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busting a nut and then googling Bible verses is a serious post nut clarity 


Man's is doing both concurrently. This is advanced... Whatever it is.


Next time pornhub asks if you are an adult?.....umm say NO. I dont think that kind of content is helping you....


I really wish I’d not read this. I feel much more stupid for it.


"It's like the Bible Code...but sexy."


Love it 🥰


Sounds like the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon


Seek help, you're clearly suffering some kind of mental break.


This is absolutely fantastically batshit. It's my favourite post I've ever seen on this wacky subreddit. I don't doubt that across 31,000 Bible verses it's going to be pretty easy to find one that coincides with a particular second of a particular scene for each of the pornographic videos you happen to have checked, but there's meant to be the equivalent of centuries of pornographic video online, so I suggest finding a way to live forever if you want to prove your hypothesis. I bet there's hundreds for Luke 2:49 for the creepy stepmom porn crowd - 'Why is it that you were seeking Me? Did you not know that it behooves Me to be in the house of My Father?'


So it’s just chance??


In all likelihood, yes. It's a genuinely interesting idea, but one that would need a lot more to go on before it had legs.


So wait, are you saying this is a real thing or it’s just coincidences?


I'm not saying either. What I'm saying is that you've come up with a hypothesis - that every pornographic video in existence has a bible verse that describes a scene in it. You've provided a couple of examples which is nowhere near enough to show whether this is random or there's some statistical validity to it. Like any observed phenomenon which results in a hypothesis, you now need significantly more examples and to find how many scenes do *not* relate to bible passages. This will develop a body of data by which you can determine more. So it could be real or a coincidence - the burden of proof is on you.


Fuck that.


Then unfortunately you're just adding to the crackpot theories side of this subreddit. It's a shame - you have a testable hypothesis.


So wait, sorry what do I gotta do?


You just have to compile enough examples to prove or disprove your hypothesis: 1. Watch more pornography, from a range of sources, a range of lengths (seconds to hours - it varies hugely), themes etc. 2. If your idea is that the beginning moment of a scene's timestamp connects to it in a bible verse, find that bible verse for each scene. If it is instead that one particular second of a porn video connects to a bible passage, you'll have more work to do as you'll have to check them all. 3. Compile data for where there is a correlation - a scene whose starting moment correlates with a specific description in a bible verse, making note of details of both. 4. Compile data for where there is *no* correlation - scenes which have no obvious match. 5. Determine if this is a statistically significant phenomenon (lots of guidance for how to do this online, or if you already know a bit about statistics). You might find that it is statistically significant with a small margin of error, so you are on to something. You might find that only a small percentage of scenes have a correlation to a bible verse. That way, you can come up with a proper theory. You could even go further - if there's a correlation, do certain books of the bible correlate more, or with certain genres of pornography? I know it sounds complex but it's pretty good fun to do.


He wont


Internet is a sad place where you see sad people like you op...


Think this through. Acknowledge that it just doesn’t make sense. It is not possible. What constitutes “a porn video”? The feed from my security camera when it catches well endowed joggers in grey sweatpants? Yes, it does. What about a drone video that passes over a public swimming pool, where some men and women are wearing skimpy swimsuits? Yes, this is porn too to many people. What about an instructional video about how to perform safe and as-ethical-as-we-can horse semen extraction for the purpose of artificially inseminating a mare? Yes, this is also porn. If you don’t think so, somebody else does. Which means that the video of your mom eating her wedding cake is also porn. There are infinite porn videos. They are being created at a faster rate than they can be viewed. Do you really think that — ahhh nevermind. Just…get some rest, alright? Sending good vibes.


Every porn video, mark my words.


I just shot a new porn video that is .25 seconds long. It’s very graphic. So tell us, what does the Bible say happens in this 1/4 second long video?


If you enter Bible 25 into google, you will get Parable of Ten Virgin. How’s that for graphic.


But it’s not 25. It’s 0.25. And that’s the end of the video! I’ll just tell you: the video is of two space sex robots performing the Casper Slide naked with a billionaire who is actually a mid-century modern coffee table, all moaning Beyoncé’s first album in harmony *but to the beat of Backstreet Boys’ most recent album*. Sorry bud, but I’m pretty sure the Bible waits until wayyy later to introduce robots, 90s choreography, billionaires, furniture styles from the 1950s, pop stars, and western music consonance. I guess it’s been a while since I read it though.


So this is a hypothetical question then? Like the porn video has not been made? Well in that case, prove me wrong when you actually MAKE that video, Because it ain’t gonna happen. And it doesn’t have the Bible verse because it ain’t gonna happen. Unless it’s about 10 virgins.


It's 5AM on a Sunday and I can't sleep, send it. I'm desperate brother, I'll try anything.


Sorry, this one’s for my private stash ;) But just read the Bible, pretty much the same thing. Plus, it also includes all other porn, too. Happy praying


Homeboy getting his special sauce in his word salad


Over fitting pattern recognition will result in schizophrenia. That being said, there's some weird shit going on with acausal biblical verse. If you presume it's real, you already know it's some bad shit to be aligning verse to pornographic time stamps. That being the case, what is your intentionality here? Are you trying you convince others of the validity? If it's real, what value of it? Are you trying to convince yourself? Go on then, man, you can run those numbers to infinite configurations, there's always gonna be a validating element. Either it's real, and you should stop fucking with it, and probably go to church. Or it's not real, and you're just worsening your mental health to no good end. And you should probably go to church. (And also, get help. If available.) Whats the third option here? That is real, and you can somehow bend this theologic-sexology to your advantage? In that case, you definitely need to get your ass to church. Ffs how deep u gotta be to even start calculating this kinda synchronicity? Your parents love you, and even if they don't, they should. Get it sorted. I'm praying for you. 🙏


I am trying to get this, this comment. Omg thank you so much. You have freed me. Please for my sake, could we enter into a rational discussion of what this means? Like why do you say it is bad shit?


Sure dawg, hmu directly tho. Public forum ain't the place for it.


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but what if in the video I watch at 17:43 they say 'choke me daddy' ???


That video will have a different scene that is perfectly encapsulates


Does watching Nun porn cancel this out?


Been watching naughty nun videos?


You would have to do a much larger sample (lol) to determine any kind of pattern and claim that it’s in “every video.”