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She only posted that second pic because she liked how skinny she looks


Yes! I thought so, too.


She is so immature. Laughing at the naughty words. Trying to join in with the kids’ playtime even though they beg her to quit. Something bad happened to her when she was very young and she is damaged.


How embarrassing for him and them


​ https://i.redd.it/ucqkovlaem6d1.gif


Talk about human garbage. Poor kiddo. It infuriates me how she thinks this is cute. What a dumb b🙄


She is not a parent. She does not see herself as a parent. She acts like a friend/buddy. Who does that ?


She acts more like the school bully than a friend.




No way PeePaw Bang Bang was laughing this off with his temper. Poor kids.


Omg why would you even post this?!! This only shows how miserable your kids are 😢. Inner rage is a secondary emotion to the abuse you put them through, HILLARY! Get your children a therapist. Trying the make this look all cute and innocent, who in their (even insane) mind would think this is a thing to brag about, or leave on the internet. This post is make light about this little “incident”, but we all know about PeePaw Bang Bang and his temper. She’s using social media to pretend like Alex didn’t verbally, or even physically abuse him after this. Smoke and mirrors. 🙄


Those children are gonna need serious therapy.


I think it's a cry for help. Was he asking to go to The Frick Museum?


What the heck is Rafa trying to say?


That he's abused




Real talk: IS anyone reporting her to DFS or CPS? I'm out of state but would love for them to take a good look at this family.


As toxic as parents Alec and Hillary are, they don’t compare to the actual horror situations that these agencies have to deal with. We’re talking about child abuse and neglect on a scale that make Mami and PeePaw look like benevolent angels by comparison. Those child protective agencies have too much hell on earth to address to worry about the Guacamolitos’ psychological problems.


Those agencies demand "broken bones, sutures and or penetration". Take it up with your local and state agencies. Children need us to.


Their father got away with homicide. What makes you think they would do anything to this family


This is a scream for attention from the kid. He feels neglected so he's acting out. I know, I was that kid. I was severely neglected emotionally and started acting out via my language and behaviour, hoping someone would notice I was hurting. She's laughing at him online. I later became a drug addict when no one noticed me. I guarantee most of these kids are headed the same direction.


And the DNA from A's side is strong. Exposure on SM will make it worse. So sad.


Yes , thank you for speaking up from the abused child side. I'm so sorry you had to struggle and suffer, you are strong and valued. 💚


Thank you! I wish she was able to learn from my story and change, but even though she definitely reads this sub, it's not going to happen. I feel so much for these kids. They're getting older and puberty is going to be awful for them. Getting old enough to realize how strange and shitty their situation is, and millions of people are watching and judging their situation. Yet their needs are still being ignored. The lashing out for attention is going to get *bad*, and it's not at all their fault.


She is sofa king sick


Staged drama. It'll get worse for the kids if that show ever releases.


It will get worse if he's locked up and she's on her own. Even if it is for a few months.


Making him Alec Jr. She’s such a witch.


hahahahaha me me me meeeeee!


WTF is wrong with her? This is abuse through humiliation. It will never go away. And instead of stopping the abuse the scumbags at TLC agreed to document it for perpetuity even harder. This is the shit that takes an observer from snarky to livid. I hope laws regarding child abuse beyond "broken bones, sutures and penetration" (that is a direct quote I once received from law enforcement in Houston Texas when speaking about some concerns of psychology battery and cruelty of a child who went on to be abused and is now a young adult recovering from that abuse, when I was hoping for some intervention for an obviously at risk child) catch up , soon, with common sense of morality. This is narcissistic child abuse. It's humiliation, degradation, and a splash of uncomfortable genitalia references. Quite frankly she needs her ass kicked for this alone. And tlc does too. Fucking deplorable. Unredeemable. Monstrous.


Can this post be sent to TLC as an example as to why giving the Baldwins this show is going to be hellish for the children involved?


I wouldn't be surprised if TLC keeps up with this blog.


By all means, feel free.


This kind of drama is what the powers that be at TLC are counting on. There’s no interest in giving normal, well adjusted, happy families their own show. The only people who will care about being aligned with the chaotic and toxic Baldwins are the potential sponsors of this shit show.


Like the little video she was doing when one kid drew a penis on the cartoon man. They didn’t have to include that but deliberately edited it in. I guess people think it’s cute. I didn’t.


You'd think after a federal investigation ended in prison for a SA perp and child porn that TLC FUNDED, they would have been yanked and some boundaries established. But no, they just keep making bucks off untreated mental and physical illnesses and tragically destroyed human lives It's disgusting and personally I'd rather live in a society where predatory agencies such as tlc and their "stars" are accountable and unacceptable, not *entertainment* . Cable TV wants to know why it's going down? Because they're part of the problem, not the solution. Fuck off , TLC.


Yes, it is. Humiliation to make herself look cute,


Poor kid.


Probably learned all those words from dad


I mean he's getting them from somewhere and being that they are super sheltered, it comes from home. The kids just told the world mom and dad swear like pirates in front of them. More awesome parenting from the asshole and the fraud.


Oh but it's fucking cute right? Maybe Mami strip down to her bra in the yard and do a photo shoot, so fucking cute. She should be aiming for supervised visitation, not a TLC paycheck.




This gives me fucking chills, her smirk and her golden child “correcting his spelling”


a how to condemn your kids to years of therapy/prescription drugs


That kids got trauma!!!!! Poor kid


This isn’t the apology letter, though. That one was super sad.


Where can I see it? I'm almost scared to. I know it will be heartbreaking. What is he apologizing for?


I fucking hate her so much. She is a shit person, through and through. Those poor kids, having to live with this psychopath. Anyone can see they need decent food, activities, fresh air, real love. And in this kind of family, what happens is that when the kids grow up they scatter to the wind, lose touch with each other b/c their upbringing was so traumatic. When the kids get older, I believe Alex will finally cut her loose with a nice settlement. Carmen will be batshit crazy just like her and will be the only one who has regular contact with her.


When the kids get older, Alec will be dead.


I feel terrible for Rafa. He was the guinea pig for her bounce back grift. She was more concerned about showing off her fake “bounce back” body than to care for an infant.


Plus, the petty scammer just had to photograph herself in the car reflection. She is insufferable and in need of intake and evaluation. She’s much worse than back then.


A reminder that Rafa is the one who often looks sad, stone cold fave. Also remember they take Carmen places alone, out to eat with Alec and Hillary and I have NEVER seen them do that with the older boys. …and Carmen and the boys aren’t that far in age.


Is he the one she repeatedly stuck her tongue out while they were on a trip and he was trying to tell her something? That video breaks my fucking heart. He had literal tears in his eyes and kept trying to put his hand over her mouth while trying to express something to her. She is a monster.


That video really upset me. I clearly remember my own N-mother doing this to me when I was little - I was probably around Rafael’s age and just remember being so frustrated that she wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t communicate why she was upsetting me so much. Ugh. Narcissists.


I would post conversations with my daughter when she had a sweet burn directed at me. I even blasted her when she said the F word (it’s just her hiding behind a throw pillow). Christmas in England with us posing around a beautiful Christmas tree, ruined by her making some weird face. I can’t crop my kid out and I’m too poor now to go back (I live in the state known for the other moonbump grifter). The difference is, I’m not out there pimping myself or my kid for likes. I’m a real person with a great relationship w/ my kid. The shit she does is funny and organic This. This is some whole level feeling. This is where I feel that she wholeheartedly does not give a shit about those kids.


Benzos skew the mind especially Clonazepam or Xanax. She is trying to be relatable only to once again show the world how fu*cked up the sky dungeon really is. I remember back in her glory days taking pics in the bathroom in her panties and bra after giving birth and despite myself letting it bother me even though I gave birth in the 90s that I never bounced back quickly from 3 actual real life pregnancies. I would see her posts in the media and I remember feeling the burn in my face. While the whole time she wore moonbumps and EGO. A fake. A phony. The girl from Boston. My Mom's from Boston. Don't you know folks in Boston have to walk miles in the snow to school. She should have played up Boston dumb bitch. That's why I am here for this. She made millions of women feel less than. Poor kids cuss worse than the people I know in active recovery. Pass the popcorn pepinos I am here for this episode of Celebrities are stoopid


I had to buy a new dress in a size 6 for an event when my son was 8 days old, and I felt less than. Ended up dealing with post partum depression for two years. He was my fourth child and I'd never been so "big" as 125 pounds before. What the actual fuck. Because I felt gross as a 6 and my now ex was really into the bounceback expectations too. The 00s and early teens were extra awful years for childbearing women because of exactly this sort of grift.  And it was all a lie.  Fuck this bitch.


Hils seems to have turned herself into 'The most vile, depraved; as well as "morally-deprived" & corrupt, absolutely horrid combination of "Stepmother" and "Witch" of all times. Hils has virtually 'outdone' the sordidness every single children's Fairy-tale "Bad-Guy"/"Evil Sorceress" from the beginning of 'Time'. (She's very proud of it too!) "Shaming" a child into 'good' or "acceptable" behavior doesn't seem like a very smart strategy to get a child into compliance; but maybe Hils' own Mom did a variation of this to her when she was young. (I think 'positive' role-modeling with a 'reward' might work out better in the end. I guess we'll all see how "The Baldwinitos" grow up to have many of the same characteristics & attitudes as Hils \[& Kils\]), so it will be an eeenteresteeeng "experiment" that future Sociologists, Educators & Psychologists might want to take note of when they try to explain "Nature" versus "Nurture" in future child development courses. Bottom line: I guess I'm just overwhelmed on so many diffront levels with "how bad" she eees.


The handwriting of the person who wrote the corrections is that of an adult


100% was looking for this comment. That is someone who’s been writing for a long time and is very comfortable in doing so. Carmen wrote it my ass. Hillary is next level.


It looks like when I pretend my dog is writing my sister a letter. As you do. Like “ Deer Ant Su, how r you I m fin.” I don’t believe a kid wrote this stuff.


Damn good point It looks like a little cursive - esque!! She said it was Carmen , no way !!!


This is the essence of HB. It hasn't even occurred to her yet that these children she's brought into the world are full humans with their own experience and feelings. They're literally just accessories to her.


How does a child of six know these words!?? If Rafa really wrote this, it’s extremely disturbing and inappropriate. Also, this is the same child constantly looking unhappy. I did a deep dive on Hillary’s IG a few years ago and he used to smile and look happy.i think the chaotic household and amount of siblings really took a toll on him :/ He prob remembers when it was just him and Carmen or with one additional brother. Once they added the twins, the household took a bad turn. Why does Hillary think this is appropriate to post online!?!? And I’m assuming this child hears those words from his parents many fights. I believe this child was also seen giving the middle finger. Even worse, is Alec said in a podcast that he likes that his kids are aggressive, “little New Yorkers” so I can only imagine the behavior he encourages with his boys… You KNOW this type of stuff will show up in the reality show. They can’t hide everything


And the twins AREN'T twins, right? She just says they are?


Not even a little


Nothing is more charming than kids born into wealth and privilege acting like hooligans. /s


Any kid who writes this at that age is around a hell house and is not very happy. Just proves if you have enough money social services leave you alone


Just to add: he wrote: penis dead!!! And Butt dick hell. Is anyone here a mandatory reporter? Im on the others side of the world in Spain ( yes ironic i know) but seriously this needs seriously looking at. I bet she makes a ton of money of fetishish sites over all the inappropriate kid’s photos and breastfeeding because Mr B aint making shit. All her posts are breast, feet, and desperate kids that look underfed and un slept


Imagine how bad it really is.




Is there a back story? What is this supposed to be, besides simply a bunch of naughty swear words? What apology is she talking about, and apology for what? Surely not this paper as it just seems like him being cheeky or risqué and either expressing anger or trying to get a rise from whomever. And why is she grinning like a deranged Cheshire cat?


I hope this sub is still around in ten years when these kids start spilling the tea.


I hope I’m still around 😂






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Before this I found her mostly ridiculous. Now I think she is a monster. No empathy, no love, no tact, no protection. She discloses little boy’s outburst to be laughed at. The boy cannot trust her, and probably never will.


The one child she birthed, she's basically pimping her out at this point.


Yes it’s heartbreaking and it’s chilling


I'm so sad for this bèbè


It’s like the No, David! books😅 No, Rafa!


I’m feeling powerless as I write this but these children should not be raised by these parents. She is not only incapable of empathy but her sadistic, mocking of Rafa should be a crime. Sick beyond measure. 😢


That poor child, it really is heartbreaking 💔


This killed my heart just now. I have never been so bothered by anything she's done until this. Poor little guy. As a mom that just kills me, one of my kids has spelling issues, I cannot imagine thinking of posting that. sad for that poor baby, No wonder he is angry. Wish I could just hug him ad help him feel better. 💔


Am I the only person not totally disturbed by this? Nothing like a child showing something is making them very angry inside. This is a call for help........ So sad. I wonder if he feels ignored with so many kids... :(


I'll say it: The Kids (all 7) need to be taken away from Hils (& Kils).




I rilly think the kids should be put in some kind of "conservatorship" like they did with Brittany Spears maybe.. What's going on (& "will 'soon be going on') in that apartment/residence is too much for any young child to bear..). I personally think the parents of the Baldwin Children 'both' lack foresight, as well as caring about what is "best" for their 7 children. Some of us Pepinos can possibly see the "writing on the wall" (no, silly!! not the actual kids writing on the walls of the Dev Sky Dungeon!!); the euphemism for foretelling the 'future' from seeing the past behaviors of the individuals in the Dev Household. Too many "warning signs" have been ignored or just swept under the rug.. Maybe I'm wrong but I think it's going to get pretty ugly, pretty quickly..


Makes me wonder what all of her "supporters" comments would be on this post. Terrible


This was so disturbing. She is a disgrace with zero maternal instincts. Fuck Ya Poop and Free Rafa.


That’s absolutely wild. And scary. Why would she share this


I don't even want to look at her comments on that post. Monsters SHE Is SMILING?!!


LOL! Looks like little dude hates her. Imagine unironically getting an "apology" letter from your kid that has these kinds of obscenities in them. That's honestly horrifying. This is full proof of her shit personality, shit parenting, because this type of shit is unheard of. What the actual fuck.


?? Big red flag. And I'm definitely a 90s, *Roseanne* kind of mom.


I agree, and this shows that her children are just objects to be used at her benefit


Can’t even imagine what those kids’ futures look like with this looney toon as their primary parent, not including the nannies who are doing all the actual work of raising them, just that Grifterella is the “parent” they actually have to deal with more often and she’s the one they’ll be stuck with once Papi kicks off. She’s been such a toxic influence on them, I hope at least some of them make it out okay.


poor little boy. i remember my nephew around the same age was pretty upset one time when I lapsed and dropped a casual swear around him. "you're not supposed to say that, why did you say it" kind of upset. and then there's this kid.


And this vulgar low class trash has to have a photo of herself in everything


1. He’s writing that he feels stupid and instead of holding and reassuring her little boy that she loves him, she’s triangulating humiliating him further w his older sister correcting his spelling?? A child that age who carves his name into a car has been neglected by the parents who emphasize possessions and money over loving relationships w their children and respect for others and their property. 2. No child that age needs to know or use these words. CPS


OMG I DIDN'T REALIZE WHAT SHE WAS TAKING a Pic of !!!!! She's glowing like a proud parent ! 🤮


I said "shoot" around my 7yo and he asked me, very seriously, "what happened to your HEART?" And sure, plenty of kids grow up in more relaxed households where swearing isn't a big deal. But these aren't just swears, they're MEAN words.


This looks like acting out extreme anguish, anger is just the package


He's scared bc "Nobody's Home" in the Baldwin household where chaos reigns supreme: Mami's "out to Lunch" & Daddy BangBang might be headed for The Big House after next month's festivities in a new Mexico Courtroom.


Oh absolutely. I really admire your statements, so succinct. I wish I could but it’s a talent. Yours in this case, thank you 🙏


Grathiath, Pepino.. I am sad though bc it doesn't seem like anything we Pepinos do can "lighten-the-huge-load" for the Baldwin kids (living at the Devonshire); who are going to be "Saddled With a very Dark Stain"; having to do with their father's killing of his D.P. in a movie, for the rest of their lives...


They are mean. I guess it could be a kid writing out the worst words he knows because they're funny or shocking at that age.


That would be a teenager. Not a child.


I remember this.🙄 Hope one of them writes a tell all when they get older.


Thank you. That's precisely what l was looking for the other day in a post related to their interest in drawing penises. She shamed this sensitive boy, and never listened. We've heard all of them plead "Mommy STOP", well not Carmen, and she just laughs. How much louder could Rafael be to get attention, than to write a billboard on the car door?


💔she is unbelievable in her quench to be famous. Notice the second pic, she is smiling, thinking this was hilarious and not trying to teach Rafa any kind of lesson.


Yes 😔


“At least his spelling is getting good.” Nice butcher of the English language, Hilary from Boston who supposedly went to college.


Sorry, what’s incorrect about the sentence? Just out of interest, i know English is a tricky language. Should it be “getting better”? Is it incorrect to say someone is “getting good” at something? Thanks


Yes getting better, or “he is good at something”


Ah I understand now!


And from reading little Rafas note… it appears he has anger issues displayed in his choice of words for age 6!


Very alarming. Childhood of a serial killer.


Apology? It's just a bunch of swear words that's she's proud to show off. Stupid twat.


How shameful of her. This makes me so angry. Poor Raf.




Those kids must hear a lot of curing and arguing


She is sadistic and takes pleasure in her children’s pain and misery. Their mother is mentally ill and their father is useless. Poor kids.


Hilz is so childish and stupid


The unaddressed behavioral issues. This would embarrass and worry most parents but not Hillary.


A six year old is saying “butt fuck”


This^^^ I’ve always strongly suspected that he’s been molested. No child this young is sexually zed to this degree verbally, without sexual experiences and being sight and groomed to use these words


F Y P ![gif](giphy|xT9IgwO5n8TslpaMSc|downsized)


Doesn’t look like a letter of apology. Looks like Mami told Rafa to write down every bad word he could think of so Mami could post it on the gram for some bizarre, selfish reason.


Yes! That’s exactly what this is! She encourages bad behavior and rewards them with her fleeting attention so she can film and post it and giggle about it to her nonexistent followers. Grifterella is proud to broadcast what an abhorrent parent and person she is.


Exactly. And Carmen corrected his spelling…looks like Mami corrected his spelling


Yeah, like clearly the “corrections” were written by an adult. She’s so fucking weird for this. Also, I immediately thought “penis dead” was a dig at Alec lmao


This is just so sad..What a piece of crap mother she is to find this funny and encouraging it? I doubt he ever did it, she’s so weird she probably wrote it all herself! I took some time away from the group because it was getting me too emotional, and now it’s starting all over gain..nothing has changed has it?


This post is old, but still nothing has changed.


This makes me sad—the anger he is feeling is all there in his writing.


I'd be at a child psychologist the next day.




Mami is going to start a Zoolander-type Center For Kids Who are Learning to Spell Good.


Not to be prudish, but I would be *very* concerned if I had a six-year-old writing something like this. Instead, the forever clueless Hilly inserts silly emojis.


What kind of Drugs is Hils ON?


Like I said out of all 7 Rafa will have some serious issues.His anger is palpable.


He probably inherited his father's rage and witnesses it on a daily basis.


Is he the one that jumps towards the camera in the promo for the show?


He’s on the back of the couch. He has darker hair than the other lost boys. 


No, I think that's Mayo (Romeo).


I feel for that kid, I think he’s learned to perform to get praise and avoid blame


They can’t each just have a name to speak to them in love? They had to be named like fake Spanish accessories like their cosplay and soft porn selfies mom can use as interchangeable props?


These kids don't go out of the house-- where would he learn this language?


From their vulgar parents. Larry once shared she and Rafa go into a closed closet together, and he’s allowed to say all the bad words he wants to her to get them out of his system.


Fucking come again please?? How did I miss that and also WTAF?!? Cussing in a closet, what a fucking brilliant idea Pillary. Way to set your kid up for conflict resolution skills or general success in life FFS 🤦‍♀️ How about provide your child a safe space somewhere in the light of day and love on them until they talk about what's bothering them while you fucking LISTEN? JFC she's SUCH a dumb useless fucking twat.




They go to school.


Inside the house.


Sounds like the house is the kids' "PRISON" (Hence, 'The Devonshire Dungeon' is soooo apt a name..


I had to take a break after she posted these awful letters. I felt so sad for that poor child. It is hard to raise similar aged children while watching the Baldwin shit show. Kids are so vulnerable. My grandson would never ever stop beating himself up if his mom, Grandpa or I made fun of or publicized his struggles. This shitty letter still chokes me up.


Yikes. She is a whole new level of fucking cruel idiot.


Mamacita Dearest just lost Best Mom Award to Casey Anthony. This is truly cruel.


*”At least his spelling is getting better.” if we aren’t pretending to be ESL learners but ALSO… what the fuck? I have an amazing kiddo who is only semi-verbal so far at 2.5 because he was born with DS, and I think parents of differently abled kids share a sense of humor about how excited we would be if our child exclaimed “Oh shit!” one day out of the blue because words are words! Point being I’m not super uptight about kids dropping occasional swear words in a general context of them parroting and not understanding the meaning. That being said, I can’t imagine a sane parent of any child finding it really “cute” that a young kid would write down a ton of inappropriate words like this, ever. Stupid? Fuck? Dumb? Penis… head? If my son did this he’d be at the therapist to figure out what was going on, it isn’t funny and I sure as Hell wouldn’t share it with a wider audience. I’m the farthest thing from a routine parent shamer because for the most part we are all out here trying our best. This doesn’t seem like anyone is trying, it’s just plain damn sad. Poor wee souls.


Not only was he writing these things on paper, he also scratched profanity into the side of the SUV. So yeah with Raf there was a bunch of it that she was posting on IG. Not sure if she’s ever addressed it with him or taken him for professional help on his feelings (oh we know the answer to that).


Yikes on several bikes. As a parent you could not waterboard the story of my son keying bad words into a car outta me if he did that, mainly for his sake since forever people would be like “oh yeah, that psycho kid,” but also just… no. I genuinely feel sorry for the child because that isn’t his fault and he clearly needs help processing big feelings, I hope at least one responsible adult in the household stepped in to help. 😢


I agree with everything you said. What 6 year old writes all these bad words down. And Hillary posts it because she thinks it funny/cute. She is so off


I used to swear when I was little because I learned it from my father. My children do not swear. Really goes to show what their environment is like if he has this vocabulary at 6.


Where’s the one with the “teardrops” on the page that looked like adult handwriting? Or the one from “Carmen” about her mom having her period (right before siete was announced). Dang, we’ve seen some wild shit, pepinos.


I remember both of those! I’m trying to find them.


Ooh, I found the Carmen period one. This is when we were trying to figure out when the surrogate conceived. https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/h4R5BRuske ETA: and here is the “Rafa the idiot” note complete with fake tears https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/s/0CL1HV10e2


That is so disturbing I can't even break it down.


Oh wow! Thank you! Both of these should be their own post. She is so unbelievable.


Ayyyyy, FYP!


Oh ffs! Hilliterate truly is illiterate. “His spelling is getting good.” I taught elementary school for 1,000 years, and can confirm Carmen did not write this. We know Hilliterate certainly is not capable of doing so. Words are indeed, hard.


This bitch is evil personified. What horrifies me more than bullying her own damn kids, the pedo bait, forcing her ED on her kids, leaving babies on the bathroom floor with shitty diapers, and all of the other stupid, malicious shit she thinks is content is the shit she does to these poor kids that she doesn’t post. And Killz goes along with it and doesn’t check her, so he’s just as shitty a parent as she is.


Hilary wrote the really tiny words. That's not a kid's handwriting either. It's fucking cruel to do this to a kid. She's terrible.


She did, you’re right




A sign that she is without minimal critical thinking skills


Or compassion.


Yeah this is not relatable Hilaria. Your 6 year old shouldn’t be talking or writing like this.


Exactly - very sad she found this amusing and shamed her child over it as well. Double ick.


FYP mami!


I don’t understand why she thinks this stuff is cute or funny?


She’s a sociopath.


Absolutely agree


It's not. It really says something about her that she thinks it is, tho.


Exactly!! Like girl this makes you look TERRIBLE 😬😩


There was another letter where I'm sure I remember her circling the actual tears on the page. Where the kids actual tears has dripped, yes, those tears.


That letter made me so sad for Rafa. She’s unbelievably evil and sadistic for posting that to SM, where other kids could uncover it and bully him. For someone that cries about boolies all the time, she’s the biggest bully of all, to her own children. Special place in hell for this bitch.


You nailed it, pepino! 🥒🥒🏆🏆🏆🥒🥒


I remember this one. So sad


Oh this is so disturbing on multiple levels. Is that “butt dick” at the bottom??


This looks like something the kid would draw with a child psychologist in the room after Stabler and Benson brought him in. Just sayin'




She is so sick! Rafa and MariLu truly bear the brunt of her sadistic disgusting behavior


Remember his surrogate hand-off birth video when she insisted on holding him although he was suffocating, and then he had to go straight to the NICU? His face was turning blue. She was in a leopard turtleneck. Is this real life?


She's garbage


Was he trying to spell pendeja? Jesus