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Where has all that cattle blood gone?


Yeah cattle mutilation is an interesting one.


Deathmetal Paula Cole?


Govt boys in unmarked black choppers are harvesting cattle lymph nodes to record cancer instances in areas more irradiated than is publicly known.


Which government? It's a worldwide phenomenon.


> It's a worldwide phenomenon That’s because despite the hyperbole it’s a normal part of scavenging.


Quantum Immortality, NDEs, Parallel Universes, and lastly, what is actually the fucking point of our current existence?


Whatever it is we’re a natural symptom of it. We cycle but like every other aspect of nature cycles from the smallest levels to the biggest we can perceive. So we’re part of the same natural order. For some reason that calms me down a bit. Whatever it is. It’s bigger than us, out of our control, and beyond understanding for now. But whatever is going on in this universe seems to be going as it should


Why we actually dream would probably solve a lot of other mysteries, so I'd go with that one.


Just the fact that dreams only feel less real in retrospect, after you wake up, is a mind-bender. What does that say about *this* reality?


My dreams during my dreams I realize quite a lot that I am dreaming so dk bout that


As someone who has experienced seizures many times, I can certainly agree that we go "somewhere else" when our consciousness is compromised. It's similar to the way we experience dreams. Conversely, that is also what scares me about anesthesia. It feels like we are spiritually "turned off" when under anesthesia.


Anesthesia reminds me of dissociation. Dissociation is fine, it's just which parts of me have access to certain memories. Anesthesia does what it's supposed and doesn't let us make any memories


Whenever I come out from under anesthesia I'm always very angry and ready to fight. I tried to remove my breathing tube when I woke up early one time after hernia surgery. Yeah it's a mind fuck


Wow. I’m totally opposite and feel like I just dropped down from heaven. Lol when I get back to reality, everything seems a lot less shiny. Mind fuck is right!


I feel the same, the most peaceful and comfortable feeling in the world. After I wake up from it I have a better understanding of how Michael Jackson died.


Same. I acted like a feral caveman. So embarrassing. I’m a nice person too so none of the staff saw it coming. Hell, didn’t see it coming. Both times turned me into an rage animal lol.


I got my tonsils out when i was 10 and the way anesthesia looks on the movies is how it is irl. The twisty/unfocused lights and the way everything blacks out. I actually tried to fight it and i just couldn't. Blank.


You're exactly right. Completely blank. It's kind of scary. I just had surgery recently and it's just like everything literally turns off and you suddenly wake up. That's why I'm trying to articulate that like every other time I've lost consciousness, even if everything goes black, I'm still aware in a way. Like I'm somewhere else before I come back. But with anesthesia it's just completely turned off.


I agree, I've passed out before and even though that's still a darkness, it doesnt feel the same as anesthesia. Sleeping and passing out kinda feel the same, you know that some time has passed but not how much. The anesthesia took me to a place out of time, bro.


I like the feeling of the petite Mal, I must admit. Such a weird, deja vu type of thing, it certainly warps reality for me.


Agreed. When I experience seizures Im still "aware" in a way and oddly enough it's always a warm happy feeling until I come back to consciousness and then I feel like crap. Check out the movie "Electricity" it shows the experience of having a seizure in such a realistic way.


I like the theory that our brain is trying to figure out what to do in hypothetical situations.


Training hard for all those times that I’ll be randomly not wearing pants in classes I’m not taking at schools I’ve already graduated from


Yeah, happens to me ALL the time.


Me too, but then why do I dream about being in the Harry Potter universe at times? Come on brain. You and I both damn well know that will never happen


No reason for our brains to know that! They're magic because they're down to adapt to anything


Next world, boss hang in there.


It’s probably because we are more than our physical bodies and while we do have a body, other bodies that are also us like the astral body in this case, leaves the body at night because we’re souls that transcend time and space, so of course we can leave our bodies at night and we wind up tapping into alternate realities, alternate dimensions, possibly even realities of our own subconscious creation. That’s my take on it though.


I constantly dream about being at work, why can’t I go to Neptune or something ??


A fellow Bob Monroe enthusiast?


I’m pretty sure that my dog dreams. And if he dreams, then I would imagine that other animals do too. How do you think that fits in? Genuinely curious.


As the lifelong owner of many dogs, I can say dogs DEFINITELY dream


Honestly, most neurologists and sleep specialists believe research shows sleep is necessary to process memory, clean out proteins that if left have been linked to dementia and other physical body needs. The dreaming is just the brain sitting on the sidelines while this all occurs. But it's nice to think it's something more.


What about dreams that become real? I had a dream I lost my phone at an amusement park and it happened that day. Found it high up in a tree stuck to another phone like a sandwich both phones without a scratch. Another time I had a dream someone was playing monopoly and when I wake up I have a text and ask that person what they’re doing and they say playing monopoly.


In real life your phone was up a tree???


Yeah, in a branch high up a tree stuck to another phone like a sandwich. I feel like that’s God or the universe showing it’s sense of humor


That's so strange! Who did the other phone belong to? How did you spot them?


> What about dreams that become real? confirmation bias.


Too much of a coincidence to be confirmation bias How can I be dreaming about someone playing monopoly right before I wake up then when I wake up I respond to a text and ask what they’re doing and they say playing monopoly Had a dream a guy with something different about his eyes took my ipad. That day on my way home I ran into a guy with a blue and a brown eye I had only met once thru a friend. He took a box of candies I had that was shaped like an ipad. In the dream I got mad. In person too till I realized he was just drunk and wanted candy. Those aren’t the only dreams I’ve had that come true either. My dad was a priest in santeria and both my parents did magic so it’s not uncommon. I’ve had crazier dreams come true.


I guess it's essential to recharge in the astral realms. But do astral bodies sleep too? Maybe our fuzzy dreams are from our sleeping astral mind. And the clear ones are the awake state.




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You are right, it will solve some problems. I suggest you to read Jung, or Tibetan book of dream and sleeping.


I think it’s strange how so many people have had “mantis” experiences. On psychedelics or in alleged abduction cases. Hell, even if it’s just dreams, it’s still weird. Why are they a commonality in so many people’s experiences around the world? Why are people’s experiences also always very similar (people reporting that they are being “scanned”, undergoing some kind of surgery, etc.) I had an experience before I had even heard of what a mantis being was; reading other people’s experiences really trips me out because so many people report the same things I experienced.


People repeatedly encountering certain entities under specific circumstances is very interesting to me. Meeting the Machine Elves under the influence of DMT, or seeing the Hat Man on benadryl. Stories of the Old Hag from sufferers of sleep paralysis are also timeless. I think it's fascinating, considering how often we hear of it.


Drugs are like turning the knob on the radio of reality.


Mantis is greek for Prophet


Agreed! The Bushman Tribe in Africa worship the praying mantis and believe they are a symbol of God. How did they come up with this?! Makes you wonder…


What happens when we die?


I hope it’s either some kind of afterlife or nothing. I’m not really down for reincarnation.


The universe, the seasons, the tides, the constant change from day to night, life and death, all too similar in my opinion. It leads me to believe that we are on some kind of cycle. I don't want to cause existential dread for anyone so I'll tell you what I've come to believe, maybe it will help someone: No matter what happens, it's not up to you.


> I don't want to cause existential dread for anyone Thanks I feel this all the time lmao :/


I feel like it's the opposite that what happens is up to you


But you would never even realize ypu had been reincarnated


There are a LOT of stories of kids telling very compelling stories about their past lives.


Yea those fascinate me but it seems like they only remember up to a certain age and then start to forget unless I myself am remembering wrong


You’re not. Also, some kids are able to see ghosts (shadow figures, whatever you wanna call them) at an earlier age. And as they grow up most don’t experience it anymore. But there’s only one way to confidently know what awaits for us after death


They forget their past life but it doesn't mean they didn't live it.


To me, reincarnation is by far the most palatable of the afterlife options. It’d be nice to chill in paradise for a while but to do so *forever* seems like it’d get boring with no end in sight.


This should be higher up


Eh, I commented late


Read up Near Death Experiences. They suggest we go home to a most wonderful place -- heaven.


I'm not sure if this falls under unsolved mysteries, but the Osirion in Egypt. It is believed to have been constructed during the old empire but it is a very intriguing site.


It's a very cool construction, but what makes it a 'mystery' would you say? Or special?


Its interesting that the only historical record of the site from ancient Greece tags Seti's cenotaph as being similar to the labyrinths built in honor of Memnon, when Seti took up the title of Memaatre


- Knights Templar - Apports (Objects that materialize out of nothing) - Suppression of life saving treatments - Levitation - Time slips - Glitches in the Matrix - Quantum Immortality - the Mandela Effect - Telepathy - Inner earth - Remote viewing and healing - Cryptozoology - Reincarnation - UFOs - Psychedelics - Near Death Experiences - Atlantis - Teleportation - Bilocation - Synchronicities - Earth power grid - Zero Point Energy. Honestly everything interests me at this point.


Speaking of time slips you should listen to episode 351 on the confessionals podcast! It’s called Secret Military Enochian Technology


I find myself returning to that episode more than a few times. So good.


Sounds like we'd vibe over a few beers 😎


You should map those to existing or new subreddits. :)


Also where can I find more information on the suppression of life saving treatments? I work in the medical field so I feel like this would be interesting to look at


Well so far I’ve only found tantalizing tidbits with no real means of verifying their veracity, so take my words with a grain of salt please! Firstly, I heard a throwaway remark on Joe Rogan’s podcast that there was a drug called [Fenbendazole](https://youtu.be/9vHEYYl9JqI?feature=shared) that was remarkably effective at treating cancer; I’ve linked to a video explaining this a little bit. Secondly, there’s this Charles Eisenstein [interview](https://youtu.be/f8cxxoJoNck?feature=shared) with a woman whose son was cured of an advanced stage of cancer thanks to a treatment with vitamin C. This led me to Thomas Levy’s book called _Curing the Incurable_ where he apparently explains this discovery. (I say “apparently” because I haven’t yet read it!) Thirdly, I found a reddit thread explaining the invention of Royal Raymond Rife, who was supposed to have created a device that enabled him to “_observe cancer viruses as they changed their size and form. He discovered that exposing a virus to certain frequencies of radio waves killed it quickly. Years of experimentation led to Rife's invention of the Frequency Instrument, a device that produced the exact frequencies needed to destroy various viruses._” (Taken from the blurb of ‘The Cancer Cure that Worked’ by Barry Lymes.) Again, I haven’t read this book so please take what I’m saying with a grain of salt.


I think we only know a tiny fraction of the power of healing frequencies.


Holistic healing is vilified by a for-profit system that wants to keep people poor, stupid, and sick. I heard bells 🔔 have the power to heal people because of the frequency of sound they put out too!


That's very interesting. Churches have always used bells for every occasion. I hadn't thought of them having powerful effects through sound.


I love your open mind. There is so much to intrigue us, and to make us question what we're told is "reality". I find NDEs so inspiring, comforting and helpful. I do believe this life is a time of learning and being tested, and then we go home.


- Animal (and plant) ability to understand human language or moods - Who actually was Jack the Ripper? - Why would NHI bother to visit Earth? - What do ghosts get out of haunting places? - What the heck is in Loch Ness? - What does big foot do with their dead and waste products? - What's the real story behind JFK's assassination? - How much of what shapes our shared internet experience is shaped for nefarious purposes? - Why is pickle beer a thing?


For some ghosts, i had a personal theory that sometimes we become the ghosts when we sleep. The reason this came to my head was how all my dreams tend to have these locations that are literally notoriously haunted IRL and the shit ghosts "say" like im lost, help me. Places like old victorian mansions, hospitals, hotels, random places in the woods, tunnels and basements, stairs and hallways. Also knocking or running around like crazy. In my dreams, I usually am lost or running through shit from something. Up and down stairs, through weird vents and small tunnels that go all over the buildings. Most of the time i dont know where i am, i just "teleport" through weird nonsensical ways. But then i realized, so do ghosts? Mirrors, vents, doorways of all kinds. The ceiling. It would be fucked up if the unknown entities i was running from in my dreams were actually just ghost hunters in some abandoned asylum trying to figure out why footsteps keep banging through the halls...


oooo this is a very cool theory!


That's interesting. My husband had recurrent dreams of being in horrible areas with broken walls, crumbling roads etc and he'd be trying to find his way out but be blocked by rockfalls or sheer drops.


r/TheMallWorld it isnt always a mall...


For Jack The Ripper there is a great documentary that proposes it was Charles Allen Lechmere. The documentary is called Jack The Ripper: The New Evidence. I guess we will probably never know, but the show makes a really good case for The Ripper being Lechmere.


I’m convinced he was artist Walter Sickert. So much circumstantial evidence! His servants reported that he was prone to wandering around at night and many other oddities.


Gravity particles. We theorized and detected the waves... I keep hearing about wave/particle duality... I guess I just want it to be a thing. I've seen a bunch of UFOs but I am not sure they're manipulating gravity. And none of the UFO pilots are talking about their mechanisms, so Gravity is still a great mystery of our time. 


DMT experiences, near death experiences, Mandela effect, Observer effect


Crop circles. Literal evidence that some can’t be formed by humans in the speed in which they are made or the accuracy and quality it takes to make them. Mind boggling to me. The cattle mutilations, so many and for so long and still no explanation as to what’s going on! The story of the kids in Brazil taht all saw the Alien that landed, and as adults they all hang out again and corroborate the same narrative. This one has nothing to do with the supernatural but, how did that kid know how to perfectly describe Michael Jackson alopecia ridden penis?


Spontaneous human combustion, I find it absolutely fascinating. Did they burn like a candle, was it all at once, and what's up with it being contained and not spreading? 🤔


I've read two books specifically on that subject. You should read them: Fire from Heaven (1990) by Michael Harrison, and Spontaneous Human Combustion (1992) by Jenny Randles and Peter Hough.


That one scares me


I'm just gonna say quantum physics in general. I learned enough about it to cringe every time I see someone bring it up in the context of high strangeness or the paranormal (even though I'm doing that right now). I also learned enough to know how fucking confusing it is and how little we actually know about how things work at that scale. I think it's one of those rare modern scientific endeavors that feels like we're actually pioneering an entire field of study. We learn new things all the time in science, but it's rare in modern times that we uncover something so fundamentally part of everything and so completely unknown. There are two big sciences that I absolutely fucking love. Cosmology and quantum physics. Cosmology is awesome because it's such a massive scale and there's tons of weird shit to learn about the universe on such a scale. Quantum physics though is something that I feel is much more present in our daily lives. It's something we interact with every moment of every day and it's something that we just cannot figure out. I don't know if quantum physics qualify as high strangeness though. It's weird, but it's science weird, not strangeness weird. To me, the most interesting high strangeness topic is probably OBE's (out of body experiences). I've read enough to feel like they're a real thing, but it's hard to wrap your mind around how it possibly could be a real thing within the confines of what we understand about the universe. It's hard to corroborate any of the stories about OBE's though because they are all pretty much just stories. Things like astral projection are widely believed, but yet to be proven in a scientific setting, and overall there just isn't strong evidence besides people's own personal experiences. I think those personal experiences are valuable, but I understand their limitations. As always, I find things like this very intriguing, but despite the feeling that they are real, I'm absolutely willing to accept that they're total nonsense.


I find it fascinating how some people are always at the ready to play down the stranger aspects of quantum physics the moment you bring it up. It’s not settled science, there are multiple interpretations of it, yet for some it’s simply not up for debate. It’s almost like they’re afraid of the implications.


“afraid of the implications” I think this is exactly it. Same with the people who say free will is an illusion. My favorite quantum interpretation is John Archibald Wheeler’s Participatory Realism. Overview from PBS Space Time: https://youtu.be/I8p1yqnuk8Y?si=_Q75P1HwkrcEWVHn


I think the reason it's downplayed isn't because it's not recognized as being strange. I think it's because we just don't know enough about it. When I see it get brought up in high-strangeness conversations, it's almost always used as some sort of scientific rationale for an extremely fringe belief where it just doesn't apply. it's less about discussing quantum physics than it is discussing their other theories and using quantum physics as a way to justify a belief that has nothing to do with it. I think consciousness is a big place where this gets brought up a lot, and I don't know if that's a good thing. There's just nothing really tying these things together other than an assumption about / extrapolation of the observer effect. I think it's all very interesting mind you, and don't want to downplay the observer effect, I just think it's strange that people take a science that we barely understand and refer to a single experiment, the results of which we have yet to make sense of, and use that as some sort of jumping off point for their theory on consciousness. To me, the truth of it is that Quantum Physics is strange, but we know so very little about it that we should not be using it in any capacity to explain other things. We need to study it more and learn more about it before we can use it as an explanation.


I think there's certainly potential within quantum physics to explain what we think of as spiritual phenomena, but when people throw the word quantum into every instagram reel and argument they make online for what they believe, without providing a solid rationale for how it all fits together, it really makes me cringe.


>cringe every time I see someone bring it up in the context of high strangeness or the paranormal The double slit experiment comes to mind, one of the most misrepresented phenomenon under the matter id say 😂


The thing to me about quantum mechanics is that it honestly makes as much sense to me as more traditional physics. People treat it as this mind-blowing "wow this changes everything" but as a deep skeptic who never really believed in the spherical cow, quantum mechanics honestly seems fine. (from someone with a degree in math, and has read a good deal about it guided by friends with degrees in physics)


What do you mean you never believed in the spherical cow? Isn’t that just a metaphor for stripping a problem down to its essentials in order to begin gaining insight? What is there to believe?


I'm skeptical that using such a simplistic model is as meaningful and the assumptions built on top of it.


I used to love everything about astrophysics and quantum physics too, but i just got tired of how "pop science" it became . There is groundbreaking discoveries so often that changes how we see the universe but those arent the things getting stuck in people's heads, i still see many people saying that the big bang *is* how the universe was for sure created when science is already past that and into the inflationary model which IS different. That's just one example. Like people only caught on to trendy shit that went viral on twitter or when neil degrasse tyson says it in a quip.


What science should we be looking up ((especially for space ))


DB Cooper


1) UFO's/aliens, 2) Is there a soul/reincarnation/ghosts, 3) Do we have untapped powers or is that all ego?


The crystal skulls that were found in different places around the world!!


Says they are most likely made in Europe


Really!! Interesting I hadn't heard that, thanks




Sweet I'll check it out!


[Amazing *Peep Show* clip about same](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LDfXMf1oYI&ab_channel=PeepShow)


How was the Coral Castle built.


Never heard of it! Can u explain pls?


I had this dream one time where i legitimately felt like i was waking up in another reality. My eyes were opening up, I was at a diner with what I think were my friends. My head was down on the table and I was coming to, and something pulled me back to this reality. I don’t know what dying is like, but when I woke up gasping for air I thought I was dying. That’s a mystery I want answers to.




I'm of the mind Mel's Hole is a hoax.


Probably, cool story though


"I dropped 15,000 feet of fishing line and still didn't hit the bottom.."


dark matter and dark energy


Have you read Hunt for Zero Point? Check it out, might be up your street.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys3C1H\_1F2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys3C1H_1F2A) I'll just leave this here.


That is...what do the kids say.. quite the banger.


What happens when you dial 1-800-876-5353?


Better yet, 876 5309.. Does Jenny answer??


Nazca Tridactyls.


Great info on these sorta things on this ep of [Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJz_ITkTjOM&list=PLWxnRtUmHrZIv6SjH2HJ8sCYGNDWH8ens&index=5&ab_channel=LowFlyingAircraft)


the moon shaft it ts got action adventure nazis,ww2 war heros soldiers. Find weird cave abd black stone thats ancient. War hero gets girl.war hero tries to find cave again no luck location dies with the Sargeant and is still a hell of a mystery. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonshaft


« Dyatlov pass incident » is a scary one


Dreams are just a way for our brain to process memories that we have subconsciously registered. It basically helps delete all the cache memories of our lives. :P


Where all my socks are going


Same here :(


Patterson-Gimlin Film




Good knowledge of geometry and geography. The question is: who are they meant for? Also, why is there an elephant pictured in Peru?


I suppose the best explanation of elephants is that wooly mammoths existed in the americas. But even that isn’t a great explanation.


Woolly mammoths never went South of Mexico, but people could have heard stories, or themselves migrated. Clearly they were able to retain a lot of important knowledge through oral tradition, so it's possible.


Right, anything connected by land is fair to assume could have experienced cultural exchange. It doesn’t need to be a large scale migration, it could literally just be a few people traveling north and then back and bringing knowledge of what’s there. Like yeah we don’t have explicit proof of that happening, but I don’t think it’s wrong to assume that it could have happened.


There were mastodons in South America https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notiomastodon


grand canyon


Out of interest, what's the unsolved mystery there? It's an extremely well-studied structure after all.


Unrealistic erosion timeline + plasma, electrical solar discharge pattern


Dyatlov pass…


That's a strange one... I kind of think that the avalanche theory might be the right answer.. But who knows...


Ancient Egypt. Then called khem. Built by thoth. A literal atlantean. Born before the great flood. He stayed on earth during and after the flood to build khem in the likness of Atlantis and to keep the wisdom He had of the nature or reality that all atlaneans had. Dreaming. Think of it as similar to astral projection your soul canl eave your body at night to do "things" ., also information sorting within the brain can create the less vivid dreams. Lucid dreaming can be done on purpose and controlled it's fun.... try it That Malaysian flight.... well there was just another scientist who created yet another free energy device. And you know they powers that be can have that now can they. So they did the only thing they could and that was scuttle the plane. Many, like 99.9% of all planes, now have a guidance technology system made by the illuminati, I mean Microsoft


Illuminati and Microsoft? K


MH 370 makes zero sense... That one along with flight 19...


For ancient Egypt, check out the great doc Magical Egypt, most of which is on Youtube: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1787082/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1787082/) For computers/illumanti, try the book *Stalking the Great Whore: The Lost Writings of James Shelby Downard*


The druids


Martin Wall's book *Magical History of Britain* is great on this and similar topics. Hidden gem for sure.


JFK conspiracy


You might like this book: [https://nocturnalrevelries.com/2023/12/17/fred-lee-crisman-the-cias-agent-of-disruption-jfk-ufo-by-kenn-thomas/](https://nocturnalrevelries.com/2023/12/17/fred-lee-crisman-the-cias-agent-of-disruption-jfk-ufo-by-kenn-thomas/)


The Mandela effect


The Escape from Alcatraz.


Clint Eastwood solved that...


Aliens, ghosts and the afterlife.




What is unsolved about ancient Egypt?


I think there is still plenty we don't know. I don't think there is anything particularly supernatural about it. For example, we don't know exactly what was the purpose of the Great Pyramid, since it never served as a tomb (perhaps it was meant to). There is a chest in the top chamber. We don't know what was in it.


Who built the Great Pyramid and why https://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+great+pyramid+fraud.-a0256071668


Also what is below them. Have read stories from WW2 veterans who claimed there are tunnels underneath them all.




Cold cases


Why do we dream ?


Maybe the subconscious filters are asleep and we see our inner self and astral realms. Awake our physical survival filters are on.


The murders at Hinterkaifeck


I forget about these (source if you're like me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinterkaifeck_murders). Creepy as hell, for sure.




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The Wow! signal (and the Fermi paradox in general)


What is the answer to the meaning of the ultimate question the meaning of life? Answer 42


Where do UFOs come from, what are they?


Like the song says, they come from up your bum and they look just like your mum.


Dreams are just a way for our brain to process memories that we have subconsciously registered. It basically helps delete all the cache memories of our lives. :P


Dreams are just a way for our brain to process memories that we have subconsciously registered. It basically helps delete all the cache memories of our lives.


But surely there must be more to dreaming than just that!


there must be but fundamentally dreams' purpose is this..also they unlock our creative abilities and we can fathom about our levels of imagination as human beings! what wonder...


Interactions with unidentifiable dimensional beings: Spring heel jack Sam the Sandown clown Indrid cold Etc


Out of all the craziness, I always come back to double slit.


Missing 411


I haven't watched an episode for years. I can't remember them.




The Madeleine McCann mystery. I don't believe we've been told anything near the truth.


The airship flap of the early 1900’s. Absolutely bizarre.


Dan Cooper


Comment to look up these later


The Amber Room


I want a Probe to be sent to the Cydonia region of Mars and I want to have proof - as NASA claims - that the "face" on Mars is rly just a random mountain looking a bit funny - OR as experts in the recognition of artificial structures on pics taken from the sky, claim that there are a number of artificial structures in Cydonia which must have been built by someone at sometime. Why does this not get me more attention and outrage as to why NASA refuses to send a probe exactly there?


> Why does this not get me more attention and outrage as to why NASA refuses to send a probe exactly there? It's extremely, extremely expensive and they don't see the point in it because it's not an otherwise very interesting spot.


Well... According to them .... but we have money to put probes to totally empty places. According to aerial photography experts, there are multiple artificial structures there, including an 8 sided pyramid. But whatever ... Who cares about artificial structures on our neighboring planet when humanity is not supposed to know anyway.


If you thought something was just a rock, why would you bother to send an expensive sensor there? Just because someone else said it looked like an alien pyramid?


They know exactly that it's not just a random mountain because they made the effort to edit the pictures that they released to the public a lot to make it look like a random mountain. Just like they edited all the other pics Mars and added a heavy orange tint.... Which is not actually the reality.


Moving megaliths. How?


A road of logs. Ropes. Crude levers and pulleys. Manpower.



