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They can’t afford it and her family doesn’t want her there


I genuinely wonder how they respond when asked at functions such as this: a.) Do you have any children? and b.) What does your daughter do for a living?


Her father is a handsome man, at least at this age, I've never seen younger pictures. He has fabulous hair, I'd bet he's heard that before! Can you imagine your daddy issues taking you from a silver fox to .... Clamshack Cletus ? WTF is wrong with her lol she even got the daddy issues wrong.


He is very handsome and distinguished looking. Her mom looks very nice too. Good looking group! They the smarties! Paid attencion at education...ha ha


"Clamshack Cletus"?!? Shut up and take my Golden Pepino award! That's flair-worthy, and is going right into the lexicon. Well done, Biscuit. Spot on about her daddy issues, too. She gets everything wrong. She could screw up a cup of a coffee. We've seen her screw up *getting* a cup of coffee! Why would her daddy issues be any different?


They are an attractive couple imo.


to the pepinos with adult daughters: would you let your daughter pretend to be Spanish in order to land a rich man and try to become famous, not tell the dude or the world about it, and just keep your mouth shut?






If my daughter was irretrievably "mental" & my husband & & I were doing some "shady-5#i#" & my son & his wife too were 'in on the Tax thing too' wrt the illegalities & our private "shell corporation", (& I were a scamming lush) my husband I both didn't want to be noticed (bc of the two aforementioned conditions); maybe, just 'maybe' I would keep my mouth shut.. (Then, I'd have another bottle or two of Bubbly..).


Ha! Fair enough. You really went for the throat there. Bravo!


Sank You soo much, Pepino!




I find it so odd, with their resources, there aren't meetings between hilz parents and her brood.


They seem to be at low contact


I thought the one on the left was Jill Rodrigues with my blurry contact.


Bahahhahaha I totally did too!


My new fave name is Concha Gomez.


Lol. “La concha de tu madre” is an insult is some Spanish speaking countries, means “the lady parts of your mother”….


I hear it’s close to Montauk.


It is! according to alex & hilary… “the closest place to Spain” 😂😂😂


Look at these PEERS (in age, not social circles) of Alec Baldwin enjoying their retirement in the company of people who are genuinely happy to see them! They seem to be having a good time! Alec Baldwin has chosen to spend his late 60s and 70s with the Broodmare 5000 and a bunch of children whom he can't chase after.


THE BROODMARE 5000!!!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|133tEQgc0V3Dc4)


Was Hola magazine covering this event!


She has lodgings and parents living a Spanish lifestyle there. If the love for Spain were real she would be traveling there frequently. Unless she and her padres are not « un buen equipo »


Well... many of the expats who retire in Spain only live a very tangential 'Spanish lifestyle'. They usually speak English (Brits and Americans), hang out and socialize with one another. It's like a Florida retirement community but dropped into another country. I mean it's nice, don't get me wrong... but many of those retirees aren't there to really immerse themselves. But I totally agree that if Hillary gave a single shit about Spain or at least her facade of her *cultura* coming from there... she'd drag her lazy ass over regularly.


I read Ultima Hora every day and just happened upon this story. Nothing wrong to say about these two. I posted it here because, if there was any doubt, they appear to still be living on the island. What really shocks me is that Hills has never been over to visit! not even when she had fewer kids. it IS kinda strange. 


She went twice before she was pregnant with #1 for two super short trips in late 2011 (right after her parents moved there) and 2013 (preggo with #1). There are some photos here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/q5fa98/how_many_times_did_hilaria_baldwin_wife_of_alec/ I think she did it to try to convince her parents to lie for her and it didn't work


Thank you for being our Mallorcan news correspondent, pepino! 😁💚🥒


They seem to be truly happy together in retirement... away from the circus. I mean, look at Kathryn's dress! It's a fantastic dress for the weather AND age-appropriate! Hillary could NEVER. Peep David over there, showing actual affectionate body language toward his spouse! I love that they're living their best lives. It's still SUPER FUCKED that their kids appropriated their retirement home's nationality. That is super fucking weird.


They do look like a nice couple enjoying themselves. Oh to be a fly on their wall at their casa.




It’s the Kathyn *y* David Thomas for me 😅


There are many *rubias* in Spain.🇪🇸 See the blonde ladies?


That kind of blonde is called de bote in Spain.


Flair checking in


Nightmare blunt rotation.


She used her parents. If they never left Boston the story is not the same. Bringin up they live in Mallorca help her lies. The media did go further assumin she was born there, at least 1 parent might be Spanish etc.. Without her parents she is just a rich kid who vacationed in Spain. Thats why parents dont mess with her. Couldnt just retire in peace


Exactly 💯. Them being such high achievers, I bet they are bewildered and so disappointed in you know who...


Before her parents moved there in 2011, she did that with her brother, who was also living there when her Hilaria character was invented (around 2008/9)


They look absolutely fine to me.


I don’t believe anyone is saying otherwise?


As a person who is so white that I glow in the dark, those are some of the whitest looking people I've seen in a while. Like, their pictures could be in the dictionary under "WASP," lol. Hilary should have picked a character that was less diverse. She would have gotten less flack for her racist stereotypes and ignorance for not knowing the difference between Hispanic and Latino. Her cultura, indeed. Hilary-Lyn Mayflower looks like both of her parents.


European Spanish people come in all colors. Hispanic people in the New World do as well but they are more often brown people. Concha Gomez, one of the blondes, is Spanish.


Exactly! Spanish people come in all colors *within the spectrum of white European colors*. Latin Americans actually do come in all colors because there are people of all races in that part of the world. Spaniards are just plain white people, and some of them have a tan.


Yes, it's more about the colour of the eyes I think. For example I've never met a Spaniard with Alec's eyes. I don't mean it isn't possible, but it must be extremely rare.


Cameron Diaz. Hernando Cortez (historical accounts). I have seen numerous Latin American people with blue and green eyes eyes.


I don't doubt it, in fact our guide when we visited Mexico was one of them. But I'm talking about my personal experience in Spain. Never in my 51 years of life have I met just one with blue eyes (which doesn't mean it's impossible). Green are uncommon but not so rare. And I think Cameron Díaz's mum is German.


And her dad is/was Cuban...


Ok, but your average Spaniard doesn't have a German parent (or Cuban, for that matter). Please note that even in my original comment on this matter I didn't doubt that blue-eyed Spaniards can exist, it's just that they must be extremely rare because as a Spaniard myself I've never met one in my lifetime, while it seems to be common among Anglo-Saxons. That comment, which for some reason is getting downvoted, just says that while pale skin is quite common here, very light eyes are not, and I stand by my statement. And I didn't say anything about Latin Americans, who seem to be more diverse (which is natural since people from very diverse countries have migrated there until recent times).


There are blondes with blue eyes in northern Spain, Galicia. Settled by the Celts


Yes, I suppose so. My wife is from there and she has an interesting combo, pale with dark brown hair and green eyes, but I never saw blue eyes in her area. But she's a Southern Galician.


I always wonder if people at events like this ask about Hillary - even on the basis of being married to an infamous actor. How they respond...."Oh Hillary is fine," and let it go, or if they are honest after a cocktail.


Hopefully people are polite enough to not ask! Maybe they talk about their son and his family.


Sooo so Español! 🙄


*[Online translation of the event description, May 30, 2024]* The images of the charity dinner of the RANA Foundation in the prevention of sexual abuse. More than 200 guests at the RANA Foundation charity event to raise money for the prevention of sexual abuse in children and adolescents, as well as psychological therapy for adults who were victims in their childhood.


Interesting charity choice 👀


Muy fancy


Somehow Hilz looks exactly like both her mom and dad. Even though she spent thousands to change her face. Oh well!


I love Kathy’s dress. She knows how to dress… unlike her grifter daughter


Me too...Dr K seems alright in my book...


Seriously! It's fantastic! Absolutely perfect choice for her body, age, and event. I hope the Fashion Police give her a citation for the hair, though. She CLEARLY likes her hair this brighter blonde, and you know... FINE. I'd have a stylist reign it in a little bit with an easy to maintain cut for wavy hair. It would go a long way toward making it look less crunchy and dry.


I like that she appears natural and comfortable with herself.


I hate to admit it, but Kathy has me stumped. I tried to find the dress for you because it's my weird compulsion, lol. I could not do it. It's vintage or made by a local designer without a big web presence. Joseph Ribkoff has a black floral tropical print very much like Kathy's in several styles. The pattern also reminds me of vintage Anne Klein for Vera Wang florals. It's a good dress!


So they're off the shit list now? I didn't get the memo. I'm sorry to be the wet blanket, but I was thinking the other day how they did Alex rilly, rilly dirty, not pulling him aside early on, I'm talking the first time they heard Larry's ridiculous accent, and hipping him to the fake Spanish thing.


They didn't know, found out at the wedding, were devastated.


This is fake news. Of course they knew before the wedding. She was on social media fake Spanish-ing it up well before the wedding, as Alex was bragging on his new "Spanish" girlfriend. Even if they didn't see the tweets, a friend or family member would have told them. It would have been MAJOR news/gossip in their circle. "Hey Dave, I hear you've got a Spanish daughter!" Also, there's ZERO FREAKING CHANCE Larry let her parents go into that wedding "cold". At some point, there was a "don't blow this for me" phone call, or pull-aside, or something. Even going with your version of reality, it doesn't look good for them...... They were so "devastated" they didn't say anything at the time? 🙄🙄🙄 They were so "devastated" they never corrected the record? 🙄🙄🙄 yeah, no There's literally no way they're not slimy, cowardly scumbags. They facilitated her fake Spanish grift via their cowardly silence. There's no way around that fact.


Maybe comment when you know the facts. Her parents were very busy people with no time or interest in social media. They found out at the wedding rehearsal that her father wouldn't be walking her down the aisle. And about the Spanish baloney. They were shocked and horrified, and her father was devastated. Her mother spoke about this to Hillary's aunt - a friend of the family provided lots of info on this sub years ago. Her father made a statement, as the person below says.


They wouldn't have needed to have an interest in social media; word had obviously gotten back to them that their daughter was pretending to be Spanish. gossip moves at the speed of light They should have spoken up IMMEDIATELY upon learning that their daughter was pretending to be Spanish. It would have saved a lot of grief for a lot of people. If they had, Larry might not be as crazy, and Halyna might still be alive.


Her dad made a statement saying there was not one iota of Spanish blood in the family. He probably learned to pick his battles! Can't believe she didn't have him walk her down the aisle...think her mom could maybe pass for being the Spanish one...I just don't get why she wasn't ok being a lucky girl from Boston.


Alec didn't care so it wouldn't matter.


Pretty sure they were absentee parents so why would they start after she became an adult? Well, an attempt at becoming an adult, sorta.


> Pretty sure they were absentee parents so why would they start after she became an adult? because it's completely insane to pretend to be Spanish they've obviously met Alex, so it's not a question of being an absentee parent. it's just about taking the three seconds to tell him "Oi! She ain't Spanish, mate. There isn't a drop of Spanish blood in her.". are you asking this question as a way of justifying their (lack of) actions?


Huh? Yes it is about being an absentee parent. They didn't care about her when she was a child, why would they care now? Why would they care more about someone she is dating? I'm not justifying anything. They are all nuts.


> They are all nuts. You took the scenic route, but you got there in the end. Thanks.


Do we know if they met him before the wedding?


I'm not sure they realized what she was doing. She was a grown woman and nowhere near them when Alice came along. I think they didn't realize until just before the wedding.


Agree. If what Alex said at the Torrente 5 press junket was from Hillary, she told him that the deceased grandmother had been the Spaniard. He’s not as smart as he thinks he is, but he maybe wouldn’t have grilled the parents over that. Or even noticed anything amiss when he met them.


Ok, then they should have blown the whistle then. When was Larry's first "Hola!" cover? Also, beyond to Alex, they should have blown the whistle on Larry to the world. imo, no matter how you slice it, it was a scummy, slimy, cowardly thing to stay quiet about it, and at least to some extent, play along. I get that she's their daughter and she's nuts and it would have been tough, but you've got to do it, imo. You can't just let your daughter pretend to be Spanish, ffs, up to and including giving your grandkids "exotic" names. It's actually completely insane that they played along. It's just that Larry's so off the charts crazy, it doesn't seem like much in the grand scheme of things.


What are they supposed to do? She's an adult. I read the dad had wanted her to see a psychiatrist. Maybe they grey rock her...


> What are they supposed to do? They were supposed to blow the whistle. They were supposed to sit her crazy ass down and tell her if she didn't cut the shit, they'd cut it for her. That if she didn't tell Alex she doesn't have a drop of Spanish blood in her, they'd tell him. That this bullshit will not stand. They had ALL the leverage in that situation. What could she do? Threaten to cut off contact, and stop asking them for money? There's a threat! 🙄 They don't seem to have much/any contact, anyway, so it all worked out the same. If you butterfly effect their enabling of her fake Spanish grift, it may have cost a woman her life. Oh, but they look nice at an event with Concha Gomez, so let's overlook all of that! Fuck that noise. They're scum. Enabling scum who helped foist this lunatic's fake Spanish garbage onto the world.


I'm sure they were grateful and relieved to get rid of Hillz. She and Killz totally deserve each other.


I'm sorry, but that doesn't make their deception right.


Larry is a twin of her father. It's so weird to me that she doesn't talk to them. Her kids will never know their cousins or grandparents.


How do you know she never talks to her parents?


I'm assuming, but she hasn't been back to Spain since 2015ish? Most of us on this sub agree she hadn't spoken to many of her family in years. We believe many of her kids haven't met the grandparents. Her parents have no new pics of the kids either on their socials or any photos with Larry. Also Larry is the type to snap a mashmillion photos at any chance she gets, if her "spanish" family came over from Spain she'd be all over that shit. The theory is that since her being exposed, she knows her parents look white and she doesn't want to be seen with them. She literally had her brother walk her down the fucken aisle and this is believed to be because her brother "looks" spanish. All theories of course. Her brother married a woman who is from Spain, so if she could shed take a million photos with her brother and his spanish family.


They are cute and look like they are having fun!!


I can hardly recognize Dr. K without her stethoscope.






They worked hard and are enjoying their senior years. They look happy. We can all appreciate this stage of life.


I will say her parents appear to have more class than the trashy baldwins. Glad they aren’t letting their daughters lying, grifting drama change their lifestyle. I’m sure their lives took a hit with her Spanish grift.


That's why I think they didn't make a big deal about their daughter's new identity...they and their friends are normal and not obsessed with media and pr...bet their friends are fully aware of her, it was hard not to notice her doing yoga in all the crazy places 10 years ago...


I can't hate the picture - they're living their best lives. If Hilaria had stayed grifting under the radar - she'd be smiling a genuine smile surrounded by people she wants to rub shoulders with. Instead she couldn't reel her crazy in. Look at her parents - happy as clams out in Mallorca


The parents seem more like Alec's peer group would be...aren't they all close in age?


I think he might even be older than her father - or maybe the same age. Which is just levels of mortifying.


*Mmmmm, clams!*


Alec must've downvoted you. Go get some clams and prep for trial peepaw! also here's an upvote for you.




not posted with the intention to spark hate or any negativity. Just proof that they are on the island and actively taking part in social gatherings.


According to the dad's blog... *this was always their plan.* I'm genuinely happy for these folks I've never met. They just plain seem happy together after like nearly 40 years of marriage. That's rare, no matter how much money you have.


The kind of retirement I hope for


Honestly they're living the dream. Sunny weather, run a small business, eat finger foods at island swanky get togethers. Bet Alec regrets the day he met Hilaria. This could have been him, in public (proudly side by side with Lorne Michaels, Tina and the rest of the gang) and not shamed into a corner with his weird baby-wife and a manslaughter trial around the corner.


And all the kids...how expensive!


For reals. Or... just imagine if they just STOPPED LYING at the jump when they got caught. Society is waaay more forgiving of people who are like, "Oof, I fucked up. I FUCKED UP. I'm gonna take a step back for a while and check in later." But they *doubled down instead.*


"shamed into a corner" - Bravo! I'm going to be stealing that. and don't forget the *seven* kids with her! You wouldn't find one dude in a million who said "I would like to have seven children in my autumn years", not that he's raising them, but he's at least footing the bill.


Yes, footing the bill, and at least sometimes dealing with the logistics of transporting the horde from one location to another. Nightmare imo.


It always does my head in when I start to think of the logistics of going anywhere/doing anything with that circus in tow. It's no wonder they don't go anywhere. I'm sure they'll all grow up to be wonderful people, but kids 5-7 really messed them up, logistics-wise. They're at the point where they could be traveling with the first 4. But bringing 5-7 along? Fuggedaboutit!


And I think Big Ed is a wild man!


It certainly was wild the way he lunged at MariLu at the end of that romper video.


I guess they had no choice since “they come when they come.” ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Since there hasn't been an ocho, does that mean Alex did his bit? ✂


I don't think he regrets it, I feel it's the best he could do. How flippin' frightening is that?


I look at Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise - both awful. One is a raging alcoholic abusive man who nearly brought down a plane with his family trapped in close quarters and one is a cultist nutjob - yet both are at the peak of the "Elder-Leading Man" Hollywood careers. Both men have children who have dropped heir last names to disassociate from their fathers yet both have ex-wives who are beloved by many Hillary is reviled. People don't look at Alec and pity him or give him the benefit of the doubt. It's because he's trash but also he associates with trash. I saw a trailer for WOLFS with Brad Pitt and George Clooney and My brain said - remember he's a shitty dude but another part was like oooh this movie looks good. That moment pissed me off because Brad Pitt is awful but again he's likeable, really likeable especially when he eats food on screen and does his whole schtick. Alec is regretting Hilaria because maybe without her and the repulsion she inspires he might still be in people's good graces like these two despite the very obvious dirty laundry. Hilaria inspires no sympathy and she paints him with that brush (in addition to his own very very unlikeable rageaholic persona non grata energy).


Not to mention the fact that both Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise are "big name" leading men who can carry a film. Bang Bang Baldwin... not so much.


I’d like to believe he regrets it because, well, how could he not?? But I’m with you. If he did, he would have put an end to at least some of the nonsense years ago. I hate saying it, but not letting her buy so many kids would have been a great place to put his foot down. Or maybe take her phone away after Griftmas instead of watching her drag them further down the hole. Most celebs would have laid low after their con was exposed and wait it out. But not this guy who continues to stand by and watch. Alec should have regrets, but he doesn’t. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh, he does. He let Larry "explain" Griftmas because he genuinely believed she was Spanish. "Why don't you just straighten out these internet jabronis, sweetie?". She didn't want to come clean to him, so she gave it a try. An awful try. *Three* wonderfully awful, "not clearing the air whatsoever" awful tries, actually. More than not come clean, she had to have doubled down on her lie to him, and he had to have believed it. Else, he *would* have pulled the plug on her, and called in some big PR guns. I think she simultaneously stepped back and doubled down on the lie to him. He said, in print, "We're done." after the fourth kid. I don't know how the hell you get *un-done* and have three more, but they did. The craziest part to me is, he saw her not parenting the first four. He knew how much help he was paying for. Did he think she was suddenly going to clean up her act and really start parenting with 5, 6, and 7?!? smh


Exactly, it could only get crazier adding more kids to the mix.


Oh, he regrets it. He regrets it every blessed, booze-soaked, Clark Family video day.


![gif](giphy|VHl0ajQWjOF2NYHB02) He absolutely regrets it, but his massive ego would never let it slip from his thin, permanently snarled lips


Ron Swanson! Every time I see him I want to fire up the barbecue.


He actually *has* let it slip, passive-aggressively, with his "I *had* envisioned my autumn years spent in cultural refinement across Europe, but alas......" schtick.


Seems like that would have been OK. He might stayed in everyone's good graces and been able to pick and choose what other stuff he does...but he was lonely 🙁.


His downfall was needing the fantasy to be real. He could have paid to be surrounded by actual Spanish women every day of his life for less money than it's costing him to maintain the nightmare he's trapped in. And I don't just mean sex workers; he could have hired actual Spanish dinner/movie/theater/museum companions, actual Spanish masseuses, actual Spanish cooks, whatever he wanted. He could have lived like a king if he could have been able to understand and admit the fact that, for an asshat like him, things were always going to be transactional, because nobody was ever going to love him for him. But of course his pompous, arrogant ass could never come close to that realization. So instead, he fell for Larry's love-bomb bullshit, and wound up saddling himself with a fake Spanish imbecile he has absolutely nothing in common with, and who isn't interested in anything he's interested in. So now, he's getting virtually nothing (but headaches) for his money. real fake love > fake real love


True! He’s not in control of his primal urges at times👊