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Wow standing ovation here for both the original artist and the restorer. "Ouch!" is definitely emotionally evocative and eerie considering our current situation. I hope we make the right choice before August 17th 2024. Edit: Apparently they are the same person and no one left it at the base? Well it fooled me for a bit. It was still cool without the dramatic story.


I’ve read that some of the core tech infrastructure of the nuclear arms system still uses archaic machines as a hardening against modern sabotage and surveillance programs. Perhaps that was part of the aesthetic. As an 80’s kid, that emotionless digital monotone is definitely the voice of my apocalypse anxieties.


It’s fake, a cool project but fake nonetheless. The OP made the device and documented it fully on github. Here is the github page for his project https://github.com/Halophilus/Ouch-


let's be clear, the story is fabricated. the project piece is very real.


You can’t hack analog via digital means and you can’t hack closed-loop intranets hard-wired from external means. I’d bet all my pennies that every major power in the world keeps certain things like nuclear access and certain networks analog or hard-wired in a closed-loop. Also same reason why a lot of large companies/corporations are going back to keeping certain things off computers, analog only


Please before anyone takes this video at face value look at his post history and understand this is a modern art project and not something found or reconstructed as presented in the video. Below is an example of post history that would help build these types of things. It isn’t found and it isn’t from an old abandoned base (maybe the pieces are but I even doubt that given the age of the base retirement and age of the computer). https://www.reddit.com/r/AskComputerScience/s/YE8WDctgDh Here is the github page for his project https://github.com/Halophilus/Ouch- I will however say nice work OP, I love retro gaming and like you have a passion for these fun projects.


Anyone who's interested, feel free to go check out the repository. It has all the details about how I tried to simulate the behavior of an aged terminal with a Raspberry Pi. Seriously, the entire premise of this video is that I made a replica of what I thought the original work would look like, so if this is the smoking gun for you then I suggest a re-watch.




"Probably not illegal" that's my motto!


Strangest for me was after watching this art about nuclear war I read today's headline that Russia and North Korea signed a mutual defense pact and they "may develop weapons and technology ties". It set me up in a weird headspace for that news.




Fascinating stuff.


I’m coming back later 🍿


Genius. I’m having a very hard time believing that the artist of Ouch and the artist of the video aren’t one and the same though. Edit: they are the same. But still very cool and frankly doesn’t require the fake lore to be interesting.


This is seriously impressive. This honestly scared the shit out of me when I first watched it.


I hope this is not one of them strange things that told the future before we toke it seriously. really standing ovation 👏 !!


I always toke seriously


Which base? Loring?


USAF South Weymouth in Massachusetts


Lol i used to airsoft there






This is so good


so did the creator actually post this video with the intention to deceive people with the post and back story or did someone find the video and do no due diligence before posting it?


I thought this was another Nathan fielder bit


fantastic work I caught some interesting wording 'seven seals' etc I'm excited to see the additional videos There's some very very interesting layers to this Great work OP


Fun story!