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I don't follow them closely but I found the incident hilarious where she did a DNA test and discovered her DNA was of 43% Nigerian origin and made a bizarre trip "home" to Nigeria wearing inappropriately skimpy outfits. Hillz would love to do something similar if only her DNA contained something other than Pilgrim stock.


Absolutely birds of a feather.


As if Beyoncé would ever text Hillary!! She wishes! She doesn’t have any legit famous friends.


Beyonce and her “I’m basqiats reincarnation so everyone will forget about him and think of me” heroin dealer man god hubby are also very powerful dark narcissists. She had to stick her head in every music genres awards because she’s also a god. Dirty song lyrics and stolen music can’t hurt her and she stole Hermes colors for her fashion line she only sent to other celebrity gods. Hilary and Alec and m&H are in the wannabe train wreck trying to copy them. The truth sooner or later will be knocking on their karma doors.


I just thought of how funny it would be if Hillary even tried to get an A-List celebrities phone number. They'd be like "ummm, who are you?" Or "oh no thanks, I'm not interested in fucking up my entire brand." I'm honestly surprised she hasn't tried to Cameo one of the celebs on there with a message about her being a good friend or some shit. (I actually don't even know if there's legit celebrities on Cameo but I'm sure there's *someone* who people generally like that isn't a z-list reality TV person from 20 years ago.)


NO they aren’t the same AT ALL. Meghan is educated, classy, very intelligent, hard-working, successful, has a lot of friends who adore her, and a great marriage with a husband who loves her very much. Meghan is not anything like lazy, dumb, failure-at-everything, friendless, annoying, toxic, mean idiot Hillary. I’m so sick of people hating on Meghan when she’s done nothing to deserve it.


🤣🤣🤣 good one!


No, she’s not. She and her husband are both huge phonies who sold out the royal family.


It is astounding to me that idiots spend their lives documenting every moment of their inane boredom. "Look how very important I am, someone is concerned about me and it is Beyonce. I better casually mention it on social media."


Even the dog calls bs on her. Does she know who she’s married to? How embarrassing that this was filmed?


I see the connection between Hilly & MM. Both are complete frauds. Aleek & Harry are similar in that they both readily play the “dumb husband” role. Harry seems far more naive than Aleek. Poor fella


Ugh... how insufferable and cringey. Beyonce sucks too. I really loathe these obnoxious people. Hillary is still a gutter rat far below those two, though. Hillz can't even be a mediocre Instagram influencer. With Alec's nonstop funding behind her.


Yea now that he's not even doing the comic conventions, how is he making money?? He could be doing whatever movie is thrown at him....I guess I assumed that directors would be hesitant to hire him after he shot and killed Haylna🤷🏽‍♀️ I guess there's the reality show but he's a bobo if he puts all his eggs in that basket because there's no way it will pay off (unless millions upon millions of people hate watch it.)


Oh, man. I can see where this one is headed. I’m just going to say that there is less than zero chance that MM faked her pregnancies. It’s unhinged over at the Meghan Markle snark sub. We need to keep things somewhat logical here, please or we’ll look like conspiracy theorists.


MM has also had moonbump mishaps.


Thank you. I do not like or support this cross over. Lobe u/thewokebogan! Just not this. 💕


I'd imagine it would be pretty hard for Megan to fake any health stuff but especially being pregnant because of the team of people she has around. I've never really chimed in on the Hillary fake pregnancy stuff, especially with the challenges she has claimed to have because I'd like to believe she wouldn't lie about miscarrying. That's such a horrible, traumatic thing to go through...so as awful as she is, it's hard for me to get on board with the fake bellies or making up miscarriages and all that, just for attention.


It's amazing that people on this sub can see through Hillz but can't see through Megs and buy into all her gaslighting and lies. Narcissists and sociopaths are very clever - they even fool people who think they understand and can spot narcs.




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Another day on this sub comparing Hillary to women she is nothing alike. God, I hate it here.




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Are you a parrot?




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What on earth has this got to do with Hilaria Baldwin? Oh right, nothing. Grrrrrrrreat content /s


BeYawnce isn’t globally beloved. I’m Latina and I detest her overrated ass. And I don’t agree with your comparison of Meg & Harry. Hillary wasn’t chased out of two countries in fear for her life, and wasn’t ripped to shreds because of pure racism. You’re off the mark on this.


Mm wasn't chased anywhere. Not important enough.


Neither was Megan.


A talking head who is very popular in the UK said he dreamt of her walking naked in the street while people threw feces at her. Others have called for her death. Dig a little into social media sites and you will see some people have gone off the rail about harming her.


I live in london, she was not chased out. Media is sensationalised. People didn’t and still don’t like her/ there grift, attitude and behaviour. People say those things about members of the royal family too, but because she is half black she is being used as porn by the woke mob. No body chased them with racism here tho, they kinda sold their souls to Netflix, Disney, Oprah and Penguin books! They are both extremely privileged yet won’t stop moaning. Yes the crazy people that sit around talking about wanting people dead are unhinged that is nuts.


So let’s just ignore those on television that have been saying horrible things about her, like the feces throwing guy? Would you feel safe knowing that those talking heads feel comfortable saying that shit for everyone to hear and seeing fake accounts using your name and threatening to harm you, calling your child a monkey, etc etc?


Princess Catherine has people saying worse things about her! You don't see her crying to every tabloid or tv station.


Has anyone threatened her, like, I don’t know, throwing feces at her while she walked down the street naked? Wished she would die or get divorced so her husband could come back to the fold where they could protect him from her? Nope.


They're not, not in the slightest. Megan and Harry have been scrutinized for the ABSOLUTE dumbest of bullshit, and I don't blame either of them for seeming a bit stiff in front of cameras. Megan has been demonized since British tabloids found out an AMERICAN and a NON-WHITE AMERICAN was dating their Spare Prince, and the coverage has been entirely racist ever since. Note that this clip is coming from a FULLY PRODUCED REALITY SHOW, and on the other side of that camera lens are 6 to 8 people. ***Can YOU act "natural" when there's 6 people intensely filming you, one of whom is carrying a giant boom mic hovering over your head?*** Probably not. Even though some of their shows flopped, Netflix doesn't just hand out $128 Million to ANYONE unless they're confident they'll get viewers. Which THEY DID!! People watched their show, all over the world! Not every single media foray is going to be successful, not even for a prince and princess. M & H are sequestered out in Montecito, a town LITERALLY 3 hours away from Hollywood/Los Angeles. You don't live in Montecito if you're interested in media whoring. You just DONT. Shillz and Pillz are pimping out their 7 kids, INCLUDING TAKING ONE OF THEM TO WOODY ALLEN'S FUCKING HOUSE. What the actual fuck!? Megan and Harry.... the public has BARELY seen their children, other than a handful of pictures issued once every 2 years or so. They're INTENTIONALLY putting THEMSELVES in public, in order to keep the attention away from their children. Neither Megan or Harry ever discuss their kids in any sort of meaningful detail in public, EVER, because they don't want that public eye on their kids. MEANWHILE.... Hillary manic-posted for YEARS on IG, pumping out one inappropriate picture after another. The fake pregnancy bellies, the shilling of Carrdmen, Hillary exploited Ireland for a hot second when "cool Stepmom" was her attempt at relatability. Megan does Surfrider Foundation water quality events as philanthropy. Harry does the Invictus Games to focus on recovering soldiers. .... Hillary trotted out to the curb and GAVE AWAY HIGH END LOTION SAMPLES as her "charity" and posted it to Instagram, where she BOUGHT her followers from a Bot Farm. Alec Baldwin's Foundation is a money laundering-via-Gala-Ticket scheme. #Alec and Hilaria Baldwins Amangansett Horse Rescue LITERALLY rescued no horses. Zero! Alec bought the lease on the stables from under the Hamptons Horse Trainer who formerly ran them because she did not put up with their fuckery and fakery. Leave Megan and Harry out of this. They're not even in the same orbit.


Mm and Harrry are in a crazy orbit all their own. Give me a break.


Probably! They're definitely NOT appropriating an entire culture or exploiting their small children. A LOW BAR, I KNOW.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted. You make good points. I don’t have time for the MM shenanigans.


I think half of these Megan posts posts are planted here by the Baldwins/PR people themselves.


That you MeAgain??


*one in the same* one \*and\* the same FTFY


Thank you. I'm sorry, English isn't my first language so I make mistakes sometimes, especially when it comes to idioms (I think that's what those are called right?)


I honestly don’t understand the hate against Meghan Markle but obviously I’m not super invested in their story. What did she do so bad? I mean, are people just jealous she became a princess? People were stupidly invested in Grace Kelly and ohh she is so pretty, oh she is a princess, this and that, but then along comes Meghan and suddenly everyone hates her? To me that sounds about WHITE, but again I ain’t that much invested im the specifics….and no, no correlation to Hillz. Meghan is actually mixed race, not a Rachel Dolezal. Again, to me everyone that hates on her is because they are lame simpletons jealous of a girl that became a true princess.


The implication that I don't like her because she's not white is laughable considering NEITHER AM I




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Whoa, I was just responding to your comment with WHITE in it. This is the first and only time I've ever even mentioned Megan on Reddit. I am allowed to defend myself and everyone here is entitled to their own opinions. I have definitely not agreed with other Pepinos in the past but it certainly never got to the point of name calling...hitting below the belt and starting with the personal attacks isn't what this sub is about.


This sub is about Hilaria, no? Not Meghan.


Yea I'm definitely **NOT** doing whatever this is and connecting the folks who are disturbingly angry at me and this post, so you can both jointly say whatever you want to me and continue with personal insults. I love this sub, it's the only sub I can say that about, and I'm not gonna let you two fuck that up....So I'm sorry, but I'm peacing out of this conversation ✌🏾




Exactly, thank you.




Meghan markle had the audacity to be a “commoner” and not even white and still bag a prince. I’m from the uk and the uproar was a good 95% racism and I despise racism


It was all her lies for me. Are liars a color now?


Biggest lies, all can be proven.


I agree, no similarities to Hilaria: No fake heritage, no fake accent, no sexualisation of breastfeeding, no abuse of children, no bounce back grift There's a certain demographic of women who hate Meghan because black woman should know their place, and Meghan didn't conform to this unspoken rule.


lol yeah right. Mm very little blackness has no bearing on why people think she's nuts.


THIS!!!!!! ALL OF THIS!!! Heaven forbid a black woman do better than another race. Burn her at the stake!!! /s I've seen it so much over 40+ years, it's basically a cliche. Edit Just smile and remember that they are just unhappy people. Don't have to be like them.


Do better? What does mm do? Fake altruism. She talks in circles, does no work, talks of charity, does no charity. Laughable


Whoosh. My point sailing over your head. I meant nothing about her charitable ventures. You clearly hate her for some reasons. How do you feel about other royals? I think they are useless. When I actually even think about their useless existence. I meant do better as in have more money and status. I literally don't have any idea what you are going on about. I don't give a flying fig about MMs personal life. I don't care about the Royal family either, I'm just calling out what I see as a certain demographic of people who don't like that a woman of color is richer than they are. It's a small percentage, but those people absolutely exist. It's that simple. Is MM fake? I honestly don't know, and really don't care. But I find it very hard to believe that every single person that hates her, hates her because she's a grifter. Some are just plain racist. That's the world sometimes. 🤷🏽‍♀️ You spot it, you move on to something better. I'm just sick of seeing it all over a subreddit that is supposed to be funny and snarky, about HILLARY BALDWIN. Go bitch and moan about MM on her hate sub. You have your own little tribe over there.


They hate on her for the joy they get in finding the rest of their racist tribe, Meg is their highest profile target. 




If her mouth is moving, she’s lying.


Is this for real or did they dub in the stupid conversation? Please tell me this isn’t a real conversation and that some very funny producer did this. 


This was a produced clip for a reality show. They didn't just wake up with perfect hair and lighting and suddenly this happened.


No, but I mean is this the real words they are saying or is this dubbed over by someone making a parody.  I just can’t imagine actually saying and reading this email that she reads.  It’s incredibly cringy.  And the sounds that she makes with it.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard either of them speak and this just made me realize how lucky I’ve been.  


It's called post-production editing, and this is clearly not the editing team's best work. The production team was probably trying to add drama to the moment, and decided, "yeah, let's adjust the gain and clean up this audio here and.... render...." This is a perfect example of what the resulting sound is like when an editor is editing while EXCLUSIVELY wearing headphones and didn't check their work. It probably sounded GREAT, to the editor at the time.... but they just didn't check for timing and audio balance.


Or maybe…post production knew exactly what they were doing.


Maybe! The audio is extremely *produced*-sounding across the show, which makes me think the editor came from a podcasting/music background where the goal is to KILL all sounds outside of whatever they're recording. With reality TV, you kind of WANT to keep a few "unwanted" audio artifacts with the audio (like soft background noise, clicking on a keyboard, the sound of clothing) to keep the "real" elements. This audio sounds like it's recorded in a soundbooth, in a bad way.


Ha! Harry should not get into acting. This is so fake. But on the other hand, although this is such a cheesy, set up scene, Meghan probably did actually get a message from Beyoncé.  I just don’t think Meghan and Hilaria are anywhere near the same. Meghan really is mixed race, she really is American. She really was an actress. She really did become a princess. The royals really are a mess. She really did gain weight when she had her kids and didn’t make other women feel bad about doing so.   I know there are a bunch of questions about her, but those things are true.  Not a fan of hers by any means. But the same as Hilaria? Nah.




I agree. Celebrities liked them until all the truth came out


I’m sorry I couldn’t watch the entire 33 second video as I received second hand embarrassment due to cringe.


I don't think you're cringey Pepino.


It’s not cringy. That’s just on you. *shrug*


Very cringey. Her name should be cringe.


Hahaha it's basically just her regular schtick: *"Hi, my name is Megan and I'm a really good person who everyone loves, come see how famous my friends are and how much the man I married doesn't matter because IM THE TRUE STAR!"* you know how it goes, just the regular pandering, Messiah Complex bullshit as usual


That is so embarrassing. Grown adults? When was this? Even the dog doesn’t want to be involved.


I think it's from their newish Netflix documentary series....the one they made solely to pander and act like victims...and apparently name drop. That South Park episode REALLY hit the nail on the head with these two


Thanks OP. another rabbit hole to go down 😀


The sub r/SaintMeghanMarkle is interesting.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SaintMeghanMarkle using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Princess Anne’s hat doing god’s work.](https://i.redd.it/k4n30svx58ya1.jpg) | [619 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/139ifqx/princess_annes_hat_doing_gods_work/) \#2: [Backgrid is POPPING OFF 🔥 “We stand by our Founding Fathers.”](https://i.redd.it/ruojil71go0b1.jpg) | [1102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/13l7aa2/backgrid_is_popping_off_we_stand_by_our_founding/) \#3: [Response from the Taxi Driver!](https://i.redd.it/z8nz6em1kf0b1.jpg) | [551 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/13k90yd/response_from_the_taxi_driver/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Word is that this doc series and some other one Harry did, are part of a 5-year $128 MILLION dollar deal but because no one gives a shit about them and the few people who actually watched it didn't give very great reviews, Netflix is/was (not sure the current status as this was a few months ago) thinking about pulling the deal and getting some of that money back since apparently Megan and Harry overplayed their hand and were too overly confident about how much everyone loved them in America and how they had hundreds of millions of fans, turns out they don't. Oh and Spotify also had a similar deal with them but pulled it entirely after seeing some of the doc series lol.


Netflix ... is a WORLDWIDE media organization. They don't hand out money unless they know they're gonna make it back. They know they've "flopped" in America... but the rest the world has been watching their shows and listening to their podcasts, so I don't think anyone involved here has "lost" money. Megan and Harry have said in interviews that they're putting themselves out there to keep the focus AWAY from their children. Which... they've been largely successful at doing. What we HAVE NOT SEEN from M and H are; * nude or partially nude pix of their children * video of their children at known child molester/incest enthusiast WOODY ALLEN'S HOUSE * fake baby bellies * a whole fake ass accent and fake ancestry * passing on of eating disorders


Remember the guy from Netflix that went on national television saying that mm and Harry are "f-cking grifters"? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Netflix certainly got their money's worth out of the deal, which *doesn't quite make it a grift.* I know the podcast is gone, but they're still cutting checks to Meg and Harry over at Netflix soooo...🤷‍♀️


Actually, Meghan wore a moonbump intermittently, including on one memorable occasion when it plunged to her knees! She also appeared not to have a wardrobe of bumps, as she stated suspiciously close to one size.


Oh no Pepino watch out, apparently we aren't allowed to say anything about Megan..or else they'll start calling you names so be careful!



