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I've been getting a ton of this - I'm kind of used to it as I "crack" a lot of my body parts on the regular (toes, feet, ankles, knees, hips previously, back, neck, fingers, wrists and elbows). They all feel like they're caught in some way before I do so. Once I get my hip to snap/crack, ugh it feels so good - the catching sensation goes away and any pain I'm experiencing at the time just washes away. I assume our tendons are tight, causing this. I have physio later today and plan to bring it up. I'm also just over 4 weeks (may 27 was OP day)


You described it so perfectly. I'm at four weeks post surgery on Tuesday and while everything is so much better, I have that same feeling when I get up in the morning or if I haven't moved around in a while. I can't stand up straight right away, but usually slowly extending to my full height and stretching my leg out behind me does the trick to get it to release. I also have noticed that same feeling when I'm doing my first PT bridge, feel the click, and then I'm fine. It is definitely a weird feeling. I was planning on talking to my therapist about it Tuesday. I mentioned it to my doctor at my last appointment and he said that all kinds of stuff like this is really normal during the rehab and just advised me that if I'm having pain doing any of the exercises, don't push through it.


Ok cheers, I'm not alone. Could you do me the favour and let me know what your PT tells you on Tuesday?m in regards to those symptoms? I am visiting a PT this week too and would be nice to see if they say the same thing. Best of luck.


Definitely will... Will you do the same? It might just be part of the healing process. Best of luck to you too!!! How are you feeling?


Yeah mate, I will let you know. I feel pretty good tbh. I can rotate a bit and feel generally much better and 'loose'. Can walk without a limp now. The only symptoms I need to get rid of is the groin bit and a soreness in front of my thigh/hip. When I walk I still feel sore when I push my toes down, but my hospital PT said that is completely normal.


That's good to hear. I feel pretty good too. I still hurt a little sitting in a straight backed chair, and swiveling to get in and out of the car...I have to remind myself constantly to sit down and turn my hips together. And I struggle to get off the couch.


Yeah the car seat swivel is uncomfortable for sure. I can sit pretty well, but do get discomfort in my upper buttock. Suppose we need to give it time.


The pain in my upper glute just started like a week ago and it's weird for sure.