If he had an iceballer, it would’ve been a good movie


All of them are shit. One of the hitmen wasn't even bald lmao


The first one was pretty good as a movie, not as a hitman movie, and had some enjoyable moments, the second one I had to watch in 4 parts cause I hated it that much.


I liked them... But he was the kind of 47 that we played as when we were just learning the game. Especially the first one... *"Oh no I've just broken my disguise, no option, better Kill Everyone In The Room"* The second one was more *"Set up an Accident here. And there. Good. Oh dear, there's still more and now I've just broken my disguise, no option, better Kill Everyone In The Room"* As opposed to the way we play 47 when we're good at the game... *"My boss has just accidentally drowned himself in the toilet."* *"Really? My boss just accidentally set himself on fire."* *"My boss just accidentally put poison into his eyes."* *"My boss? I don't know, he just disappeared. So did his bodyguards actually. Except for that one who's bald and I don't think I recognise him actually? Oh well."*


They’re just bad


below average


All of them are horrendous. I think the only way to make a really good movie is to make it subtle, dark, and foreboding. Not an adrenaline filled action movie. That’s literally the exact opposite of the energy of the games.


Rupert friend and playing dreadful versions of bald characters. Name a less iconic duo


I have a soft spot for Olyphant’s. He was a great casting in what was pretty much a generic action flick. The film was a product of its time. He killed it as 47. Now, let’s talk about the olyphant in the room. Rupert Friend aka Tampa Bloom should have been an amazing 47. Agent 48 was perfection as far as looks go. These movies share the same problem. They want to make it into an action movie when it should be a horror film about a wolf in sheep’s clothing stalking you from within the crowd. Hidden in plain sight, you don’t see him until he wants you to and by then you’re already dead. You may not even know you’re dead. It’s hard to get this right for some reason but it shouldn’t be. The route to go would be animated films in the vein of what are essentially feature long cutscenes without the gameplay. Incredibly crisp and life like. It should all be clean and smooth just like his glorious bald dome. They can save the action for when he actually has to get involved with something personally. The best way to do that is to have that be a necessity for an assignment. He has to make it sloppy to frame a group of mercs or something. Only over the course of a few films should we get a 47 that is willing to get personally involved. After all, he does have a conscience somewhere deep inside. So much so that they couldn’t properly get rid of it.




I've said it before and I'll say it again, The Mechanic movies by Jason Statham are more Hitman than the Hitman movies.[Here's Jason going for the Silent Assassin rating](https://youtu.be/MH8bFOdJFuU?si=4wlKht8m9SvQ-g0D)


Look, the first one was like a guilty pleasure, even some reviewers gave it a positive review say it’s dumb fun. The second one is garbage, like so much garbage that it needs a landfill of its own. 47 the Master assassin who is like a ghost, gets caught on purpose in a US Embassy. The more you watch it the more it hurts. Also the director of that movie isn’t know for action, he’s a Music video guy, and the writer for that shit also made Wolverine Origins. Oh and finally, they made Diana Asian, they did cause they got the biggest Star in China so they can release it there, but it flopped. She’s only in the movie for 5 minutes and it’s in the end for the most part where she sends the 48


were you having a stroke while typing up the post


It's a pretty comprehensible post, no idea what you're talking about


Think they just forgot an 'or' before the 'are' lol


Yeah I missed an "or". I think I was drunk when I posted it


Don't think I've ever opened Reddit sober 🤣 so I feel you lol


I was either drunk or stoned I don't remember I'm drunk now


I'm drunk rn too, I think.. could be high 😆


Wish I was high. Currently on holiday without weed but at least I'll have a nice low tolerance when I get back


Well I'd swap right now if I'm being honest, would love a getaway. Been a while since somewhere hotter than Ireland 🤣 My irl cake say was Sat so been on a bit of a bender 🍻 hope you're enjoying yourself wherever you are at least 🤙🏻


Hope you're having a great time! I'm in Tenerife but it really feels like Sapienza


People don't use punctuation these days.


dont see them part of the hitman series and they are good all round B tier Movies. Set your expectations too high and itll be terrible all around


I always find that the movie missed the point of the game


The first movie was ok, manageable. But this film... was just plain bad.


if you dont take in account they are supposed to be Hitman movies, they are decent. I watched both and Agent 47 had some nice scenes in it.


They're bad but i love them


Hitman agent 47 is a fun watch but the other one is a bit shit. Doesn’t feel like 47.


I enjoyed first hitman movie, actor wasn't acting so freaking edgy like in the second one, he was more menacing, silent and emotionless so hos character was definitely closer to games


They are okay as an action film bur not for hitman cause everyone seems to think hitman is an action instead of steth game.


i honestly don't think the movies are that bad. the only thing i can say is bad about them is the storylines. if they were adapted to a different game or as an independent movie, i can see them doing sort of well.


For Hitman movies they’re horrible but for movies overall they aren’t that bad tbh


I've found them both utterly terrible. They completely missed the point if the series. I mean, 90% of the time 47 was going in guns blazing 🤣!


this one is pure trash, not worth wasting time on it...terrible at everything, Hitman 2007 is better tho, not very good but , you don't feel your time is wasted and you might even enjoy it


just bad


Olga Kurylenko. 'Nuff said


I liked Timothy Olyphant's performance really well


Any other protagonist would have made them bad but good. Throw Jason Statham in it as (*insert generic name here*) and they would have been golden... They have a fundamental misunderstanding of Agent 47. He's the most obvious person in every scene he's in in both movies... and the sword fight in the train car?! What TF was that even about. My pitch for Hitman would play out like Se7en, where interpol detectives are following what they think is a serial killer, but it's 47. He's in other scenes with them in disguise, and you literally don't see a red tie until he finally gets stuck on a fire hydrant at an opera house and has to shoot his way out around 2 thirds into the movie.


No director has yet been able to truly capture the essence of Hitman. Hence, both movies are trash.


Half of it is not even related to the game


They are dumb but i still enjoyed them lol


The Killer on Netflix fits the vibe


First movie is so bad it's good. The second one is just bad.


First one fits somewhere between "so bad it's good" and "bad-*just ok* adaptation for the time" for me. Haven't even really bothered to watch the second one. Watched quite a few clips but none of them really garner my interest enough.


The one pictured was a decent action movie, but a terrible Hitman film. That is why we don’t like them. They get the action movie part right, but they often neglect the real story at hand.


I only saw the first one. It made a couple of weird changes to the lore that could have remainded the same and it would had similar impact to the story AND be more accurate to the source material. Overall I would say it actually was mid. I haven't seen the other attempt because from a couple of scenes it looked like hot garbage. If I remember correctly they got the same writer from the first movie which wasn't a big success. Why give him the job again?!


I like both, People here just like to hate on everything cause reasons, I hope me get a 3rd one some day


I can't understand your title..


honestly out of all the video game movies he could've directed, i think an uwe boll hitman movie could've captured the more humorous side of the game, if not anything else.


They are not true to the game and they pump cheap action instead of series’ signature witty stealth. Main actors fail to get the feel of 47 unfortunately.


two problems with the film- and the bigger issue is that an actual suit-only silent assassin film would not be dramatic enough for Hollywood. which then leads to the second problem- adding 'drama' to hitman results in bad scripts. you could very much do a good hitman movie. however, it would be a suspenseful spy thriller, and not an action film. and they wanted to make an action film instead.


The first one was mid but somewhat enjoyable. The second one was utter trash.


Just the first one with timothy olyphant he does his best with a shit everything from story to script and actually resembles hitman agent 47 to a good extent, with an awesome hotel scene (no spoilers) as a longtime hitman game fan since 1 on my terrible pc to the world of assassination on my series x i can honestly say they are all garbage films but as i say the first is even worth having on dvd as i have the extreme edition and olyphant does do well in a shit film but the others just completely avoid. 👍


I enjoyed the one with Timothy Oliphant, but I'd also never played the games before.


A hitman film that actually tries to be like the games would be so fire.


When I'm a professional director I'd love to do a Hitman series


First one is alright i enjoyed it best to see it as not a hitman film tho as they changed quite a bit of the lore and its more of a John wick style


The one with Timothy Olyphant is an enjoyable popcorn movie, or perhaps a guilty pleasure. Atleast it is for me.


I want one directed by the people who made the cutsenes in game


Agent 47 must've hit you in the head with an apricot while you were typing that title.


I literally missed the word "or". The town I'm in rn does look like Sapiezna though


Cool 😎 I didn't know that there was a movie!!! 🍿🥤🎥


There's two! Hitman (2007) and Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)


the film departs from the canon of the game, so if you look at it like that, it’s a typical Hollywood film about shootings and stereotypical Russians, which in general always happens in cinema every year, only sometimes the theme changes and that’s it.


Just watched them all for the first time. First one wouldve been a good original spy movie but as a 47 movie it was horrible. Second one was even worse.


Nah they were ok movies, but bad hitman movies


They go pretty hard




It’s a movie of a video game… I like them as action movies.


Straight up, I love them, fight me. If I’m interested in the subject matter I can enjoy a movie. If I want to watch it I’ll find something to like about it and as a fan I’m always happy about new content. New crow movie? Stoked (Brandon Lee was a human being he isn’t the comic book character Eric Draven) new spawn movie? I’ll believe it when I see it but stoked, Harry Potter? Can’t wait. I know everybody wants *good* content. But I’m just happy the things I like rarely get made into movies and tv shows. What someone said about an episodic contract based tv series I think would be incredibly. But it’s like, what network is making that? Who’s it for and what’s the budget? The most tragic part about 47 as a character is his lack of mass appeal in entertainment value


First one is actually a fun movie, and a way better hitman movie than that dumpster fire I'm the picture 🤙


Mid. only watched the 2007 one, it wasn't bad honestly just maybe not living up to expectations. But like, nice movie, enjoyed myself


What they need to do is make a movie about the origin of him from when he is biologically engineered and then he is trained recruited by the ica and show him taking out targets in his ways..idk I may sound dumb or maybe this game series just isn’t a good one to make into a movie like gta doesn’t get any movie adaptations for instance.