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The fascinating thing about this thread is it’s from 2016, he predicts exactly when Covid would hit use in America. He didn’t say what it was, he said in 3 years 3 months something will happen that changes the way we live our lives. From the date of his post it was exactly 3 years 3 months from 2020. He goes onto say there will be something even worse a little while after that which will affect America the most! Yikes


Well you can make this predictions always and something happens during that time. If he would predict not vaguely then there would be way more weight in it.


I can tell you didn’t read it all. He drops some hints that make it clear he was talking about Covid 19 AND the v@x.


Yeah but not like that


Weird. I was just thinking about this today.


I'd be in favor of more aggressive rules on this subreddit if it prevented low effort shitposts like this. This is either a reddit attempt at war of worlds style 'is it true' fiction with the effort level of a 5 second tiktok, or mental illness.


Dude predicted Covid by year and month


where...dude talked in riddles about vaccines as a means to get people to live underground, and 2020 being a cosmological event. When pressed on 2020 he said it was going to be related to planet of the crossing (aka nebiru/x/other bullshit names). Dude is way off on the size of NYC/Chicago/Etc. Dude is full of shit.