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Because I would get lost trying to find the stairs otherwise




It’s embarrassing 


Because 47's spatial awareness, memory for details and knowledge of his destinations is superior to mine. The minimap simulates that.


That’s now canon for me, thanks friend


So that I can see the minimap


“Why?” Because they don’t want to pause just to see the map?


It's very useful for checking out NPC locations. For example, I can figure out if I have time to knock out+dump a body if I check a roaming NPC's precise position on the minimap, rather than having to make an educated guess based on instinct.


I dont like to use the detective vision too much so the minimap helps. Blood Money had a similar map so I dont mind it.


Every Hitman game prior to Blood Money had this map too


If it had the map feature of Blood money, I would definitely disable HUD Minimap.


I rather use the map then Xray Vision tbh. You know where you are at a glance and usually that's all i need.


- With one glance you can quickly see the direction of targets, hidden stashes/agency pickups, and freelancer couriers. - It allows you to quickly assess your surroundings without rotating the camera. - You can easily see where enforcers are and quickly alter your route. - You can easily see who's approaching you. It's especially useful when you're in a small room with multiple doors and need to do something illegal. It's quicker than instinct for this (and case in point I play with instinct disabled.)


You can get First Person view mod and disable vision assists to the max, that’s how I play.


Minimap enabled, but without non target NPC’s, so I can know whether I’m trespassing.


Because it's convenient and it takes more effort to turn it off than just ignoring it if it bothers you (it doesn't bother me.). There will always be people who say X, Y or Z is too easy or unnecessary or whatever. There are also plenty of people who think the game is too hard even with the map. Thankfully Hitman is quite good about letting you customize the experience so both sides can play in peace.


its the default setting and doesn't hinder my experience im leaving it as is


What do women have to do with it? I'm a dude and turn off most hud elements except my map, it's my buddy.