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ML breaks my heart


At least they learned to kiss with their mouths closed. Has anyone else ever had their own shitty photographer make a promo for a show on a major tv network. Who makes their own commercials? I’m really curious if anyone else has ever done this. That shit was a low budget mess. Wouldn’t the TLC make a commercial for them? 


Yep like it's payday


Her 10 year old looks like she has breasts now. Photo shopped in?


Padded bra on a 10 year old


He’s been paying her since the day he hired her 🤡


😩😩those lost boys


I can see them using Carmen's puberty as a plotline in this Trainwreck of a show. Like, Carmen comes downstairs dressed how she is in this promo pic here, and "protective, old fashioned, papa bear" Alec Baldwin says something like "Carmen! What on earth are you wearing. Go upstairs and change right now." Then "young, hip, stylish, understanding super Mami" Hilaria says something like "Aleek! (pouting and finger wagging, hand on hip) Now joo know Cardman ees, how you say? Los growing up-o. Joo must not be such el jerko." Later on in a "confessional " segment, they'll bicker adorably about how he's so old and uncool, whilst Hillary is so young and with-it and Alec imitates her "Spanish accent" because, as you know, his wife is from Spain.


Or Alec says “uncle Woody” is coming for dinner


On a side note; I went on TLCs X page to see the announcement (what a shit show network) and I couldn’t find anything relating to the Baldwin show. It pained me to scroll through the posts (how low can they go?). You would think TLC would jump at the chance to have a real “celebrity” onboard. Did I miss it? Could have since my eyes were burning from posts from their current lineup of “entertainment”. What’s the scoop?


Right. They made their own commercial/announcement with their own hired photographer. They probably didn’t even cement the deal and made the promo to show tlc people are interested. 


The accuracy!!!


What grosses me out (besides Carmen’s garb) is that if this was a family group hug, Hillary’s arm should be around Rafa. Yet she turns her body away from her boys and hugs Carmen. These kids are going to have such difficult lives thanks to these narcissists. I really hope that they can persevere.


This was an excellent catch by you! You’re absolutely right why wouldn’t you automatically hug the boys as well? None of these pictures are authentic. They are all as contrived as her Spanish roots.


Poor little M in the middle,being squished. Anxious expression 😔




Edu was out getting a ten-foot hoagie for lunch


Does caahdamaaahn have boobs at ten years old?


She looks like Susan Dey! Who is beautiful, but the world didn’t know her dressed as a woman at ten!


Padded bra.


This is a recent development. She is wearing a padded bra. I’m so disgusted!! She is a terrible, horrible mother!


Overnight! A skinny barely 10 year old! Must be doing Mami's special swimming. 🤢🤢


Ahh Yes very Kris Jenner but with no skill sets




HOW tall was Bang-Bang supposed to be again? 5' 11"? (..So then, say if she is 4'11"; he would be mucho "taller" than her; am I right??) Did he 'shrink', or just forget to put on his 'Elevator Shoes'?


He's 5'9 & 5'6 with his hunched over posture


😆 😆 🤣 


I think she’s more like 5’2” barefoot.


Not sure, but i’ve often heard/read people say that she’s no taller than 5’. People that have seen her in person say she’s very, very short; even shorter than she seems in photos/videos.


Google says she’s 5’4 and I’m like lmao in what world.


Nah, she’s tiny.


Hillz will dye Carmen's hair jet black. Mark my words...


Hillz will take Carmen for spray tans so they "match".


Second take ![gif](giphy|3og0ITY6cRtj2k8QtG)


Is Carmen wearing a padded bra??? WTF


Padding body parts...hmmm where would she have learned that ...🤔




Oh yes this


Yes, let Siete eat that store receipt. Kid’s famished.


Why so many kids


The flex of having 7 kids in NYC and how wealthy it makes them look. Sure they have to sell the home in the Hamptons to fund it but …


Stage props for the bounce-back grift, the faux Spanish grift, the reputation rehab grift, and the Fraudwins are hoping at least a couple of them become influencers so that Grifterella and Quickdraw can retire in comfort.


I wonder if they’re familiar with the Chicago Sunroof


The fake pregnancy grift, the lacto-porn fake breastfeeding & pumping grift, the Zany Wacky Madcap Mommy grift, the fake bathroom lingerie-clad yoga grift…


All the grifts! 💃🏻 Why have kids at all if you’re not going to use them to make money and get attention from others?!


She’s had to let go of the lactation grift which means she’s thirsty (no pun intended) for something new and fun!


Unfortunately, it seems that Grifterella’s “new and fun” project is setting up Caramel to become a wannabe Kylie Jenner-type influencer, using her as fodder to appeal to the worst of the worst.


This ⬆️




We have to get this canceled on TLC before it ever sees the light of day.


It’s really not going to go very far. These dumb dumbs cannot help but ruin everything they touch


*Cancelled*?!? I want it pre-renewed for 10 seasons! I am here for every grotesque millisecond of this shitshow. This is our Super Bowl. Put me in, coach!


My thoughts exactly.


She no love hims, nos


Yeah I'm not buying whatever it is they're selling here


Does not look forced at ALL. Nope. Looks completely natural. They probably gather in this very spot at home, and countless others, for a group hug -- the nanny just happens to be taking a photo because she is weeping tears of joy, wondering how this family loves each other so, so, so very much. That's why mommy shares her outfits with her 10-year old daughter. Never too early to teach girls that their looks are there only to be their family's money makers, all the way to the parents' bank. Does Carmen get to play an instrument, or write poetry or take photos, any hobbies? Or just being Mini Me to cosplaying Grifters?


Poor little 10 y/o girl in a padded bra and crop top


That's what I just commented too!!!


I have a 10 year old daughter and I am absolutely horrified. Wtf is Hillary playing at?!


She’s not playing.


Hillary was an utter failure turning Edu and ML into the Dede Twins, so now she’s twinning with Carmen, like the mom in the Grape-Nuts ad whose teenage daughter’s boyfriend gets mother and daughter mixed up. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mami gets violent with Carmen, as Edu was with ML. I wonder if he’s still knocking her around?


They’re pimping her out to the highest bidder. They really have zero shame. Talentless Perpaw will be imprisoned soon.




It was waaaaay too long of a kiss.


Might explain why two escaped the huddle. ![gif](giphy|vzmB3c0ik7Bni)


If you enlarge, the “twins” appear to be shoved inside the trio of Carmen, Hillz and a lost boy. No air or daylight for them.


I honestly can't make out much from that fuzzy tangle of limbs. I thought Ed was the one in the front facing the camera.


Oooh-you’re quite close-looking at the pic by that kid, to the left enlarge there and Eddie is facing the camera, just inside the huddle. He’s hugging Mary so we only see the back of her. I bet it smells in that center place. it’s not really worth the effort but none of them were able to weasel out of this shitshow, poor kids.


Please love me


Is that someone's filthy iPhone the 2-year-old is chewing on? Gross. It's not a photo of the Baldwins if someone doesn't have a phone or screen in their hands.


They don't have dolls? I don't mean the ones Cruella Seville pretends to breastfeed, I mean like you know, fun dolls and toys, activities, building models, going on nature hunts. The things real people do who are not obsessed with their own fake body parts and taking selfies all day.


The kids have screens because they’re neat. What we don’t see are toys with components: Barbies and accessories, Legos and Duplos, Hot Wheels…


So they don't have actual toys. Or books. Just screens. How wholesome and intellectually developmental!


They do *have* toys, which we see neatly gathered by the nannies in translucent bins along the walls, but only infrequently do we see them playing, usually with just a couple of toys at a time. Edu and ML were strapped into high chairs for long periods of time—other than mealtimes—until they were much too big for them. I recall Hillary filming them fighting over two or three Spiderman action figures. Another *pepino* recalled in this thread that when Hillary was still getting endorsements, the kids had a mouthwatering assortment of toys. Before Griftmas (December 2020), for example, I recall Carmen playing with American Girl dolls and accessories. They also had a huge gorgeous backyard play frame at the Amagansett house. I don’t know what happened to all those toys. Packed away? Sold on eBay?


Ed broke them then kicked them into the pool, while peepaw laughed maniacally


I never saw the toys and swing sets, but I've observed before knowing this that their absence is conspicuous given the large home with land in the backyard, plenty of room to plant a vegetable and flower garden, even a butterfly garden and watch hummingbirds and other birds! What a shame she had these things for her children but she can't share unless there's something in it for HER, and she will not/ can't give lavishly unless it is to herself. She's a heartless witch who thinks her children are her personal toys, to support her fraud and grift, her cosplay at being both the cool pre-teen and the cool mom, both in the same body. And her husband, he's a misogynistic selfish giant little boy with severe mommy issues, he thinks a woman's body is for a man's pleasure, not for carrying and nursing children. The only time he becomes teary eyed and so, so, so so so so so , so , so so grateful to his sainted wife for giving him this family (the one he's never with) ...is when the subject of having killed an innocent woman on the set of a film he was making on a limited budget because he's cheap when it comes to anyone outside of himself. Having the money to buy children to populate your home with should not be possible. It shouldn't be about affording children. It is supposed to be about loving them. Childhood is meant to be playing with toys, it's educational and helps them express themselves and their individual creativity.


So well put, dear Pepino. 💯 accurate too


The kids are each other’s dolls, as demonstrated by how forceful Caramel was with Malibu as a baby. They’ve all learned to treat each other like objects because that’s what their parents do.


🥲 this is very typical in narc parent families especially narc mother. They dint want their children becoming close because they’ll be able to agree on what’s going on, and defend themselves. …which one is caramel?


I think it’s a play on the name “Carmen”.


The one being p1mped out by her mother as content for p3dos.


All the toys and dolls disappeared the same time her sponsors did. Carmen had everything. American Girl dolls, big doll houses, all sorts of cute outfits, a giant jungle gym outside, it's all gone. How shitty is that?


What???? That’s so cruel 🤢


aleek holding up her dress is fecking awful


I'm afraid l can't see whose dress he's holding up: the photo is quite blurry, on my device anyway.


upper left, baby on Aleek shoulder, you can see her diaper and his hand trapping her dress. Dress is navy with a wide white strip on the bottom.


C is 10… just saying…


Poor Carmen in her padded bra. If she wanted to wear it I guess it’s okay, but if it was Mami’s idea that is just abuse.


In what sane world (home) would a 10 year old, A 10 YEAR OLD, have the desire to make her breasts look larger?


I don’t think it’s ok for a 10-year-old little girl to be wearing a padded bra under any circumstances, but that’s just my opinion. She’s still just a little girl—she should have no reason, or desire, to make her breasts appear bigger. She should be still playing with Barbies and climbing trees and playing at the park, and not concerning herself with sexualizing her body/appearance at this very young age, IMO.


I don't even think it would be okay if she wanted to wear it. She's 10-years-old and Hillary has been adultifying and sexualizing her for years. Carmen is a child and can't make well-formed decisions yet, and Hillary does nothing but goad her to progress on an unfortunate path.


Are there any normal friends or cousins who could stop by and play with these children at each of their personal and age-appropriate developmental levels?


They’re not allowed over. Alec made a comment years ago (I wish I could find it to quote it properly) but the gist was their respective families think they’re crazy and that they have their own little cult. The way he said it was very dismissive and sarcastic. I think the rest of his clan saw the Hillary insanity early on and chose to either stay away, or they were blocked by Hillz. I’m sure she complained that the brothers’ wives were boolying her and making fun of her accent 🙄 Or criticizing her lack of child care. It rilly says something if the rest of those crazy Baldwins decided to stay clear of her. You rarely see him make an appearance and you definitely don’t see her or the kids at family reunions or funerals. They aren’t tagged in IG posts. They are persona non grata.


I suspect much of it had to with reconciling her accent and bump up close in the house with ‘visitors.’ The kids would be dragging their cousins into Mami’s closet to see all the rubber balls.


I know. Just trying to understand this. She was not developed before the announcement then all of a sudden bang she had breasts. And of course in a half shirt for the perverts enjoyment. Only missing her finger coyly in her mouth. I feel bad for these kids.


I know. Never a day in their lives have they been granted respect, boundaries, or proper loving guidance.


If ever there was the most posed picture, this is it. 🤮